Arazni |

This is a closed game (currently) as I am mainly inviting the players from a game we were in that collapsed recently due to the GM absence.
So before we get started creating characters, I'd like to know which of the Seven Continents we should have our adventure on?
Siterica: Dominated by three massive empires The Gyndramontian Empire, the Slaydark Empire, and the Ardenian Empire, Siterica is a continent of wars and revolutions. Several individual kingdoms have broken away from the larger empires, and the main two empires are at war with one another (Gnydramontian and Ardenian, with the Slaydark Empire between them.) (A European flavor)
Shodune: A continent of unbearable deserts and hot steaming jungles, this is a realm of collapsing kingdoms, monstrous humanoid kingdoms rising up in the deeper jungles, and a few Shodunian tribes devoted to survival and the mystic order of the Universal Lords. (A Middle East to Indian flavor)
Flangrica: A mostly pleasant continent of verdune forests and peaceful plains, Flangrica is the original homeland of the elves. But they are a people divided by civil unrest, and the rising up of dark elves in the caverns beneath the forests. (An Elven Flavor?)
Mistika: South of the Shodune continent and connected to it by an isthmus that has been successfully canaled, this is the homeland of the gnomes, but recently it has become a sort of battlefield between two powerful faiths: the goddesses of Law and Chaos, Titania and Urnia, both claim the continent as their own. This has sparked an interest of the cosmic variety and many divine and infernal agents can be found throughout the continent (including Aasimar and Tieflings, among other races, such as Wingeds (winged elves), and Beldahvs (half-dwarf, half-elf). (A cosmopolitan flavor with European accents, some technological development, and Cosmic encounters)
Azkia: A smaller continent with only three kingdoms on it. One ruled by Genies and Ifrits as they seek to control the air elementals and fire elementals that fight over the desert. A second kingdom of hardy desert dwarves, a theocracy following the dwarven god Zurik Fireburner. The third area is a thick, jungle/swamp that is overcome with some unnatural decaying disease. The ziggurat cities in this swamp are overrun with the undead. (Survival campaign flavor with lots of undead).
Peskun: This continent was once the original homeland of the dwarves, but the giant mountain ranges eventually fell to magma elementals and lavabirds in response to the dwarves digging too deeply into the earth. The great empire here was lost, and the mountains burst forth with flame and great explosions (the dwarves here had developed lava and gunpowder technologies). The continent was (in a word) devastated. But kingdoms are rising up again in the rich lands, and some dwarves are attempting to take back their ancient homeland. Peskun is a continent rich in resources with no superpower to guard them. (A bit of a squabblefest. Independently minded kingdoms do their own thing, usually in conflict with others. These kingdoms are just starting out though, and could easily fall without the right assistance.)
Isle of Avalon: Not really a continent, but it's included in the list of Seven Continents because of its cultural importance to the Kingdoms as a whole. So let me know which of these continents we should go to.

Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |

Peskun is cool because of the technology and opening for such classes as Gunslinger and Alchemists. Also more of a wild frontier/outlaw feel without a major ruing empire.
That being said Mistika sounds like quite a lot of fun, and can make for some cool encounters. But honestly they all sound like they have quite a bit of potential.

Arazni |

Actually, the best place for Alchemy is Siterica. You would be surprised, I think, to learn that the Ardenian Empire (as evil as it is) is renowned throughout the world for its medical and alchemical universities. Of course, I think I do have a certain alchemist archetype in Peskun too.
If you want to vote for more than one continent, you can, but indicate which one is your preferred vote.
Anyway, tallying up the votes on campaign description. I'll give it through Wednesday to vote for the continents. And then 2 or 3 days for character creation, once I post some guidelines and anything interesting about that continent you would likely know.

