
Bealzius Cremnor's page

125 posts. Alias of stardust.

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Hello everyone, I am thinking of starting a game of Arcana Evolved.

The Campaign
Although the campaign will be less structured than a Paizo Adventure Path, it will be somewhat story based. We will begin play in De-Shamod, the City of the Diamond Throne and capital of the Lands of the Diamond Throne (heavily ruled by giants).

Character Creation
All Arcana Evolved races and classes allowed, including the Totem Speaker, and classes from Iron Heroes (except the Arcanist) on an individual basis. Spellcasters with the Priest feat get access to a domain of spells and a special ability.

Use the following Array for your character abilities: 18, 16, 16, 14, 12, 10. Place them in any order.

Since there is no alignment in Arcana Evolved, please come up with character goals and motivations in addition to backstory and description.

I will be running skills very differently from traditional 3rd edition. I miss the days of 2nd edition when people mainly used their ability scores to determine what they could do. That being said, I know some people will prefer to use skills, so I've come up with something I think will work well. At 1st level, you'll receive skillpoints equal to your Intelligence bonus to put in any skills you would like, each skillpoint providing a +1 bonus to that skill. At each additional level, you may rearrange a number of skillpoints equal to your Intelligence bonus. A character will receive a +3 bonus on all skills regarded as class skills for their character class.

Fate Points and Hit Points
Another mechanic I will introduce to make hitpoints and skillpoints interesting to run, is the use of Fate Points. Each level, all characters receive 1d6 hitpoints +8 fate points. A fate point may either be used as a hit point or a skill point. So, for example, a character that wants to focus on being a warrior may not want to deal with skills at all, and just take the full 8 fate points as hit points. A character that wants to focus on skills can take the 1d6 hitpoints and all 8 fate points (or fewer if he wants more hitpoints) as skill points.

100 Fantasy Archetypes

Roll 1d100 for each race (or nation or group of people) just to throw some ideas out there for things they might find interesting or unusual. Roll 1d100 twice for even more ideas.

1 Jack of All Trades
2 Loremaster
3 Sage
4 Holy Warrior
5 King's Man / King's Woman
6 Rebel
7 Land's Redeemer
8 Mysterious Wise One
9 Preserver of Life
10 Dilettante
11 Spellcasting Warrior
12 War Mage
13 Doomspeaker
14 Priest
15 Teacher
16 Avenger
17 Chosen One
18 Guardian
19 Questing Knight
20 Combat Devotee
21 Contemplative Knight
22 Castle Defender
23 Spellsword
24 Trap Master
25 Beastmaster
26 Spirit Follower
27 Wise Warrior
28 Bored Noble
29 Pirate
30 Roguish Hero
31 Street Lurker
32 Grizzled Veteran
33 Knight of the Silver Sword
34 Military Leader
35 Warguild Member
36 Dreamer
37 Tribal Shaman
38 Unwilling Mage
39 Guardian of the Wilds
40 City Speaker
41 Wild One
42 Frontier Warrior
43 Master of the Bow
44 Guild Assassin
45 Knight of the Realm
46 Steel Warrior
47 Barbarian at odds with civilization
48 Berserker Cultist
49 Militant Fanatic
50 Mystic Assassin
51 Crone's Ranger
52 War Dancer
53 Warrior of the Nameless Good
54 Rugged Frontierman
55 Fighting Prodigy
56 Skilled Veteran
57 Organized Crime Member
58 Merchant Prince
59 Ascetic Combatant
60 Duelist
61 Heretic
62 Mysterious Sorcerer
63 Arcane Researcher
64 Investigator
65 Military Historian
66 Spy
67 Riddlemaster
68 Negotiator
69 Storyteller
70 Giver of Blessings
71 Stargazer
72 Prophet
73 Enlightened One
74 History Keeper
75 Staffmaster
76 Bounty Hunter
77 Driven Avenger
78 Master of Beasts
79 Wayfinder
80 World Traveler
81 Pretender
82 Daredevil
83 Possessed
84 Tactician
85 Dark Curious
86 Agent
87 Innocent
88 Explorer
89 Orphan
90 Scientist
91 Healer
92 Royalty
93 Skilled Master
94 Skilled Apprentice
95 Spiritual Seeker
96 Defender
97 Egomaniac
98 Servant of the Crown
99 Rebel
100 Roll twice, ignoring result of 100.

You stand before the doors leading to the great Assembly Chamber of the Consel of Regents, the imperial senate of the Lin~Sharel empire (known also as Luna Silver colloquially and though it is frowned upon by the governors of Lin~Sharel, also as the Silver Empire) On either side of the doors, the great banners of Lin~Sharel wave boldly, one white, one black, both with an artisan's beautiful rendition of a round silver shield with sapphire, emerald, ruby, citrine, and a diamond in the center.

You notice there are others standing outside the Assembly Chamber as well, and that they have likely also been summoned. Why, however, is anyone's guess.

The doors open suddenly, tall and graceful doors that could only be crafted (and perhaps even enjoyed as architectural wonders) by the long-lived elves of Lin~Sharel. Nearly twice the height of a normal man, they swing gracefully, without sound, and as though they were as light as a scrap of cloth.

A tall male elf in an elegant robe of black and white, with silver trim throughout stands and looks at you all, taking you individually into account. It seems a long time passes before he says anything. "So you came." The lilting elven dialect taints the common tongue, and it is obvious that this is a man more used to speaking in Elven than in the common tongue. "It has taken me more than my fair share of influence in the Consel of Regents to have you brought here, and freed from the chains that previously bound you." The elf arches an eyebrow, and it is apparent that when he said the word 'chains' he was implying both the physical and figurative varieties. "I am Lord Havellin, and while most of you do not need to make your introductions to me, these patient co-sufferers might have some need to know a little of each of you. You will be working together after all."

He swiftly turns away, heading back towards the large assembly chamber. A hooded figure waits there, watching from the doorway before it too steps forward into the light. Its robes were made of coarse brown linen, but were clean, sashed at the waist with a belt of colored ribbons woven together. "And I, Regent. Will I not be introduced as well." The figure removes her hood, revealing a feline face with a thick lion's mane that shook itself loose as the hood was pulled back. "I am Paleira St. Adronis, a Monk of the Saints of Avalon. I am a cultural attache to the Consel of Regents, meaning I basically inform the Consel about the affairs of the Seven, when I am able. Likewise, I record and transmit the histories of Lin~Sharel's political decisions... (at least the ones I am privy to), to the Monks of Avalon. We are a large, and influential order... interested only in maintaining education, treating the sick and injured, and preserving peace between the kingdoms, when we are able."

"I am sure they know most of that, Paleira." The elven lord spoke again, this time he stood further afield and looked back towards the group as he waited for them to follow him.

I've decided to open enrollment for this 'campaign', but before you come up with character ideas, there's another more important question in the Discussion thread of this campaign. Namely, the general feel and geography of the campaign to take place. Once that's determined, I'll post character creation guidelines.

This is a Pathfinder game, but it takes place in my own homebrew campaign. (which I call Kingdoms of the Seven Continents, strangely enough.) Most of the core races are the same, but there are some new ones and some of the races that you're familiar with from Pathfinder are altered somewhat.

Determining the Continent of our campaign will be the first priority, though, and the differences between those is described on the Discussion page.

Thank you for your interest.

Another thing, if you plan on submitting a character (once we determine the continent we'll be playing on), I would appreciate reading some of your other PBP threads, if they're available. This way I can determine if my DM style and your play style are compatible.

