Against the Dark Tower (Inactive)

Game Master stardust

A homebrew campaign based on d20 but with significant rule differences to account for a unique campaign.

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Liberty's Edge


Nestled in the green shade of the Northern Mountains, the Citadel of Zenon is the northernmost point of the Kingdoms of Huredain. Waters of the Juilis Cascades rush over a series of stone aqueducts that harness the citadel's water supply before falling into the Anriathis, the great river that flows through Zenon and teems with the silver trout, one of the main staples for the kingdoms of Zenon and Arisilon.

To the east and west of the Citadel lie massive forests, green and gold throughout the year. The forests of Northern Zenon are collectively known as the Unicorn Forest, though there is a forest to the south, beyond a range of fertile hills, that also go by that name. A road along the Anriathis leads directly to the Misty Moors, a green swampy region that also houses the Tomb of the Silverhorns.

West of the Unicorn Forests near the Citadel flows the Luminathis, the calm waters of this river enter the still Moonlit Lake, upon the shores of which stands the Sanctuary of the Moon.

The walls of the Citadel of Zenon seem like temporary structures, a wooden motte of great sharpened logs planted firmly in the ground (not visible in the picture provided but found when one gets closer). Some logs are actual massive trunks of trees, and these trees form the outer tower defenses of the Citadel.

The Outer Sanctum of the Citadel is composed mostly of temporary structures of wood and white stone. During the harsh winter months, it is abuzz with the traders from across the forests of Zenon. Life within the Outer Sanctum is quite casual, though military training and a quite but present government are daily occurrence.

Archery and combat competitions, taverns, restaurants, and inns make up the majority of the entertainment industries in the Citadel.

The Inner Sanctum of the Citadel is built from white marble and lies directly against the cliffs of the Northern Mountains. The Cascades fall on either side of the Citadel. Within the Citadel proper, a few marble columns are built around a majestic and powerful oak tree, obviously in a place of sacred trust. Some buildings have come into disrepair, however, and this seems to be due to a change in societal values. A magnificent temple devoted to the Sisterhood of the Moon, with columns of white and green marble, stands in a prominent place.

The Citadel of Zenon crawls up the Northern Mountains, building against the cliffs of those mountains in structures of marble and wood. The sound of rushing water fills the air as the nearby waterfalls dominate most of the mountainscape. Waterways harvest the fresh mountain water and channel it to the gardens, groves, and wells of the Citadel. Greenery is everywhere: trees, bushes, silver-white flowers, all melting together with the green and silver banners that flutter from windows, tree branches, and tall towers. Silver domes lined with greenery roof the most important of structures, though much of the wooden architecture is roofed with gardened terraces instead.

The courtyards of the Citadel are elegant constructions of naturally wild flower and berry gardens, and small copses of trees. Gazebos, benches, and small altars to animal spirits can be found within the grounds. Stone structures are carved from the white stone of the Northern Mountains.

Having spent the majority of his life within or around the Sanctuary of the Sun, Sorad had never seen so many common folk in the same place at once, and he felt a little overwhelmed at the prospect of possibly trying to teach these people--He wasn't even sure of what he would teach.
He remembered the last thing the Council of Elders had told him before he left, "The world has changed over the past hundred years Sorad. People don't care as much for the old knowledge as they once did. You must help them understand how important it is to remember the past, else they cannot progress through the future." With these words ringing in his ears, he began making his way closer to the citadel to look for a place to stay the night, all the while keeping an eye open for any who might be in need.

Passive perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

It seems doubtful that Kimefe would know any of the other character, being the wandering thief that she is (We'll probably meet her when she tries to pick our pockets). But Sorad and Morgul might know each other already, depending on how prone Morgul is to attending lectures on history and philosophy (Although Sorad probably went to several involving magic, so maybe they met there).
Anyway, I'm open to the two of them knowing each other however well, if that's what you want to do.

Months had passed since the dire events of the day that drove Morgul across the blasted lands of the Screaming Wastes, leaving the only home she had ever known behind as she sought out answers to the mysteries that had been left behind. Guided only by her visions, the wisdom of the spirits, and the occasional clue or prophet Fate had set before her she made her way, slowly but inexorably, to more civilized realms. Wastelands had given way to plains and rolling hills before revealing the magnificent mountains and forests of Zenon, traveling by foot or caravan on a meandering path that eventually left her standing amidst the busy shops and stalls of the famed Citadel.

She stood out from the crowd, both for her striking beauty and barbaric attire, the worn leather and furs laced with sinew and pierced with bone, close fitting and revealing, cut to allow one to move quickly and survive in a savage world. She radiated a presence that was both alluring and feral, regal and mysterious, her long silver-white hair flowing in the occasional wind that wafted through streets while eyes of brilliant aquamarine and rich violet looked out across the bazaar. Her left eye was nearly encircled by a crescent accented by three stars, her exposed skin hinting at other arcane marks hidden beneath her clothes.

