![]() I'm just going to throw this out there, feel free to shoot it down. I've never GMed before but I have wanted to for some time. If you can't find someone to pick up the game, id be willing to give it a shot. I understand you probably want someone experienced but I thought I'd throw the offer or there. ![]()
![]() Survey:
What is your posting availability like? What do you like in terms of pace for PbP? I check the site several times a day, every day. For the fast paced game I’m in, I use a rss reader app that makes my phone vibrate whenever an update is made. I tend to be active later in the day than most people, but it hasn’t been a problem yet. I like 1-3 post a day pace but its more about the amount of things you're doing. How familiar are you with the setting? Have you run or played in Necromancer/FGG modules before? I haven’t read any of the setting material but what I’ve picked up on seems really interesting How many PbP do you currently participate in? Player or GM? I’m in three games as a player. What does "Old School" mean to you? This is a weird way to explain but “Old School” is anything not 4th edition. I’ve wanted to get in D&D for a long time but when I finally got around to reading a D&D book, it was 4th edition and it was kind of the opposite of what I was expecting. It reminded me of MMOs I had played. I wouldn’t call Pathfinder “Old School” but I think it has more flexibility for old school inspired games. Would you have still been interested in this campaign if it was CRB only? Why or why not? I would still be interested, the setup for this game seems interesting regardless of character options. Are you comfortable in non-linear adventures that require self-determination? This is not really anything like an AP, the story isn't written yet. At some points you have to decide what interests you and what you want to pursue. This can lead to option paralysis for some players who aren't used to a sandbox. I have a few players who really engage with the environment and drive the story forward, but I need a couple more to really drive things. Non-linear is great. I purposely avoid AP’s because I like to have options. Do you have a problem with not being guaranteed any kind of WBL figures? I can't call the campaign low-magic exactly. You can find things that are way over WBL but they tend to be more flavorful items that people usually neglect in favor of the "big six". If you like to plan your build around specific items you will be frustrated. Crafting and shopping are limited compared to a standard modern pathfinder game. Flavor is great. I don’t really plan my build so far in advance that I would rely on specific items. Where do you see this character being most interested in going at low-mid levels -Wilderness Exploration: possibly
and at mid-high levels -Mega-Dungeon: yup
also how interested are you in urban intrigue throughout career? For this character, I can’t see much motivation but if there was something interesting going on in a city like a necromancer raising dead or people disappearing, I would get interested.
Christoff was born to a family of wizards, but mostly left to his own devices as a child. He was obsessed with all the weird things in his house and learning how to do even weirder things than his family. Most of family are very traditional performing spells as they were taught and having no patience for Christoff’s experiments. When he was old enough he was sent off to the academy that all his family went too. Like his family, the academy had no appreciation for his experiments but with greater training came bigger explosions and he would have been booted if not for his legacy. Instead they took advantage of his preference for field testing new spells to get rid of him. Personality:
Christoff loves trying new things especially when magic is involved. He has a tendency to say whatever he is thinking and can seem insensitive but mostly it is a lack of experience in dealing with others. He can be a bit selfish and doesn’t consider the impact of his experiments on others. He is willing to help others if they ask or he says they are in danger but he might not notice if he was engrossed in something Think a bit of a mad scientist but not really evil just oblivious. Motivations:
Christoff is mainly motivated by amusement, challenging authority and inventing new things. This is the part of the character that is lacking and I’m thinking that being out in the world a bit more might give Christoff more of a purpose behind all his madness. The experimenting aspect is pretty big aspect so if you’d allow a level of alchemist to add to the flavor since there isn’t much flavor for experimenting in the wizard class. I’d love to also kind of flavor summons as constructs but that’s probably asking too much. HP 2nd Lvl: 1d6 ⇒ 5
