Brandon McCormick's page

22 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

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Has making a pocket edition subscription ever been considered? If it was a thing that would definitely be something I could get behind. It would definitely be in more peoples budgets, I would think.

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I am wondering if there has ever been a reason given for why there isn't a cancel button for subscriptions, why do we still have to go through email to get things canceled?

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Rysky wrote:
I believe they’re currently in the single file per chapter download? I could be misremembering though.

Awesome that was it thank you so much!! ;)

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Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! This season has been fantastic, and this can only help get pathfinder 2nd edition to a wider audience. I am so excited!!!

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Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition: Does your group prefer to stick with First Edition? We’ve got you covered with the hardcover Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition, a 160-page monster and NPC resource that converts the new companions, NPCs, and monsters unlocked by this campaign into old-school Pathfinder First Edition. Play along in the new and updated encounters with this helpful conversion guide featuring back-converted stats for the entire Kingmaker campaign, plus other rules conversions, tips and tricks to run the campaign as smoothly as possible. Not ready to convert to 2E? Already running the campaign with your First Edition group? This add-on book is your ticket to playing Kingmaker in classic style!

It seems they are giving the ability to stay in first edition..
Atleast that is what it says on the campaign site:

Talonhawke wrote:
Samy wrote:

Provide stats for both 1e and 2e, and I will happily pay $100.

2e only = $0.

It's ironic if they'll be more willing to support a competitor's 5E than their own 1E product.

I do have to second this especially with 5E getting in on the action.