She continued to scan the area, taking in the sights and sounds of the large and bustling Citadel, never having before seen such a collection of people and buildings. She had made the long journey here by caravan, hoping that rumors of powerful seers and oracles that might be found here were true, but also on the lookout for a familiar face in the crowd. She had met the Adept Sorad Dvorak a few short months ago on another caravan, the Adept mentioning his own intentions to travel to the Citadel to pursue scholarly agendas. Though she had only known him for a few days she thought it better to find an acquaintance to walk the streets with than wander them alone. Although he had mentioned that he'd likely arrive within a few days of the new moon, now ascendant in the sky, she was unsure if he had arrived or where he might be, though she had sense enough to look to the inns and places where the learned might gather.

Taking her time amidst the sights and sounds of the bazaar she kept an eye out for an inn or hostel to secure a room before the shadow of night made its way through the streets of bustling city.

Liberty's Edge

Lovely introductions, both of you. I'll post sometime tomorrow. I'm exhausted at the moment.

It had been a long time since Kimefe had visited such a densely populated area, and adrenaline rushed through her at the thought of it. Large cities made it easier to blend in, more readily allowed her to disappear after a job was finished. More people to choose from and more criminals made it less likely that something she took would be missed--Or found. Of course there were dangers too; more guards, shipping records were kept in greater detail, higher security around individual targets, and people were more cautious.
Standing atop one of the buildings, looking for all the world like she was supposed to be up there (If you acted like you had a reason to be doing something, people tended to assume that you did, and wouldn't question you), she looked out over the streets for someone who might have valuables on their person or back at their lodging. Kimefe never thought of what she did a stealing--The way she saw it, if someone wasn't smart enough to hold on to something then it had better be taken from them until they learned how to deserve it.
Well that's strange she thought, taking in the exotic woman who seemed to reflect light a little better than the people around her. Let's see, dagger and javelins--She thinks she might have to defend herself, although it looks like she doesn't know how to use them. Robes and belt pouch, not to mention the weird tattoos she has--So maybe she's one of those magic users. That will certainly make it harder to take anything. But she also looks weak, so if I find a way to avoid her spells I should have no problem. It also seems that she is looking for someone, I wonder who could be associated with her...
Kimefe continued to muse to herself as she slowly made her way out of the shadows and towards the strange lady. She wasn't yet planning on taking anything from her, but something interesting was sure to happen with such a woman, and when it did Kimefe wanted to be around to take advantage of it.

The Priestess continued her service; carrying water from the higher court to the lower court was an unnecessary ritual, but one which the Lunar Priestesses had long suffered for. The whites of her eyes gleamed unnaturally, marking her as one of the Ancient Kind, Eldarith. She looked around at the human inhabitants of the Citadel, some Eldarith mixed in among them.

Among the shops of the Lower Court, Gerinelle noticed two newcomers to the Citadel.

She made her way to the strangely dressed woman first, bowing her head and arching it to symbolize the rising and lowering of the moon.

"Welcome to the Citadel of Zenon. I am Gerinelle of the Jade Sisters."

Liberty's Edge

The Lower Court of the Citadel of Zenon is filled with buildings of wood and stone, plastered with white clay from the nearby river. A few buildings, such as shops and warehouses, have been made entirely of stone.

It is a quiet location; and you have the impression that the people of Zenon are quieter than might be found elsewhere. While the markeplaces do buzz a little, it is not the loud buzz that the population would normally suggest.

Morgul quietly made her way through the Citadel's outer ring, her eyes taking in the white walls, the foreign scents, and varied wares so unlike that which she was familiar with in the wastes, as she explored the city. An inn had yet to be found but there was time still, the sun riding high in the sky, and she wished to take in what she could before the quiet of night descended on the Citadel. As she walked she found her attention drawn to a stately figure making it's way through the crowd, an exotic creature whose luminous eyes and almost ethereal presence betrayed it as something other than human.

"Morgul," came the reply. "And thank you."

She studied the woman surreptitiously, bright eyes meeting, and she dipped her head ever so slightly in an effort to return the respect shown to her.

"I guess I stand out from the locales," she observed with a small smile. "Or is it common practice to greet all newcomers to the Citadel?"

