Frost Giant Battle Priest

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Sorry, I'm agreeing with Metaphysician on this. You come to my table with the mentality of, "LOL, no," ya ain't playing at my table.

I thought it was a bit weird, too. Everything else is usually a +2 or some other even number. As far as I'm aware, Themes are the only thing that only gives a +1 to an attribute.

I second (or third) the opinion that XP is outdated. I don't like to use it and instead use milestone leveling.

I was with your argument until you brought in the Ewoks and the Na'vi. Both of which WON against enemies with high-tech technology.

And how did they do it? By using their home to their advantage. That goblin with an axe definitely won't be much threat to a guy with a laser rifle. But five goblins that the guy with the gun doesn't see? Now that's a fight.

Remember, combat and the world don't live in a flat chamber. There are plenty of things that lower-tech and "weaker" enemies can do to even the playing field. Traps, ambushes, stealing or destroying supplies, etc. Treat your weaker NPC enemies like *they* are the ones in the Survival Horror game with the PCs as the BBEG.

Milo v3 wrote:
Starfinder only just came out, it would be insane to even consider a second edition so early. Why would anyone spend money on an RPG if the developers are the sort to decide on a new edition after only two years?

It's happened before. I tend not to buy those.

I am not a fan of PF2. Likely wouldn't be into Starfinder if it was like PF2. Really, the only major complaint I have about SF is the starship combat stuff. Beyond that... I'm pretty happy with it.

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I don't know if it would break the way Adventure Paths work, but it would absolutely be interesting to see explored.

I think you're focusing too much on the fact that you can make it that powerful while not really thinking of what else you're losing by doing so. All those options you have to take to increase Limited Telepathy's range and stuff means less options you have to take other things.

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Ascalaphus wrote:

If they don't have darkvision. Also rare.

And remember that spellcasting is still obvious, going to give your position away.

Must've been the wind...

I never considered it until now. Wouldn't give the players the spell, but I think it could be useful for other stuff. Maybe they're on their way to or from something, and suddenly a McGuffin just appears in front of them. Later on, they find out it was teleported to "somewhere safe," and they were chosen as the nearest, safest option.

Could just take a look at the Prey video game for mimics. It was basically all about them.

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Charli Poshkettle wrote:

Sorry, I could not help myself today! This isn't Charli's viewpoint, but I could see her composing it for fun.

★ --- ★ --- ★ --- ★

♫ I am the very model of a spoony Envoy-General,
My charisma’s pegged at 18 which alas is barely minimal
I know the Stewards, talk show hosts and delegates ambassadorial
And can name icons of the Pact Worlds in order categorical!
So my armor’s not updated and my weapons are deplorable,
But that’s okay because we all know that I'm freaking adorable
About my infosphere appearances I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With improved get ‘em, inspiring boost, and flossed teeth you can’t refuse.

I’m very good at diplomacy; I never leave the Captain’s chair
Who needs to fight when your photo's plastered everywhere?
In short, in matters amorous, fashionable, or rhetorical,
I am the very model of a spoony Envoy-General.

I know our mythic history: the Swarm, Veskarium and the Gap;
Oh and there’s other details, but I’d rather drink a beer on tap.
I quote sugar-pop lyrics with a memory quite miraculous
And never ever look anything less than fabulous!
I charm my fans, I pose for pics, I know the right way to schmooze and get a laugh
My line of bespoke station wear can be purchased pre-autographed.
But sometimes I get stressed out; all this attention’s rather hard
Oh! But I do not regret one day of me being such a spoony bard!

I can write a washing bill in twenty languages plus cuneiform,
And tell you ev'ry detail of smashing Hell Knight's uniform:
In short, in matters amorous, fashionable, or rhetorical,
I am the very model of a spoony Envoy-General. ♫

Source: The very Model of a Modern Major General

You are amazing and you deserve a medal. Thank you.

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Because not everything is about combat. I absolutely love my Halfling Envoy, and she does barely anything in combat related to damaging enemies. But she's great at healing Stamina damage and letting the other party members get in hits.

I have more fun with her talking her way out of things, getting better deals, and negotiating big pay-days. Ya know. the ROLE-PLAY aspect of ROLE-PLAYING GAMES.

I'm not sure what they're supposed to do, but they look like part of a jaw. Think of a Scorpion's mouth, with the two small pincers (the Trox's smaller arms) and then the tusks look like fangs. All looks like the Trox's chest area should have a large mouth of some sort.

