DM Cobalt |

Warning - I've never run a pbp game, but I would like to try to run one.
I've run several ftf games, but this is my first try at pbp, so if you could, give me some help and advice if I need it.
The game will be in a slightly altered Golarian, in the region of Varisia.
Note: As I add more info, this post will grow. Be warned.
(Yes, I will use modules, Adventure Paths, Shackled City, and anything else that catches my twisted fancy. Don't expect the Shackled City adventure, it won't happen.)
Core rulebook only for classes (Nothing against the other classes, but I'm not familiar enough with the new APG/UM/UC classes, so I want to not start with them. But the feats and archtypes can be used from these books).
20 point buy for stats (no dropping stats below 10 to get extra points; going below 10 due to racial modifiers is allowed).
2nd level characters, full HP for both levels, starting wealth is max plus 1000 for gear. (I'll work out calculating HP for levels later)
No Evil Alignments (I get to play the bad guys, not you.)
You should be prepared to be an adventuring party to start (even if you don't know who you will be playing with yet. I'm not doing the "You met in a bar" trope.)
General Golbez, General of the Outside: Human (Ulfen) Military commander, deals with problems outside the city (bandits, goblins, Nolands raids, etc.)
General Azrinae, General of the Inside: Elf Watch commander, deals with problems inside the city.
Gereral Cid, General of Supply: Dwarf Quartermaster and Engineering commander, deals with supply, sieges, and underground situations.
General Kefka, General of the Underhand: Human (Cheliax) magic commander, in charge of things that people usually don't want to know about.

Doomed Hero |

I'm quite interested.
I'm in a few other PbP games on these boards and I run one off-site that's in it's second year now.
My posts are consistent and high quality (you can check the stats on my Characters tab and take a look at the other games if you'd like)
I'd like to play a classic frontline fighter, probably wielding a polearm or two-handed sword.
I'd like to tie the character's personal story into your plot somehow, but without knowing more about the setting I don't really know how to do that. I always prefer it when my character has a vested interest in what's going on beyond "I'm an adventurer, let's do it!" or "I'm getting paid for this"
The mechanics will start traditional and simple. High Strength, Power Attack. As the game progresses I think I'll take Bodyguard and In Harm's Way to help protect the party.
The character I have in mind is the classic hero type, a good man doing good things for little or no praise simply because they have to be done.
With a Thumbs Up from you, Mr. GM, I can have a mechanical framework up and posted shortly.

DukeRuckley |

This sounds very interesting. I've been thinking about trying my hand at a monk. Did I read that correctly that we can use archetypes and feats from APG, UM, and UC? If so, I have a neat idea for a flowing monk archetype from the APG. He basically focuses on tripping his opponents and stomping them while they are down.
How much backstory do you want prior to your decision? I would like to work together with other members of the party to tie our characters together prior to playing, which would of course affect any backstory I would come up with.
Do you want a character sheet now or after you make a decision?
Thank you for considering!

Doomed Hero |

Looking at a Cleric most likely. Are we building characters around each other?
I'd prefer it, personally. I find that pre-game discussion that links the characters really helps.
What sort of game are we looking at? Intrigue, missions/combat, RP, even mix, etc. . . Any suggestions on characters or party make up?
Mr. GM, can we have a bit more info, please?
Since we have two prospective clerics, can you give us some info about your setting's cosmology?

DM Cobalt |

Answers, Answers, answers.... alway a call for answers. ^_~
Yes, you should build your character so I can see what you want to run.
Yes, you should have some backstory, but with the idea that you could modify it to fit in with whoever the rest of the group turns out to be. Maybe just your last bit of history was adventuring with the group, or maybe you are a childhood friend. I'm open to a lot.
Cosmology is standard for Golarian, with the standard Pathfinder gods.
I'm hoping for a even mix of adventures. Combat will be important, of course, but so will dealing with people (including the local nobles).
While I have no set NPCs to be romances (aka: Jade Regeant), I'm not going to rule out any romances you want to pursue.
Some more background details about Cauldron.
The smaller villages under Cauldron's influence usually have chapels and small, multi-purpose temples to the above gods and Desna, Shelyn, Gozreh, and Erastil.
Cayden Cailean is worshiped in taverns, not temples, and a few odd stone rings serve as the focus of the Green Faith.