This is a closed game (currently) as I am mainly inviting the players from a game we were in that collapsed recently due to the GM absence.

So before we get started creating characters, I'd like to know which of the Seven Continents we should have our adventure on?

Siterica: Dominated by three massive empires The Gyndramontian Empire, the Slaydark Empire, and the Ardenian Empire, Siterica is a continent of wars and revolutions. Several individual kingdoms have broken away from the larger empires, and the main two empires are at war with one another (Gnydramontian and Ardenian, with the Slaydark Empire between them.) (A European flavor)

Shodune: A continent of unbearable deserts and hot steaming jungles, this is a realm of collapsing kingdoms, monstrous humanoid kingdoms rising up in the deeper jungles, and a few Shodunian tribes devoted to survival and the mystic order of the Universal Lords. (A Middle East to Indian flavor)

Flangrica: A mostly pleasant continent of verdune forests and peaceful plains, Flangrica is the original homeland of the elves. But they are a people divided by civil unrest, and the rising up of dark elves in the caverns beneath the forests. (An Elven Flavor?)

Mistika: South of the Shodune continent and connected to it by an isthmus that has been successfully canaled, this is the homeland of the gnomes, but recently it has become a sort of battlefield between two powerful faiths: the goddesses of Law and Chaos, Titania and Urnia, both claim the continent as their own. This has sparked an interest of the cosmic variety and many divine and infernal agents can be found throughout the continent (including Aasimar and Tieflings, among other races, such as Wingeds (winged elves), and Beldahvs (half-dwarf, half-elf). (A cosmopolitan flavor with European accents, some technological development, and Cosmic encounters)

Azkia: A smaller continent with only three kingdoms on it. One ruled by Genies and Ifrits as they seek to control the air elementals and fire elementals that fight over the desert. A second kingdom of hardy desert dwarves, a theocracy following the dwarven god Zurik Fireburner. The third area is a thick, jungle/swamp that is overcome with some unnatural decaying disease. The ziggurat cities in this swamp are overrun with the undead. (Survival campaign flavor with lots of undead).

Peskun: This continent was once the original homeland of the dwarves, but the giant mountain ranges eventually fell to magma elementals and lavabirds in response to the dwarves digging too deeply into the earth. The great empire here was lost, and the mountains burst forth with flame and great explosions (the dwarves here had developed lava and gunpowder technologies). The continent was (in a word) devastated. But kingdoms are rising up again in the rich lands, and some dwarves are attempting to take back their ancient homeland. Peskun is a continent rich in resources with no superpower to guard them. (A bit of a squabblefest. Independently minded kingdoms do their own thing, usually in conflict with others. These kingdoms are just starting out though, and could easily fall without the right assistance.)

Isle of Avalon: Not really a continent, but it's included in the list of Seven Continents because of its cultural importance to the Kingdoms as a whole. So let me know which of these continents we should go to.

Goblin Squad Member

It looks like Sandbox is the way to go... Might throw some competition up for you guys?

Youtube (Most anticipated MMORPGS of 2013)

A Gathering of Power

An image of the external of the academy.

As the professors arrive from distant lands, they find the doors to the Central Hall of the Academy wide open. A notice written in elegant calligraphy is posted to the open door.


Welcome, my esteemed colleagues to Dragonvale Academy. I regret that I am unable to greet you personally. I must visit with the other Powers of the Valley. Something has been disturbing them of late, and they have grown restless. I do not think I need to tell you this, but a disturbed dragon is always a thing of concern.
I know that you all have made great sacrifices to come here, and those sacrifices are not in vain. With the enchanted jewels your sacrifices purchased, I was able to create the staves you will find in the Central Hall, leaning on the banister of the Grand Stairs. These staves will serve you well, while you are here, for they will allow you to access the areas of the Academy that are closed off to students and visitors. In addition, they will psychically imprint and take on a form that matches your personality, and may be enchanted if you so desire. I have already instilled in them a lesser enchantment that will allow you to program one spell of your choosing into the staff, to be used once per day as you require.
Please make yourself at home. Your rooms are on the third floor and in the Tower of Trans beyond the Impossible Stair. (Just don't look down.) I look forward to meeting you all.
Vertius Nightingale.

Allow me to present something interesting I am working on using the Mythic rules. Another fascinating tv/anime trope. :P

Crown of Domination
Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 20th (mythic 10)
Slot Head; Price -; Weight 1 lb

This elegant crown of platinum is crafted to look like two entwined serpents with dragons heads. One eye is a sapphire, the other a crimson ruby. The two serpents are devouring a large diamond at the center. The diamond appears to glitter excessively, sometimes even shedding light in a 5 foot radius for no apparent reason, but this light is slowly drained by the serpents, and the ruby and sapphire glow dimly instead.

If a nonmythic creature touches the crown, it releases a blast of mythic power as a mythic color spray, and the crown can choose to speak to the creature that touched it. If the creature demonstrates intelligence or an inquisitiveness, and an eagerness for power, the crown will claim the creature and empathically communicate that it should be worn. If the creature wears the crown, the diamond gleams briefly, then power is granted to the creature as a mythic power.

From that point on, the crown subtly influences its wearer, forcing it to seek out a mythic path of leadership as a marshal, and will assist a creature in pursuing great quests and challenges. The crown has a sense of when Other mythic creatures are present, or are gone.

The Crown of Dominion corrupts its wearer over time, but the powers of the Crown are great indeed. The wearer learns to be a powerful leader, dreams of being a powerful leader, corrupting the people. The weakness of Hubris and Insanity may not be unbecoming for those influenced by the crown.

Alright. I know there are already a few threads out there already about the films that are the scariest. I'm working my hardest to categorize and determine which of them actually terrify.

To me, personally, I feel like supernatural horror from the late 70s and early 80s was exceptionally terrifying. These films capture the essence of Helplessness and Powerlessness and communicate them exceedingly well.

A lot of horror movies seem to be based on the jump-out-and-scare tactic, which while it provides an adrenaline rush by activating the fight/flight response, isn't really terrifying.

So I've categorized what I can remember into the movies that actually have captured genuine terror:

Supernatural Thrillers:
The Exorcist, the Director's Cut
The Entity
Carrie (the original, not the remake)
Paranormal Activity (the original, not the theatrical release)

Horrors of Human Depravity:
Last House on the Left (the original, not the remake)

Unexplicable Thriller:
The Birds

Psychological Thriller:
The Turn of the Screw (the black and white original, not the remake)
A Nest of Serpents

Not all psychological thrillers provide true feelings of terror; but those that have pressed and pushed and prodded the mind into questioning itself and its experiences of reality... to the edge, will definitely count.

Most horrors these days provide cheap thrills designed to illicit an adrenaline rush. What we are searching for, however, at least for the purposes of the list I am putting together, are films that have somehow captured true feelings of terror. A chill at the revelation of Evil. Something posing a threat that cannot be seen or dealt with, where the fight-flight response is useless. These are what I'm trying to find expressed in film.

Supernatural Thrillers sometimes include ghost stories, but I feel like this is a cheap shot. If the experience can be walked away from, its not truly terrifying. Flight is a valid response, and in order to avoid the safety of flight-fight responses; there has to be something that the flight-fight response cannot deal with.

Horrors of Human Depravity: These types of film reveal the base and vile nature of humankind in film format. Sometimes these films elicit only feelings of disgust and sadness, but in order to evoke genuine psychological terror, there has to be something that crosses a line in the mind. Some societal contract must be breached in a believable and meaningful manner.

