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Okay, well I throw this out there every once in a while. I'll try again. For those of you who remember the Milton Bradley electronic board game Dark Tower (there are computer versions of it out there on the internet), I found my disc with the campaign information on it.
While this is a d20 game, with all (or most) of the wonderful updates brought to it by the Pathfinder name, it is somewhat different in the following ways.
The theme of the campaign is Archaic, in the shadow of an ancient and great empire. We might say it is similar to a Conan the Barbarian type world, after the fall of Atlantis. Evil is everywhere. In fact it is dominant. And this Evil has done all it can to keep civilization from growing back, the mystic knowledge of magic from being rediscovered, and armies and technologies from being developed.
This has led to slightly different classes from standard Pathfinder. Because physical knowledge is so dangerous to possess, mysticism and inner knowledge is making a comeback. In fact, this is the only way to obtain knowledge of other planes and of magic. Meditation and Concentration are two skills (re)introduced into this campaign.
This game also does not use the vancian magic system, but the Sanity and Spell system from the Call of Cthulhu d20 game, even if the spells have been changed somewhat to maintain the theme and character of the campaign. If you are a magic user, you will have access to at least 1 or 2 beginning spells, and some regular ability to use cantrips or special abilities.
So, I know it is somewhat dangerous doing it this way. I have a rules system for the campaign, but its a little complicated to share over the board.
Try to imagine for a moment, a world darkened by a great and powerful evil. Once a great empire, Huredain, now reduced to the four kingdoms of Durnin, Brynthia, Zenon, and Arisilon.
Come up with an archaic character. One who would dare to fight against the darkness. And demonstrate to his kingdom that the Ideals of the old Empire need not be forgotten. And that the Dark Tower can be brought down once and for all.

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While I am hoping that some people will put forward character ideas before knowing about the classes and such, just based on the theme and feeling of the campaign, I guess that is somewhat unlikely.
Here are a list of classes that I have developed for this campaign, and a little bit about them.
Crusader (replaces Paladin or Fighter. Role: Tank or Healer)
The Crusaders are the religious warriors, though since religion has died off to some extent due to the rejection of free ideas in a society terrified by great evil, they are relatively rare. Most Crusaders come from outside Huredain, such as Aenythis (the Island of Light), and Thaurenon.
Enchanter (replaces Bard, Rogue, or Spellcaster. Role: Social)
The Bardic traditions of Tamelron were destroyed when the great city fell. What remains of them can be found were preserved by the Faerie Realm and taught to those who were willing to befriend the faeries. These Enchanters, as they came to be called, are now sought for their special friendships.
Landwalker (replaces Druid. Role: Combat, Support)
The Druidic Enclave of Zenon was also destroyed, scattering the druids far and wide. Without their connections to the sacred lands to guide them, most druids lost their powers. A few still connect to the earth and discover things about themselves and nature.
Lunar Priestess (replaces Cleric. Role: Healing, Support)
From the Sanctuary of the Moon in Zenon, these outsiders to Huredain do what they can to stem the tide of Evil. Only females are allowed. (See Solar Adept for a male only class).
Marshal (replaces Fighter or Ranger. Role: Tank, Combat)
The Marshals protect tactical knowledge and combat skills when books are dangerous to hold onto. Most are devoted to a particular style of fighting to preserve it for future generations.
Mystic Guardian (replaces Ranger or Spellcaster. Role: Combat, Support)
The mystic guardians have learned to live off the land, and inner searching for mystical knowledge. They are empowered by the faeries to continue to fight for their freedom.
Savage (replaces Barbarian or Druid. Role: Combat, Support)
The savages follow two different paths, the path of Vengeance and the path of Spirits. They both rely on their animal spirit guides and connection to the earth.
Savant (replaces Spellcaster. Role: Combat, Support)
The savant is a freak of nature in a mostly magicless world. The savant is resistant to the mental draining effects of magic, but does not seem to be mentally present most of the time anyway. These empty minds are a conduit for the arcane and mystic.
Seeker (replaces Cleric. Role: Combat, Healing, Support)
The seekers keep the old traditions, doing what they can to save and preserve it from the destruction of the Dark Tower's forces.
Solar Adept (replaces Monk. Role: Combat, Support)
The Solar Brotherhood focuses on strength of natural arms, and helps in the maintenance of knowledge and libraries. The Sanctuary of the Sun in Arisilon is the origin of most Solar Adepts.
Sorcerer (replaces Spellcaster. Role: Combat, Support, Social)
Sorcerers embrace the strange worlds of magic and mysticism, empower themselves to face the darkness and chaos from whence magic originates.
Specialist (replaces Rogue. Role Combat, Support, Social)
The specialist can be just about anything, depending on where he or she specializes. Most focus on the combat arts, but some can become great sages of learning and knowledge.

