Laughing Elf

Corelion's page

144 posts. Organized Play character for Pirate Rob.


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Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

All the 2xp quests (Q14+) are repeatable, including Q15 In the Footsteps of Horror.

I'll happily take a slot in Q15.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Stasian coils in Ustalav

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion listens to the explanations and asks Muesello "What's your next step?"

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion continues to chase, trying to find an opening between his allies to stab into the swarm.

pointy stick: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 14 + 1 = 21
piercing: 2d10 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3) + 8 + 1 = 17

more stick, more point: 1d20 + 14 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (16) + 14 + 1 - 5 = 26
piercing: 2d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6, 7) + 4 + 1 = 18

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion sprints around the back of the building, taking a stab at green.

halberd vs Green: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 14 + 1 = 20
piercing: 2d10 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (1, 8) + 8 + 1 = 18

Stride, Stride, Strike

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Will stab blue with that last action.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion darts through the opening between red and blue, stabbing at red twice.

stab vs Red: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
piercing + electric: 2d10 + 8 + 1d4 ⇒ (10, 6) + 8 + (1) = 25

More stab vs Red: 1d20 + 14 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 14 - 5 = 23
piercing + electric: 2d10 + 8 + 1d4 ⇒ (3, 2) + 8 + (3) = 16

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion lashes out at both giant thingies with an electric arc, before slamming down their halberd on blue.

Electric Arc: 4d4 ⇒ (3, 3, 2, 2) = 10
Basic Ref 21 for Red and Blue

halberd vs blue: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27
slashing+electric: 2d10 + 8 + 1d4 ⇒ (3, 7) + 8 + (2) = 20
Also a d8 Precision that we don't care about. If that's a crit I'll move blue 5ft west from halberd crit.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion holds their weapon to the sky, granting it a certain weight, as they focus their combat prowess against blue before bringing down the halberd.

Halberd vs Blue: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
slashing+Percision: 2d10 + 8 + 1d8 ⇒ (5, 2) + 8 + (2) = 17

Gravity Weapon, Hunt Prey, Strike(Blue) w/Reach

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Occultism: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Corelion looks over the magical remnants and shrugs.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion strums a few notes on the lute before offering it to Shayna.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion steps forward and strikes twice.

Courageous halberd: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 14 + 1 = 19
Courageous Slashing: 2d10 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 17

more slash: 1d20 + 14 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (12) + 14 + 1 - 5 = 22
Courageous Slashing: 2d10 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3, 5) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 17

Bonus Precision on first hit: 1d8 ⇒ 4

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30
GM Nomadical wrote:
Black Molly wrote:
Living up to your name :-)

Yep, exactly, thanks.

Does Team Pirate want to get in on the beatdown? Corelion's strike missed, so Thomil is still standing, and I don't want to take away from your chance to act.

I spent an inordinate amount of time, trying to figure out that you weren't asking me to act.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion takes advantage of their elven grace to close with Thomil. His halberd still sparking, he stares down Thomil before going for one decisive blow.

inspired halberd: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 14 + 1 = 21
bludgeoning+percision+electricity+courage: 2d10 + 8 + 1d8 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 8 + (3) + (2) + 1 = 18

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

New Devise a Stratagem:

You assess a foe’s weaknesses in combat and use them to
formulate a plan of attack. Choose a creature you can see.
You can Devise a Stratagem as a free action if you’re aware
that creature could help answer the question at the heart of
one of your active investigations. Roll a d20, then decide on
an attack stratagem or skill stratagem.

Attack Stratagem...

Skill Stratagem: You can’t attempt to Strike the target until the
start of your next turn. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus
to your next Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based
skill check or Perception check involving the target before
the start of your next turn. If you would gain your Pursue
a Lead investigation bonus to such a check, that bonus
increases by 1 instead of you gaining the +1 bonus listed.


So if you don't like the stratagem roll, instead of getting nothing, you can take a skill bonus against the target. (Can't strike them, not that you were going to with a poor roll.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion belts out a high note as the spark their halberd on the ground with an upward slash, electrifying both purple and blue.

Electricity: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 3) = 11
Basic Ref DC 21

Corelion then hunts purple.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion heads in, taking a moment to focus on the red mage before correcting them with an upward blow from their halberd and a dramatic word.


halberd vs red: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
Hero point if that's a miss: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
slashing+Gravity+Precision: 2d10 + 4 + 4 + 1d8 ⇒ (9, 10) + 4 + 4 + (4) = 31

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion nods, readying themselves for action with a Gravity Weapon.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion takes the pendant and whispers.

"Next room? I think there's another to the east."

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

With halberd dawn Corelion silently nods.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion stretches and gets ready to rest for the night.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion provides himself and RRho guidance, just in case, and looks out for further trouble.

Seeking near us down here (+10)

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion hunts Purple and fires a ray of frost from downtown.

courageous Ray of Frost: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 11 + 1 = 16
cold damage + precision: 4d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 2) + (6) = 16

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion scrapes his halberd on the ground with an upward swing arching lightning between blue and green.

electric arc: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 2) = 11
Basic Ref DC 21 for blue/green

His halberd now sparking with electricity, Corelion finishes his upward swing against blue, trying to make sure not to kill the poor thug.

