Denrelwe Azrinae

Chessna'ra's page

202 posts. Alias of Dragonserpent.


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Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Can Chess fire at Muscle Wizard when Mel rounds our sled around the corner? Is he within range, or are there some kind of penalties?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Is chess's cannon loaded? I'm posting from my phone right now, I'll have some thing more offical later, though my intent will be to return fire at muscle wizard, assuming we have something to fire.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

*crosses fingers*
If I just killed my one remaining posting companion, I would be very choked up. There might be tears.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

As the drow wracked his memory on the symbol, and wide smile came to him as the memory of it's meaning dawned on him. "Frigid one! I have an understanding that this cannon shot might stitch you back together! Hold still! The drow ignored the chill that crept further into him as he wheeled the arm of the gun around the floating fighter towards the witch at the front of the sled and clicked the trigger, grinning.

Round 13:

Ranged Touch attack against Mel. If voluntarily flatfooted due to not trying to avoid the attack or +2 or more circumstance bonus, attack should hit.1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Fort Save 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Failed

HP 2/10
AC 19 (17)
Fort +1 Ref +7(5) Will +1
Effects: numbed -5, dazzled, Combat expertise w/threatening defender
Ammo (net): 1/1

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

In that case, I will ask Severus to maneuver himself so he isn't between Mel and the cannon. (Holding onto it via levitation or just turn his body would be fine, since I assume the cannon extends pretty much right to Mel) Get Mel's attention and ask her to drop her guard so I can heal her, and then shoot her, as oxymoronic as the statement seems.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

I'm not sure if you want the checks here or in the game play thread, so I'm putting them here and if you want I'll re-roll them there. . I'm hoping to be able to try and identify the symbol or the spell as a move action and fire it at someone as my standard action.
Linguistics 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Spellcraft 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Edit: ! I hope I can keep that. =p

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

What about Spellcraft? Chess is trained in that.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Oh, also, are we no longer suffering from poor visibility? And if, so are Chess and Zar'zan no longer dazzled?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

My intent will be to do my best to figure out what kind of ammo it is, and ask Severus and Mel if he should aim it at one of them, more really as a courtesy than anything else, then take aim the middle of the sled (ie Severus's feet) and fire. Low wisdom and high charisma sometimes means to having confidence in the risks one takes.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Whoa, sorry everyone just catching up with everyone else. DM Doomed, would any kind of knowledge check allow mel or myself to identify what the + sign or ammo might be? What kind of action would it be to try and use my detect magic to help that understanding?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Ryujin, I'll have to check my math sometime when RL slows down, and I'll just assume you're right until then. That puts me at -4, so I'm taking a penalty of -2 instead of one untill further notice. I also need to count how many rounds I used my bardic preformance I used, if anyone wants to be helpful. *winks*

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

stats and actions:

HP 2/10
AC 18(-1)
Fort +1 Ref +7(-1) Will +1
Effects: dazzled, numb -3
Ammo (net): 1/1

Stepping to cannon space, using standard action bewitch Severus with levitate. 5' step to cannon if not already at it. Taking 10 on acrobatics for 17. Move action to with-draw net.

Fort Save 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10[/ooc] Failed -1 to total of -3 [/ooc]

Chessna'ra smiled and ceased his song with musical flourish as he nimbly danced back around toward the cannon, laying a hand on the armored man who followed and spoke to the man in clear common. "I will use my magic to relieve you of your weight. Find a hold to keep yourself on the sled, and help Mel with the beast, friend." The dark elf called upon the magic within him to free the armored man from gravity, and reached behind him to retrieve the folded net there, beaming all the while.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

I've been really busy today, and I honestly would rather sleep than hammer out my post this round. My actions desired actions are to cast levitate on Severus, as he's the heaviest of all of us, direct him to hold on, stop my bardic performance, and be set up in the last square with the cannon. I'll post sometime tomorrow if the round hasn't updated yet, and my lab report hasn't eaten me. Doomed, feel free to have Mel roll for me, or do it yourself if I'm holding things up!

Also, can we have Severus make aid another checks to Mel to help her ride check each round?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Mine isn't, and it doesn't look like Mel's is updated.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Karlov is more than 50' in front of us. He shouldn't be able to see us any more than he could see Lorth, I believe.
Also, if encumbrance is a problem, Chess will cast levitate on Mel or Severus, since she's already holding on. That should work, right?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

It's still the weekend. I'm hoping for resuscitation sometime Monday.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Hair of a wizard? That sounds delightfully disgusting. =p

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

An orc, a goblin, a halfling and a kangaroo walk into an arena...