Lithalis |

Been a fan of Dark Tower and enjoy dark and gritty Archaic settings so this should be fun:)
I have an idea for a mystic in mind, one in tune with the spirit world such as a witch or druid from a rugged land populated by barbarians that may serve as a sort of priestess or oracle for the people, perhaps viewed with respect or with superstitious fear depending on what you feel fits in best with the various lands that the character might be from.
I can flesh things out more but as you mentioned slightly different classes from Pathfinder along with some house rules I'm wondering if you can share a bit more regarding character creation and maybe an overview of the kingdoms. UPDATE: Just saw the class info after I posted this:)

Lithalis |

A fair number of the classes sound interesting but I think I'll just describe what I have in mind and allow you to pick the class that you feel would best fit the concept.
The idea I have in mind is for a female mystic from a rugged land, perhaps part of a barbarian or nomadic culture or possibly living in the wilds not too far from the edge of their lands (basically something like a witch, druid, or primal priestess). Born with a connection to the spirit world she often feels more at home among the animals and spirits (fae, dead, and other) of the wild places than she does among humans and is gifted with visions and a sensitivity to the flow of energy in and between worlds.
She often serves to advise those who seek her aid, healing or enchanting them and walking unseen along the hidden pathways as she is pulled to discover secrets or perform some mysterious errand for one reason or another. She would also serve to assist in rituals performed at special times for the benefit of the community.
Covered in strange markings her past is a mystery, the bits and pieces she knows taken from hard-won research, strange dreams and the rare guarded stories of her childhood guardian(s). The information, often cryptic in nature, has led her to believe that the events surrounding her birth were fraught with peril and intrigue. Mysterious forces were said to have hounded her parents as they raced to a place of safety to give birth under the watchful eyes of equally enigmatic allies . Part of a set of triplets, all three seem to have been spirited away almost immediately after birth, each in the care of a guardian.
She seeks to discover the mystery of her past, uncover her own destiny and delve deeper into the nature of the spirit world while learning all she can on a search for enlightenment and doing what she can to aid her people along the way.
I see her possibly being linked to the fae, moon/star/seasonal events, and nature and combining mysticism with combat survivability, either through physical training or some sort of spiritual/magical training but I'm open to any suggestions or changes you would like to see as needed to fit best into the story you have in mind.

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Looks interesting enough. I could see myself playing a Solar Adept (he's devoted his entire life to to collection of knowledge, and with the lack of traditional information he now sees it as his responsibility to keep safe what is still left and help restore what has been lost).
Or maybe a Specialist (Having been pushed into the practice of [whatever] by her parents at a young age she has become very good at it; she realizes that if the world keeps falling to darkness she won't be able to learn any more of her trade, and hopes to stop the threat to the world as she knows it ((If only for selfish reasons)) or at the very least collect as much information as she can before all is lost).
Not sure if either of those counts as 'archaic,' but the ideas are there. I could definitely fill them out a bit more if needed.

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lol.. Archaic basically means "very, very old... so old we don't know much about it at all."
Basically, just think Conan the Barbarian.
Lithalis, I'm feeling a sorcerer for your character (sorceress if you prefer) or a Savage, since there is a spiritual path to the savage as well. The savage is basically two classes wrapped into one; starting at level 4 they can develop spell powers if they choose. I may allow your animal spirit guide to provide some spell powers if you come up with a good concept for it.
Speaking of spell powers. Every class can cast magic, if one finds a book of spells or something of the sort. (Using magic is inherently dangerous to sanity, and can cause ability damage.) Certain classes: the Enchanter, Sorcerer, Savant, Seeker, Lunar Priestess, Solar Adept have a mystic development that allows them to use magic or obtain spell knowledge as a regular feature. The Crusader and Mystic Guardian eventually reach levels where they can obtain spell knowledge as a regular feature.

