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West Hill lies nearly 44 miles east of Lake Calenhad Docks (As likely a place for you to meet up, as any, considering its closeness to the Circle Tower.) Its a large community, nearly 4,000 residents live here, spreading between the North Road and the shores of the Waking Sea. The docks here regularly flow with tradegoods to and from the Free Marches to the north, so it is known as a Commerce Town.
The Grannern Estate, while not entirely a castle like the one in Redcliffe, is in an easily defendable position. The Killer Kraken is a tavern with a few rooms available for rent on the outskirts of town. It may not be the only one available, but it is the first one seen by newcomers from the North Road.

Ser Calder |

Coming from the North Road, Calder pauses outside the inn. He hasn't eaten since breakfast and he sure doesn't want to show up at the bann's manor with a growling stomach. A quick drink and some food sounds like a good way to figure out what's going on around West Hill. Ser Calder enters the inn in search of lunch.

Rylan of the Circle of Magi |

Having a bit of time to spare along the way towards the docks, Rylan carefully steps off from the main road to find some cover under the shady branches of a nearby tree while examining his friend's "gift" in closer detail. Noting the expertise with which it was crafted, the Circle mage pauses as he recalls the parting offer he had made to his tranquil friend before he had left the tower- "You're more than welcome to travel with me if you should change your mind".
It was an offer made in earnest to the tranquil, but Rylan did have some relief (somewhat guiltily) when that offer was declined; the difference in his friend's demeanour before and after undergoing the Rite of Tranquility was clear as night and day and the Circle Mage had found their divergent choices to be understandable- not everyone was suited towards being a Mage- but it still didn't make that decision any less unsettling to him.
Edited: added more.

Legnar Nevvin |

Legnar and Stunt made their way into town. Legnar did not its name. He was much closer than he had ever been to the circle tower, and too tired to care where he was. He spent a great deal of the night before assisting that dwarven merchant, and decided to push through the night to make it to town. He was exhausted. He thought about the axe he bought, wondered if it was truly magical. Legnar didn't understand magic, he didn't want to either, he only hoped that he was not duped. Still, if it was magical, then it was worth it. Any advantage was worth it. He looked up to an unsightly tavern sign. "Well Stunt, le's git some food an a bed." He said as he scratched his hunting dog behind the ears.
Legnar then stumbles into the Killer Kraken. with stunt in tow, and makes his way up to the bar and takes a seat. "An Ale... Whatcha got ta eat 'ere? Somfin' fer mah dog too... How much fer a room fer tha night?"
If the accent is a problem, let me know and I will stop. I've never used an accent before and if it is just too wrong or hard to read I will stop.

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A stout tavern keeper doesn't notice you, at first, preoccupied with the events board he is looking at. When he finally does notice you, he lets out a loud guffaw of laughter.
"Well, looks like the old soot's still got a few customers left in 'em. Welcome to the Killer Kraken! We've got a nice house ale Flavored with sea brine, or so they tell me. Now, I reckon they don't actually make the ale with sea brine, just keep it in barrels too close to the Narrow Sea;"
Food and lodging can be purchased here at the prices in the rulebook.\
"As to the dog, out in the stables with him. Tell Evan, he's the hand, to get him something to eat. Don't allow dogs in the tavern, except Mabari."

Ser Calder |

Calder puts down a silver coin.
"I've never been put off by a little brine. Give me a pint and some food, eh?"
The broad human looks over the dwarf and his dog. He shrugs.
"Why not let the dog in? We Ferelden have a reputation to uphold after all."
While he waits for his food, Calder checks the event board the innkeeper was studying.