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

DM Doomed, I know that you've had Zar'zan roll for moving at the snow, and I think I remember him and Gwrr moving at half speed as well, so I included both those things in my post. I'm not exactly sure of the penalties though, could you update the rules section under the campaign info tab to include the penalties of being in the snow? ie, acrobatics check DC's, penalties to avoid numbing, reduced movement, and any other penalties or difficulties their might be? Spending time in the snow seems to be just about as common as on a sled now a days!

P.S. I think I like the new format so far. It might have us posting our actions and such twice, but it seems more organized in avoiding chaos and confusion!

Lorn, I just realized the collective absurdity of the Kangaroo, Orc, Halfling trio that I had been previously been taking in stride. There was more giggling, and further loss of respect in the eyes of my RL feline companions.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Round 11 summary:

HP 2/10
AC 18
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +1
Effects: Combat expertise (threatening defender), Battle dance, Numb -2, in snow, dazzled, dazzling blade (1/10)
Ammo (net): 1/1
Spells 0/2

Fort Save Vs numbing DC11(13 snow?) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Maintain battle dance as a swift action
Swift action cast dazzling blade
Acrobatics to balance on snow when attacking/moving vs DC?
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Disarm attempt +4 dex +2 battle dance +1 dazzling blade -1 dazzled vs DC CMD (13 base-1 icy)1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Looks to be barely successful disarm, moving to AF 5 to swing up behind Severus.

The drow noble spit up blood as the blade slid between his ribs, completely caught off guard by the attack. He reacted quickly, batting the goblin from his sled, though he wasn't able to land a blow against that strange fighting style, at the very least he'd be able to get the damned creature away from him. He stepped over to Mel and helped her to her feet, grabbing a fistful of her icy hair and attempting to use it to staunch the wound as she hand, before there was a roar of mettle and he was barely standing on the snow around him, right next to that wretched Goblin again. Chessna'ra called to his goddess in song-prayer once more, and his blade shone with silvery light once more. With real fear in his heart, and practiced caution, Chess acted on the defensive, snapping the tip of his scimitar toward the underside of the wicked goblin blade, hoping to wrest it from the beast's hand, and set off as best he could to make it back out of the snow and onto his allies sled. I am vulnerable, and depending on the likes of humans to save me from demon-goblins. My house would be shamed. The wounded drow actually managed a warm smile despite the freezing cold at the thought.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Chess's intended actions for this round will be,
fort save
Cast dazzling blade as a swift action (not discharging this round)
Make disarm attempt on Joboo as a standard action so as to not provoke attack of opportunity for movement.
Move 10 feet to AG 5 and hop up/take a hand up from Severus onto the sled.

Joboo is staggered, correct?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

By the way Zib, Chess's levitate spell will wear off at the end of round 14.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Alright, not tonight, but I want to figure out how I can get on Severus's sled from here. What am I looking at? If I make a move action AG 5 (only moving half speed because of snow) can I use the last 5 feet for the turn to grab Severus's arm and sling onto the sled, behind him? Or can I just ready an action to do the same thing when he comes by?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Zar'zan should go for it in my opinion. With your charisma score, it's only a matter of time before they decide they dislike him more than each other. =p

Doomed, just mildly confused with the round update. You said that I helped mel to her feet, which is definitely something I would have done, but on the map I'm behind on the tail end of the wreckage which looks to be separated? Would it be alright with everyone if Chess was up next to Mel, having taken a 5-foot step after knocking the goblin aside?

If so, my intent for the round will be to have Chess cast levitate on Mel, and see if he can't get both of them over onto Severus's sled. Back on track!

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Nice save Joboo. Glad to finally get this behind us. AOO of resolves, I take 7 damage, dropping me to 2. I hit you, no critical, you negate the damage and roll 10' in the direction of your choosing and are staggered next round. Where Shalt Thou Roll To?

DM Doomed, sounds great!