Lithalis |

Sorceress or Savage, hmmm....
I see magic being the primary strength of the character, perhaps with shape-shifting or combat magics to give her an edge when necessary.
I don't want to spoil things for you by having you reveal too much about the classes as I'm sure part of the fun will be discovering more about them IC but could you give a bit more information regarding the Savage (on the Path of the Spirit)?
As I'm interested in developing magic as a primary, does the Path of the Spirit allow for strong magical development (starting at 4th level I assume) as I didn't see them listed as being strong in magic?
Are their magics and powers mostly limited to animal magics?
Sorceress is interesting and I'm sure it's different than what's listed in the book so should be interesting as well but the Savage is intriguing.

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The Sorcerer is definitely different from what is listed in the book.
Here are the first five levels special abilities of the Savage and the Sorcerer for comparison.
1 Animal Spirit Patron
2 Savage Fury (basically like Barbarian Rage but a little different)
3 Naked Courage +1 (adapted from the Savage Barbarian archetype)
4 Path of War or Path of Spirit
5 Rage Power
Path of War provides d12 hitpoints, an additional +1 BAB, and a combat feat.
Path of Spirit provides d6 hitpoints, and Spell Knowledge.
Since Spells are following the Call of Cthulhu magic system (with some adaptations as desired), generally Spell Knowledge gives a class an ability to cast one or two spells as desired (paying the sanity cost and ability damage cost as required)
1 Elemental Familiar or Disembodied Voices, Mythos, Spell Knowledge
2 Power
3 color spray 1/day
4 Transfer Spell Knowledge
5 Arcane Feat

Lithalis |

Thanks for the info, Stardust.
I like the Spirit Savage and I'm definitely curious as to how it develops further on but I think the Sorcerer is more in line with what I imagine for the character.
Let me know if there's anything you need me to flesh out or change. Looking forward to hear more about the world and I'm open to any suggestions you might have for me. I'll work on the character once you're ready and creation rules are posted.

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Absolutely. If you are playing an outsider of Huredain, I can imagine you might be able to roleplay your confusion very well.
Now on to races available.
Humans are of course available. A 1st level human may choose a bloodline feat as his bonus 1st level feat. A bloodline feat will usually grant certain benefits, and I've come up with quite a few of them. Most of the bases are covered. It is not required, however, and regular feats will certainly be allowed.
Eldarith Race (Advanced: 10 RP)
Medium humanoid
Normal speed
Advanced modifiers: +2 Int, Wis, Cha, +4 Dex, -2 Str (2 RP)
Xenophobic Linguistic array: Eldarith + Common Huredain, Tradetongue, Ancient Huredain, and Seatrade.
Eternal Hope +2 racial bonus on saves against fear and despair. Once per day, reroll a natural one. (2 RP)
Dreamspeaker +1 bonus to saving throw DCs of spells that produce sleep effects. Charisma 15 or higher can use dream once per day as a spell-like ability. (2 RP)
Nimble Attacks (2 RP) Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat
Low-light vision (1 RP)
Spell-like ability (1) luminous gaze once per day.
Minluin Race (Advanced: 10 RP)
Small humanoid : +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls. -1 penalty on maneuvers and CMD. +4 size bonus to Stealth checks.
Slow speed (-1 RP)
Flexible modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis (2 RP)
Linguist array: Faerie, Common Huredain + any languages except Druidic and other secret languages. (2 RP)
Faerie Luck: Once per day, roll Reflex saving throw twice and take better result. (1 RP)
Fortunate: +2 racial bonus on all saving throws (4 RP)
Darkvision 60 ft (2 RP)
Jinn Race (Advanced: 11 RP)
Medium outsider (Native): darkvision 60 ft. (2 RP)
Advanced modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Cha, -2 Wis. (4 RP)
Xenophobic Language: Jinn + Arcane, Tradetongue, Seatongue, and Common Huredain (Durnin dialect) (0 RP)
Spell Resistance, Lesser: SR equal to level +6 (2 RP)
Magical Linguist (2 RP)
Spell like abilities: 3/day - unseen servant (3)
Elemental Vulnerability: Jinn have vulnerability to fire. (-2 RP)
Templar (Advanced 10 RP)
Medium outsider (native): darkvision 60ft. (2 RP)
Standard modifiers +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Dex (0 RP)
Xenophobic Linguist: Celestial + Tradetongue, Seatrade, Draconic, Common Huredain (Arisilonian dialect)
Ancient Foe: Templars gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC and +2 racial bonus to combat maneuvers against aberrations. (3 RP)
Celestial Resistance: Templars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5. (2 RP)
Spell-Like Ability: Templars can cast see aura 3 times/day. (3 RP)
If you have ideas for other races, I'm open to suggestions. But these are the races I created for the campaign.