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The most prominent notice is one bearing Arl Grannern's seal, requesting able-bodied men to attend him for a special mission, protecting Ser Nicholas Grannern in his voyage to the capital.
Other notices seem less significant. A few lost items in town, a missing person or two. These posts are significantly older. A fresher post in the lower corner warns of bandit activity along the North Road.
The tavernkeep looks askance at Ser Calder.
"I've a reputation for cleanliness to maintain. Don't need untrained mutts (the standard title for non-Mabari in Ferelden) frightenin' away my customers. Business is poor enough as it is."
He looks back over at the dwarf.
"No offense meant, of course. Just lookin' out for my business."
After a moment's pause, the tavernkeep seems to have a change of heart.
"Ah, what the hell. The dog can stay, I reckon. Keep 'im off the furniture. And if he's fleas, you'll be payin' extra for the room."

Rylan of the Circle of Magi |

Glancing up at the noonish sky, Rylan gives a short sigh and places the wand back into an inside pocket within his robes.
"The day's not going any faster and I've still a bit of travel to make", the Circle Mage quietly mutters to himself, mostly as a self-reminder to not dwadle along too much.
Almost as an afterthought, Rylan weaves some magic around his form, letting the eldritch energies around him coalesce into a greyish, almost stony hue before it dissipates almost as quickly as it had appeared.
Rylan casts Rock Armor on himself
Even though those of the Circle usually would not have to fear from any untowards or unprovoked attack on their person by the local denizens, it certainly does no harm to have a little precaution prepared, the Circle Mage thinks to himself as he moves back onto to the roadside; his pace slightly more hurried than before.
Eventually, Rylan makes his way to the Killer Kraken Tavern. Feeling a bit parched from his brisk pace to the dockside, the Circle Mage notices some voices in conversation from within the tavern walls. Taking a deep breath and hoping for the best (or at the very least not having to worry about any unwelcome reception from the tavern patrons the Mage thinks to himself), Rylan enters the premises.

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Cool, thanks.
The tavernkeep reveals himself as Samson Longthrall.
"Aye, aye. The Arl's a good man. His family's ruled West Hill for the last 200 or so years, and kept it safe even during the war with Orlais. I can't remember a time when there wasn't a Grannern at the manor. Ser Nicholas... eh.... he's got some learnin' to do, that's for certain. He's very... impetuous. I'm surprised the Arl hadn't sent him off before now. Lad needs to grow up a bit, if you know what I'm saying."
To Rylan.
"Good day, sir. I've a hot meal and a few rooms upstairs if you need one."

Ser Calder |

"I'm glad to know it, Master Longthrall. And now I understand why the Arl would like some able help. I'm Ser Calder, by the way, only lately out of Teyrn Loghain's employ..."
Seeing a Mage walk in without a Templar escort, Calder looks a bit surprised. He nods curtly to the newcomer and returns to his meal, though he glances at him from time
to time. He looks a bit familiar...

Legnar Nevvin |

Finishing his meal, Legnar reads the events board. Nothing about Darkspawn. Still, he is getting low on money, maybe he would take the job to secure some extra funds. As the mage walks in, Legnar keeps an eye on him. He never seen a mage before, and he is not even sure if the man really was one, but that didn't make him less weary. He sits back down to finish his drink.
"What'cha know about that job on tha board?" Legnar asks the bartender.

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The barkeep scratches his head as though trying to remember something.
"Darkspawn, eh? That reminds me, Duncan of the Grey Wardens came through here not too long ago. He had business with the Arl. Haven't seen him leave yet, so he might still be there. Then again, he could of just left without stopping by again."