The Unexplained: There are many documentaries and mockumentaries or that style of film that research or seem to be researching unexplained phenomena. However, the true terror can only be experienced when it is directly observed, not simply communicated, and again, the flight-fight response is avoided.

The Psychological Thriller: Films that express madness or a person going insane in a believable and descriptive manner are effective tools of terror. Again, going insane or watching someone else go insane is not something that can be avoided with the flight-fight response.

Most other horror films exhibit things that can be avoided by the flight-fight response. Run away from it or kill it.

Another thing in these films is that the audience (in order to be genuinely horrified or terrorized) must be emotionally invested in the main characters of the film, either by empathizing or sympathizing.

So my question to you, if you can find films that incorporate these elements (old or new), I'd love to give them a try and add them to my list of True Horror Films.

Is this still active? Has anyone been a part of it? What was/is your experience... It looks fun, from their website, amazing screenshots, but nothing really recent, it seems.

Hi everyone. We've lost a few players in the past few weeks, so I think we're looking to hire on some extra help, so to speak.

We are 5th level now, and here are the creation guidelines:

-20 point stat buy
-Max hit points at 1st level.
-2 traits (non-overlapping) You can choose a background trait from the Player's Guide if you like, but it's not mandatory.
-Average starting gold according to class
-No evil alignments

I'm not exactly sure how Megan wants you to generate hitpoints for the other levels, but we've been rolling them during character level.

Our current characters are:

Myself, a CG crossbow weapon master/sniper rogue.
Asherick Whiteplume, a LG paladin of Iomedae.
(Mildly irritating if exposed to eyes or mouth. Do not eat! That burning sensation is paladiny goodness.)
and his less irritating sidekick Majenko, a pseudodragon (bound to serve for a year if I remember correctly).
Shakhan, a N savage barbarian.
(Keep your arms and legs away from the barbarian at all times. I won't be held responsible for lost or damaged items.)

We recently lost:

Hytogg, a NG human wizard (illusionist)/cleric of Nethys who was called away when an Ustalavian peer passed away and left him unusual instructions in his will.

Varrel, a NG half-elf magus. (Who I think has now devoted his full time to freeing slaves.)

Diggle Spindlewell, a CN gnome sorcerer who sometimes did rather strange things. (But that's CN for you.) (I'm not exactly certain what happened to him.)

So I think we're looking to boost back up our divine and arcane support.

Posting Times: Megan has a demanding position as a University professor, but so far we're all getting along with posting, just remembering to take that into account.

Roleplaying: In quite a few times so far in the campaign, we've managed to have volatile arguments (except for Shakhan, who just stayed out of it), due to alignment differences. (It can be fun if you don't internalize the argument too much, which I admit to being in danger of doing once or twice.) So, just be aware that, if you join, some of our characters already have developed... chemistry? animosity? Or course Una prickles against just about everything. Anyway, if our other players or DM want to say something I'll step out and see what's going on.

Or feel free to read for yourself. The Discussion Board and the Gameplay Board.

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Bestiary 2 presents a new foe for adventurers to overcome, a deadly assortment of chaotic evil outsiders that resonate with dreadful and disgusting evil: the Qlippoth. Being a Cthulhuphile, I was immediately intrigued by them and set out to do some more research. I found that they may be more based on actual magick, spiritual truth than I believe is spiritually safe: they are based on the Kabbalistic Qliphoth: the embodiment of evil in the sacred Tree of Life.

So I have decided to introduce the counter-beings to the Qlippoth in my own Pathfinder games (in and out of Golarion), also based on Kabbalistic spiritual beings: The Seraphim. (Sing. Seraph)

At the height of the Mountain of Heaven lies a region known only as the Summit of Heaven. "There within its walls, each newborn archon undergoes a mysterious transformation, though none of them quite recalls exactly what transpires" (The Great Beyond, p. 38). The Summit of Heaven lies at the conflux of two dimensions, Heaven and the Chorus of Creation. This realm is unlike any other Outer Plane, but it is higher than the Heights of Heaven and mysterious to many who wonder the realms. Few can even acknowledge its presence (requiring a Knowledge (planes) check DC 40 to be aware of.) Within the Chorus of Creation lies a race of celestials known as the Seraphim. Their origin remains a mystery to most who have attempted to understand them, but it is said they are intricately tied to their plane, the Chorus of Creation itself, which seems to have manifested as a result (or in conflict to) the natural entropy, chaos, and destruction that fills the Cosmos.
Most Seraphim have vaguely human shapes with many massive wings of beautiful energy. A few have other forms, though. Seraphim take on shapes of pure celestial energy, representing the act of creation itself, but perhaps more importantly assuming shapes and powers opposite of their most destructive foe the Qlippoth. And yet, the Seraphim have never completely set out to destroy the Qlippoth, often sending out Angels and Archons to perform such deeds for them. But there may be a reason why the Seraphim do not attempt to kill the Qlippoth. As each Qlippoth was spawned from the nothingness at the beginning of time, so the Seraphim were spawned from the light and creative power infused in the stars themselves. They are mystically tied, the Qlippoth, and the Seraphim. It is rumored the Guardians of Creation and the Guardians of Entropy are trapped in some mystical balancing act preventing the Qlippoth Lords from battling with the Seraphim Lords (Elohim), and vice versa.
The Seraphim inspire both paladins and bards with their beautiful acts of creation. The Seraphim seek to exhibit light in it purest and most beautiful forms with love, hope, and inspiration of creative acts. Even their acts of destruction are mostly creative in nature, and few Seraphim seek to destroy something without recognizing its place in the Song of Creation. To the Seraphim, everything in existence exists for some purpose, a divinely understood purpose, and the Songs that the Seraphim sing help them to understand how Creation and Entropy balance one another.
All Seraphim wish to understand and participate in the acts of Creation, beautiful and harmonious emotions, and the greater effects of goodness that even angels and archons have a difficult time perceiving or understanding. If anything, a Seraphim can be said to embody the purest ideals of goodness and perfection. They care for mortal's emotions, societies, and many aspects of the physical planes. They are concerned when fear, chaos, or confusion tear them apart. Though sorrow has a special place in the beauty of Creation.
Some Seraphim interact regularly with mortals, inspiring them to greater deeds, to produce great works of art, music, and literature, or to engage with all Creation in a meditative way. Even war, for the right cause, is inspired by these beautiful beings. Other Seraphim seek to protect life, and do not engage in war. It seems that the different types of Seraphim know their places well, and act in accordance and harmony with one another, all in accordance with the Song of Creation.
When called via spells like planar ally, seraphim are not judgemental of their host's life or existing alignment. They seek to transform evil into good by helping them understand the beauty of Creation. When not transforming evil to good, they protect pregnant mothers and innocent children from harm.

Seraphim (sing. Seraph) are lawful good outsiders from the Heavenly realm of the Chorus of Creation..

  • Immunity to fire, mind-affecting effects, sonic attacks, and poison
  • Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10
  • Beatific Appearance (Su): All seraphim have a benign, beautiful appearance that those who gaze upon them are calmed or blessed by their encounter. A seraph can present itself as a standard action to beatify the senses of living creatures within 30 feet. The exact effects of the seraph's appearance vary by the type of Seraph. This ability is a mind-affecting gaze attack. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the seraph's Hit Dice + the seraph's Charisma modifier) reduces or negates this effect.
  • Truespeech. All Seraphim can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (CL 14th). This ability is always active.
  • Light Being. All Seraphim have an inherent connection to the astral plane, and may access the astral plane at least once a day, as through astral projection (except that the Seraph transfers entirely to the astral plane, converting his or her body into an astral form.) Some Seraphim have the beam teleport movement speed. (6,000,000,000 ft or 1,116,000 miles). A beam teleport movement can move through any space or barrier through which light can move.
  • Harmonious Spirit. All Seraphim are aware of the Songs of Creation, and have a special relationship to music, both inspiring it and being inspired by it. A Seraphim may be inspired (or otherwise positively influenced) by bardic performance, and can also be fascinated, even though these are normally mentally-affecting effects. All Seraphim possess the countersong ability and can use it as a bard with levels equal to its hitdice.
  • Except where otherwise noted, Seraphim speak Celestial.