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Here's Geoff:
Male Human (Varisian) Fighter (Weapon Master) 2
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +0
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14. . (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 22 (2d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Masterwork Sword, Aldori Dueling +9 (1d8+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +6 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 18 (19 vs. Disarm20 vs. Feint20 vs. Grapple19 vs. Sunder)
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, Aldori Dueling, Power Attack -1/+2, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Sword, Aldori Dueling
Traits Sword Scion, Veteran of Battle
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +1, Escape Artist +3, Fly +3, Intimidate +5, Ride +3, Stealth +3, Survival +6, Swim +1
Languages Common, Skald, Varisian
SQ Compass, Heart of the Wilderness +1, Weapon Cord, Weapon Guard +1: Sword, Aldori Dueling (Ex)
Combat Gear Dagger, Dagger, Masterwork Chain Shirt, Masterwork Sword, Aldori Dueling; Other Gear Backpack, Masterwork (7 @ 18 lbs), Bedroll, Compass, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Mushroom Vest, Pouch, belt (3 @ 1.5 lbs), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Sunrod (4), Waterskin, Weapon Cord, Whetstone, Wrist sheath, spring loaded
Compass +2 circumstance for Survival or Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to avoid becoming lost.
Heart of the Wilderness +1 +5 on CON checks to stabilize, +1/2 level to negative HP level for death, +1/2 level Survival.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sword Scion +1 to hit and CMB with longswords and Aldori Dueling Swords.
Veteran of Battle +1 Initiative, draw a weapon as a free action during the surprise round.
Weapon Cord Attached weapon can be recovered as a swift action.
Weapon Guard +1: Sword, Aldori Dueling (Ex) +1 CMD vs. Disarm and Sunder or other effects targeting your chosen weapon.
From Restov, Geoff has a lot of experience from his travels into the Stolen Lands. He has headed up towards Varisia mainly to see old family ties.

DM Cobalt |

Oops, forgot to say this.
2 Traits, but no campaign traits (because we aren't in a campaign).
1)You have to have the spell (either yourself or on a scroll, or cast by someone else who will be there as long as it takes to create the item) in order to create a magic item.
2)You need a place to create the items, such as a workshop. It must be equiped to handle what you are doing. (Side note: The Bluewater Academy does have rooms that can be rented for the crafting of magic, availibility depending.)
3)There is a magic shop that does have magical gear for sale in the city. You can buy and sell items there. Items in stock (which does slowly change) are immediantly availible, ordered items may take time to procure.

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My post got eaten. . .
If accepted
I will likely play this character. I thought I had the background posted, but I guess not. He was designed for a PFS game, but I've never gotten to use him. Leveling up to 2, will look failry the same, and I am really considering dipping into Rogue 2.
My idea is a mix between the Boondock Saints and Gambit from the X-Men. Charming, sarcastic (at times), a little mysterious, but good natured at the core. Milani (deity of rebelions and freedom), is one of the few Golarion deities a really like.
I am completely willing to build another character, but may not be able to have them up for a few hours. Let me know what you all would like, though. I am planning on being decent at combat, and fairly good at skills, buffing, debuffing, with some healing.
I prefere party development, and enjoy working with other players. I am interested in a fair mix of romance ( and fade-to-black giggady, giggady), combat, story, intrigue, mystery, and RP, (all or a mix).
I am willing to work with the Gm and other players, and invite discussion for character creation.
However, there is one thing people should know. I am currently deployed in Afghanistan, and I am a medic. There may be some times (rare) that I simply either can't get online or am so busy that I can't post. It is fairly uncommon, and so far hasn't interfiered tith other games. Just keep it in mind. If I'm in, I will try to let people know if I know this is comming up, but sometimes that isn't an option. Like I said, uncommon.