Lithalis |

The Eldarith seem like a very interesting race and I may go that route although playing a human with a blood-line might be more in keeping with her mysterious origin. A crossbreed of both races would be interesting or one with another race if such is possible.
Going to think over the two but in the meanwhile will you be posting Bloodline Feats in Character Creation?
Reading through the CoC magic system but thought I'd ask here if specific stats are going to be important to certain classes as in regular Pathfinder (CHA for Sorcerers, WIS for Clerics and such) or if that doesn't matter for spellcasters?

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Ability scores won't really matter for spellcasting, other than the ability drain that certain spells cause. Wisdom is pretty important for regular spellcasters for the sanity. :) Some classes have spell-like abilities however, and the save DCs is based on certain ability scores. Primarily Charisma for arcane channeled spells. Intelligence for arcane knowledge spells. And Wisdom for divine spells.
Edit: I think according to CoC, certain abilities are used to determine the DCs of spells. But other than that, they do not affect spell knowledge or spells per day. Found it. Saving Throw DC of spells is equal to 15 + relevant ability bonus. This makes magic a little more powerful at lower levels, but weaker at higher levels (which actually feels pretty good to me.)

Lithalis |

I saw a few new things posted under 'Campaign Info' and guessing you'll be putting things like 'Feats' in there so will hold a few days before finishing up the character sheet. Hopefully we'll have a few more PC's jump in by then.
BTW, for things such as 'Religion', will you be detailing them in 'Campaign Info' or will you keep quiet unless PC's inquire?

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Well, the thing about Religion, I had filled it out, but didn't Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C. :( So I lost it all. I'll fill it out if I feel like it again, or if someone asks.
As for feats, there are quite a few I came up with. But I'm more interested in character concept. I will come up with a new feat if I need to for characters to be as their players want them to be. Right now, I'm just ecstatic that someone else wants to play an archaic-style campaign.

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Basically, Conan the Barbarian is the closest example I have to an archaic setting. The time before the Roman Empire came into being could be another, I guess.
Conan the Barbarian, however, is the best example because that setting incorporates magic. Magic seems to be all over the place, but when you try to access it yourself its difficult and dangerous. Danger exists everywhere because Evil exists everywhere. And technology feels stunted because people are afraid to explore new ideas. Those who do are branded as heretics and executed. Human sacrifice might be a common practice.
This is not to say that Good does not exist. But the strong are powerful, and the weak die young. The terrain is rugged, and inhospitable. Beasts are strange and dangerous. Artifacts of a time of great magic are remembered, sought after, and often used by Evil forces. Magic is strange
and deadly. Both to the user and to its targets.
For 10,000 years, the Dark Tower has stood. The Dragon Wizard Cirambul sends out armies of strange undead creatures to destroy and pillage the surrounding kingdoms, once known as the Great Kingdom of Huredain, now conquered and divided into the four kingdoms (as shown in the map image in the first post)
The only places that seem safe in this world, torn asunder by the dark magics of the Tower are the Citadels of the Four Kingdoms, but they have been trapped by their own fear and insecurities. From time to time, a Prince arises from a Citadel and attempts to lead a siege against the Dark Tower. But thus far, these have failed. The Dragon Wizard Cirambul has destroyed them and their allies.
The land continues to remain inhospitable. Outside the Four Kingdoms lie the realms of Jailasthain (Home of the Eldarith), Sorcielle (Home of the Jinn), Thaurenon (land of a thousand rainbows), Portharon (a realm of icy mountains and few men), the Dune Wastes. And beyond these the islands of Aenythis, Poseidatlan, and Valiantis. These realms and kingdoms have mostly been affected by great chaos and destruction, and those that remain unscathed remain so xenophobic that they rarely interact with other realms. Still, there are many great mysteries. Most of the world is a mystery, waiting to be discovered. And few are willing to upset the balance of their delicate worldviews by looking past the horizon.

Lithalis |

The idea of playing in a gritty world that is in its Dark Age, where magic actually holds mystique, life is harsh and where everything remains to be discovered (or rediscovered) holds the potential for great storylines. Hopefully you'll decide to join, Eragar:)
Stardust, as it seems that you'll give info and/or tailor things to character concepts/backgrounds I'll work on detailing as much as I can for you and then hear your suggestions or decisions. I should have it up in a day or so.