As he made his way through the ever thickening crowds Sorad could not help but recognize the striking woman he had met but a few months before. Although he was supposed to have been spending most of his free time while traveling with that caravan studying precepts of agriculture, he had been drawn to Morgul and the natural confidence and unconventionality that she possessed. They had spent many hours conversing on a multitude of topics, and even with the short time they had had together he considered her one of his friends and was happily surprised to find her here. He swiftly made his way up to her, "Morgul! It has been too long! What brings you to these parts?"
Embarrassed at the outburst of emotion that he usually kept so well controlled, Sorad looked around for a moment for an excuse to take the attention off of what he had said and found it in the second lady standing nearby.
Speaking in Eldarith, "It has been some time since I have had an opportunity to speak with one of our own kind." and then switching back to Huredain for Morgul's benefit "Could you perhaps tell me where the nearest reputable inn is?"

Gerinelle turned toward Sorad.

"Ah, yes. Forgive me for not noticing you. There are many Eldarith in the citadel, and you blended in rather well."

"As to an inn, it is best perhaps to find one in the Inner Court. All of the inns are reputable here; nowhere else in Zenon will you find more mutual respect. Perhaps even in Huredain."

She smiles inwardly.

"And while I do not personally greet newcomers, the ones whom access magic are sometimes more noticable."

She pauses for a moment in thought.

"Perhaps you both will accompany me to the Jade Palace. We have many rooms there, and for a small donation to our order, I am sure we can find space for you."

"May I ask what brings you to the Citadel?"

A familiar voice broke through the quiet hum of the crowd, Morgul's attention flying from the eldarith priestess to the source.

"To meet you," she called back.

As the scholar crossed the gap she received him with a smile, stepping to the side and listening quietly as the conversation shifted between the two Eldarith, intrigued at the musical quality of their language for the precious few moments it hung in the air. When the priestess returned her attention to the young woman, Morgul's eyes twinkled, a mysterious look reflected deep within as Gerinelle mentioned a sense of magic.

"A brother of the sun and a sister of the moon. A fortuitous omen or a sign of trouble yet to come," she quipped. "Let us hope for the former."

When the Jade Sister offered them an opportunity to join her at the Jade Palace she looked to Sorad and nodded, waiting to see if he was willing to seek shelter at the temple, before replying to the final question.

"I seek answers to questions and have traveled far to speak with the seers and oracles in hopes of getting them."

"Of course I will take you up on your offer for lodging. I have come here with much to teach and even more to learn. It stands to reason that such a task would most easily be begun in the company of those who already have some higher knowledge gathered."

As the three of them began making their way to the Jade Palace, Sorad peppered both of the ladies with questions; He asked Morgul about her travels since they had met, often lapsing into friendly banter. To Gerinelle he asked questions about the Citadel and the people who lived therein, everything from architecture techniques to politics.

"My Sisters might be able to help you then. Sister Juliatan has some power to see beyond, into the past. The future, however, is lost to us."

She shakes her head at Sorad.

"We do not have much knowledge gathered here. That is not the function of the Lunar Path. We seek to heal, to cleanse, and to reveal the true nature of the world to those who are confounded by it. We have some knowledge, it is true, but usually only for that purpose."

Can I get those who want to question Gerinelle to make a Diplomacy skill check please?

Morgul was friendly and did her best to answer questions and join in the banter though she was normally a quiet one. Used to the silence and isolation of the wastes the quiet hum of the local crowd seemed almost cacophonous.

"What knowledge and hospitality there is to offer is appreciated."

Not sure if Morgul should roll but just in case or if she starts asking questions...1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21... or 24 if you decided that Diplomacy might be considered a Class Skill

"Perhaps you don't know the answer to this Gerinelle, but could you perhaps tell me something of the criminal element of Zenon? I know it sounds like a strange question, but I have made a habit of knowing the habits of those who might be detrimental to my well-being or to the well-being of those around me."

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Kimefe had been watching the unusual magic-user closely, so she noticed the priestess who came to greet her, and subsequently the tall eldarith man who joined them. It was this man who most concerned her; he carried that staff in a way that suggested he knew how to use it, and she didn't think that she could best him in a fight. Then again, she doubted that any of the three could outrun her with he unique abilities.
She swore under her breath when they the priestess mentioned that they might stay at the palace. It would be more difficult to break into a place like that than it would be to get into a common inn. Oh well, she would have to improvise. Or wait.
I hate waiting she thought absently as she took a turn down a side street. There was no more use in following this group at the moment, there were more important things for her to be preparing.

Kimefe will want to know as much as possible about the Jade Palace. Namely watch schedules, number of inhabitants, and floor plans if she can get a hold of them. I'll make a knowledge local check and a gather information check to see what she already knows and what other people can tell her. After that she'll probably spend most of her time staking out the main entrance and waiting for opportunities.

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Gather Information: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Liberty's Edge

Gerinelle nods to Sorad.

"I'll see what I can come up with, but we must hurry please. At least until we reach the colonnade."