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Actually I don't believe you can makes attacks of opportunity against foes with cover, concealment, or total concealment.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1
Ryujin Tatsu wrote:
Chessna'ra wrote:
Ryujin Tatsu wrote:

A couple things to remember too, swift action spells don't provoke

Being prone gives you -4 to AC from melee and -4 to melee attack

I actually didn't know that about swift action spells. Thank you!

When you stand, is the attack of opportunity made against the prone AC or the standing AC? It makes the difference between a glancing blow and a sure one.
Prone AC. It happens before you stand up (thus you can't be tripped while prone)

It was as if a million voices of tripper builds cried out all at once, and then went silent...

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1
Ryujin Tatsu wrote:

A couple things to remember too, swift action spells don't provoke

Being prone gives you -4 to AC from melee and -4 to melee attack

I actually didn't know that about swift action spells. Thank you!

When you stand, is the attack of opportunity made against the prone AC or the standing AC? It makes the difference between a glancing blow and a sure one.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1
DM Doomed Hero wrote:

Chess, no, that was not clear to me, or to Joboo. It makes sense that you would want to do that under the circumstances, but it was not clearly stated.

In the future, err on the side of more description, especially in the mechanical breakdown.

Committed to memory. Again, sorry. It was way past my bedtime.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

I got ninja'd here by Doomed. *waves*
I'd just like to highlight from my above monster of a reply that I did mean to cast the spell while prone. It's a 1 min/caster level spell, and discharging it is a free action. If you look at the non stats post that I made, I think it's clear that I meant to cast the spell before I stood.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

To answer your points one at at a time.

Stiehl9s wrote:

There's nothing listed in your post that says I was the target of a spell or I would have acted thusly. You cast the spell but never said you discharged it. You can cast a spell and attack in the same round? After youve already used a move action? And then actively using Perception which is another Move action?

Chess would have known that he would leave himself open to using attack if he stood, so he would have casted the spell (which I did) defensively. What I forgot to do was target you and ask you for a will save. I apologize, I was tired, and also worried about missing out on the round post. As I said earlier, I was making the post in the case that you were in fact above me, I was prone, and you were at full hp. I still don't believe that's where you should be, so I wasn't as thorough as I usually would be, being tired, rushed, confused, and having waited several days to figure this all out. This has not been my most fun round, and I look forward to being done with it.

The spell Dazzling Blade Is a swift action to cast, and a free action to discharge, both of which Chess did (and I meant to write) while he was prone. Read the flavor text, and you'll notice that Chess did just that. I just forgot to write in the target, thus adding to the confusion. Again, I am sorry!

Stiehl9s wrote:

My AoO happens before your spell. Its an immediate action as a result of your move action to stand up. And no your critical did not hit even with the flanking. My AC is 15 (with Dex penalties) and your roll was a 10 + 2 = 12. Still short of the mark.

If I casted prone, which I meant to do, my spell happens before the attack of the opportunity. If you fail the save, then you are blinded, lose you dex to AC, and take a further minus two penalty to AC. My hit becomes a 12, your AC drops down to 11. If, and only if you fail the save.

Stiehl9s wrote:

Is Power Attack and Dervish Dance really stackable? Those two feats seem completely counter productive. Plus it doesnt look like you applied the -1 to attack that Power Attack requires. You still hit me but this could be crutial in the rounds to come.

I can't really argue about the physics of D&D in any form. They are inherently flawed, and the feats do work together. Normally Chess wouldn't have enough strength to use power attack, but it was granted as a bonus feat. I did apply the penalty.

My attack is +4dex (penalty applied from +5) -1 power attack, -0 combat expertise (due to threatening defender trait) +2 battle dance (my archetypes version of bardic performance) for a total of +5, which is what I acted on.

Stiehl9s wrote:

I realize that alot of this confusion is from us posting out of turn. I wanted to wait for you to post because you were my intended target but had to retire for the night. DM DH said there was going to be an update that night and I didnt want to lose out on that rounds actions. The not being able to attack those ahead of you in the initiative order is a huge hurdle when those in front of you wait til affter every one else has gone. This was mentioned along time ago and is not the first time this has happened but its having the same results. Confusion and retconned actions which end up raising more questions, delays and confusion. My HP total should not have held up the game for 3 days. That is metagame knowledge that unless you have a spell or ability to monitor you would never know nor should it affect your actions. Maybe you could spend yet another Move action to use Perception to determine a general idea of how Im doing but otherwise its not free information. Knowing where I was would matter but DM DH had already posted this information and didnt seem inclined to change it. You think I wanted to end up in the middle of you two? [rant end]

