
Bantamweight's page

Organized Play Member. 51 posts (230 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 aliases.


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Hey guys, Garavath here. So i'm in the application process for a pretty intense looking homebrew golarion game and as such I'm going to have to pull out of this campaign. All the best guys!

The half feat works fluff-wise in place of soul seer (I would just describe an ability to see faint magical auras with detect magic in place of life essence with deathwatch). I'll hold off on finalising the crunch, I'll concentrate on a backstory first and figure the rest out later.

Yeah, I'm happy to make whatever changes are necessary for the sake of balance. I was hoping to take the soul seer alternate trait. I'm looking at the divine hunter archetype with the knowledge domain, hoping to play my character out as if he's plagued by visions and unnatural sight. Infernal bastard works fine though, I'm not too worried about the mechanics of the race

Oh, hey Rennai! Thanks for the vote of confidence! I definitely support Lena's application, as a GM her (his?) posts are always in depth, descriptive and really engaging. Definitely an asset in this type of game, I'm sure :)

So I really like the whole "cursed to hunt your own kind" vibe. How do you feel about a tiefling in this campaign?

I've got a ranger running in a midnight mirror campaign at the moment that I'd love to tweak for this. He's a dhampir undead hunter, but I think a few adjustments could change him to a fine human demon hunter. I'll post a full submission asap, the posting length and style is really appealing. I'm new to pbp, but I think this is exactly the kind of thing I'd love to sink my teeth into.

So I'm running a little behind guys, feel free to start and I'll dot the gameplay thread with my alias. I might go with the soldier as my primary and see if we can't just hire a medic, I've been toying with their mechanics and I don't think I'd enjoy playing one

Dotting for interest

Ah, touché. I can't admit to having watched a lot of one piece, so please forgive my ignorance . I will say though, being able to wield a third sword in your mouth would be awesome

That name is perfect! If it's Drizzt Do'Zorro though maybe it should be three rapiers... Yeah, it's all starting to come together now!

Of course, I understand that it's a selection process. I just wanted to put my best foot forward, and I like to have a reasonably well established background when I create a character. Thanks for the feedback Shadowrun, I'll get to work on a submission

I've never played higher than 15th level, but I'm a huge forgotten realms buff and I'm looking for one more pbp so I'd love to throw my hat in. Anyone got a list of characters so far? I'm thinking a drow ranger, who has turned away from evil and fled to the surface. He's spent a bit of time with a dwarf, halfling and a couple of humans, and he has a a wondrous figurine. Oh, and scimitars, he uses... 3 scimitars :P pretty original, right?

Cool, so my paladin probably won't have any formal martial academy training? Would it be possible that I hail from one of these independent strongholds? Maybe placed near the border, I'd like to incorporate the conflict with the encroaching orcs into my story. I'm thinking my character could be a scion of a celestial house (I'd like to go Aasimar) who have a short but proud history of defending a small community from invasion. If I can, I'd like to worship an Empyreal lord, otherwise probably Aroden? When you say prehistoric, I assume you don't mean dinosaurs? Is steel accessible, or do we have to use inferior metals for our equipment?

I've got a medic as primary and soldier second, I've got you covered

Awesome, truthfully I'm a huge fan of them as well (my first ever character was a paladin, talk about in over my head! ) so I'm a little unfamiliar with the age of darkness, where do we stand with deities, knightly orders and such? I just want to wrap my head around the finer points of the setting before I dive into a background story...

Hey guys, I'm still keen if this is going ahead. I just need to put my toon together. I think a start date would help, a deadline for at least having our characters up and running. I'll only put one up initially and make the second a little later on if that's cool? Could I get a sit rep on who is playing what so far?

No problem, best of luck guys!

Is recruitment still open here? I've got a stormborn sorcerer idea who would fit perfectly if you've room...

@ Shadowrun: So I have three character ideas; a paladin, sorcerer and rogue. Which would you prefer I work on to submit? I'm looking to fill gaps wherever I can, which play style do you feel is lacking? My first thought was to look at the sorcerer, it seems to me like most other roles are pretty much covered. What do you think?

Sounds good, which time zone do you go by?

So do we have a cut-off date by which we need to have a stat block submitted yet?

@Lothryin Punch o mancy is the most hardcore school of magic, didn't you know? :)

I wholeheartedly approve of the term "punch o mancer"

It looks like this group is lacking a big angry guy who is good at punching. I'd like to be that guy.

@Dragon how do you feel about a brawler /barbarian? I see him as the typical thug henchmen, not a leader in any sense of the word but willing to ride the coattails of others to get to the top. Plus, he's not afraid to get his hands dirty

hp: 4d10 + 3d6 + 2d10 ⇒ (7, 8, 3, 3) + (3, 6, 3) + (8, 7) = 48 here are my hp rolls for 4 levels of ranger, 3 of sorc and 2 of Arcane Archer. I'm about to start my stat block, I'll adjust if we end up playing lower than 10th level

I'll cast a vote for 10th, good sir

I thought I posted for level 10? 9 suits me just sweet, at seventh I haven't even got a level in Arcane Archer yet. So my concept is an escaped slave elf, ranger(wild stalker) with a dip into sorc to get to Arcane Archer. I know wild stalker is an odd choice, but it suits the fluff of my idea perfectly

Awesome, I'll get started straight after work!