Perception 15:
Gerinelle's forehead flashes with a silver crescent moon, but it flashes in a golden flicker that does not seem right at all. She seems to be agitated and eager to move on.

She sighs a relief as she passes through the cool green space of the Arboretum, where a few armed men in well crafted leather armor approach her with scrolls. She looks over them and nods to both of them. She asks them to explain to you the political, governmental, and criminal system of Zenon.

"There are few laws here, in Zenon, but that does not mean we do not have a system of Justice. Most within the Citadel have the capacity to rule themselves. This, we feel, is the basis for a benign society that favors the individual. But we also understand that without some form of organized government, we would devolve into the chaos that one can experience in the Citadel of Durnin, and that we wish to avoid."

The two armed men identify themselves as Jade Wardens. Alan Gruinwich is the Defender of the Palace, head of the guard within the Citadel. Alan continues discussing the government of Zenon. Sister Gerinelle makes her way to a small pool shaded by a thick oak tree. She sits on the white stone bench that stands there as the Jade Wardens continue their description.

"Every four years, a Defender of the Palace is elected during the Winter Trademeet. That Defender appoints a Council of Twelve (the Ministers of the Citadel of Zenon), these Ministers sit in council to hear civil arguments, matters of property theft and life endangerment, and to call the Defender to make war when necessary. We do not live by a legal code, though. Not in truth. We live by the Law of the Forest.
Harm none, except that thou shall eat or prevent from being eaten.
That which is used or taken, thou shall restore, so that countless generations may enjoy the same benefit.
Life is everywhere, but rarely replacable. Be wary of thy step, respect the Great Mother in all her beauty.
These three laws are left to the interpretation of the Ministers of the Citadel of Zenon, and the Jade Wardens as a whole, though we have learned to rely on the wisdom of some to help us define our relations.

Alan Gruinwich nods toward Sister Gerinelle.

Liberty's Edge

Most people do not know much about the Jade Palace, except that it is where the Lunar Sisterhood keeps their vigil. It is basically a large temple, devoted entirely to the Moon and the Sorcery of the Moon as is common among the Eldarith of Jailasthain. It is protected by an order of sacred warriors known as the Jade Wardens. It is most active at night, when the moon can be seen in the skies, and quietest during the day. Even then, though, there are Lunar Priestesses who will help the people of the Citadel in their daily activities. They heal the wounded, and the sick, and feed what few poor and homeless can be found in the Citadel. The Lunar Sisterhood has obtained a strong place of power in the Citadel's hierarchy. It is they who control the flow of fresh water from the waterfalls at the height of the Citadel, and as a result can limit or oppose businesses who need that water. This is not something that is complained about often, but it is present. Few people have been within the Jade Palace, as it requires an invitation from the Lunar Sisters to visit, but one elderly gentleman who was there some 10 years ago remembers that the hallways were curved in long crescents with rooms along each side of the shape, and that there was a large circular ritual room in the center of the Jade Palace.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Sorad listens intently as the workings of the city are conveyed to him, and he seems to be memorizing everything that is said to him.
"That seems to be a well-conceived system. Do you ever have much trouble with those who do not desire to follow it?"

Morgul continued to take in the sights and sounds of the Citadel, doing her best to map it out using the various landmarks. As the trio crossed the threshold into the Arboretum Morgul could not help but notice the sigh that escaped Gerinelle's lips. Whether it was due to an appreciation of the calm scene of water and trees or linked to something more pressing she could not tell but had held her tongue for the time being as the guards moved to meet them.
As the Jade Wardens enlightened the newly arrived pair to the rules that governed life in the Citadel of Zenon, Morgul could not help but appreciate the system. In many ways it echoed the rule of her life in the wastes, where resources were precious and one could live by their own rules.

"And what of the traditions and beliefs here? I have heard of the Jade Sisters, though know little beyond the name and that the spirit of the moon is revered by them. Is such the case with all of Zenon or are there other groups that hold sway in the Citadel?"

Perception1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Liberty's Edge

Sorry about the delay. Was waiting for someone else to post, then I realized there's only two players. Oops.

Alan looks surprised at Sorad's question. "We cultivate respect here. There are always conflicts, of one nature or another, but when we recognize that we are all fighting against evil, against the darkness that creeps at our eastern border, those conflicts seem far less problematic."

Sense Motive 15:
Alan is carefully guarding his words.

Just as he finishes speaking, and before he can answer Morgul, a tall eldarith enters the shade of the Arboretum, the whites of her eyes glowing with authority and power, and a silver crescent moon on her forehead also glowing with the same light.

"You have only to look for yourself, stranger to our citadel. We do not cling to the old ways as others do, but we keep a faith and traditions that work for the people that live here. That is all that matters, in the end."