![]() I'm sending you my .por file, I'll answer the survey a bit later tonight. Mostly finished, just need to get all the details. Basically, a wizard who likes too experiment a little too much, gets kicked out of the wizard "college" type thing he is at. I do think it would be funny if the school was fed up with him but instead of just kicking him out, they paid some people to get rid of him and throwing him in the dungeon was the way they did. I don't know if that makes sense in the setting but I will be expanding on it all later. ![]()
![]() Here is Vincent, Human Fighter living in a town oppressed by evil. Spoiler:
Appearance: Vincent is of average height, he has blue eyes and black hair. His short hair is pushed back neatly. When not wearing armor he is often found wearing blacksmith attire (leather apron and the like). When not in either of those attires, he can be seen in a dark colored shirt, dark blue pants and leather coat if the weather creates a need, all well taken care of if a bit plain. On first glace, he seems very serious and perhaps a bit distracted unless he is working at the time. His face and hands bear the small scars, burns, and callouses common to those who work around sharp metal and heat. If someone could look past his scars, he is of average attractiveness maybe even slightly above average. He stands with a good posture and walks with a purpose. Personality: Vincent is ambitious, impatient, and lighthearted when he allows himself the time to relax. He wants to make a name for him but he worries that it could be hard for someone of his station to be anymore than his father. He lacks tact and often makes ill-advised jokes but he bears no ill-will to those he offends. Background: Vincent grew up in his father's smithy because his mother passed at a young age. His father's shop had several workers other than his father who was the head smith. The shop made and repaired a variety of metal items but Vincent always preferred to work on armor and weapons, so much that his father stopped asking him to work on other items because he would rush on mundane items and do shoddy work. Vincent started learning to fight as a way to improve the armor and weapons. He is frustrated with the status quo and would like nothing more than provide the arms to take down those that oppress his town and greater region.
I'll get the crunch up in a bit. ![]()
![]() Here is Un'gra, Half-orc rogue. Backstory:
Un'gra was abandoned in the woods no more than a year after he learned to walk. On his first night alone, he was found by a pack of goblins. Having just returned from a raid, they had little interest in eating him, but they thought it might be fun to beat him up a bit. One goblin went to hit him him but Un'gra got out of the way and the pack burst in to laughter. The goblin tried to play it up like this was game all along and proceed to swipe at Un'gra with little intention of hitting him but getting a few little pokes. This went on for a bit until the pack was no longer entertained and the attacking goblin was starting to wander away. One bored on-looker threw a knife at Un'gra and missed. Un'gra didn't hesitate, he picked up the knife and stabbed his attacker in the back. The goblins' reaction was mixed and soon several goblins were approaching Un'gra to finish off the young half-orc until the "leader" of the pack ran up, kicked the knife from his hand and lifted him up, claiming as a pet. Un'gra lived, becoming a part of the pack over time, eventually going on raids with them when he was big enough to be useful. Generally the plan was the bulk of the pack would start a commotion fighting guards or killing livestock, while a few would sneak off to steal food and supplies. Un'gra was usually sent with the sneaky group because he could carry more than most goblins. On one raid, Un'gra and two other goblins were captured. The pack came to try to release them but left Un'gra behind. Un'gra was set to be executed for his part in the raid and a cleric was brought into give him his last rites. The cleric was a worshiper of Cayden Cailean and could not stand to see a child killed regardless of race, so he helped Un'gra escape. Both Un'gra and the cleric had to run from the city and the pair journeyed together for a time. They were separated about a year ago and Un'gra has been travelling in search of the cleric ever since. Un'gra took to the teachings Cayden quickly and follows his teachings even now, stopping his search to aid those in need even if it puts him on the wrong side of the law. He takes no joy in killing but believes the ends can justify the means.