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Sorad (Solar Adept) was born the son of a farmer in a small hamlet left off of most maps. One night a traveling storyteller stopped by his home for rest, and as payment shared with the family a book he had on 'advanced' sciences (Probably something akin to ancient Greek mythology). Sorad realized then that there was more to life than dirt and sweat and left the very next day to seek out a future of knowledge. He is one of the few who doesn't fear the Powers What Be to punish mankind for making advances in philosophy, art, and mathematics--Although he does his best to hide this knowledge from the common folk, as he does fear being burned at the stake.
Kimefe (Specialist [still don't know what kind, as I don't know the options, but I'm thinking something of a magic-using thief]), unlike Sorad, is definitely afraid of knowledge. That is to say, new knowledge. The kind that might blow up in your face or send your soul to the abyss. But normal, tried knowledge she is perfectly fine with--And uses every opportunity to exploit it for personal gain. She moves around a lot (People hate witches, after all. And fear only takes you so far before bloodlust and drink combine to do you in), but sees it as a chance to learn more tricks and con more people.
I'm happy to play either of those ideas (Or variations thereof, if you think it'll work better with the setting); or both if you're okay with it and we don't have enough people.

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Both might be fun. They seem different enough that I don't think there will be any acting conflicts. :P
We'll see if anyone else is interested, and what their character concept is.
Solar Adept
1 Unarmed Strike, Protect Knowledge
2 Eschew food, shattering blow
3 Evasion
4 Fast movement, tongues 1/day
5 Refuse fatigue, refuse fear
1 Weapon Specialization, Skill Specialization
2 Chosen Destiny or Spell Knowledge
3 Bonus Feat
4 Weapon Focus
5 Chosen Destiny or Spell Knowledge

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Lithalis |

Sorry for the late post as I meant to post this earlier but the last few days have been a bit hectic.
Stardust, just sat down and started looking over Campaign Info so I could start on creating the character. Unfortunately the variant magic system rules and unlisted abilities are making it a challenge as far as determining how to allot Attributes and Skills. If you could possibly detail descriptions of house rules and mechanics (both magical and non-magical) that would be great:)
I've listed some of the major questions that came up below.
1. In CoC spell DC's are based on INT, will this be the attribute used by all spellcasters ( you mentioned divine, arcane channelers, arcane knowledge, non-spellcasters who learn spells) or will it vary depending on Class?
If the latter, as classes are different in this game how are you determing which category classes fall into?
2. Are we using the CoC spells or Pathfinder spells (but altered to CoC rules)?
3. As Sanity will be used in spellcasting what rules do you have in place for replenishing Sanity? CoC allows Psychoanalysis and Psychiatric Drugs and wondering if you have something like this or a substitute in place for the game.
4. CoC mentions that learning spells will also require Speak Languages as a skill. Is this true as well in your game? Will other skills be necessary to learn magic?
5. As there seem to different sources of magic (Fae, elemental and such) will the source have a mechanical effect on magic and/or class development in game?
1. Can you list the mechanics of the first few levels of Class Abilities?
2. As it's a class of your own creation, what are the mechanics regarding Skill Points, Class Skills, Hit Points, Weapon/Armor Proficiences, etc.?
1. I noticed you brought back Concentration as a skill. Pathfinder has this in their rules but not as a Skill that needs to be bought and which uses the primary Attribute as a modifier instead of Con. Just wondering if it wouldn't be simpler to use Pathfinder rules for this or at least allow Spellcasters to use a primary mental attribute as the magic system seems to push spellcasters to require at least 4 decent attributes to be effective.
2. Based on how you describe casters acquiring spells in the game I'm wondering if it's going to be necessary/mandatory for a spellcaster to allot points to the new Skills for them to have a chance at learning magic/developing in game?
Anyways, sorry for the headache and look forward to finishing up the character for you:)