waiph |

So I have 3 ideas that are in a sort fo grey area. but i'd like to try out the characters somewhere if you'll accept the mechanics.
1. The RotL player's pdf says the Bladed scarf had reach, but that's not if the d20pfsrd entry, so I wanted to see if it can work the way it is in the book?
2. non-evil undead lord
Haunted Juju Oracle with the Spirit Vessels revelation removes the EVIL part from Animate Dead and necromancy spell.
There are several neutral death deities (although 2 come from stone giants(Ancestral Spirits, Fandarra) and, Hanspur; maybe Groetus If that's close enough t undeathness, that would allow an undead-lord to take versatile channel and use positive at a lesser power level, so there'd be non-evil undead that are not so much Undead as possessed objects that function like undead.
Kinda like the idea of a person from the river kingdoms haunted by the spirits of the drowned, and she uses her power, granted by Hanspur to give them vessels to live on and eventually be ready to move on (and stop annoying her!)
Either that or there would be someone from the north who venerates the gods of the giants, say to avoid being sacraficed,they make the sacrafices, and the ancestral spirits haunt this person, so the cleric puts the restless spirits into dead bodies so they can be a part of the world again.
3. Thunder and Fang feat uses the Earthbreaker and Klar as a double weapon at the end of a 4 feat chain.
If you'd allow any of those i'd like to toss up a class that uses those mechanics, and as 2 are from Varisia, it would make sense to see the stuff used.
Otherwise, I was thinking maybe a wizard or sorc...

DM Cobalt |

Just a few comments to people who asked questions about characters...
I might suggest Cayden Cailaen, but other than that, no problems at all.
And if you really want to use Milani, go ahead.
Bladed scarf does not have reach, as per the last information published on it for Pathfinder. Sorry.
2)Since I'm only using core rulebook classes, Oracles are right out.
3)Which book is the feat in? I can't locate it currently. (And my connection will not allow me to connect to d20pfsrd).

CapChat |

May I suggest a cavalryman in the making? He is a shepherd by trade in the employ of General Cid. He is prized for his resourcefulness in rustling up livestock for the army....he is a scoundrel by nature. He shoots a wicked bullet with his slingstaff.
Level 1 Thief - he has had a rather disreputable upbringing
Level 1 Ranger - conscripted into Cids's service - his career is about to take off
st 14 dx 16 cn 12 it 10 ws 12 ch 12
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Racial Trait: Warslinger
Character Traits: Armour Expert, Profession Rustler (some kind of bonus to appraise and handle animal)
Skill Points invested in:
2 Stealth
1 Disable Device
1 Heal
1 Appraise
1 Know Local
2 Perception
1 Sense Motive
1 Survival
1 Ride
2 Handle Animal
1 Bluff

waiph |

Right. Derped on the oracle thing, my bad. Sorry.
Thunder and Fang (Combat)
You have mastered the ancient Shoanti fighting style of Thunder and Fang, allowing you to fight with increased effectiveness when wielding an earth breaker and a klar. As you swing at foes with Thunder (your earth breaker), you slash at them with the Fang (your klar).
Prerequisites: Strength 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (earth breaker), Weapon Focus (klar).
Benefit: As long as you are fighting with an earth breaker and a klar (and you make attacks with your klar as your offhand attack), you can fight with both weapons as if you were wielding a double weapon, and retain your shield bonus to your Armor Class granted by your klar. Treat your klar as a light weapon for the purposes of determining your total penalty to attack.
Special: A fighter may select Thunder and Fang as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Alanaes Rastova |