Sheet: Un'gra Male Half-Orc Rogue 1 CG Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 8 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 Defensive Abilities orc ferocity -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20) and . . dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20) and . . dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20) and . . rapier +2 (1d6+2/18-20) Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6 -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10 Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16 Feats Dodge Traits killer Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +6, Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +7, Heal +2, Intimidate +6, Perception +5 (+6 to locate traps), Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Survival +2; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate Languages Common, Goblin, Orc SQ orc blood, trapfinding +1 Other Gear leather armor, dagger, dagger, dagger, rapier, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, thieves' tools, whetstone, 70 GP, 8 SP, 8 CP -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only). Killer Add weapon's critical modifier to its critical bonus damage. Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race. Orc Ferocity (1/day) If brought below 0 Hp, can act as though disabled for 1 rd. Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed. Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones. -------------------- ![]()
![]() Longfeather Tengu male Cleric (Merciful Healer) of Sarenrae Longfeather comes from a long of tengus that have help a kind of leadership role in his small community. Longfeather is young but knows, in time, he will have to lead and he is not willing to just maintain the survival of his people. Longfeather believes the tengus deserve much more than a life of scavenging to just barely survive and believes they are capable of much more than anyone, including the tengus, think they are. He has been learning from his father, Softtail, to be a cleric and begins to notice that his father is increasing the pace at which he teaches with no explanation. He confronts his father and Shorttail explains that soon Longfeather will have take over. Shortail tells Longfeather that he was given a vision and, in one years time, Longfeather would lead. Longfeather leaves in anger, yelling at his father “there must be some other way for us to live”. Longfeather is searching the world for some better way for his people. He isn’t sure what that is, maybe a great knowledge will enable his people to prosper, or some magic item could provide for them or he can obtain some great fortune or find some special skill he can teach to his people. Overall, he thinks knowledge is his people’s shot and he takes any chance he can to learn or to acquire books. ![]()
![]() As much as I think a high wis would be useful I found it didn't really with mesh with the character. Ro with good common sense would mean he was purposely going against his better judgement and that seems a bit more self-destructive than I see him. I like the idea of the 16 in cha, but I'm not thrilled about the 17 in str but you're right I could roleplay it in a way that fits his character. Something like, Ro walks into a classroom holding a box like it's very light and then hands it to a wizard who assumes ""if it's light for a gnome" grabs it and the falls over because the box is filled with something heavy. Like I said Ro has a mind of his own and I like to think all this moving of his stats is a prank he is playing on me. I'll edit my original post to reflect the change. ![]()
![]() Aiden waits until the session has finished and most of the other students have left to go up and speak with Dr. Armitage. "Dr. Armitage does Miskatonic have any books or documents pertaining to ancient religions or religions in general? I'm also looking for some books related to the translation of dead languages and old dialects of present day languages. ![]()
![]() Rovosi Build:
Base Stats Str: 14 Con: 10 Dex: 15 Int: 16 Wis: 12 Chr: 19 Com:24 I’m not super happy with these stats but my original setup did not account for the racial mods. Once I did, I realized his Con was far higher than I saw him as having and taking a negative mod in Str just seemed like a bad idea. My original array so you can see what I was going for: S-10, C-14, D-15, W-12, Ch-19. Items
And… Brief Description: Rovosi, Ro to friends, is in a lot of ways a typical young gnome. He picks pockets for fun but usually just moves money from one pocket to another or sells whatever trinket at pawn shop and then leaves enough money to buy it back and the location with someone who was walking with the person he took it from. He isn’t the best thief but he is just charming enough to talk his way out of it most times. The constable (sheriff?) in the part of town he frequents knows Ro’s pattern by now and usually comes looking for him if someone reports one of his pranks. There usually isn’t enough evidence to pin it Rovosi and he has grown on the constable who knows that no harm is being done. I’d be willing to change this if you think it would have gotten Rovosi in more trouble by now but I think his charisma backs up the idea. Ro sort of stumbled into training at the school. Well, he also literally stumbled into the school and when he did someone said “oh, finally the gnome has shown up,” and ushered into a classroom. Ro isn’t sure if there was another gnome who had signed up and never showed or if the school just knew he would show up, but he isn’t too concerned either way. He shows some talent with magic but his teachers note that magic is a game to him. For his part, he has tried to keep his pranking to a minimum because he does really want to learn magic even if it is just for fun. Appearance wise, he tends to wear rather odd hats and occasionally he’ll cut the tops out of them to let his hair out, especially if he’s changed the color recently. He knows that people find him cute and he couldn’t care either way. He has a very specific way he intends to look ( though that specific way may change on a daily basis) and if people think that looks cute or looks badass than that is just fine. As long as all the various bits are the way he left them, then he is very happy. Hope that last bit explains why I thought Ro would get the +2 race mod. One day he might dress cutesy and want to spar, the next he’ll dress like an adventurer with a scowl but want to dance. Some days he may even make sense, but that would be completely on accident. The more I write about him, the more I realize he has a mind of his own.