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Thanks for the questions. I'll get to work answering them right away.
1. In CoC spell DC's are based on INT, will this be the attribute used by all spellcasters ( you mentioned divine, arcane channelers, arcane knowledge, non-spellcasters who learn spells) or will it vary depending on Class?
If the latter, as classes are different in this game how are you determing which category classes fall into?
Sorcerers base spell DC's on Charisma. Savants base spell DC's on Intelligence. Seekers, Crusaders, and Landwalkers base spell DC's on Wisdom. Classes that learn spells but do not cast them normally use Intelligence.
2. Are we using the CoC spells or Pathfinder spells (but altered to CoC rules)?
Generally, CoC spells will be more thematic to the campaign. However, if there is something you would like your character to be able to cast that is closer to a Pathfinder spell, I'll gladly work on a CoC version of it. It should also be noted that most CoC spells with be unCthulhu'd.
3. As Sanity will be used in spellcasting what rules do you have in place for replenishing Sanity? CoC allows Psychoanalysis and Psychiatric Drugs and wondering if you have something like this or a substitute in place for the game.
The Meditation skill can restore some sanity with the Hadachmyna Trance feat, as can some of the religious classes. Spells that enable another person to interact with the mental reality of another person might allow the caster to restore or diminish some sanity. For example, Eldarith with high Charisma have a dream spell-like ability, which can be used to restore sanity.
4. CoC mentions that learning spells will also require Speak Languages as a skill. Is this true as well in your game? Will other skills be necessary to learn magic?
Speak Language will not be required, per se. However, to read arcane tomes, you will need to know Arcane, or Greater Arcane (which are secret languages guarded by the most powerful sorcerers). Spell Knowledge in Call of Cthulhu is based on reading tomes. In the Dark Tower Campaign, Spell Knowledge comes from mystic realms, the faeries, and other planes. But it can more or less be directly acquired. There are such creatures as elemental gen, which are energy elementals from the plane of pure arcane energy. They can bring spell knowledge with them.
5. As there seem to different sources of magic (Fae, elemental and such) will the source have a mechanical effect on magic and/or class development in game?
A sorcerer (much like a Pathfinder witch but with different mechanics) acquires spell knowledge from a combination of his or her mystic ability (meditation) and his or her familiar. A savant seems to be able to pluck this knowledge directly out of the world around him or her. Divine spellcasters acquire spell knowledge through meditation on divine principles. Those who do not normally cast spells but who have access to spell knowledge usually acquire them from other casting sources, but such knowledge can also be granted to them in a dream by faeries, arcane elementals (gen), or other extraplanar entities.
1. Can you list the mechanics of the first few levels of Class Abilities?
2. As it's a class of your own creation, what are the mechanics regarding Skill Points, Class Skills, Hit Points, Weapon/Armor Proficiences, etc.?
Meditation, Mythos, and Concentration are added class skills for Sorcerers.
The Sorcerer has the same skill points, class skills, hit points, and proficiencies as the Pathfinder sorcerer. The technology of the time limits available equipment, not the knowledge of the sorcerer. A savant has d4 for hitpoints but more skill points and a slightly better ability to maintain sanity as he or she uses magic.(Skills)
1. I noticed you brought back Concentration as a skill. Pathfinder has this in their rules but not as a Skill that needs to be bought and which uses the primary Attribute as a modifier instead of Con. Just wondering if it wouldn't be simpler to use Pathfinder rules for this or at least allow Spellcasters to use a primary mental attribute as the magic system seems to push spellcasters to require at least 4 decent attributes to be effective.
Concentration has other uses for military classes. However, I can see your point about ability scores. So for the purposes of spellcasting concentration checks, a spellcaster uses the spellcasting ability rather than Constitution. :)
2. Based on how you describe casters acquiring spells in the game I'm wondering if it's going to be necessary/mandatory for a spellcaster to allot points to the new Skills for them to have a chance at learning magic/developing in game?
Perhaps the only skill that is abolutely mandatory for arcane spell knowledge is Mythos. This is a rare skill in that only Savants and Sorcerers have access to it as a class skill (but they can teach it to others), but Mythos itself is fairly powerful as a skill. Mythos is the ability and knowledge of a spellcasting class to freely engage with alternate mental landscapes, arcane energy forms, and arcane creatures that are so bizarre and alien they may have difficulty taking form in the physical universe. However, even without Mythos, classes with spell knowledge as class abilities will suddenly have spells 'gifted' to them by alien forces. I hate to throw in an element of chaos at the last minute, but my original idea was that such spells were not learned voluntarily, but would seem entirely random. However, while this idea might sound great for a novel or short story, I do not think it would work well for a game.