Her voice is cracked with age, but it is impossible to tell how old she is.

Gerinelle rises swiftly, bowing her head to the newcomer.

"Sister Juliatan, we are honored. These are my new friends, Sorad and Morgul."

Sense motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Sorad mused to himself over what Alan had said. It is an interesting society that they have here.

Realizing he was being rude he quickly turned to the elderly newcomer and gave a swift bow. "We are indeed strangers here, Wise One. But I hope that we will soon be past that and will be able to benefit one another.
Gerinelle was kind enough to mention that we could spend the night for a reasonable fee, but I was wondering if there might be something more we could do for you as well. I myself am somewhat learned in history and theology; I also learn quickly, if there are other skills more useful to what you might need of me."

Can I take ten on my daily meditation checks?
Also, would a knowledge (religion) check be useful in understanding what I perceived, or would Sorad need to try to explain it to Morgul and see if she knows of it from her arcane studies?

Morgul remained silent, her eyes lingering on Alan as he spoke, assessing both the man and her surroundings. It was in that moment that her attention was drawn to the presence of the seeress among the Jade Sisters.

"I do not know of the old ways of which you speak. The beliefs of others are strange to me for I had the luxury to live far from people and free to choose my own path," she replied. "But those who grant freedom, respect and goodwill to others may gain my respect while I am here."

She allowed her eyes to meet Juliatan's for a bit, neither challenging or welcoming, simply assessing the woman as she had Alan a moment earlier. Letting her gaze move past before it might be interpreted negatively she waited in silence as Gerinelle and Sorad finished speaking.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Liberty's Edge

Sorry, but No to the taking 10 on Meditation checks. I apologize if I allowed you to do it before. In a way, Meditation represents you taking control of the chaos in your own life, and even a DC 15 Meditation check offers a significant boost. I am however considering making Concentration go back to the Pathfinder Style.

Liberty's Edge

The eldarith regards Sorad with an ease of judgment that is almost surprising. "You do not favor the moon, eldarith? That is... strange.... I have seen few eldarith who do not worship as those of the White Tree."

"You may both stay here for as long as you require. The Jade Palace has many rooms which are empty at this time. It is nothing to provide simple fare and a place to rest for as long as you are here. A donation would be gratefully accepted, however, as it will allow us to do the same for others."

Sister Juliatan next fixes her gaze on Morgul. "The old ways are strange to us. And we prefer to keep them that way. Our faith in nature, in the divine aura of our Moon, is enough to sustain us here in Zenon."

As though that settled the matter, the elder sister turns next to Gerinelle. "I expect you will fulfill the arrangements." Gerinelle nods respectfully.

Liberty's Edge

By the way, if you're getting a World of Warcraft Night Elf vibe from the eldarith, that might be the best way to describe them.

The Arboretum

The Jade Palace

The Tree of Zenon

"I hope that you do not take my affinity for the Sun as disrespect for the Moon; they are both highly honored by me in their separate spheres.
But being raised amongst farmers and working beside them, I have spent the majority of my early years feeling the Sun's heat on my back and learning of the life It gives to the plants we eat. I am comfortable in Its presence."

Liberty's Edge

Sister Juliatan regally nods her head with a smile, nods to the Jade Wardens, and walks away.

Weird, I posted this afternoon and saw it listed but, now, nothing. Thought I checked to make sure it wasn't a preview but who knows.

Morgul nodded her head slightly as both a sign of respect and farewell to Juliatan as the eldarith walked away. As she faded from view Morgul turned her attention once again to the others.

"I hear the voices of the spirits, including those of the sun and moon," she commented. "Though my interactions with them are likely very different from your own."

"When there is time I would hear more of the White Tree and your beliefs," she said to Gerinelle and the wardens."And yours as well, she added, turning to Sorad.

The arboretum's blend of water, trees, and stone was both beautiful and relaxing, touched by a mystic presence that permeated the temple. Taking a moment to find a more comfortable spot she took a seat, not upon the coldness of the marble benches but among the lush carpet of grass at the roots of a great tree. Spreading her fingers among the verdant ground she leaned back against the tree, a distracted look on her face as if listening to something in the distance. A short while later she seemed to break free from her reverie.

"The Jade Palace seems peaceful, moreso than the Outer Sanctum of the Citadel," she said, directing her words to Gerinelle. "I couldn't help but notice your sigh of relief upon returning here. Was it simply an appreciation for this place or is there something else in the Outer Sanctum we should know about?

Gerinelle shakes her head.

"Like many Eldarith, I am empowered by the moon's light. But I have a line of ancestors that have served the White Tree for many generations. And as a result, my skin does not react well to the light from the sun."

She says little more of that, but stands up from the grass and points to a tree opposite the Jade Palace.