Check out his profile for his stats. I haven't bought equipment yet, but it is unlikely he'll own much. His role in combat is primarily as support. He specializes in tripping his opponents and making attacks of opportunity. Outside of battle, he is not much of a speaker, but will contribute to discussions of strategy. He will not slow the party down when it comes to stealth and acrobatics.
Alanaes Rastova grew up as a bullied child. He had friends, but most were too meek and timid to help defend Alanaes when the bullies came to beat him up. So Alanaes had to defend himself. Unfortunately, it didn't go well and he ended up bloodied and hurt after yet another attack by the bullies.
Alanaes knew he needed to learn how to defend himself and so he sought some help from a strange Varisian neighbor. The man didn't seem to like people bothering him and turned Alanaes away a few times, but eventually Alanaes won him over. The Varisian man, a former gypsy, taught him his unique style, blending two distinct forms of martial arts into one. Alanaes learned to channel his energy in order to ground himself like a mountain. He also learned to channel his energy to redirect attacks like a river. Alanaes became like a river flowing down and around a mountain, unmovable, yet moving all the time.
During this time, his mentor preached the ways of Irori and his focus on inner strength and perfection. Alanaes soon became a devout follower of Irori himself. It only took one more attack by the bullies to convince them to leave Alanaes alone forever more. Without moving from his spot, Alanaes was able to drop all four bullies in the matter of a few seconds.
Unfortunately, one of the bullies was the child of the town's mayor, who was rather vindictive. The mayor kicked Alanaes out of town and shamed his family. And so, Alanaes decided to pursue and perfect his martial art, and traveled Varisia to visit temples to Irori. Now, 15 years later, Alanaes is 30 and using his skills for a purpose other than just self-perfection. He has joined a group of adventurers, and who knows where he will be led.
Alanaes is a Varisian man with long brown hair and a large mustache. He wears modest clothing and does not have many personal effects, having given away most of his items to charity.
I hope the similarity to Karate Kid isn't too much... Haha!
Edit: This is Dukeruckley from above, by the way.

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Galahad0430 wrote:Quick question... Sword Scion is listed as a campaign trait in Kingmaker, but as a Regional feat in the Inner Sea World Guide??? Which way for you?I don't see that Feat in the Inner Sea World Guide. Which page is it on?
I'll have to look it up when I get home, was using HeroLab and it had two references (might have been the IS Primer instead??)

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I just realised that I am planning to use the character for PathFinder Society, and didn't want to have two seperate ones that will get confussing. Kind of sucks, because I've been itching to play that guy for a while. I'm working on another right now, hopefully it will be up within a few hours. Looking at something a little similar.

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I'm thinking I want to play a dark knight type character. Drawing inspiration from a mix of Batman and the Punisher (LG or NG) and The Crow, a little bit broken from the death of his wife. Building now, but let me know if this is a problem. I realize the adventure is about pirates and missions, so I am keeping that in mind as I build. I am thinking paladin like, in some aspects, but more vigilanty (in a manner of speaking), and I think I can make that work.
Here's what I have so far. . .

DM Cobalt |

Not so much piratey, because you aren't going to be on the sea that often. More dungeons, because you will be in an old city on top of an extinct volcano, with plenty of underground. And plenty of wilderness to ave adventures in.
Rift of niltak: A strange misty valley with odd creatures. No one knows much about it, because those that do survive going there to explore always come back insane (or go insane shortly after leaving).
The Nolands: Home to outcasts from the Linnorn Kings and Shoanti. Very dangerous, and sometimes groups will attack outlying villages and farms.
And that's what's close at hand.
The only problem I would have with a Batman/Punisher/The crow type is the fact that they don't play well with others.
I have no problem with angst, but I do have problems with loners in a group based game.

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DM Cobalt |

I've no problem with a tiefling character, as long as he fits the guidelines.
And I must confess, I've stolen the FF names just to make people wonder who might really be the bad guys (although there is a little FF to be found ^_~, it just will take time to see; ie, no chocobos runing loose... maybe).
And, with the selection I've got so far, an arcane caster would be your best bet to try to get in, since I've got plenty of good characters for every other need.
I'm closing the applications now, pending on what jlord and A CR20 Seagull produce. I'll try to post name tonight.

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Cool, thank you. I'm pretty much done (with the rough draft version). I'm sort of stuck as to Feats and Traits. Nothing is really popping out as all that appropriate so far. Any suggestions?
Also, <DM Cobalt>, do you mind about the part with the armor? I was wanting it to be personal, and something I planned on using for the career, but I can't afford it yet. Anything you see you have questions about, want me to change, or anything?