Cool beans. I don't suppose you could post the character generation guidelines in this thread?

Haha, I'm posting on my phone and the dawned autocorrect got me :)

Ok, got it. The racial archetypes were only for flavour, I think I'll stick with vanilla elves then! I'll aim to get the character background info done asap, when is our start date?

Dot, dot and dot! Thanks for the opportunity gm! I'm interested in going for 10th level, and I still like the idea of an Arcane Archer playing back line support and damage. This being set in Northern Lannister, are there any specific character creation guidelines you'd like us to follow other than the previously mentioned ones? I really like the dusk and snow elf racial archetypes, would either of those fit? Seeing as how we have a potential paladin and rogue up there (hey guys!) it looks like we're pretty rounded.

How forgiving is the dungeon world rule set to new players? I'm really keen to get into some fantasy pbp, at the moment I'm participating in an Atomic Highway game (hey Yorick :)) but this looks pretty interesting. After a brief read through I like the sound of the barbarian, and taking the fight to the skaven sounds like my kind of adventure.

I'll admit I'm unfamiliar with VMC rules, I'll take a look before I commit to a class. Edit: So I were to take rogue as a VMC with slayer, would the extra sneak attack stack with the dice from my primary class?

This looks pretty intriguing, here are my stat rolls. I'll look at adding an alias in the next few days
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 4) = 11 7
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1, 5) = 18 17
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 1) = 9 8
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 2) = 8 7
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 5) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 6) = 14 12

Hmmm, free re roll...

4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 5) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 2) = 16 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 5) = 12 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 3) = 18 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 2) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 1) = 10 9

And the second set
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 3) = 12 10
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 6) = 17 16
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 5) = 12 11
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 3) = 17 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 5) = 14 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5, 1) = 14 13

Definitely looking at taking the third set, I'm thinking I'll roll a dusk elf. Maybe fighter or slayer? I'll keep my eyes peeled and see what spots need filling before I decide

I can't imagine playing two characters in one adventure so that suits me just fine :) I'm really happy with my submission for Van, but I figure another can't hurt just in case. Thanks Rennai!

Oh, crunch time! I still have to finish up my animal companion stat block but otherwise I don't think my application will change too drastically. I'm considering throwing in a second application to bolster my chances of making the cut, are you down with that Rennai? :)

So just for clarification, how many players are present? And will we be playing our two characters simultaneously? May I suggest we instead each make slightly higher level multiclass characters instead of playing two? It wouldn't be too hard to re roll another if we happen to be unlucky enough to die, and I think it'll be easier for everyone to just keep track of one more powerful character instead of two weaker ones. Just a thought...

Sounds good to me, that's plenty of time to get my pair ready to go

Cool, I'm going with medic for my primary character and soldier for my second. I'll have stat blocks for them both ready in the next 24 hrs. When are you looking at getting the ball rolling?

I'd like to throw in an application here if it's not too late. GM, the setting looks awesome so well done with the detail! I like the sound of 7th level, I'd be looking at an Arcane Archer. He'd probably be a soldier from the kingdom of evergreen, perhaps even an emissary depending on the campaign intro.

Are you guys still looking for more players for this? If so I can have one of my two ready to go in a couple of hours... I might even play a medic if it means getting to join :P

Awesome, how do you feel about Dhampir as a race? My concept works just as well with a human, but I've never played a Dhampir before and I feel like it would suit the mood

Dotting for interest here guys, just a quick question for the GM first. Did you have any restrictions on where the characters are from? What's the assumption for how they have reached the starting point of the campaign?

Congrats guys! This whole process was a massive eye opener for me so thanks for even considering me! Best of luck to the chosen party, I'm sure you'll have a ball!

I'll hopefully have my character statted out in the next few hours. I'm thinking of changing my outrider to a road warrior (I thought everyone would be doing road warrior, but I haven't seen one so far and I think it would compliment chop shop nicely). I'm Australian, eastern standard time zone. I am so keen for this guys, looking forward to getting to know you and your characters!

Playing nomads wouldn't be so bad either, but I can't imagine there'd be much call for a rock band in a post apocalyptic world... Would there?

I like the idea of at least starting in a settlement, and playing the role of a group scavenging for supplies. It gives us a common goal from the get go, and the more invested we are in the settlement t the more inspired we'll be to track down the rats if they destroy it ;) Plus, I see heaps of role-playing opportunity in working towards fortifications etc.

I'm a massive Mad Max fan so I'm voting g for that style of game personally, bit my concept works either way. Looking forward to statting out my character ("James John Corbett", a tough as nails outrider with a heart of gold)

Is this thread still recruiting? I'm not familiar with this particular system but it sounds really interesting. Let me know if it's worth my while to read up on the rules and put forward a submission, I'm definitely intrigued. I've never played pbp but I'm a pretty fast learner, and I'm keen for the experience!

I've compartmentalized my alias so that it's a lot easier to navigate, and added a short backstory for Valko detailing his personality a little better. I'll probably make some adjustments over the next day or so, but otherwise I think I'm pretty much done...

Feat fixes FTW! Well played, Rat King!

Dotting for interest. Just wondering how long applications are open for, and when you're looking at commencing?

Oops, I forgot to mention on my post that my ronin is going for the guardian path. I've never played a mythic character before, this looks really exciting!

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