Sovereign Court

Would a chaotic good character make a citizen's arrest of a lawful good character that was endangering himself and society?

Welcome to Dragonvale Academy.

Now recruiting the first teachers of the academy. Hoping to recruit 6 able-bodied men and women from all races and walks of arcane life willing to teach magic and associated courses to students willing to learn. But first, we must establish a curriculum and begin building the school. And the Dragons of Dragonvale must be contended with. -Vertius Nightingale

Character Creation:

Create a 10th level arcane spellcaster, using the Words of Power alternative to the Vancian spell system. You have 25 points to purchase ability scores. Combat will be mainly Pathfinder in nature. Spells and Magic will be based on Words of Power system. Do not select skills or feats, however you may take on class abilities of the selected levels.
All spellcasters, regardless of class, will be bound to an arcane staff, which may be decorated as suits the character. Four Words of Power may be inscribed on the staff, to enable the spellcaster to cast a Wordspell build on those Words of Power once per day. This ability replaces arcane bond, but is in addition to the familiar ability of an arcane sorcerer or wizard. All arcane spellcasters may eventually claim a familiar as part of the ritual feats system we'll be using.
In addition to the staff, each participant will have a 5,000 gp (or less) magic item and a 10,000 gp (or less) magic item.

Character Conversion:

We'll be converting some of the Pathfinder character rules to Runeforged rules, once they've been built. Add the ability score bonuses from Strength and Constitution. This is the new Body score. Add the ability bonuses from Dexterity and Intelligence. This is the new Mind score. Add the ability bonuses from Wisdom and Charisma. This is the new Spirit score. These scores will be the basis of the Runeforged skill system: Strength, Endurance, and Health based on the Body score.
Society, Intellect, and Agility based on the Mind score.
Magic, Willpower, and Luck based on the Spirit score.
In addition to these base scores, each character has an additional 6 points to spread between the Runeforged skills. (One at first level, and one for each even level).
(Other rules will be posted on the campaign information page.)

Academic Requirements:

All masters of the school must introduce three texts as discussed in the recruitment thread. These books will be looked over by the masters present, once convened, and we will determine which of these to use in the school's curriculum and libraries.

I'd like to see if anyone is interested in being in a roleplaying experience based loosely on Dragonvale Academy in the computer game Keepsake.

I'm not entirely certain how I would run this game, but one idea is to recruit 6 10th level arcane spellcasters (Pathfinder) using the words of power system: 25 pt buy, standard wealth, no alignments*

To facilitate actual roleplaying, we will not be playing with alignments. But I encourage the players to come up with a Motives section for their character's personality. (It may be kept secret from other players if desired).

Arcane Spellcasters who wish to apply as an Adept of Dragonvale Academy must demonstrate knowledge in the arcane by having written no fewer than 3 books, each of which dealing with 5 major volumes of information regarding magical, arcane, spell, or monstrous knowledge.

As the primary function of the spell is education in arcane arts, not necessarily combat magic, I'd invite participating spellcasters to expand the words of power system to incorporate words of power that can be used in civil and natural circumstances.

I may decide to go with a gaming system much sleeker in design (a homebrew based on Runebound the game board), but that will depend on the views of everyone else. Combat will not be a focus in this game, as this is a roleplaying experience of social interaction.

I know that posting this here will likely generate more guffaws that actual attempts to assist the person involved (who is not myself), but I told the one involved I'd ask for assistance since the one seems very insistent on getting through this on one's own.

Some of the things I've suggested have been the gold star calendar, where one gives one's self a gold star for each day the undesired activity is avoided and then there's a large reward for so many gold stars at the end of a month.

I did ask my spiritual adviser what I could inform this person, and he said that the most important thing was to make the one not be judgmental towards one's self. I've passed that on, but not sure how helpful it is.
The spiritual adviser seems to think (I believe) that this is a phase that one will grow out of.

Anyway, any suggestions would be welcome (although please remember to abide by posting guidelines).

Liberty's Edge

Anyone using this? I'm getting the new Ipad in a few days (managed to order it on day 1), and I was wondering how good Dungeon Mapp is. It looks awesome.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am working on a few archetypes for my home brew campaign, and thought these were interesting. I hope none of them are overpowered, but please let me know what you think.

Chivalrous Knight (Fighter archetype)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A chivalrous knight is not proficient with any light weapons or light armor, or ranged weapons such as darts or crossbows, morally questionable weapons such as shield or armor spikes, or any other weapon that does not rely on his own strength to use properly. He is not proficient with bows, except for composite bows.
Skills: Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis) are class skills for the chivalrous knight.
Code of Chivalry (Ex) A chivalrous knight must show courage in the face of danger, mercy to those who have wronged him, and charity to the poor and the meek. He must be just and honorable at all times and in all things. He must defend his honor and, above all else, the honor of those he serves. If a chivalrous knight fails to uphold the code of chivalry, he is cursed and shaken in combat until remove curse or he atones for his misdeeds by atonement. A chivalrous knight is bound by his code to not attack a helpless foe, flank an enemy, or attack a flat-footed enemy.
Voice of the People (Ex) At 1st level, the chivalrous knight gains a +4 competence bonus to Diplomacy skill checks. Further, people who are indifferent or friendly toward the character are more likely to trust him than they are to trust someone else they are indifferent or friendly toward. This ability replaces the bonus fighter combat feat gained at first level.
Courage and Honor (Ex) At 2nd level, the chivalrous knight gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects and fear effects, and this bonus increases every four levels beyond 2nd (to a maximum of +6 at 20th level). This ability replaces bravery and armor training 1.
Challenge Foe (Ex) At 3rd level, a chivalrous knight can choose one enemy to challenge. This foe must be within hearing range of the chivalrous knight, and the challenge must be verbally issued and responded to (as a language-dependent effect). The chivalrous knight gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, and a +2 morale bonus on damage rolls when attacking that enemy. Both of these bonuses increase by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of +5 on attack rolls and +6 on damage rolls at 19th level). The chivalrous knight can choose and challenge a new enemy as a move action, ending the effects of the previous challenge. (A chivalrous knight cannot challenge more than one foe at a time.) This ability replaces weapon training 1 and 2.
Heraldic Device (Ex) At 5th level, a chivalrous knight gains a surcoat or other prominent symbol that displays over his armor. While wearing this surcoat, he gains a +1 bonus on intimidate skill checks, and enemies in melee suffer -1 on attack rolls. These bonuses and penalties increase by 1 for every four levels beyond 5th (to a maximum of +3 and -3 at 17th level). The bonuses and penalties do not apply while the chivalrous knight is dazed, helpless, staggered, stunned, or unconscious. This ability replaces armor training 2, 3, 4 and armor mastery.
Heraldic Prestige (Ex) At 9th level, a chivalrous knight's coat of arms or prominent symbol is well recognized for the good deeds he has done. Allies within 30 feet of the chivalrous knight have a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saving throws against fear. At 13th level, this bonus increases to +2. Further, the heraldic arms increase the chivalric knight's Leadership score (if any) by +2, and the starting attitudes of unfriendly, indifferent, and friendly creatures are increased by one category if they have heard of the knight's exploits when they encounter him. The bonuses do not apply when the chivalrous knight is dazed, helpless, staggered, stunned, or unconscious. This ability replaces weapon training 3 and 4.