As you see the great tree, your arcane senses tingle. This tree is somehow significant to the magical nature of the Universe.

"There is the Great Tree of Zenon, or the Tree of Zenon as some call it. That has been here long before the Eldarith arrived, but we respect it as well, and ensure it remains an important part of Zenon's traditions."

She waits for Sorad to be ready to leave.

"Don't be insulted by our sister's manner of exit. She does that often, some are put off by it. But she has many burdens."

"That is most certainly understandable."

Realizing that the other two were ready to move on Sorad took one last look around before following Gerinelle to wherever she would lead them next--Presumably to their rooms, but one could never know for sure.

Morgul gave a quiet, reassuring smile as Gerinelle revealed the source of her blessing and discomfort before allowing her gaze to drift towards the Great Tree. Her eyes seemed to lose their focus for a moment, widening ever so slightly as if seeing something beyond the tapestry of this world.

"In passing it does not seem a thing of the moon but it called to the eldarith nonetheless, she replied. "It's importance is unmistakeable and I would commune among it's roots if such is permitted."

Morgul rose to her feet, prepared to follow Gerinelle once she was ready to leave.

"What do you know of it's history and importance to Zenon?"

Would Mythos, Meditation, or any of the Knowledge skills allow Morgul to gain a better sense of the Great Tree's significance/power?

Liberty's Edge

Morgul has asked a general question that could apply to all characters. So allow me to clarify the rules here.

Spellcraft: With spellcraft, one can mentally and visually distinguish spell or magical energy, and make any other distinctions between types of magical energy that can be observed in the arcane perspective. An awareness of spell and magical energy is helpful before making a check, either through Mythos or the detect magic cantrip. See Aura can sometimes be effective, but only rarely. Take 10 allowed.

Mythos: With a rank in Mythos, you automatically sense places of power. (Sorcerers are the only ones who have a rank in Mythos at first level, generally). You can make a Mythos check to pierce the veil even further by calling on eldritch energies to peel back the layers of reality that hide arcane spells and places of power. Take 10 allowed. No ability score modifier applies to a Mythos check.

Meditation: With meditation, you attempt to relax your body and your mind to the point where arcane energies (or other awarenesses) can be permanently imprinted in your mind, soul, and body. Take 10 not allowed.

Knowledge: Knowledge skills generally only give you the knowledge of how to do something, theories without much applicability, sometimes. A knowledge check might give you what common information is known, for example, but if this information is untried, your knowledge check will generally reveal that as well.

"You can see for yourself, tomorrow. It has a long and ancient history, perhaps as old as the Enemy itself."

Gerinelle holds up a hand towards the Jade Palace, and leads the two across the paths and bridges over the aqueducts that flow through the Inner Sanctum of the Citadel.

The Jade Palace is a sanctuary of cool green marble, shot through with veins of brilliant silver. Porches and colonnades of white marble surround the cylindrical palace. One of the outer hallways leads to a row of bedrooms, and she finds two, side-by-side. The rooms are not lavishly decorated, they are relatively bare of furnishings, but the furniture that is present, a bed and a table with ewer and basin, are remarkable in quality.

Gerinelle disappears after showing you your rooms, but returns a moment later with a tray laden with fruit, nuts, bread, a silver pitcher of water and two matching silver goblets.

"Here is food. I hope you are not used to meat. As part of the Law of the Forest, we do not eat meat unless we hunt and kill it ourselves."

As soon as the food was placed Sorad bowed and thanked Gerinelle. But he refrained from taking any food until Morgul (And Gerinelle, if she plans to dine with us) had begun eating as well.

Unless one of you two was planning on starting a conversation with him while you eat, Sorad is going to retire for the night as soon as his meal is finished.

Morgul's features softened a bit, her eyes reflecting both appreciation and a glimmer of warmth when Gerinelle extended the invitation to commune with the Great Tree the following day. Thought filled with questions she followed silently after the Jade Sister as she led Sorad and herself to and through the Jade Palace. She admired the austere beauty of the place, her eyes and ears eagerly studying the various rooms, halls, and decorations found along the way to her room.
After setting her gear aside she stood in the hall, just outside Sorad's room, when Gerinelle returned with food and water.

"I can live without it," Morgul replied. "In the wastes you eat what you can get. And the respect given to animals, that one must know that which they consume, is fitting and teaches one to respect that which they eat and the life it has led. Thank you for the food and drink."

Sensing that Sorad was waiting for her to begin the meal she did so, but only after a silent prayer and setting aside a portion of the food on small platter beside her door. As she ate she spoke with the others, a bit more talkative than she had been earlier, trading stories and asking questions in an effort to better understand the Jade Sisters, the Great Tree, Zenon, and the old ways.