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Elemental Familiar
A sorcerer has a small elemental companion, and may choose from the following. Small Air Elemental, Small Earth Elemental, Small Fire Elemental, or Small Water Elemental. This elemental provides all the benefits of the Pathfinder familiar, except that there is no enhanced skill. As a standard action, an elemental familiar can transform into a piece of jewelry that can only be worn by the sorcerer. This piece of jewelry readily accepts enchantments. (requiring significant knowledge beyond the ken of most mortals).
Disembodied Voices
Instead of having an elemental familiar, a sorcerer may have a different type of arcane companion. These are special voices that only the sorcerer can hear, generally. The disembodied voices may communicate by empathy or telepathy (this must be chosen at 1st level). Voices can be a distraction at times, as this energy being usually has intense desire to communicate. The sorcerer gains a +3 bonus to any skill (chosen at 1st level) or to initiative checks so long as the voices can be heard. A sorcerer with disembodied voices does not gain the Alertness feat. Once per day for every 5 class levels, a disembodied voice can release a piercing shriek.
A sorcerer can place ranks in Mythos as a normal class skill. Sorcerers begin play with an amount less sanity equal to Charisma score. Part of their obscure training requires them to create either a faerie orb or a wand of sorcery
The faerie orb allows access to any 4 Pathfinder arcane cantrips (with the exclusion of alignment detection and Read Magic). These cantrips can be cast at will so long as the faerie orb is in the sorcerer's possession.
The wand of sorcery inflicts 1d6 + half sorcerer level arcane damage as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet. This costs 1 sanity each time it is used.
Spell Knowledge
Sorcerers can attempt to meditate and communicate with the Arcane Collective (or other planar beings) to learn spells. (DC 15+level). A sorcerer can add 1d6 to such Meditation checks but lose the same amount of sanity. If successful, the sorcerer learns 1d4 spells. Such meditations can only be performed in certain ritual locations once per month. But only once per location.
A sorcerer gains any 1st level sorcerer ability from the normal Pathfinder sorcerers, with its normal limitations.
Arcane Patterns
A sorcerer can cast color spray once per day, representing a direct channeling of arcane energy into the perception and minds of his enemies.
Transfer Spell Knowledge
Upon acquiring 4th level and at every 4th level after that, a sorcerer may switch out any of her spells for different ones. A sorcerer can grant Spell Knowledge of a particular spell to another character, but while this character has that knowledge, the Sorcerer does not. The sorcerer can recall that spell knowledge at any time. At 4th level, only one spell can be 'loaned' out in such a way, but the sorcerer can transfer one additional spell for every 4 levels he or she advances beyond 4th.
Arcane Feat
The sorcerer gains access to an Arcane Feat or Metamagic Feat. Arcane Feats are those which draw on direct arcane energy for various purposes.

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So besides the new classes and variant magic system, is everything else (feats, combat maneuvers, etc) going to work the same?
And these questions might have been asked already and I lost the answers somewhere, but I'll ask just in case: I'm assuming we're starting at first level? And what is our starting wealth going to be?
Beyond that, I will also need the information for the Solar Adept and Specialist classes.
I must admit that I'm pretty excited about this. The concept is good and the mechanics seem solid. Should be lots of fun. :)

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I will say yes to the feats and combat maneuvers for the most part. I have a fairly long list of new feats I created for this campaign, but most of them changed when I went to the CoC magic system. I would say that CoC feats are generally available, unless a Pathfinder feat that updates the premise is also available. Psychic Feats are rare, but available. They require Cha 15+, which should be a little rare. Seekers, Solar Adepts, and Lunar Priestesses also have access to Psychic Feats with a Wisdom of 15+ (replacing Charisma requirement).
Other than that. If your character concept has a repeated power or ability that might require a new feat, I think we can work on that.

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Weapon Training
A solar adept is trained in the use of exotic weapons reserved for the adept.
Unarmed Strike
The Solar Adept has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, and deals extra damage with an unarmed strike equal to Wisdom modifier.
Protect Knowledge
The Solar Adept must always work towards the protection of knowledge. He gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Sense Motive and Perception skill checks related to the protection of knowledge.
Eschew food
The Solar Adept no longer needs very much food to survive. A regular supply of water and a few crusts of bread can sustain him for weeks on end.
Shattering Blow
The Solar Adept can make an attack as a full round action to ignore hardness or damage reduction equal to 1 point per Adept level. For example, a 3rd level Solar Adept would ignore 3 points of damage reduction or hardness.
This is the same as the Pathfinder rogue and barbarian class ability.
Fast movement
While in light armor or wearing no armor, a Solar Adept has increased movement of 10 feet.
Mystic Linguist
The Solar Adept can cast the spell tongues once per day
Refuse Fatigue
Instead of becoming fatigued, the Solar Adept may instead lose 1d4 sanity. For 24 hours, the Solar Adept is immune to Fatigue.
Refuse Fear
Instead of becoming afraid or terrified, the Solar Adept may instead lose 1d4 sanity. For 24 hours, the Solar Adept is immune to Fear.