Arazni |

I know that the druids are one of the few groups of people who study the movements of the three moons. Three silver moons are a traditional symbol across the Seven Continents for the druidic faith. In their interest in being neutral, most druids do not get involved in the political squabbles of the lands, and can act as neutral parties when observing symbolic or ritual exchanges. The most prominent circle of druids is found among the raltunian peoples of Siterica.
Most druids gradually take on some animalistic features over time (usually every 5 levels there's a bit of a slip towards appearing like some animal). Normally this animal is the same as their longest-held animal companion, but it can be different.
Some of the druids are more devoted to the chromatic dragons of the Continents, believing them to be the greatest powers of Nature.
Lastly, in most cases, druids are more prevalent in barbarian (or at least deeply forested) lands, and less so in developed (urbanized) cultures. In civilized societies, the druid has been somewhat replaced by the Jade Wizard. However, elves might be a bit different. Being extremely long-lived, elves will remember their ancient druids from olden days, and still offer them some respect, even if their civilization has grown beyond the need for a druid's counsel.
To be honest, no one has ever played a druid in this homebrew, as of yet. For simplicity's sake (and to ensure it fits with the campaign), I would prefer traditional druids, the animal shaman archetypes (including the Dragon Shaman*, but not the Shark Shaman), or the aquatic or storm druids. If you want me to look over a particular archetype, I'll be glad to, but try to use these as guidelines. And no plant companions... that would just be too exotic (and frightening) for most elves.
* Special rules modify the Dragon Shaman, who actually gains an animal companion more like the River Drake (possible differences similar to the chromatic dragons)
Flangrican Druids
A druid of the High Forest of Mirgilaura may take the regional trait Forest Keeper, which allows you to cast 3 spells which affect plant growth or which conjure normal plants (not plant creatures) at +1 caster level.

Arazni |

Someone was asking if they could play a goblin. Finding some notes I have of Flangrica, I have to redact. The answer to that question is yes, but the goblins of this plane are not the same as Paizo's daggers from ear to ear goblins. They are more like green reptile-skinned halflings in appearance, eat more traditional foods than dogs or horses (still mostly meat-eaters), and are generally less war-greedy than orcs. Although they are not the favored neighbors of elves, they are tolerated in rare cases, mainly depending on how behaved the goblins are. So, I hope that helps some in your decision process.

Arazni |

Some tidbits of Flangrica that you might find interesting...
Great Kingdom of Gilunaural
Heraldry A black horned golden skull mask on a crimson field.
Alignment Lawful Evil
Primary Deity Belial
Talents Metal Rich, Blessed, Cursed, Natural Resources, Wonder of the World, Priest Support
Cursed by the goddess Thiardella for abandoning her faith to pursue darker powers, dark clouds cover the sky, occasionally pierced by lightning, but rain rarely falls anywhere in the kingdom. Not wishing to abandon her faithful completely, there is some rain, but it is almost always in sleets and hails. This is a realm perhaps straight from Poe's Masque of the Red Death. Devan, the ruler of this realm, is a follower of Belial, as is most of his courtiers. Temples to Belial are numerous throughout the realm. In order to nourish his followers, Belial and other hellish powers have 'blessed' the land so that those who call on his name will not perish by thirst or starvation. Drinking blood is as nourishing as drinking the purest mineral water. Some of the royal farms and orchards are watered with the lifeblood of those who have worked it. The Tower of Dark Delights is Devan's palace, a monstrosity of black stone and dark crystal that towers over the Caitabran forest.
Devan, Emperor of Gilunaural, is perhaps the oldest living elf on the plane (though there are some who doubt if he is still truly 'alive' or has become something else through his perversions). He hosts parties for his lords and courtiers, and has ensured that priests of Belial support Gilunaural's military. He cares absolutely nothing for the common people, seeing them only as a resource to be exploited or a form of entertainment for the court, or as a source for life-giving blood. He wears a golden skull mask with black horns (as though most priests of Belial) and gold and crimson mithril plate armor.
If there is a resistance movement to the evils of this empire, which has recently conquered some of its neighboring kingdoms, it can only be found in the outskirts of the kingdom, and is thus far ineffective. The priests of Belial hire adventurers to find rebels, and they are brought to justice rapidly so their blood can be harvested.
Regional Traits
Beloved of Belial You serve the Dark Lord Belial. You have a +1 trait bonus to Intimidate and Knowledge (Nobility) skill checks, and one of these is a class skill for you. If you wear a golden mask of Belial, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate skill checks.
Reveler As a member of the upper classes of Gilunaural, you are invited to partake of the dark delights on a near nightly basis. You gain a bonus 2 hitpoints, have a +1 trait bonus to Fortitude saves, and you can choose one type of Perform skill. This Perform skill is a class skill for you.
Starving Peasant As a member of the lower classes of Gilunaural, you've had to survive on what scraps you've been able to scrounge from the ground yourself, or whatever the lords throw to you, often to watch peasants fight over the most basic necessities. You have a +2 trait bonus to Initiative, and deal +1 damage with nonlethal attacks.

