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Frog God Games. 980 posts (1,160 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Frog God Games

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Tracking says books will arrive in Tacoma on 8/28...should be here by September 1 or so!

Frog God Games

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The book has shipped from the printer to me!

Will begin fulfillment in 8-9 days.


Frog God Games

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ships next week...due to arrive this Friday

Frog God Games

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Zhern wrote:
I do have to say, Children of the Harvest is effed up, and it is glorious. I skimmed over it this afternoon while working through some other stuff the Frog God has me working on. Good stuff.

Thank you (I think)...I went pretty twisted on that, even for me:)

Frog God Games

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Ok--all ancillary books are at the printer...

Pathfinder and 5e books are laid out and being proofed.

SW main book is next in layout.

Staff almost dead. Delivery in August (finally). Just the cards to go.

Frog God Games

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Lol not sure. But we do have 120 or so alien races for you!

Frog God Games

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ps--when Greg says half-done--he means all-written, half edited and developed. Actually the hard half (rules heavy) is done; as well as most of the supporting books (new module in pdf this weekend I think).

Players guide and last module are in 5e conversion--so no, its not that much longer.

Frog God Games

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2 books would break the bank--besides--we want to officially hold the title for largest ever (I think we already do--but 1196 pages means we will forever!).

Nothing will be deleted wholesale, just some (well tons actually) of editing down is needed. Richard and Greg just write a lot!

Frog God Games

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DanyRay wrote:

Woa ~1200 pages its even more than Slumbering Tsar 950 pages and no doubt it will be quite an impressive beast!

Realy looking foward to receive it!

Now looking for some adamantium to reinforce the shelf...

Max 1200--that is part of the delay--we are having to edit DOWN to allow the final to actually be bound.

Frog God Games

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Heine Stick wrote:
Captain TPK wrote:
I hope every single one of those extra pages is pure gold to make it worth the delay.
Considering who the main author is, I'm fairly certain the extra pages are indeed pure gold. Sweaty, hairy, tentacled pure gold.

Yes--lots of tentacles, oh, and a few vampires and VERY creepy kids

Frog God Games

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PS--the first 500 pages or so of the main book is through development and in editing and conversion. Only like 800 pages to go

Frog God Games

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Next update and pdf of a module coming soon. We are diligently banging this out, and the next section is in editing.

Frog God Games

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There is almost no overlap on project teams. The Blight is Greg's baby. The only overlap is editing and conversion folks, and they are not bottlenecked. Greg just had a tougher semester of med school than we figured, and the book was much bigger. So were the adventures.

We will get there. 14 kickstarters, delivered 11, 5 were late, 3 were early, 3 are still in prgress. The Blight is one of those.

Frog God Games

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Beware of Nicole mind control...

Not saying its aliens, but...

Frog God Games

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We will be releasing each piece as a pdf as soon as it is expect fairly frequent releases of the smaller pieces while we get each done. It may be a bit longer for the big one--but its coming as fast as I can whip Greg!

Frog God Games

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Same here--site has a sale at both Kobold and FGG

Frog God Games

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GM Rednal wrote:

Not necessarily. Much like video game development companies, I believe it's fairly normal for a publisher like FGG to have multiple projects going at the same time. They've clearly explained what happened between The Blight and Bard's Gate (it was mostly an issue of timing for getting the books printed), and it sounds to me like they've got a good handle on everything.

Also, I'm pretty sure doing a third printing of a rulebook is waaaaaay easier than making a new one. XD

Its totally different project teams. Skeet and Greg are working the Blight. Others are doing their own projects. Not really much overlap except for Chuck.

Frog God Games

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We have been neating the ponies...errr editors.

Its moving along, this thing is just so darn big. It may be a bit for the main book, but we should start sending out a few of the pdfs of the modules etc sometime in November. I asked Greg to post a detailed updaylte soon.


Frog God Games

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Books to printer--Chuck doing post processing with them now.

Frog God Games

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As fast as we can get it done--it grew a lot with stretch goals; plus all of Greg's points in the update. Better great quality than early.


Publisher, Frog God Games

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Lol. Cool guys.

We tend to over deliver. This makes us late sometimes. These products always seem to get bigger in development too.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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The reason we redid scheduling with Greg was that with Chuck out, we knew we would have delays--and we had a hard deadline (in China) for Bard's Gate that if missed would have caused extreme delay and increased cost dramatically.

Basically we just got behind. Greg is now full time on Blight--and art is coming in; so don't worry too much. The good news is we got Quests of Doom 3 all mailed out this week (it was 60 days late due to Chuck's illness) but its done now!

Have no fear--we will deliver.


Publisher, Frog God Games

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Hey guys--a lot of the radio silence has been 2 conventions, Chuck's leg, vacations, and nose to the grindstone on the Blight and this release.

Sorry about that. This book actually might be the most important Lost lands canon book in existence.

I did a big update (several of you will get it several times, so pardon my spam) on our prior kickstarters and here as a "State of the Onion".