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It should also be noted that all skills except Mythos are class skills for the Specialist.
Weapon Specialization
The specialist selects one weapon at 1st level to gain specialization in, as the feat.
Skill Specialization
The specialist has Skill Specialization in all the skills related to a particular ability score, and adds half his or her level (minimum 1) to skill checks with that ability score.
Chosen Destiny
A second level Specialist can pick one of the following special abilities (and another one every additional 3 levels).
Luck of the Draw Once per day, reroll a noncombat skill check, noncombat ability check, or noncombat saving throw.
Skill in Combat Once per day, reroll an attack roll, damage roll, or combat saving throw.
Skill in Discovery Once per day, force the DM to reroll a research, investigation, or encounter reaction check roll.
Skill in Arms Add 1d6 precision damage whenever your opponent is denied dexterity bonus to AC.
Skill in Body Once per day, increase one of your physical ability scores by 2 for one hour.
Skill in Mind Once per day, increase one of your mental ability scores by 2 for one hour.
Read the Battlefield Once per day, as a full round action, you can read the battlefield. You and all allies within 60 ft gain +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and +1 morale bonus to saving throws against enemies that can be seen when the reading takes place. This bonus remains for the entire encounter.
Read Social Situation Once per day, as a full round action, you can read a social situation. You and all allies within 60 ft gain a +2 competence bonus to all Charisma based skill checks with all NPCs that can be seen when the reading takes place. This bonus remains for the entire encounter.
Read Architecture Once per day, as a full round action, you can read the architecture of a particular location. You and all allies within 60 ft gain a +2 competence bonus to saving throws and AC against traps and other dangerous architecture-related conditions. This bonus remains as long as you or your allies are within the same type of architectural conditions.
Memory Use Once per day, as a move equivalent action, you gain a +4 knowledge bonus in skill check, attack roll, or ability check made within one round.
Mental Evasion When you succeed at a will saving throw, you may bluff to act as though you did not make the saving throw. You gain +4 competence bonus to perform, bluff, or disguise skill checks required. In addition, when your thoughts are read by divination magic, you can resist the divination with a will saving throw.
From the Shadows With a successful stealth or bluff skill check made as part of an attack, you add 1d6 precision damage to the attack.
Spell Knowledge You gain the knowledge of a single spell.
Bonus Feat
A specialist can select an extra feat at 3rd level.
Weapon Focus
A specialist gains weapon focus with the weapon he is already specialized in.
Chosen Destiny The specialist selects another chosen destiny at 5th level. This can increase the number of times per day that an already selected chosen destiny can be used.

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Since you have started making your characters by now, hopefully. I just wanted to direct your attention to the Coins and Equipment section of the Campaign Info page for some important information about coinage. There is a reason you each got 100 gp for starting equipment.
Also remember that this is an archaic campaign, so advanced technologies like telescopes and flint boxes are not present. Generally a stone age or bronze age equivalent will be available (if any) at the same cost, however. Flintstones, for example instead of flint and steel. Iron and steel, altogether, are exceedingly rare, for reasons I can share.
The Faerie Kingdom is the strongest ally those who stand against the Dark Tower have, and they have intentionally kept iron and steel manufacturing out of the World Above. Iron inhibits faerie magic, and is deadly to arcane spirits and elementals.
I apologize for continuing to impose limitations. I am trying to create a realistic world in a post magical apocalypse where there is great evil (as you might have experienced from the flash game over the weekend). I admit this may not be the best way to do this, but we will have fun while we try to figure it out. :P I am 100% open to ideas and possibilities from outside my frame of reference, so long as it appeals to the aesthetic I've established here. That's what's fun about this campaign, I am hoping.

Lithalis |

I agree with Eragar that it'll likely be a fun game for all. I actually prefer game worlds like what you seem to have in mind but they seem a rarity nowadays. With all the house rules it's going to take some getting used to but as you're open to feedback and suggestions I think it will prove an interesting game.
As to character creation, I had hoped to have something up for you already but between sleeping 9 hours over the last 3 days I was a bit fried. But I'm working on the sheet and an expanded background and will have sent as quickly as possible.

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The second stat block is for a different game. :) Sorry. I'm using her in two places, or I was, the other game seems to have died off.
All of the introduced skills are class skills for all characters. Psychic Focus generally has no purpose without a Psychic Feat.
EDIT: She's been divided up by spoiler, now. So it should not be confusing any longer.