A couple of rounds ago, I acted right in the beginning of the initiative order and posted my turn, along with my hopeful reactions for the rest of the turn all at once. I was accused of meta-gaming and trying to take more actions that I should be able to, even though I was polite as possible, and tried to make it clear that these were only intended actions. This wasn't fun for me, or I imagine at least several other players, and our DM. Drama is silly, and we're grown ups. I'm not trying to cheat anyone, and you'll have to take my word for it, same as we all have to do each round. Because of all the kerfuffle when I posted everything up front, I tried to ask my questions at the beginning of this round and hoped I'd hear back soon. You're right, it shouldn't have taken three days to happen, and I share your frustrations here. However, real life happens, and you didn't even see my question for you in the first place, until a day had passed. We had never resolved a complicated issue from several rounds ago, and had to deal with it now. Initiative and a lot of other things are a mess in PVP play by post, and we have to do our best with them, and as DM Doomed requested, count on him to settle any disputes or troubles. I've done just that, and tried to help the process as much as possible, and I am sorry if I've added to the chaos.

As far as exact hit point go, that is meta game knowledge, but it's real life knowing if your opponent has a huge gash on their chest or no damage at all. Question marks instead of hitpoints confused me, so I asked, with absolutely no clue what I was getting myself into. Now that I am into this mess, I have taken the time out of my life to sort it through as clearly as possible, and listen to everyone's points, views, and feelings as they have been shared. I'm just a little compulsive and I can't help myself in that regard.

Honestly, I hope we can move past this soon. I'm willing to talk *more* about this, but I'd really rather not. This is getting silly, and I'm starting to get frustrated. Also, if it really bothers people that I'm playing a drow noble (of which I don't think I've had any unfair advantage so far, my spell like abilities have been only used to help other team mates, costing me actions due to role-playing favor. The stats have only been higher than say a goblins in a mental regard, which I don't think has been game breaking, and my SR hasn't even been mentioned) I can roll up another character or some such. It's just stress for me if it's a problem for others.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

I'm fine with it. If we can't give each other the benefit of the doubt, then we shouldn't really be playing pvp, in my book.

That being said, I thought weather or not Joboo hitting or not was a moot point. Isn't Joboo in the snow about 50 back down the track? If he used his feat to avoid damage, then he would have rolled 10' off the sled. That's what I thought happened, and I thought when I recapped, Doomed agreed with me?

If Joboo is on the sled, he couldn't have used his feat to avoid damage, unless we're changing the rules. I'm ok with that if we are, especially for good reason. But a couple of turns ago, both me and Mel spent our whole turns dealing with him as threat, and I don't think he should get a free ride for that. That being said, it's really no a big deal to me, and I'm having fun, though at this point I'm starting to get more excited about the next rounds offerings than the out come of this current round. Chess might be a little more reckless than otherwise if faced with a safe bet or a crowd pleaser at this point.

If DM Doomed rules that Joboo is on the sled with full hp, that's fine. Chess's turn goes first though, and he did cast dazzling blade defensively and use it to try and blind Joboo. It's a DC 14 will save, or he becomes blinded. If he's blinded, he can't make attacks of opportunity as Chess stands, loses dex to AC and takes a -2 penalty to that AC. Chess is actually flanking Joboo with Mel seeing as her hair threatens, so that confirms chess's critical, which Joboo didn't roll high enough to roll with it. So, if he fails the save, he's knocked unconscious. If he makes the save, he deals a glancing blow to chess, who takes 3 damage, and rolls with it 10' in a direction of his choosing.

I don't have anything else to do in game this round, these are just my two cents.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

You're forgetting Chess's plus one from combat expertise, which he's used every round for the past 3 or so rounds. Posting from my phone now, will ask some more questions after class in just over 2 hours when I can use my computer.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1
Melashara the Crone wrote:

I don't think it really matters, though, because Joboo hit me for 7, which puts me at -9.

Both you and Joboo should technically act after Chess has, and he would have tried to do something about it if *I* wasn't busy asking questions all round, so I posted as if he had. Also, as Joboo's being on our sled in the first place is confusing to at least me in the first place, I wouldn't bow out quite yet.