I'm not sure what the chivalrous knight's capstone ability should be, or if it should just remain weapon mastery.

Draconic Ascendant (Wizard archetype)
Draconic Familiar (Su) At 1st level, a draconic ascendant gains a pseudodragon familiar. This ability replaces arcane bond and cantrips, but the draconic ascendant gains the detect magic and read magic cantrips and places them in his spellbook. He can cast either of these as 1st level spells.
School of the Dragon: The strange rituals needed to empower and bind dragons limit a wizard's ability to unlock other arcane mysteries. At 1st level, a draconic ascendant forsakes three schools of magic. Once chosen, these opposition schools cannot be changed. A draconic ascendant who prepares spells from his opposition school must use two spell slots of that level to prepare the spell. In addition, a draconic ascendant takes a -4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic item that has a spell from one of his opposition schools as a prerequisite. This ability replaces arcane school.
Arcane Discoveries: The following arcane discoveries are only avaiable to a draconic ascendant.
Empower Dragon, Draconic Transformation, Dragon Companion, Dragonrider

Empower Dragon (Arcane Discovery)
Through strange rituals, you can bind magical power to your draconic familiar.
Benefit: Select one of the following templates to apply to your pseudodragon familiar: Half-Celestial, Half-Fiend. Once chosen, this template cannot be changed. The pseudodragon's alignment changes with this arcane discovery, so the use of it may be a good or evil act.

Draconic Transformation (Arcane Discovery)
Your pseudodragon familiar goes into a cocoon of magical energy and emerges as a true dragon.
Benefit: You must be a 10th level draconic ascendant to select this arcane discovery. Your pseudodragon familiar becomes a wyrmling of any chromatic or metallic dragon. It remains your familiar. If it had a template, the template remains, but half-celestial pseudodragons can only become metallic dragons, and half-fiend pseudodragons can only become chromatic dragons.

Dragon Companion (Arcane Discovery)
In a ritual involving you and seven others, you release the true dragon familiar from the bond. As a result of this empowering gift, it grows larger and more powerful.
Benefit: You must be a 15th level draconic ascendant to select this arcane discovery, and also must have selected Draconic Transformation as a previous arcane discovery. You release the familiar bond with the chromatic or metallic dragon familiar. It remains your cohort (as though you had the Leadership feat), and advances to the young adult category as a result of the transforming ritual.

Dragonrider (Arcane Discovery)
The final ritual of the draconic ascendant empowers your dragon cohort, transforming it yet again.
Benefit: You must be a 20th level draconic ascendant to select this arcane discovery, and must also have selected Dragon Companion and Draconic Transformation as previous arcane discoveries. The dragon cohort advances to the old age category as a result of the transforming ritual. The dragon must be willing to go through this process.

Warlock (Sorcerer archetype)
Ritual Knowledge (Ex)
At 1st level, a Warlock knows a hex (as the witch's ability). This ability replaces his 1st-level bloodline power.
Warlock's Curse (Su)
At 3rd level, the Warlock adds bane to his list of spells known as a 2nd-level spell. At 5th level, he adds contagion as a 3rd-level spell. This ability replaces the bloodline spells gained at 3rd and 5th level respectively.
Invocation (Su)
At 9th level, the Warlock can summon a creature (or creatures) related to his bloodline as a full round action. The creature remains for one minute per caster level each day (and can be divided over the day in one-minute increments), but otherwise functions as summon monster V. This ability replaces his 9th-level bloodline power.

Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could help me with designing an adventure scenario for 6th level characters.

Here's the story so far (about designing, not about the other adventures in the series).

The PCs need to talk to a high priest (8th level) of a distant small town so that she can deliver (or interpret) a prophecy. Unfortunately, during their trip to the town (which takes a few weeks without magical travel), an Enclave of Witchwyrds (CR 6 individually) have practically taken over the city (for reasons they aren't sharing). Now I wanted to give them some fairly cool supporters, so instead of searching through the humanoids I thought that machine soldiers (CR 4 individually) might work. (No, I did not steal the idea from Star Wars, Episode I) But to represent their influence in the city, they also have about 50 3rd level magi (maguses?) (CR 2 individually) fighting for them. (promised a new dawn of magical insight or the like).

The Witchwyrds have banned divination in the city, and prevent persons in positions of high authority from leaving their post. This unfortunately includes the high priest, and prevents her from revealing the prophecy.

There is a Resistance Movement building, though it is young people mainly. Some sorcerers or wizards from the town's university. Most magic wielders seem to sympathize with the Witchwyrds and look forward to the knowledge they can bring.

The Enclave is led by a Dream Eater Witchwyrd. (CR 8)

Any ideas, suggestions for encounters, traps, conflicts? This is supposed to be a little more challenging than their previous encounters as this is supposed to be an uphill conflict (and it leads smoothly into the next adventure).

Liberty's Edge


Nestled in the green shade of the Northern Mountains, the Citadel of Zenon is the northernmost point of the Kingdoms of Huredain. Waters of the Juilis Cascades rush over a series of stone aqueducts that harness the citadel's water supply before falling into the Anriathis, the great river that flows through Zenon and teems with the silver trout, one of the main staples for the kingdoms of Zenon and Arisilon.

To the east and west of the Citadel lie massive forests, green and gold throughout the year. The forests of Northern Zenon are collectively known as the Unicorn Forest, though there is a forest to the south, beyond a range of fertile hills, that also go by that name. A road along the Anriathis leads directly to the Misty Moors, a green swampy region that also houses the Tomb of the Silverhorns.

West of the Unicorn Forests near the Citadel flows the Luminathis, the calm waters of this river enter the still Moonlit Lake, upon the shores of which stands the Sanctuary of the Moon.

The walls of the Citadel of Zenon seem like temporary structures, a wooden motte of great sharpened logs planted firmly in the ground (not visible in the picture provided but found when one gets closer). Some logs are actual massive trunks of trees, and these trees form the outer tower defenses of the Citadel.

The Outer Sanctum of the Citadel is composed mostly of temporary structures of wood and white stone. During the harsh winter months, it is abuzz with the traders from across the forests of Zenon. Life within the Outer Sanctum is quite casual, though military training and a quite but present government are daily occurrence.

Archery and combat competitions, taverns, restaurants, and inns make up the majority of the entertainment industries in the Citadel.

The Inner Sanctum of the Citadel is built from white marble and lies directly against the cliffs of the Northern Mountains. The Cascades fall on either side of the Citadel. Within the Citadel proper, a few marble columns are built around a majestic and powerful oak tree, obviously in a place of sacred trust. Some buildings have come into disrepair, however, and this seems to be due to a change in societal values. A magnificent temple devoted to the Sisterhood of the Moon, with columns of white and green marble, stands in a prominent place.

The Citadel of Zenon crawls up the Northern Mountains, building against the cliffs of those mountains in structures of marble and wood. The sound of rushing water fills the air as the nearby waterfalls dominate most of the mountainscape. Waterways harvest the fresh mountain water and channel it to the gardens, groves, and wells of the Citadel. Greenery is everywhere: trees, bushes, silver-white flowers, all melting together with the green and silver banners that flutter from windows, tree branches, and tall towers. Silver domes lined with greenery roof the most important of structures, though much of the wooden architecture is roofed with gardened terraces instead.