Rylan of the Circle of Magi |

Upon entering the tavern, Rylan nods to the person whom he presumes is the tavernkeep and replies with a soft, "Thank you- if you have either a mild ale or small beer, I'd like a cup of that".
The uneasy quiet after his entrance and the following sideward glances from other nearby patrons is something that the Mage has grown somewhat accustomed to. Nonetheless, something about the broad-shouldered and scruffily stubbled faced man who was in conversation with the tavernkeep seems almost familiar...
Ser Calder, what would you say would be a good way for Rylan and him to have known of each other?
Rylan's face is etched deep in thought as he tries to recall why the stranger would seem so familiar, even as the mage absently reaches into his belt pouch to pull out some coppers for his drink- scarcely noting the even more hirsute dwarf present in the tavern in conversation with the said tavernkeep though mention of the word "Arl" does get his attention somewhat.
When Rylan does get his drink, he'll find an out of the way spot in the tavern to sit at
Yes, the Arl- that was why the Circle had him come out all this way to the dockyards in the first place- and without any templar escort on top of that... a measure of the recent autonomy that the Circle Tower enjoyed due to the efforts of the Circle members to stay neutral during that entire Orlesian affair.
Not entire sure if the part about the Circle being largely neutral during the Orlesian occupation is accurate or not, btw- may amend prior statement if things turned out differently
With his attentions divided between figuring out whom the familiar looking man was and the unexpected query brought up by the tavernkeep, it was the dwarf's nearly casual mention of "darkspawn" that has the mage staring dumbfounded with his mouth agape. The equally casual reply of "Grey Wardens" does nothing further to keep the mage from having his jaw drop just a bit more. Darkspawn? The Circle certainly hadn't mentioned anything of Darkspawn being about...
Would Rylan, as a Circle mage, know of the Grey Wardens?

Ser Calder |

Ser Calder grunts at the mention of Grey Wardens. It's not the most approving sound.
"Huh. Suppose when a Blight starts, Wardens are sure to follow. Maker grace him, I reckon, but I've more faith in the King's army and the Teyrn than foreign help..."
He turns to Legnar.
"I've business myself if the Arl needs some skilled help. You want some company?"
Suddenly he comes up short, turning on his stool to face the mage in the corner.
"Ser mage... you look familiar. Are you from Dane's Ford? I'm Calder, Donal's son."
I'm assuming maybe Rylan and Calder grew up in the same Freehold before Rylan went to the Circle. Maybe they had friends in common?

Ser Calder |

The barkeep makes a holy sign.
"Haven't heard anything about darkspawn invasion, or a Blight. So I'm hopin' Duncan's visit is something different. Andraste preserve us if there's a Blight."
"Andraste preserve us.," Calder echoes,"Sorry if I'm bein' bleak, but I hear 'Grey Wardens' and 'Darkspawn' on the same day, I start to thinkin'. Expect the worst, my father used to say, and be glad when you're disappointed."

Rylan of the Circle of Magi |

Surreptitiously following in the making the holy sign at the mention of the Blight, Rylan is listening along in the conversation between the familiar figure, the tavernkeep, and the dwarf- all the while trying to remember if anyone had mentioned anything of Darkspawn activity over in the tower. As luck would have it, the familiarly looking man addresses the mage during that moment.
"Dane's Ford? Why yes...", Rylan replies, now placing the figure before him into the right context with the mention of his old home, before he was sent off to the Tower, "Ser Calder, no wonder you looked familiar- it's me, Rylan- Marden was my father...".
Rylan felt a slight twinge of regret at the rare mention of his late father's name- Marden was one of the many who had lost their lives during the Orlesian occupation, but it had occurred well after Rylan was sent off to the tower amidst some uneasy rumors of witchery in Dane's Ford; the mage ended up being among the last, along with the very distant kinsfolk, in finding out about his father's demise those many years ago.
Sounds fine with me, Ser Calder- perhaps their respective families might have been friends as well? Still haven't thought out anything of Rylan's siblings yet, other than deciding that he'd have some

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Just so everyone knows, the elf rogue isn't with us anymore.
The barkeep stays quietly out of the way until the mage and warrior have finished their reintroductions.
"If you're wantin' to see the Arl, you might wait 'til tomorrow. I can put up rooms for the three of you, coin willing, and at least get you some breakfast before you go."
It is already late in the afternoon, early evening.