Although Morgul would ask questions in an effort to learn more of the above (and as a player I'm also interested in knowing more) I'm fine with fast forwarding things if both of you prefer

Keep that thought, Morgul.

Although Gerinelle gladly shares little anecdotal stories of the times in the Citadel of Zenon, she shies away from any questions regarding the old faiths of Huredain, simply shaking her head in an inscrutable fashion and leaning away.

As the night progresses, the silver crescent on Gerinelle's forehead becomes brighter and more noticeable, as though giving off a low nimbus of light.

"My time has come to leave you two. I have duties to perform in the Palace tonight, so I shall see you both in the morning. And tomorrow, Morgul, perhaps more of your questions will be answered. I know you must think me rude for not sharing the answers to all your questions, but the truth is, I do not know all the answers myself."

Are the Jade Sisters exclusively eldarith, or just the majority of them?

Spending a night outside in the city was never enjoyable. Stone and wood tended to chill as the sun went down, and leaning against a wall was never comfortable for more than a few seconds.
At least it will keep me awake, she thought as she once again shifted her weight to another position.
After a few more minutes of pain Kimefe stood up and slowly began walking around the perimeter of the Palace, keeping to the shadows and side streets as much as possible.

Stealth check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 + any bonus for darkness (I think it's +2, but I don't remember and it might be different with low-light vision).
Perception check: 1d20 ⇒ 3 - any penalty for darkness.

Kimefe is looking for any alternative entrances (Including windows and servants' doors) besides the main one; she's also trying to get a feel for how well the Palace is guarded, and will take note of the weapons and armor used by any guards she sees. Although with that perception check I doubt I'll find anything that isn't completely obvious.

Liberty's Edge

Just the majority, some are human.


The grounds around the palace are guarded by jade wardens (human and eldarith). But if you can sneak (or fight) past them, you should be able to enter the palace by any of the white marble porches that lead within. There are two jade wardens at each such entrance, and a few scattered throughout the grounds. Jade Wardens are armed with leather armor, and with scimitars.

Alternative Entrances: Windows are tall and narrow, and would require a squeeze through action to move through.

Other things to take into account: The Palace butts up against the rough stone of the cliffside behind it. Aside from the continual roar of waterfalls on either side of the temple, there is little that is noticeable. The cliff seems easily climbable should you wish to try that, except for the stone that is wet (-2 penalty).

If anyone had been watching Sorad as he slept, they would have been interested to know that he arose at exactly the time the first sliver of sunlight broke over the nearby mountains, despite the lack of windows in his room.
After saying a short prayer of thanksgiving for the new day, Sorad began his daily training regimen. He started with basic strength, endurance, and speed exercises designed to keep every muscle in his body honed and ready to act at a moment's notice. He then moved on to practicing his kata, executing increasingly lengthy and complex combinations of thrusts and blocks with both his staff and his body. All throughout this he muttered to himself old adages of wisdom taught at the first of his training, the words flowing from his lips as quickly and readily as the strikes from his weapons:
Backstep, twist, sideswipe, kick--You must be strong, to be useful--duck, upper cut, slam, roll, hop, punch, spin, trip--The most deciding factor in combat is not who is faster, stronger, or even smarter. It is who better understands his body and mind and spirit and what they are capable of. The winner of any battle will not be the one who knows how to fight, but the one who knows why to fight--bend, block, shift...
On and on he went, moving with ever increasing speed and precision until he became a blur of motion and sound too quick for a person to follow without wondering if what they perceived was what actually happened or if their mind was simply filling in pictures where it couldn't comprehend what it saw.

Gerinelle knocks on the doors of their rooms before entering.

"I trust you slept well. The morning is the best time of the day here in Zenon. Most of the afternoon and evening the sun has already progressed beyond the mountains. Mornings are the best time for us."

She stifles a yawn.

"Except for those of us dedicated to the Moon. I won't be able to join you this morning... but Morgul, if you wish to see the Tree of Zenon, there is no better time than when the morning sun's rays shine through its glorious leaves. It really is a magnificent sight."

Morgul had spent a good portion of the night awake, lingering beneath the moon while the night wind caressed her. She was in a state both excited and relaxed, her thoughts drifting to join the myriad spirits that danced about her. When she had finally gone to bed all was quiet save for the muffled movements of the servants of the moon.

Not used to sleeping in strange buildings and surrounded by the presence of so many people she found herself waking early, the sounds of civilization more disruptive to her than screaming winds that blasted across the wastelands of her youth. The sound of a hand rapping on the door caused her to sit up, the blanket slipping to the side to reveal her unclothed form. She seemed unperturbed by her lack of dress when Gerinelle entered the room, having grown accustomed to a life of relative solitude where the concerns of others were rarely an issue.