Oh, and that huge map is spectacular:)


Publisher, Frog God Games

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Hey all, Bill Webb here.
I wanted to give everyone a “State of the Onion” as we at FGG call it, on all current projects. Then I want to talk a bit about that last week on the Bard’s Gate Kickstarter.

First of all, everything is moving along (albeit we had some slowdowns). Quests of Doom 3 is at the printer and is expected to ship to the warehouse in a couple weeks—so figure delivery to you in mid-July. Chuck actually finished this the week after he got out of the hospital—against my orders to rest---so its back on track.

The Blight is behind schedule—the stretch goals and add-on’s of the extra books, as well as Chuck’s issues with his leg and Greg finishing his 3rd year in med school just got us behind. Everything is now written (yours truly was the last delinquent delivery) and in development and art is being purchased. I don’t want to give a final date on this—but suffice to say we underestimated how long the added material would take, and got behind. That being said, the text is awesome, much of the art is as well, and we will, after all, be producing what I believe will be the largest (certainly one of the largest) books ever made for the game! Better late and quality than on time and rushed.

Bard’s Gate actually has all the art and maps done (Skeeter got a head start), and ongoing work is primarily focused on conversion and final editing. While this one needs to print in China (its color), we may actually have the pdfs ready fairly early (like end of summer), and all indications are that this one will be on time.

So have no fear, we will deliver and it will be to our standards of quality—we just have slipped behind on a couple fronts. As a bonus—this gives you time to reinforce your bookshelves before the books get there!
Ok, so Bard’s Gate and the pitch. Those of you who know the Lost Lands know the name Bard’s Gate. It’s basically the hub centerpiece city of both the wilds of Akados and the Sinnar Coast. This place is integrally linked to Rappan Athuk, The Sword of Air, Stoneheart Valley, The Borderlands, Barakus, The Sundered Kingdoms and about a dozen of the Quests of Doom adventures. Heck, it’s the starting point for Sword of Air. Anyone playing in the Lost Lands will benefit greatly from this book.

If you don’t play in the Lost Lands, but just need a city, it works for that as well. Ok, time to do a Grognard check—how many over 40’s used the City State booklet for every city in every area of their game world? The best part about a book like Bard’s Gate is that you can grab bits and pieces of it for use as a city adventure or you can use the whole as canon material—your choice. After all, who doesn’t want to visit Tenkar’s Tavern or Thilo’s Scriptorium? There are Easter Eggs galore throughout the city, and dozens of side quests and adventures that can be tailored for low, medium and high level player characters at the GM’s discretion.

Skeeter and Casey have done a wonderful job of expanding and re-imagining the work that Clark Peterson and I produced back in 2003-2004—this city is much bigger and better than it was before—this is not just a window dressing of the existing material. We have modified most of it and added over 120,000 words of new material.
We designed this book to be used, not to sit on the shelf (ok, the metal one is designed to sit on the shelf, it weighs too much to use at a table I fear). Care was taken to make it so you as the GM can easily read, find and follow plot lines and connections within the book and thereby maximize its utility. After all, since the player characters need to return to a city after killing the dragon and rescuing the princess, you might as well have something waiting for them that wants to kill them!

So that’s about it, except for one final note about the giant maps—these are an experiment, and literally can be used as a table cloth or shower curtain. I know they are pricy, but as we are unlikely to make many of them, our costs are fairly high. They are made of cloth and are quite durable. We had one prototype in Dallas last month, and about 20 folks wanted to buy it from us. I can say that one will be going on my wall (and used as a table mat when the party enters the City). Again, we focused this on utility. It makes it very easy to tell where folks are if the party decides to split, where one goes to the armor shop and another goes to the sewers to visit a certain guild. While not quite to miniature scale (it would have been 14 feet long), this still may be the coolest map I have ever seen (ok, geek mode off).
Thank you all again for your patronage of FGG, and I hope we continue to delight you with our books and other products.
30 JUN 16

ps--coming soon, Mountains of Madness by Tom Knauss, Quests of Doom 4, and a few other surprises!

Publisher, Frog God Games

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From me Steve. We are currently writing a large, expanded version.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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The cards are neat. I am shocked how much I use my SW cards.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Hop on board guys and gals! We need your support!

One week left for us to make this behemoth a reality. We have folks lined up for supporting materials, and if we dont hit the stretch goals, we will get them on the calendar for later this year. Anyone who has played in my convention games over the past 8 months has had a preview of mine.

Richard's writing is truly lovely--I forget the beauty of the Queen's English. If you are on the fence, get in now. You will not be disappointed.

This book also works well for those of you who made New Years resolutions to start weight lifting again!

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Modules and players guide may be a bit longer. But I understand the big books left yhe printer Friday.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Books are still at printer. Pre orders should be up. The modules are a hair behind, and should be at the printer soon. Bear with us, the holidays slowed everyone fown a bit. Well, except Chuck

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Thank you for your service James. Anyone in warm sunny places serving our country deserves anything we can do to help them.


Publisher, Frog God Games

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You hit the jackpot again. Very old board game from the 1970s. Pricey.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Oh yeah. FGG is totally solid. Necromancer had different IP and then, well, 4th edition zapped us and our publisher and fulfillment center was acquired by another company.