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The next morning...
After a pleasant enough night's sleep, you make your way to the Arl's estate, easily found as it is right next to the local Chantry. As you go past one of the Chanters on the corner, a commotion from the noble estate seems to attract the attention of everyone in the vicinity.
"No. I don't want to!" A mature enough male voice, but somehow seeming younger with a petulant aire.
"But Sire, your mother made it for your trip to Denerim. Its your favorite color." A more mature woman, generally calmer, but with a hint of frantic expasperation.
The guards standing outside the estate's gates just look up at the windows and shake their heads before turning their attention to those in the city square around them.

Rylan of the Circle of Magi |

-70 cp for the drink and the lodging yesterday for Rylan
Nodding to Ser Calder and Legnar, Rylan listens on at the commotion with his right eyebrow slightly raised just a tad bit- it was something that was almost too common a scene at the Circle whenever a newer "recruit" would first come to the tower to stay for the remainder of their lives- himself among those numbers.
"That we are", the bemused Mage adds in after Ser Calder and Legnar, "for Lord Nicholas Grannern's upcoming voyage... but if Ser Duncan isn't otherwise indisposed, we'd like to have a word with him as well".

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The guards look over you, as though taking note of your weapons. Finally one nods and yells back through the gate that you are entering.
"Duncan of the Grey Wardens is still within. But he makes for the west on the morrow. He is the guest of Arl Grannern."
They let you pass.
The Arl's estate is a buildng perhaps as big as the local chantry itself. Most of the lower floor is the main hall and kitchens. Preparations for the midday meal are already underway, but the Arl and Duncan are found sitting by the fireplace in the main hall. They stand to greet you.
The Arl steps forward. He is an elderly man with a whitening beard."Well met, and welcome to West Hill. I am Arl Grannern. How can I help you today?"
Duncan stands quietly at his side.

Ser Calder |

Ser Calder gives a small bow to both Arl Grannern and the Grey Warden.
"Greetings, Arl Grannern. Ser. My name is Ser Calder and I've come to offer my sword arm in escorting your son to Denerim. I was most recently employed with Teyrn Loghain's bann guard. I'm a solid man, capable of handling any threat to your son."

Legnar Nevvin |

Legnar mimics Ser Calder's bow.
"Greet'ns Arl Grannern n' Duncan o' tha Grey Wardens. My name is Legnar Nevvin an I'ave come to offa my axe n' kill'n some darkspawn."
Legnar says, looking at both the Arl and Duncan.

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"Darkspawn, you say?" Arl Grannern strokes his beard in contemplation.
"I don't believe I've heard of any in the area. Have you, Duncan?"
Duncan replies in his traditional slow and somber voice.
"No. No Darkspawn here. Further west, perhaps. Unless....
Rumors have reached my ears of strange green-skinned creatures to the east. But they are not Darkspawn. The Grey Wardens would have known if they were. Still, they appear to be dangerous, and the Wardens are somewhat equipped to deal with them."
Duncan's voice trails off, and Arl Grannern speaks again.
"Thank you for answering the call of duty. My own honor guard is occupied with matters of state, both here and abroad, so I was beginning to worry how Nicholas might make his way safely to Denerim."

Legnar Nevvin |

"No. No Darkspawn here. Further west, perhaps. Unless....
Rumors have reached my ears of strange green-skinned creatures to the east. But they are not Darkspawn. The Grey Wardens would have known if they were. Still, they appear to be dangerous, and the Wardens are somewhat equipped to deal with them."
"I'ave seen them wit me own eyes! They killed my family! A merchant caravan was attacked by'em, too. There are darkspawn about! There are!"

Rylan of the Circle of Magi |

After Ser Calder's and Legnar's introduction, and the conversation of the strange greenskinned entities that Legnar seems convinced to be Darkspawn
Gives a short hidden breath of relief at the news that there might not be Darkspawn lurking about after all, despite the Dwarf's protestations.
Deciding that now would be a good time as any to complete the introductions and to smooth over any uneasy pauses caused by Legnar's outburst to Duncan and Arl Grannern, "My apologies, milords for not speaking more promptly. I am Rylan of the Circle Tower, Arl Grannern, and I bring you greetings on behalf of the Circle and our pledge of service with escorting your son off to his travels to Denerim". Rylan gives a bow and then turns to Duncan, "And I bid you greetings as well, Ser Duncan, as well as on the behalf of the Circle", and gives another slight bow.