Big Lemon |

I actually changed my mind on the goblin deal.
I want to play an adventuring human chef (skirmisher ranger) that hunts exotic creatures in order to discover create the best dishes in the entire world. He's quite vulgar, and make his kills with the same blades that he prepares food with. Depending on the level/restrictions of the campaign, favored enemies would be Animal, Plant, and Magical Beast.

Arazni |

Okay, so a tie. But there's more vocal interest in Flangrica at least.
1d6 ⇒ 5
Wow, okay, Flangrica wins. This will be so cool, I haven't had a chance to DM this continent yet. :P
Character submission guidelines will be forthcoming, and I'll try to get a list of regional traits up for the kingdoms of Flangrica (as well a a link to a map somewhere).

Tenro |

ok so my current idea is a Tiefling who serves the Gilunaural military. Not sure if i want to make him a barbarian, a fighter, or what. i would go with antipaladin but you said non-evil. he is a lawful person in a city/state in which evil things aren't illegal it seems, so not sure how you wanted to roll with that. i hesitated to have a character serving the nation given that it is evil and you were looking for non-evil alignments, but two of your regional traits so far fit well with the theme i am going for here.

Arazni |

I would prefer non-evil; and if you want to play a lawful evil version of a paladin or something like that, I could work with you on that. I think there is a rule for it in Way of the Wicked, since it is assumed that most of the characters are lawful evil.
It might be best to have a Lawful Neutral paladin, bound to Belial. That could serve both my interests, cause then I know you probably won't go around destroying my carefully crafted societies. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, eventually.) Perhaps the Paladin of Tyranny from d20srd.org could work (Lawful Evil), as long as you are leaning towards Lawful Neutral. Perhaps your character is going through a crisis of conscience.
You also might want to wait and see what other people are submitting before making final decisions, just to see if most people prefer to play good or evil characters. We can adapt as needed, I think, and I look forward to reading all of your backstories. :)

Tenro |

i like the idea of the paladin, but i think i will end up going with fighter. i am looking for less in the spell department and more in the fighting department. fluff-wise, more like a paladin though. a sworn blade, looking to get into the Hellknights.
some questions for you:
1. Is the Rich Parents trait allowed? I was planning on him being somewhat highborn (makes more sense for him to be highborn working towards hellknight status, and makes him more invested in keeping the status quo in place to ensure his continued favorable status). trying to buy
2. Are alternate bloodlines available for tieflings? i am looking for one that perhaps increases STR or CON and at least doesnt penalize CHA.

Arazni |

Color coding: The white is tundra or ice. The brown is rocky hills and cliffs. The reddish brown is a rust red desert of iron. The dark green is forest. The dark green with a bluish tint is thick forest.
I'll have a write up of the kingdoms coming soon. Tenro, for your ease, the character creation guidelines are now in Campaign Info.
Actually, EleMentalist, laura or aural means kingdom or country (specifically place). Lin~Sharel translates roughly to Moon-reaching silver tower. Which is why Luna Silver is an acceptable colloquial name.
As to other map questions, I'll have a list of kingdoms up soon.

Artorius Pavo |

I am interested, if there is still room for recruitment, but I do not see that much information on Flangrica beyond the original blurb.
I notice that Grippli's are an option and I am intrigued by them. How would they fit in? Do they have a Kingdom of their own? Are they a subject race? Any additional detail you could provide would be useful.
As for class, I am leaning either Fighter or Druid, but I want more background information before I decide fully on the character concept.

![]() |

I am interested, if there is still room for recruitment, but I do not see that much information on Flangrica beyond the original blurb.
I notice that Grippli's are an option and I am intrigued by them. How would they fit in? Do they have a Kingdom of their own? Are they a subject race? Any additional detail you could provide would be useful.
As for class, I am leaning either Fighter or Druid, but I want more background information before I decide fully on the character concept.
Elves are pretty pompous so Grippli's could live in a seperate elven territory, theyre like protected by elf kingdoms and such. So they could get hired as servants or butlers, I dont know what a Grippli looks like.

Tenro |

image link they are like frog people.
to make a character alias, go to My Account at the top, and scroll down and it'll say Messageboard Alias and click Create Alias