I think the way things panned out a couple of rounds ago it was your attack that Joboo used his feat to escape, so you're probably stuck with your damage, but we might not have a goblin on board with us.

Alright, this time I mean it when I'm going to sleep! Rest easy everyone!

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Doomed, just caught your post as I was logging off.
I'm not sure we're looking at the same thing, but this feat
here Specifically states that the movement provokes attacks of opportunity for it's movement, just not from the person that hit him in the first place (ie, Mel or myself would have hit him.)

the order of events as I remember it went as follows.
1.Joboo acted, attempting to throw his dagger at Mel.
2. A huge rule conversation unfolded.
3. I came into the picture having been busy and not having had time to post, and not wanting to meta game, instead of taking an action that would have happened first, I used my attack of opportunity to disarm Joboo and succeeded on my roll.
4.Mel's attack of opportunity occurred and cost her 1 hp for strenuous activity, she hit Joboo.
5. Joboo used roll with it to negate the damage.

What should have happened as I understand it from there
6. Joboo chooses his movement and move's 10' in that direction and becomes staggered that turn. He lands in the snow, but seeing as chess already used his AOO for the round, gets by scot free at full health unless he passes Varinel (who I don't believe had a weapon drawn, so that should be fine)
7. Chess would have gotten his turn, which didn't happen, and you have generously offered my a floating move action.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Doomed, I'm heading to bed and posted as I said I would above. If Joboo isn't a threat somehow, Chess would stand, take a 5 foot step to Mel, and cast levitate on her, pulling her into his square to help protect her and be ready to move to Severus's sled. Also, I wouldn't have cast anything and would have used my 19's to make my save and grandstand muscle wizard style as he helps the damsel in distress(in an ideal world, anyway). Goodnight everyone!

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Chess's world reeled as he was close-lined by the rope, and when it stopped spinning, he was face to face with that goblin again, leering over him, and glancing back and his companion who was on the ground. Chess didn't know if she was conscious or not, but he knew the both of them were in dire straights right now. The drow tugged the cord on his right arm deftly and grabbed the hilt of his scimitar, and whispered low, weaving his other hand in a quick magic that made his blade shine like brilliant silver, then willed the magic to burst in the goblins face. Chess sprung to his feet then, hoping the magic would overcome the goblin, and struck out at him a whirling diagonal cut, the drow's evolving-song raising in a plaintive crescendo. "Severus, ally, friend! We need you!"

The blow was struck with an odd style, and anyone watching closely would see the dangerous edge of the blade turn as it cut in toward the goblin.


Casting Dazzling blade defensively1d20 ⇒ 19
Power attack with Dervish Dance and Blade of Mercy 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Non-lethal1d6 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Roll to confirm crit[/ooc]1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
1d6 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Perception check to see if Mel is still alive.1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Edit: Forgot stats and fort save
[/ooc]DC 13 fort save [/ooc] 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Numbing penalty at -3, shouldn't affect anything.
HP = 9/10
AC = 18
Fort 1 - Reflex 6 - Will -1
Effects - -3 dex penalty, -1 to dex based things. Battle dance, Power attack, Threatening Defender,

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

For now, I'll just write a post that assumes Joboo is on the sled with full hp, standing adjacent to Chess, an obvious threat to Mel, and that Chess could act first.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Joboo, would you mind delaying your post until we get this sorted out? I've been waiting for sometime to find out what state your in before I act, because if you're a threat to the very vulnerable Mel, then Chess would do his best to protect her. I don't want to pull off like I'm metagaming, which is why I've tried to clarify this, but Chess is higher up on the initiative order and will try and knock you unconscious if you're on board as a threat. If you negated the damage from both attacks, I think you would have rolled at least 10' past the sleds and into the snow.

I'm sorry to nit-pick here, but I don't want Mel out of the running because I waited for my questions to be answered.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Thanks Joboo, I can work with that! I'm assuming that you're standing next (or on the cannon?) near Chess, at 3 hp. Doomed, speaking (ie shouting) is a free action. Can I get Severus's attention without it costing me an action for the turn, even if I do roll a dice?)