Ser Calder |

"Green-skinned things that aren't Darkspawn? What else could they be?"
Is there a check we can make to figure out what he's talking about?
Ser Calder turns to the Arl, brushing aside his misgivings after overhearing the boy's tantrum.
"It would be my honor to escort your son, Arl. When is he due to arrive in Denerim? May I ask what the nature of his visit would be?"

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Duncan nods to the Dwarf.
"There used to be darkspawn in this area, but they have moved to the west. The nest that was here has already been recently cleared out. A party of Wardens are already tracking them as the remnants flee."
As to the strange green-skinned creatures, perhaps someone with Lore could determine further information with an appropriate Cunning check.
Once things have calmed down, Arl Grannern turns to Ser Calder.
He's been called to present himself at court. As most young nobles are these days. I would normally be able to escort him myself, but pressing trading matters require my attention here. If you can escort him to Denerim, I will join him there once my business is concluded."
"As to payment..."
Arl Grannern turns towards the fireplace and reaches up to where a large trophy cup made of silver stands in a proud place. He brings it down, showing the etchings of the deer hunt on its surface, then places it on the dining table.
A servant comes forward with a leather pouch, and empties its contents into the cup, silver coins and small gems fill it quickly.
"I am not suspecting that the journey will be dangerous, but our city has been financially successful and I wish to share our good fortune. The cup and its contents will be yours to split if you succeed on this mission."

Legnar Nevvin |

Legnar looks down at the silver filled Trophy cup, not showing a shred of emotion...
"Tha Lad be important to ya, right? Thar are darkspawn and those green bast'rds about, along wif other things o danger. Tha thar cup looks impressive if'n it were giv'n ta one o' us, but there be three. Let us take this one now, and bring another one filled 'n ready for us when you arrive and see your son safe 'n sound... Deal?" Legnar says, offing his hand for the accord.
Communication 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 1, 6) + 4 = 17 | Bargaining
Already added +2 to the roll for barganing focus.
...There is no stunts for bargaining is there... ;_;
Also, Legnar tries to figure out about how much the payment before him is... Not sure what check that would be...
Not sure about lore, but here is a cunning check, just in case...
Cunning 3d6 + 0 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) + 0 = 3
Yeaaaah, those green bastards are diffidently Darkspawn!

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Arl Grannern laughs in good nature, even as he shakes his head.
"This is fair enough payment. Take what you need now from the cup as an advance. And for you, Legnar, an added bonus."
Arl Grannern flips Legnar a single gold coin.
"Don't spend it all in one place."
You can probably check the payment value with a Perception or Appraise check.

Ser Calder |

Just going to try a Cunning check to see off hand if Calder's heard of these green things...
Cunning: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1, 6) + 1 = 11
"Your terms are fine with me, milord. Forgive me if I'm outta line, but I've heard that your son is... kind of an independent sort. Beyond keepin' him safe, are we to keep him on track as well?"

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Arl Grannern shakes his head with a sigh.
"Just make sure he gets to Denerim in one piece. The king's already agreed to have his guards keep an eye on the lad once he's there."
While you haven't heard anything about the green things, you have heard some tales of other things living in the Deep Roads other than darkspawn, but which normally are not active because of the presence of darkspawn. With the darkspawn from the area gone, it's likely some other creatures are rising to fill the caverns they once held.

Legnar Nevvin |

Legnar smiles, this should help with the Darkspawn hunting...
"Much oblig'd Arl. Ya can rest asur'd that tha Lad be safe! They would ave ta go through Legnar 'ere before they 'ad a chance ta even look funny at em!" Legnar says with a big smile.
Perception 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1, 5) + 2 = 10