Courageous Halberd vs Blue: 1d20 + 14 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 14 - 1 + 1 = 31
Non lethal Slashing+Hunted Prey(Precision)+electricity: 2d10 + 8 + 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (2, 10) + 8 + (8) + (3) = 31
on crit will slide blue north 5 feet.

damage is striking for 2d10, +4 str, +4 gravity weapon +1d8 hunted prey(precision), +1d4 electricity from Jolt Coil

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion moves forward to press the assault, confident in his superior Elven skills he stares down blue before taking another nonlethal strike.

halberd vs blue: 1d20 + 14 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 14 - 2 = 13
non lethal slashing: 2d10 + 4 + 4 + 1d8 ⇒ (7, 10) + 4 + 4 + (4) = 29

Stride, Hunt Prey(Blue), Strike

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

With the warning to be ready for an ambush, I'm imagining weapons drawn.

Corelion heads forward, his halberd growing heavier as he takes advantage of his Elven speed to close the distance. Undeterred by the twilight thanks to his elven vision he holds back and tries to KO blue with a low sweep of the halberd.

Nonlethal Halberd vs Blue: 1d20 + 14 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 14 - 2 = 22
Nonlethal slashing: 2d10 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 + 4 = 14

Cast Gravity Weapon, stride, strike

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Happy where I am, free to to swap Corelion around through if somebody else would rather be in front.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion adds to the pile of Pathfinders trying to force the gate.

athletics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion manages an octave deeper than normal. "OUT OF THE WAY!" shouts Corelion.

Intimidation: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion adjusts a cabbage cart a little to the left, and a radish cart a bit to the right, in hopes of leaving their pursuers a fun surprise.

Athletics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

What an adventure to have 2 "bards"! Performance really pulling its weight here.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion continues to sing as well, making sure that the mob doesn't lose track of them.

Performance: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion follows up with a little ditty about how awesome Grand Princess Eutropia is.

Performance to sing(E): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Performance RK: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Corelion recognizes the song and chuckles to themselves A little low brow, but I think I can compete.

Corelion waits for a chance to sing the next verse and sneaks this one in.

Mister Maxllar Pythareus
Would often have the odd glass --
But never when he thought anybody could see.
Secretly he'd buy it,
And drink it on the quiet,
And dream he was an Earl
Wiv a girl on each knee!

Performance to Sing: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

No supplies needed.

Corelion nods "Considering Eutropia's alliance with the Pathfinder Society, I'm certain this doesn't bode well for us."

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion makes a mental note. Call Anschluss Sunshine and Klara Rrhoft Rrho.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

4 Glyphs and a Campaign Coin here.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion eats just a tiniest bit of the hors d'oeuvres nodding at the quality provided by their Taldan hosts.

"I too am curious about the answers to Mister Anschluss's questions, but also am curious as to how the Ninth Army is most likely going to attempt to soil us with our own blood and other vital bits."

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion gives the tiniest of flourishes and then turns their nose up, clearly not impressed by the low brown humor of Rho.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion gives a bit of a dramatic bow, their wild blond hair flowing lusciously around them as a halberd pokes out from behind their back.

Strengthening up they introduce themselves, their voice reverberating almost as if in song. "Corelion here. I am an Elven Spellsinger."

They give their halberd a fancy spin before returning it to their back.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

No 3-11 on this character.

I have not read or played or GMed this adventure.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

You've got tons of time, its like 4 weeks between signups and game start.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30


Somehow I missed this one previously, looking forward to getting to play this.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion scrapes his halberd along the ceiling, sparking electricity down at Alystair.

electric arc: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3) + 3 = 7
Basic Ref DC 19 18

With electricity continuing to spark along the halberd Corelion brings it down with a powerful strike against Alystair.

sickened halberd: 1d20 + 11 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 11 - 1 = 20
slashing+electricity: 2d10 + 4 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (10, 6) + 4 + 4 + (2) = 26

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

If they want to reoll I'll spend my campaign coin so they can keep their HeroP in case of disaster.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

will vs curse: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Corelion circles deeper into the room, taking a moment to hunt Alystair before attempting an upward swipe with the halberd.

sickened halberd: 1d20 + 11 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 11 - 1 = 26
slashing: 2d10 + 4 + 4 + 1d8 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 + 4 + (7) = 22

Succeed on save (sickened 1), stride, hunt prey, strike

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion casts gravity weapon again before slipping past the blue warrior and around to flank.

halberd vs Blue FF: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
heropoint: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
slashing: 2d10 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 9) + 4 + 4 = 19

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

"I suppose..."

Corelion gives the door a swift kick.

athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

Corelion nods, trying to breathe as little as possible.

Grand Archive

(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30

fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Corelion coughs and sputters the stench clearly overwhelming his elven sensibilities.

"Auhg, eughneugh."

Corelion covers his nose and tries to get a bit of extra distance.