Skinsaw Cultist

Candlejack's page

32 posts. Alias of Orthos.


Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freakazoid wrote:

Not just them! Everybody sing!

Ninety-nine years of social distancing
Ninety-nine years of social distancing
Take one down, pass it around,
Ninety-eight years of social distancing

I'm very good at enforcing social distancing.

All I need is some more rope.

Shadow Lodge

Freehold DM wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:

Alright to clarify,

Firstly about the pork chops, I THOUGHT I could do them because they seemed WAY easier to do thank trying to do a roast. Or some other beef that's not ground chuck.

Secondly I hate bacon. So while it HAS gotten easier for me to NOT screw up mashed potatoes (I've done that twice before) I still need practice because my last batch was a little on the milk-y/soupy side...but was fixed up with left over mash potatoes. But I wouldn't say it was the best I've had.

Also I don't talk about football because all we have in this state is the Steelers for a professional team...and I'm not sure I'm ready to support Ben any time soon...

he's a cylon. I knew it.

I'm going to need more rope.

Shadow Lodge

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TOZ wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

A few years back I saw TOZ say in a thread "I play Pathfinder because everyone else plays Pathfinder" or something like that.

Man I really get that now with my current group. They are f$!+ing married to d20 high fantasy. I keep trying to get them to try anything else for just a while, to break the monotony...Savage Worlds, FATE, World of Darkness, L5R, Shadowrun, GURPS, f#+*ing anything, and all they do is PF, PF, more PF, some homebrew modified PF, and PF again. I like PF but geeze...


They called me mad! Insane! WENDELL!!

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello there.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
If they're bothering you, just get them to say "Candlejack". That ought to tak

Hoo hoo hoo! I'm going to need more rope!

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to need more rope.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Has anyone statted up Candlejack for Pathfinder? Just curious.

Whatever you do, you're going to need more rope.

As am I. <hogties gran and hauls him away>

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freakazoid wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
The Princess Bride had a major hand in shaping my sense of humor, along with Animaniacs and Looney Tunes. These are probably not the things to show your impressionable child if you want them to grow up to not be a sass elemental.
Doubly indeed. For me, add in Freakazoid to further the zaniness. Monty Python certainly didn't help any.

Oh, heck yes, Freakazoid.

Do you want to see something strange and mystical?

hey scint. You wanna go get saltwater taffy?
DO I?!?!?!


Shadow Lodge

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David M Mallon wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:

Job site was burglarized last night, but there were some anomalies:

1. The only things stolen were a stack of pallets and the key to one of the excavators.

2. Every single deadbolt lock on every single storage unit was hideously mangled (to the point where most of the locks had to be cut out of the doors before being replaced), but they'd taken the time to carefully close all the doors.

3. A number of the stainless steel cylinder locking tabs on the deadbolts were twisted like corkscrews, something that a) I couldn't accomplish with a pair of pliers, a pry bar, and a vise, and b) could only have been done from the inside of each of the locked units.

We may be dealing with an alien entity of some kind.

*An alien entity that seems to have looked through all of our stuff and thought, "Who was the cheapass son of a b$@+$ that bought all this junk and expected people to turn it into a structurally sound building?"

Wasn't mine, I swear. I use more rope.

Shadow Lodge

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Quiet, you!

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
On the plus side, if you want him to eat something all you have to do is tell him it has mutagen in it:-D
Who wouldn't?!

Everyone knows that radiation only gives you superpowers!

Shadow Lodge

*passes card* Just have him read this, I'll take care of the rest, hoo hoo hoo!

The next poster is all tied up at the moment. I'm going to need more rope.

Shadow Lodge

Haul this gnome off for a cage match with the actual Quiche Lisp, two gnomes in, one gnome out. Then hang the winner.

Shadow Lodge

Generic Dungeon Master wrote:
Just don't say Candle Jack, ooops, aw poop.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mary Sue wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
General Buck Turgidson wrote:

I blame Cosmo for being the fluoridation in our nation's drinking water.

I also blame Cosmo for the mineshaft gap.

I think the first one should be quoted by a General Jack D. Ripper to be true to the original source.

I Blame Cosmo for my nitpicking here.

Yeah, but I've already got 101 aliases; I was hesitant to add number 102.
103 and counting!

I only recently learned about "Old Man Henderson", neet.

OMG! Candlejack... maybe he can fight Cosmo and h

I'm going to need more rope.

Shadow Lodge

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo! I'm going to need more rope!

Shadow Lodge

James Sutter wrote:
Memento Mortis wrote:

Also, Mengkare's stat block replaces the product placement normally found in the back of the book. His alignment is included. :p

*takes off Memento Mortis's mask to reveal true identity*

ME: James Jacobs!

JACOBS: And I would have gotten away with it, too, if not for you meddling kids!

*high-fives Scooby and gets back in the Mystery Machine*

I'm gonna need more rope.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

Fellnight Queen run by my son in law is today. :)

We have a large and interesting group, but we are having a hell of a time getting everyone free on the same Saturday.

Take care!

Say hi to the fey from me!

And me.

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

Fresh meat.

Shadow Lodge

Hoo hoo hoo!!

Shadow Lodge

Vriskra the shantak wrote:

Vriskra wasn't being delusional? Wow. She knows more then i do.

Just because you're delusional doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

Wait, that's paranoid.

Shadow Lodge

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Hee hee hee!!! *yoink!*

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

You lot are just NO FUN!

Shadow Lodge

Take all you like. Spread them around. Read them aloud.

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

Hello there!

*drops a card with his name on it into Emilia's hand*

Looks like it's your lucky day.

Shadow Lodge

Tirq wrote:
Hey, quick question, how did you type your own name?

Well I can't very well kidnap myself can I? One of the perks of being me.

Hey you, big guy. You should read that card. It'll do you wonders.

Shadow Lodge

Oh most definitely. This should be very enlightening.

Shadow Lodge

Just keep doing what you're doing.

Oh, and read this. My card. *hands it out to all present*

Shadow Lodge

Mikaze wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
liz: Stab stab stab
Liz is Merisiel now?
Then how did anyone hear h

Hoo hoo hoo!