Also, I'll be sad to see you go Loric! We were shaping up to be great Nemeses.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Also, do we get any sort of bonus in our attempts to get Severus's attention, or his ability to notice us due to the huge crash and screams? I think it would be pretty cut and dry that he's got a ride and we now obviously need one unless he's in shock or some such. That would make sense, seeing how everything just went to hell in less than six seconds.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

I'm still waiting to figure out what's up with Joboo. I wouldn't act that differently if he's at full hp, but I'm not sure what's going on. Both Chess and Mel landed solid hits on him last I checked, and I think he has a feat that allows him to dodge both or one of the attacks, but the way I read the feat when I looked it up, using it to dodge one or both attacks should have moved him more than 5' back and into the snow. I'd rather not take an AOO from someone who I'd dealt with, but I'd settle for a hit point total so we can move on with less chaos.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1
Ryujin Tatsu wrote:
GWRRR'RRR wrote:
Think I finally took somebody down...

Looks like it, I was going to post that I was going to try and duck to gain some soft cover but you beat me to the post so I am just going to take it.

Didn't do too bad for not really having anyone on my sled the whole time

Ryujin, with the exception of maybe Muscle Wizard, who doesn't have the capacity to roll anything less than awesome when it counts only just *finally* failed his saving throw after 10 rounds of plain winning, you've been one one of the best out there with your crazy driving skills and ability to make moving sleds seem like a game of frogger. It's kind of weird remembering that our goal includes actually attempting to kill one another.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Alright, I'm still trying to figure out what state Joboo is in before I make any decisions for the round. Chess is a little dazed and confused, and this feels a lot like dejavu to him.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Can I continue my bardic preformance to try and project better than Mel? A preform check to aid another? Soooo close!

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1
Big Blue wrote:
Chessna'ra wrote:
I'm prone on a non moving sled with an armed goblin towering over me
I'll take "How you know you're having a bad day" for 200.

I actually giggled. Out loud. In a relatively quiet room. My brother and cat looked at me like I was crazy, but *looks at the company he keeps* I suppose I can't refute that. No offense. =p

Mel, Up was honestly one of my favorite movies. It might be a bit strange for a grown up to do, but I've a thing for Disney movies, and Up was a fantastic one.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1
DM Doomed Hero wrote:


Chess, the weapon cord means that you can retrieve your Scimitar as a free action (no AoOs with it until your turn). Nice planning there. As for Joboo's HP, check his last status spoiler. Severus is still moving, but kind of on autopilot. He's Kind of like a computer opponent in Mario Kart at this point. He's basically just there to complicate things. Zyg is on the ground. I expect he'll get run over soon.

Glad you're enjoying it. It's mostly you crazy people making it great. I just say yes or make you roll dice.

Alright, glad I grabbed the cord! It makes Chess's day slight less sucky. I really wish I'd splurged for a scroll of cure minor wounds though. =p

And I'm happy to be a crazy person and ask questions and roll dice. As far as Joboo's Hp goes, there's a set of question marks underneath his last spoiler. Now that I know his hp is ?? I can... Wait a minute... Any insight Joboo?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1
DM Doomed Hero wrote:

Ok, here we go-

Mel, You took 1d4 damage from the impact(s).
Chess, you took 1d4. You are prone and you lost your weapon somewhere in the tumble. Your sled is basically ruined. There's a goblin next to you.

Alright! Wow. I spend one day on my paper, and bad things happen. Some quick questions. Chess was holding his scimitar, with a weapon cord to back him up. Did I really get unlucky enough to get knocked prone, take damage, lose my sled, team-mate, and my weapon/weapon cord through a weapon cord in less than 6 awful seconds? Phew! If that's really the case (still sinking in!) I might have to adopt Grwr'rrr's option.

I do have to ask now that Mel's kind of down for the count (I think she's the first one, you lucky girl you!), what are we doing with Severus and Zyg?
Are there any options for healing team mates that we're aware of? It's a shame we can't steal a life from an ally super smash bros style.

Also, before I figure out what I'm doing prone on a non moving sled with an armed goblin towering (I use the term loosely) over me, how many hit points does he have?

Doomed, this is beautiful, just beautiful! I bow down to your brilliance, color me impressed. I'm actually showing this to my table top group so they can see the awesomeness of the possibilities of play by post game, haha!

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Hang in there, we're all pulling for ya.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Mel, if you don't pass out first, it's entirely possible you might have to carry a half frozen Chess around on a foot race past a strewn path of other frozen competitors.

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