The courtyards of the Citadel are elegant constructions of naturally wild flower and berry gardens, and small copses of trees. Gazebos, benches, and small altars to animal spirits can be found within the grounds. Stone structures are carved from the white stone of the Northern Mountains.

Liberty's Edge

When you have completed your character concepts, backstories, and character sheets, please post here. I'll try to get a little bit of campaign history in.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, well I throw this out there every once in a while. I'll try again. For those of you who remember the Milton Bradley electronic board game Dark Tower (there are computer versions of it out there on the internet), I found my disc with the campaign information on it.

While this is a d20 game, with all (or most) of the wonderful updates brought to it by the Pathfinder name, it is somewhat different in the following ways.

The theme of the campaign is Archaic, in the shadow of an ancient and great empire. We might say it is similar to a Conan the Barbarian type world, after the fall of Atlantis. Evil is everywhere. In fact it is dominant. And this Evil has done all it can to keep civilization from growing back, the mystic knowledge of magic from being rediscovered, and armies and technologies from being developed.

This has led to slightly different classes from standard Pathfinder. Because physical knowledge is so dangerous to possess, mysticism and inner knowledge is making a comeback. In fact, this is the only way to obtain knowledge of other planes and of magic. Meditation and Concentration are two skills (re)introduced into this campaign.

This game also does not use the vancian magic system, but the Sanity and Spell system from the Call of Cthulhu d20 game, even if the spells have been changed somewhat to maintain the theme and character of the campaign. If you are a magic user, you will have access to at least 1 or 2 beginning spells, and some regular ability to use cantrips or special abilities.

So, I know it is somewhat dangerous doing it this way. I have a rules system for the campaign, but its a little complicated to share over the board.

Try to imagine for a moment, a world darkened by a great and powerful evil. Once a great empire, Huredain, now reduced to the four kingdoms of Durnin, Brynthia, Zenon, and Arisilon.

From the Electronic Game

Come up with an archaic character. One who would dare to fight against the darkness. And demonstrate to his kingdom that the Ideals of the old Empire need not be forgotten. And that the Dark Tower can be brought down once and for all.

Liberty's Edge

Well, if any of you have seen my other posts about Milton Bradley's game "Dark Tower", you know that I have been attempting to create a role playing campaign based on it. While d20 seems the easiest route to go, I was searching for other systems because of my belief that the Vancian system of magic wouldn't fit in the campaign world I was creating. I wanted to create a campaign where arcane magic was plausible, and common in places, but potentially dangerous for the mind.

Anyway, my design philosophy is this. Start with the fluff! The story is what drives the campaign. Start with the feeling behind it. The atmosphere that one is trying to capture. High Magic? Low Magic? High Fantasy? Low Fantasy? Or some peculiar combination of all of the above.

That last one is correct. Anyway, on to the design. I had written a document over a year or so describing this world and some of the new rules I had come up with, but I'd like to run them by others here and get some opinions.

Here's the hook I wrote about the game some time ago.

Enter a land ruled by a ruthless and evil power. The massive Dark Tower shadows over all the land of ancient Huredain, and the undead brigands that swarm from its gates threaten the remnants of the Four Kingdoms. But there is yet hope. Stand against this darkness, and you will find those who would aid you. Or seek out power, riches, and glory for yourself from the ancient ruins of Huredain.

So this is the core of the game I am attempting to create. Everything else, from rules onward, is based on the above text. It is Rule #3. (Following 1)Have Fun, and 2)The DM is always right, except when not.)

So in my philosophy of game design, I start with this core element, then dream, design, and return. Create more fluff, does it fit the core? Yes, carry on. Create some crunch. Does it fit the core? Yes, carry on. Modify the crunch? Still fitting the core? Carry on. :)

So, I have attempted to create in any event. I am still working on it.

Liberty's Edge


Okay, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and ask for some help from this wonderful community of free thinking and fairly liberally minded individuals.

I am in a relationship with a really great guy. The physical aspects of the relationship are phenomenal. I feel ten thousand times beyond great when I'm with him, that is, just being with him not the physical aspect of the relationship.

My problem has been developing over some time, but its just now gotten to the point where its causing regular gastric distress and other emotion-related distresses. He's not very communicative. I keep asking him to tell me what he's thinking and feeling because I share that stuff with him all the time, and he just clams up. It's very hurtful cause I know I love him, but I have no idea how he feels about me.

What's really sad is that he asks me how I feel and think, and I tell him all the time, because I want to express how much he means to me... but he won't give anything back.

I've gotten angry with him a few times about this, but he just clams up tighter. I don't know what to do, and I'm at wit's end, because I'm absolutely crazy about him (maybe thats the problem), and I cried myself to sleep the other night because I was thinking of leaving him to find someone who could communicate their feelings more.

Any help at all would be appreciated. Please... :(

Liberty's Edge

I know the "Heralds" are also an organization used in Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar books, and while Blue Rose is a game built around romantic fantasy, similar to Mercedes Lackey and other authors' novels, I felt that "Heralds" were the best title for heroes enabled by the city.

The Great City of Galasthin

The City itself is divided into 6 districts: The Civic District, The Black Pearl District, The Silken Sword District (No, that's not a sexual reference.), The White Column District, The Dark Pyramid District, and The Theater District. Most districts are ruled by Vata nobility (with the exception of the Theater District).

The Factions of Galasthin
While each noble family represents its own faction, there are several racially and morally driven factions that hold sway in the Great City:

The Rhydan Led by the winged cat Salath, the Rhydan faction of Galasthin is a mostly chaotic and non-unified group of the Rhydan peoples of Galasthin, and to some extent representation of the Rhydan races beyond the city itself. Salath is a well loved representative, but she occasionally is forced to resign her opinions (and generally the opinions of all Rhydan) to the Black-feathered rogue, the Black Gryphon Kraveils. Rhydan work diligently for the defense of the city. Gryphons at the gates, Rhy-cats and Rhy-wolves as the city watch. Dolphins act as messengers in the canals between the districts. Most Rhydan live in the Theater District, which is the most diverse district in the city.

The Humans The humans primarily inhabit the Silken Sword District. Those that balk at rulership by the Vata nobles are likely to inhabit the Theater District instead. Leadership of the human faction is likely to vary from season to season, though in several cases it has been the Unicorn Shadrin (of the Theater District) who has stood for them in the Palace. Shadrin rarely travels in public, but instead uses her Rhy-bonded, the human Adrianne Jarlo.

The Twilight Knights An organization of Vata'an, Vata'sha, humans, and Rhydan that work together to ensure that neither the Vata'an nor the Vata'sha have the upper hand in the government of the city. The leader of this faction is kept secret, and is always masked. A large monument to the Twilight Knights is built in the Civic District.

The Knights of the Sun An organization of Vata'an, humans, and Rhydan devoted to the rulership of the Vata'an nobility. The Knights of the Sun has fallen out of favor in the past 30 years or so, along with the Knights of the Stars. Godric Thesualle, a drake living in the highest tower of the Silken Sword District, was once the historian and record keeper of this organization.

The Knights of the Stars An organization of Vata'sha, humans, and Rhydan devoted to the rulership of the Vata'sha nobility. The Knights of the Stars fell out of favor in the past 30 years, but there are rumors that the organization still meets in secret, unlike its counterpart the Knights of the Sun. Their headquarters were once in the Dark Pyramid District.

Political Rulership of the City
In a city of a population some 12,000 strong, the King and Queen are selected from the Vata'an and Vata'sha nobility, and rule equally from the Palace of Night and Day.