We do all of that in house now.

Grab bags are more about warehouse space and overstock than anything else. We need room for the new books. Heck, Northlands alone will fill up 6-8 pallet spaces.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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All you pirates out there keep an eye on FGG tomorrow for a special deal on all Razor Coast books. Its time to get the add on adventures (Heart of the Razor) and those extra copies of the players guide (Freebooters) that each of your players need! Details tomorrow!

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Booming start! Let's get this yhing funded so we can announce some very cool stretch goals!

Publisher, Frog God Games

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a different sale and update each week--some may have trick or tgreat puzzles!

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Its big--target is a June Kickstarter--its being revised, edited and having a ton of new material added, well, right now.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Very important. News soon

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Publisher, Frog God Games

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I just read Endzeitgiests review of Sword of Air. Wow. I am pleased and humbled by his words. If anyone can post the link, I am failing to do so on my phone.


Publisher, Frog God Games

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Lol. Steve, I actually think we were a little unclear. But Kickstarters interface foes not help. Thank God for backerkit.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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New add ons, new pledge levels, and almost there! ands-saga-complete/comments

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Read this--its free. My Book of Dirty Tricks provides a dissertation on the topic as well, as does my short module MCMLXXV (1975)

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Happy Krista's Day! What is Krista's Day you ask? Well, it's the day that we appreciate Mama Frog and all of the hard work she puts into fulfilling all of your orders by offering ridiculous discounts on excellent titles!

You see, as we've been adding more and more books to the Lost Lands series, we've been steadily running low on warehouse space. We just took delivery on the Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms Player's Guide and we had to shift quite a few boxes. This has resulted in some of our inventory spilling into Mama Frog's office, which is the final straw!

We've divided various physical products up into groups of 40%, 60%, and 80% OFF their retail price! For many of these items, once they're gone, they're gone for good so get them while they last

Use the following coupon codes during checkout depending on the items you have in your cart

•40% OFF: KRISTA-40
•60% OFF: KRISTA-60
•80% OFF: KRISTA-80

The sale ends Sunday 7-19-2015 at Midnight (PST),

so get your game on!


Razor Coast HARDCOVER for only $59.99! (regular price $99.99)

Freebooter's Guide HARDCOVER for only $11.99! (regular price $19.99)

Heart of the Razor HARDCOVER for only $23.99! (regular price $39.99)

The Lost Lands: Stoneheart Valley HARDCOVER for only $19.99! (regular price $32.99)

$100 Grab Bag for only $60.00! (regular price $100.00)


The Tome of Horrors 4 HARDCOVER for only $19.99! (regular price $49.99)

The Voyage Package: Razor Coast, Heart of the Razor, Freebooter's Guide, and Fire as she Bears, all for only $71.98! (regular price $179.96)

Head to the site to see other sales for this weekend!

Publisher, Frog God Games

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We have bunches in the works guys--major focus right now is on fleshing out the area...that being said, RA never sleeps:)

Publisher, Frog God Games

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I suggest Stoneheart Valley series (Crucible et al) to get them started. Heck, there could be easy-import clues in the shadow-wizard's lair, for example.

This one is intended to be a long, long journey...

Publisher, Frog God Games

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and SW version would be a very short book--we will release a compilation of the adventures for SW at some point though--late this year I think--maybe 5e too

Publisher, Frog God Games

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SOA is in Long Beach in customs--scheduled to arrive here around the 25th!

Publisher, Frog God Games

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I disintegrated a black gate when I played with Greg!

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Character Killing session was a Kickstarter exclusive add on book (short module). Cerannan was misled by Steve to steal the book--it had the symbol inside.

Steve is almost a demi-god--he can corrupt anyone:)

Publisher, Frog God Games

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What happens when you take some the best adventure writers in the world, and set them loose to assemble a book of masterpiece-level challenges for players? Quests of Doom, that’s what happens!

Dead tree books coming mid April--those of you who missed the Kickstarter, its now for sale! ( )

This book is packed with 18 adventures in over 300 pages, by acclaimed and award-winning authors Ed Greenwood (The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, The City of Splendors),Bill Webb (Rappan Athuk, The Lost City of Barakus), Matt Finch (Swords & Wizardry, Tome of Adventure Design), J. Collura (Caverns of Thracia Reloaded, Chaos Rising), Michael Curtis (The Dungeon Alphabet, Realms of Crawling Chaos),Casey Christofferson (The Tome of Horrors, City of Brass), Steve Winter (Tyranny of Dragons, Murder in Baldur’s Gate), James M. Ward (Gamma World, Pool of Radiance, Castle Keeper’s Guide), and Skip Williams (Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, The Rod of Seven Parts).

Containing some of our older adventures (Demons & Devils and Vampires & Liches), and a vast array of new ones, your players will be pitted against the craftiest and most sinister adventure-writers we could find, to give you more of our Adventures Worth Winning!

Available for both Pathfinder Roleplaying Game 5e (as two volumes)and Swords & Wizardry (Original Edition retro-clone rules).

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