"Thank you, Gerinelle," she said, still looking a bit tired. "I would love to. Is there any custom I should follow when approaching it or is there someone I should, or could, talk to regarding the Tree of Zenon?'

Gerinelle shakes her head. "None that I'm aware of. All sorts of people visit the tree. Some people see special things there. Others don't. I'm not sure what makes the difference." She shrugs.

"The Tree of Zenon has been a powerful symbol for as long as I've been here, but as far as I know, its just that, a symbol. I'm not as well versed as some of the others who have been here longer though."

"Thank you. Perhaps if I'm lucky I'll find someone who is. I would know if it's past for the tree's spirit must be strong indeed to inspire a nation."

Morgul's eyes sparkled, catching the morning light as it came in through the window, a cooling zephyr blowing the curtain ever so slightly. She smiled, admiring the play of light on the white marble, the combination giving the room a greater sense of space. She took in a deep breath before looking back to Gerinelle, noting the eldarith's weariness.

"I know that the day is hard for you, the morning especially so," she said. "Shall we see you later?"

"I can come with you, if you like. It will take some time for the sun's light to penetrate my defenses."

Scarab Sages

I'm going to be busy all of tomorrow and probably Monday and Tuesday as well. As far as I can think neither Sorad or Kimefe has anything they need or want to do until the next time we leave the palace. So Morgul can go ahead and finish up whatever roleplaying stuff she wants to do and I'll drop a quick comment in if I find time.

Liberty's Edge

Assuming you all move out to see the Tree of Zenon...

The great tree has a thick trunk with many branches twisting around it. Ancient stones have been placed among the roots over the years and they are now as much a part of the tree as the wood that grows there. The brilliant sunlight refracts through the emerald canopy of the tree, creating rainbows of peridot hues from golden lime to kelly green. Just basking in the warmth of this magically infused light seems to pull away time and space for just a moment. You can feel your connection to the earth beneath your feet growing stronger, imagine roots reaching out toward waters, both known and unknown, and a sensation of unity with the great forests beyond the walls of the Citadel.

A spellcraft or mythos skill check will provide more sensations, Morgul.

Also, I will go ahead and switch over to Pathfinder concentration, instead of having a Concentration skill. But there will still be different ways to use Concentration as I have mentioned before. These will be based on 1d20+level+Constitution modifier checks. Spell casting uses the same Constitution checks as traditional Pathfinder games. This means that if you had a skill point in Concentration, you can use it for some other skill.

My mistake. I thought the tree was within the palace walls.

As the three of them came closer to the Tree, Sorad only barely suppressed his awe as the vibrant colors washed over his face.
After a moment he turned his attention to Morgul; although he knew of her connection to the spirits, he had never had the chance to see her involved with them like this, and he was interested in what it was she did to learn from them.

Morgul carefully prepared herself for communion before the Great Tree, bathing to purify her body and spirit, taking only water for breakfast. She moved quickly and efficiently, not wishing to lose the morning when the tree seemed most exalted. She wore little, wearing only enough to avoid disturbing the attention of others. She would have preferred to commune while sky-clad, to avoid having anything hinder the connection she sought, but had learned from previous communities that many in the civilized lands seemed uncomfortable with the bodies they had been gifted with, feeling the need to cloth for more than just comfort and survivability.
She crossed the grounds to the Great Tree of Zenon, her bare feet embracing the earth and grass, feeling the connection to the world's life-force growing with each step she took to the tree. Moving to the edge of it's spread branches she looked up, a sparkle in her eyes as she admired both the colorful beauty and magnificence of the tree as well as the spiritual presence and grandeur.
Morgul's eyes drifted from the canopy, along the branches and trunk, then down the roots. She noted the ancient stones that had become part of it's being, recognizing that it's power continued to grow with each year and each gift given to it. Life flowed into it and out of it, something she hoped to have the honor to join. Looking at the tree she spoke in a soft voice, asking for it's permission to step closer and pray among it's roots. Waiting a moment to sense if the tree accepted her she then moved to it's base, kneeling amongst the roots and stones.
Pulling free a dagger she ran the blade along her arm, allowing a small flow of blood to trickle down to her fingers, offering the blood, a symbol of her own life-force, to the tree, sprinkling it on the stones and roots. Her thoughts and aura, cleared of all outside influences, were open to the call of the tree, accepting the thoughts and urges that came to her as a sign, waiting to hear the voice of the Great Tree of Zenon to guide her as she lay down among it's roots.

Mythos 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Spellcraft 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Don't know if Meditation or any Knowledges might help but let me know if I should roll them. Also, not sure what the DC is but if it helps Morgul is willing to spend Sanity points to increase her Mythos roll

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