![]() Ok two more, sorry. When calculating comeliness, should we add it up from base stat array or from stats modded by race? As far as his racial mod to comeliness, I see Ro as having outrageous appearance but in this setting it seems like in this city that would fit in quite well. So could I take the +2 on the basis that he doesn't accept the social norms but his gnomish tendency towards what is generally thought to be absurd would make him attractive here? ![]()
![]() I've got my character mostly planned out and finally decided on a name (Rovosi, I feel like it isn't gnome-y enough but its what I got at the moment). I still have a few quick questions to narrow down the last bits. 1. Have we come to a consensus on racial mods to comeliness? If so, what would a gnome's be? 2. As far as familiars go, do we all start normal ones or could we summon one of the other types? ![]()
![]() Ok, so here's more cohesive backstory that should help to explain some choices. Past:
Aiden was born in heavily religious town (the specific religion isn't but think major: catholic, protestant, jewish something like that would work) to parents who are leaders in the religious community. His parents' work in the religion took them away often but when he was younger they would just take him out of school and bring him along if they were gone for more than a week or two. When he was getting close to high school, he managed to get a scholarship into a good private school outside of the religious town. His parents were hesitant but they saw his intelligence as a gift from God that he could use to help the community so they allowed him to go. The school would not allow for him to pulled out like he had been when he was younger so his parents left him alone and began taking longer and longer trips (missions, what have you). The private school was nearby but had some dorms for out of area students and allowed him to stay there when his parents were away and eventually he was basically living at the school full-time. When he was in the dorms, one of the many friends of his parents would come and pick him up to go to church. As time went on and the workload at school began piling up, Aiden missed a few days of church. As this was happening, his studies also lead into areas that directly contradicted what he was taught by his religion and he began to question his beliefs. One day on a break from school, Aiden headed to church with his parents who were home as well. His parents stayed after the services and Aiden left by himself. As he walked out he got dirty looks and heard mumblings of hateful things directed at him and his parents from the congregation. After this Aiden stopped attending church altogether. He acclimated to the workload at school and found himself with free time when he would normally attend church. He began exploring the woods around the school. Aiden still mostly believed in his parents’ religion but he had some qualms with it. He finally gave up on it when his parents were forced to disown him or be exiled from the church. He never bothered to find out what his parents actually chose to do, he never returned home. After a time he began to feel a hole in his life without and began investigating other religions.
Present day: Aiden is 23 and has been working at the private school since graduation. He works as an assistant to teachers when they need help grading or doing research for lesson plans. When he isn’t doing that, he works as groundskeeper and leads students on hikes through the woods. Aiden has falling in and out of at least 6 religions for several months at a time and others for shorter periods. He often knows as much, if not more, than the priest-equivalent when he first attends a meeting or service. Islam, Wicca, Taoism, Hinduism; you name, he’s probably been a member for a time. Usually, he ends up leaving when he can no longer resolve his logical side with his desire for religious practice. In all this, he has formed his own ideology from various bits. Also, he began noticing patterns between various religions and finding interesting bits that most people just read as metaphor that he believes are actual literal information. He also develops an idea that some religious healers might be doing science can’t yet explain rather than a strong placebo effect or stage tricks as is the commonly accepted explanation. Imagine something like a religious text reading “man is made of two spiral staircases.” Most people would assume some kind of metaphor about the duality of man, Aiden would see it as a reference to the DNA double helix. Not a real example, as far as I know, but something to give you an idea of what Aiden is getting at. Despite the school loving his help and seeing as him strong role model to the younger students, they encourage him to start looking into attending college. Aiden decides he wants to more formally study the odd things he has noticed in religions and writes a college entrance essay codifying his current findings and indicating a desire to start a course designed towards studying this in depth. Every school he applies to rejects him and he is frustrated and dismayed until a letter from Miskatonic arrives, despite him never applying. |