Race |
(KOOR-el-ee-un) M Elf Spellsinger 5 | HP (66/66) | AC 23 | F +10 R +11 W +10 | Perception +10 (Lowlight) | Speed 30 |
About Corelion
2014 Corelion
M Ancient Elf, Savior of Air, Ranger 5
CG Medium Humanoid Elf
Senses Perception +10 (Wis 1 + Prof 9 (E))
AC 23 Armor 3+1(2) + 7 P
HP 66
Fort +9(E), Ref +11(E), Will +10(E)
. . +1 Striking Halberd +14 2d10+4 P/S (T) – Reach
. . Club +13 1d6+4 B (T) - Thrown 10
Str 19, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 18
Speed 30 ft.
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Bard Dedication, Otherworldly Magic (Ray of Frost)
Skill Feats: Cat Fall, Impressive Performance, Trick Magic Item, Unmistakable Lore
General Feats: Toughness
Class Features & Abilities Hunt Prey (Precision d8), Gravity Weapon, Wild Empathy, Soothing Mist, Trackless Step
Skills:: Acrobatics +9(T), Athletics +11(T), Intimidation +13(E), Nature +8(T), Occultism +6(T), Performance +14(E), Religion +8(T), Survival +8(T), Lore-Engineering +6(T), Lore-Elemental Lords +6(T)
Languages Common, Elven
Bulk (8/9/14) Adventurer’s Pack, +1 Striking Halberd, +1 Breastplate, Club, Lesser Elixir of Life, Acid Flask, Ghost Charge, Persona Mask, Jolt Coil
Special Abilities
Electric Arc (Jolt Coil) DC 21 4d4
Ray of Frost +11 4d4
Focus 1/2 Gravity Weapon, Soothing Mist