Liberty's Edge

And how is it done? I haven't been able to make minimum payments for the past two months on credit cards and loans. I've been paying *something* just not the minimum payments. Is there a particular time when one should consider filing for bankruptcy? Or should I hope that this is just a temporary lull that I'll be able to recover from in the near future.

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone. I have a few days free this week, so I thought I might try to get another Blue Rose PBP game going. Before I wanted to be a player, but I'll pick up the DM mantle once more.

Besides a d20, having a deck of tarot cards would be great for this game. I recommend the Shadowscapes Tarot since it is by one of the artists who worked on the Rule Book.

Anyway, post character concepts here. (It might help to generate your calling/light and shadow natures first, but go with your favorite character concept.) I am playing with the idea of beginning characters at 2nd level.

Liberty's Edge

With the spell Create Demiplane, Greater from Ultimate Magic. You have 112,500 gp for 5 permanent castings.
And another 37,500 gp for crafting permanent magical items or treasures to place inside it. 150,000 gp total.

Cathedral of Heavenly Light
1) 30ft x 60ft with a 20ft x 10ft curved foyer
2) 20 ft tall.
3) Good-aligned (minor)
4) Positive-dominant (minor)
5) Structure: Stone cathedral with glowing stained glass windows.

Basics: Air, Normal Brightness, Normal Gravity

The Cathedral of Heavenly Light is a demiplane shaped like a stone cathedral. Stained glass windows glow in bright colors along the sides, depicting angels and other heavenly beings on a starry royal blue sky. Pews fill the main area, but a curved foyer has a set of double doors that lead to the demiplane's misty grey border.

The stained glass windows gleam brightly as though sunlight were pouring through them, but the walls of the cathedral climb up into a misty blue star-filled sky instead of a ceiling.

An altar at the far end of the cathedral is flanked by candelabras and gold and silver statues of angels. A large stained glass window depicting an angel in gilded armor and bearing a gleaming sword decorates the wall behind the altar. This is a stained glass golem that animates if an evil creature enters the demiplane.

Stained Glass Golem
Materials: 1000 gp
Cost: 20,200 gp
Alignment Detection: +5,000 gp

In front of the altar is an inscribed permanent Circle of Healing in shimmering diamond and opal dust.
Cost: 10,500 gp.

The two gold and silver angel statues are wooden carvings plated with silver and gold. They are worth 400 gp each.

Liberty's Edge

This is just a place for me to work out this little project I'm working on and roll dice so I can test out some mechanics. Feedback is appreciated.

So, if you've ever played Runebound, Descent, Runewars, or the new Dungeonquest from Fantasy Flight Games, you know a little bit about Terrinoth. Its the fantasy world that those games take place in. What I'm trying to do is create a roleplaying game in the same world, that has the feel of capturing many of the same elements.

Player vs. player combat is actually smiled upon, generally speaking, in these games so far, so I do want that to be a part of the game as well.

So, here are the basics I have so far.

Each character has Three (3) ability points he can split between Mind, Spirit, and Body, any way he chooses. An Untouched Character (those who do not choose to have a Runetouched ability tied to one of the Dragon Runes), gains an additional ability point for Mind, Spirit, or Body, but no ability can have a value greater than 3.

So for example, Mad Carthos could have Spirit value 2 and Body value 1, or Spirit value 3, or a value of 1 in all three abilities.

These values determine Starting Wealth, Starting Magic Tokens, and Starting Wounds, as will be described later.

Each character then has three skill points to spend on the following skills. Each skill also uses the value of the base ability in determining its attribute value. For example, a character with Mind 2 who puts 2 skill points in Society has Society attribute 4.

Society (Mind)
Intellect (Mind)
Agility (Mind)
Magic (Spirit)
Willpower (Spirit)
Luck (Spirit)
Strength (Body)
Endurance (Body)
Health (Body).

Question: Should an Untouched character also gain a bonus to skill points?

Mind value determines Starting Wealth. For each point of Mind, a character has 1 gold piece to buy starting equipment. A character with a Society attribute of 5 or higher gains an additional 1 gold piece to buy starting equipment. A Mind value of 0 grants no gold pieces, but for each skill point put into Society when Mind value is 0, the character gains 1 gold piece for starting equipment.

Spirit value determines Starting Magic Tokens. For each point of Spirit, a character has 5 Magic Tokens to spend on spells, magic abilities, and the purchase of spells and special equipment. A character with a Magic attribute of 5 or higher gains an additional 5 Magic Tokens. A Spirit value of 0 grants no Magic Tokens, but for each skill point put into Magic when Spirit value is 0, the character gains 1 Magic Token.

Body value determines starting wounds. For each point of Body, a character has 5 Starting Wounds. A character with a Health attribute of 5 or higher gains an additional 5 Starting Wounds. A Body value of 0 grants 3 Starting wounds, but for each skill point put into Health when Body value is 0, the character gains 1 Starting Wound.

For the character sheet, I am seeing a radial dial display with a central circle divided into three parts, for the Mind, Spirit, and Body values to be written in, and then nine rays of circles extending from the circle near the appropriate values, to be filled in as skill points increase attributes.

Liberty's Edge

West Hill lies nearly 44 miles east of Lake Calenhad Docks (As likely a place for you to meet up, as any, considering its closeness to the Circle Tower.) Its a large community, nearly 4,000 residents live here, spreading between the North Road and the shores of the Waking Sea. The docks here regularly flow with tradegoods to and from the Free Marches to the north, so it is known as a Commerce Town.

The Grannern Estate, while not entirely a castle like the one in Redcliffe, is in an easily defendable position. The Killer Kraken is a tavern with a few rooms available for rent on the outskirts of town. It may not be the only one available, but it is the first one seen by newcomers from the North Road.

Legnar Nevyn:
Sometime in the recent past, you had the unfortunate surprise of stumbling upon a dwarven merchant party, mostly killed by darkspawn. The one remaining merchant was grimly doing what he could to clean up the mess and get his life back to 'normal'. He offered you an ancient dwarven axe for 20 sp, claiming it was magical, though he could offer no proof of that. It is a very old axe, images and words from one of the lost Thaigs (you can pick one) engraved on the axe head.

Mage Rylan:
Before you left the Circle Tower, one of the tranquils offered you something he had been working on. For some reason, he had thought he wanted to see the outside world again, but the feeling passed. Still he wants you to have the elm wand he had recently crafted. A rare purple-white crystal gleams with a magical glow at its tip. The price is 20 sp.

Ser Calder:
While serving in Teyrn Loghain's bann guard, you find an old box tucked behind a loose stone in an ancient manor hallway. It is locked, but the decal on the box has a similar design to an old key available at one of the local stores. The shop owner says it is from the Olde Days, and offers to sell you the key for 20 sp.

City life was good to you, for the most part. On the night you decided to flee the city, an elf you know to be an aged practitioner of magic (always attempting to evade the Templars, and pretty successful at it) offers you a pair of black leather gloves for 20 sp. She claims they are magical, and a part of the old ways of the Elves.

Hi everyone. I thought I would start presenting and getting some feedback on my Homegrown Campaign, which is quite possibly one of the best campaigns I've ever come up with: Kingdoms of the Seven Continents. (If a better name strikes me, I'll use it.)

Anyway, I just wanted to get your feedback on some ideas I'm playing around with.

First of all, I guess I should give credit where it is due. This campaign originally began with a special article in Dragon magazin. I believe it was titled Design Domains (or something like that), where you could use Kingdom Points to create kingdoms for your campaign.

So I made up some dice charts for the Design Domains lists, drew up a map of seven continents (which made sense at the time), and started rolling dice. It was quite incredible what came out of it.

Hello everyone. My uncle had started a Dragon Age PBP game here on the boards, got a nice group together, but then was suddenly pulled away for work until April 17 (probably). I just want to know if anyone wants to take up the DM mantle for this group. :)

I've asked most of my friends already, (the DMing variety anyway), but so far, no takers.

Here's a link to the discussion board.

For personal reasons I don't feel like sharing but probably will anyway (poor self image and low self esteem), I would like everyone on the boards to post a reply in this thread. At least one word. But two or more would be better.

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone interested.

Here is a place for rule discussion, character creation, and other information related to the Dragon Age campaign using the AGE system.

Game Mechanics
The main thing of interest in the AGE system is the introduction of a dragon die. On the board, this will always be the last die rolled in any 3d6 or 4d6 roll requested. For example, in the die roll 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2) = 9, the last number rolled would be considered the number shown on the dragon die.


1. Create a character concept.
2. Determine abilities.
3. Choose a background.
4. Choose a class.
5. Pick Equipment.
6. Calculate defense and speed.
7. Pick a name.
8. Choose goals and character ties.

Determining Abilities
While the game rules recommend 3d6 for each ability score as a flat roll, I am providing a dice pool of 32d6 to be split between the ability scores as you desire depending on your character concept. The minimum number of dice that can be provided for an ability score is 3.
The highest 3 dice rolled for each ability score will determine that ability's score.

Liberty's Edge

1d100 ⇒ 10

Ferelden Needs Heroes.

The son of Arl Grannern of West Hill, Ser Nicholas Granners, has been summoned to Denerim. However, the youth is known for his penchant to go off the beaten trail, and Arl Grannern fears for his son's safety despite the general security of the North Road. He calls for adventurers willing to act as escort for the young man.

Yep. I thought I would try to get another Dragon Age PBP going.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone else but me seriously looking forward to this game?

Liberty's Edge

Hey everyone.

Well, I am feeling in a creative mood these days. Who would like to help me create a fun roleplaying fantasy game based loosely on the Runebound board game (and its cousins Descent and Runewars).

The idea of being bound to a Rune fascinates me, so I would like to make that a core mechanic of the game, and in order to avoid legal complications perhaps we can call it Beholden.

So anyway. I suppose a short rundown of what we might need to come up with is in order here.

Character Creation Should we use races and base classes or make it more freeform? I have been thinking of making it more freeform, basing most of the character's powers on a point system. However, I would like to somehow use runes in this part. Perhaps a d8 or d10 rolled determines the rune(s) a particular Beholden character is bound to. Runes could help determine starting statistics, special powers, or more.

Combat System While the d20/Pathfinder mechanic is effective for a combat system I would like to come up with something different. Runewars uses a fatecard system for combat resolution, so something like that (perhaps combined with dice) could be interesting.

Magic System Here I would like to bring runes in again, but I am still open to suggestions. Let me know what you think.

Dragon Runes What are these devices and what are they for? How can characters use them and what effect (if any) do they have on the runes the characters are bound to.

Liberty's Edge

If anyone is interested in playing a Dragon Age PBP game, I'm opening up a game here on the boards for those who would like to submit a character. I am surprised that I'm doing this now, since usually whenever I start to DM a campaign, I run out of free time. Right now I'm looking for players that can post once or twice every two days, as that will probably be my availability as well.

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone. I'm developing a NPC class for the pathfinder RPG. (Actually, it's almost good as a PC class), and I could use help with design flaws and wording/grammatical structure.


The Sage

Simple weapons, no armor, no shields


Hit Die

Starting Wealth
2d6 x 10 gp (average 70 gp)

Class Skills
Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Use Magic Item (Cha)

Skill Ranks Per Level
4 + Int modifier

Specialist +1, Extra Class Skill
Bonus Feat
Extra Class Skill
Specialist +2
Bonus Feat
Extra Class Skill
Specialist +3
Bonus Feat
Extra Class Skill
Specialist +4
Great Secret

Choose one skill at first level. You make all tests with this skill with a +1 research or competence bonus. The bonus increases to +2 at eighth level, +3 at thirteenth level, and +4 at eighteenth level.

Extra Class Skill
You add an additional skill to your list of class skills.

Bonus Feat
You learn a bonus feat. You must qualify for the feat as normal.

You can do one of the following with a secret: learn the spells and special abilities of a wizard's school of magic or a clerical domain; learn a class ability from another class. This class ability must be normally available to a character of the same class level as your sage class level. A sage does not cast spells, but can use known spells for the creation of magic items including scrolls and potions. In order to maintain use of the secret, you must study a lorebook for one hour per day as part of an 8 hour rest.

Great Secret
Provided you have studied appropriate lorebooks at least eight hours per day, you gain the use of a feat or class ability that you would not normally have access to. You can use these powers a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your intelligence modifier. This can be any class ability or feat from any list.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What are the age categories for Aasimar and Tiefling?

Liberty's Edge

Does anyone remember a d20 supplement that someone made that allowed you to run a kingdom?

Liberty's Edge

Do creatures block line of sight? I thought they did at first, but could not find anything in the book that said creatures blocked line of sight, though they do provide cover.

However, under the Ray rules, I found this.

Ray: Some effects are rays. You aim a ray as if using a ranged weapon, though typically you make a ranged touch attack rather than a normal ranged attack. As with a ranged weapon, you can fire into the dark or at an invisible creature and hope you hit something. You don't have to see the creature you're trying to hit, as you do with a targeted spell. Intervening creatures and obstacles, however, can block your line of sight or provide cover for the creature at which you're aiming.

So now I'm totally confused. %(

Maybe it means that Intervening creatures provide cover and obstacles block your line of sight.

Liberty's Edge

I am listening to HP Lovecraft and I'm truly impressed by the quality and artistry of this band. I can't think of too many psychadelic rock bands from the 60s that could use violins to great effect! Some amazing sounds came from this band. Highly recommended.

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone, I'm looking for an artist that might be interested in doing some artwork for a five suited, pentahedral tarot deck. Or perhaps all the artwork, depending on the situation.

I would like the tarot deck to be rather dark-fantasy styled, but with bold colors, something similar to the works of Bob Pepper (a cover artist for many fantasy/sci-fi books in the 60s and 70s), as well as illustrator for the Dark Tower board game and the Dragonmaster card game (in the 80s).

Anyway, I hope its not too silly a request. We have a lot of fantasy-minded people here, though, so I don't think it is. Let me know if you are interested or know someone who might be.

Liberty's Edge

stardust wrote:
Hello everyone. I am looking to play a Dragon Age campaign on pbp, but I would prefer to be a player in this one, as I am currently DMing 2 other games.

Or I'll play Blue Rose if someone wants to moderate that.

Liberty's Edge


Roll 2d6 for adventuring hooks. (What sent your character over the edge?)

2_____Death of (a) loved one(s).
3_____Threat of death or imprisonment.
4_____Searching for something.
5_____Searching for someone.
6_____Caught red-handed.
8_____Different religious or social views.
9_____Different political views.
10____Romantic interest.
11____Pursuit of justice (or revenge).
12____Weird, freaky magic stuff.

Liberty's Edge

Hey everyone. I'm trying to find information for two prestige classes that were presented in Dragon Magazine back at the start of 3rd edition. The Mystic and the Flame Steward. Hopefully someone can provide a link, at least, to where I can purchase a pdf or something. My e-mail is dreamfilminstitute at hotmail dot com.

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