I'd be fine with less books like we have now. I just want them to be more substantive.

So, I was working on an ice planet myself, and my idea was to have the players hired to go to a research station that has gone dark. When they get there, they find several frozen corpses inside but otherwise empty and with the power off. They would find evidence that something made the researchers attack each other. Investigation later, they figure out that that the researchers found an ocean under the ice, and some strange ruins at the bottom.

You could do something similar. A civilization/ruins/artifact, lost, buried beneath the ice for untold amounts of time. Then finally found, and something unleashed that killed their bounties. Or all but one, and the remaining one is insane.

Shinigami02 wrote:
Poit wrote:
Shinigami02 wrote:
It takes two hands to reload

Is it actually stated anywhere in the rules that you need a free hand to reload a weapon you're wielding?

If so, that makes reloading a two-handed weapon suck if you only have two arms. You'd need to spend a swift action to shift from wielding the weapon in two hands to holding it in one hand, then a move action to reload with your free hand, then another swift action on your next turn to switch from holding it in one hand to wielding it in two hands.

(I hope this isn't off-topic. Discussing the rules regarding the handedness of reloading weapons seems to be appropriate for this thread.)

...Ya know, now that I review the rulebook there actually isn't anything mentioning how many hands it takes to reload. Logic would say it takes 2 hands, and I'm not confident any GM in my group would let me get away with one-handed reloads, but there's nothing in the rulebook that I can find.

Careful, there. You're making sense, and if there's one thing I've noticed about the rules-lawyers here, they don't like it when you make sense if there are no rules for it.

Wait, modules are getting phased out?

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Totally agree. Too many looking at mechanics and not thematics.

Five people *on here.* There are a lot more people I've spoken with who are also not very fond of it.

Do try to keep in mind that they are all individuals. Just as there are some people with autism who want a "cure," and others who do not, I'm sure that there are some Vlaka who want a cure and others who don't.

There may even be Vlaka who try to purposefully blind or deafen themselves, so as to better "fit in" with other Vlaka. And there are humans who do that, as well. One such instance is the woman who dried to blind herself by pouring bleach in her eyes.

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A Mite Excessive wrote:
The Gap is the fallout of the 2e PF Rules destroying the world of Golarion. Finally, everything coalesces into the SF rules, and things are ok again.

So, a period of time where even the gods want to forget it existed? I'm ok with this.

Nobody tell the dragon to look between his hind legs. Ouch...

Pantshandshake wrote:
Sounds like a time dragon would have to go all Memento on it, and tattoo all the information directly on itself.

You ever see tattoos on scales? I haven't, and I don't even want to think of the nightmare that would be finding a tattoo device good enough to tattoo DRAGON scales.

Vexies wrote:
TheLoneCleric wrote:

I really hope we get something about coming hardbacks soon. Not getting any new big books for a long time into next year would suck a bit.'s also a side effect of Starfinder being a new product line and an experiment by Paizo so I can understand why it's been so weird of late.

I wouldn't be surprised with PF2E's development eating a bit into the headspace of plotting and development of new products.

yeah I believe PF2 is to blame. Not wanting to overshadow the play test an focusing the majority of in house resources on PF2 probably has a lot to do with it. I do hope to hear something soon. Even if its a here is our tentative plan for the next bit would be something.

Of course, any member from Paizo would deny that, as they have done in that past. Having a team work specifically on Starfinder, for instance. But it still seems pretty suspect.

But is the Starflight ability considered THRUST?

Someone should talk to the Drow about slavery being illegal.

Uhhh... Three years?

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
The Artificer wrote:
They said that they would bring a clear spindle aeon stone for food and water.
Yeah, but that would be boring! Snacks could help break up the monotony! Who doesn't like snacks?!

Snacks! Even if I don't need to eat, I'm still bringing snacks. Twinkies don't care how long you're in space.

So it seems to be that the palette-swap is take-it-or-leave-it, but them being a slave race is pretty universally disliked. Good to know.

Vexies wrote:

Wow this discussion went off the rails fast :)

If anyone here played Cyberpunk then the implications of what you can do with hacking are pretty clear. The framework is there for you in game but its unclear weather or not there is a interactive, jacking yourself into the "net" type of thing like in Cyberpunk but none the less its a treasure trove of things to do.

Players and NPCs alike can do a great deal of harm if that's how you want your campaign to roll. I think people look at it from the old 3.5 / pathfinder / D&D turn based combat perspective. Is it going to help my damage per round? not necessarily but form a narrative / making your break into the heavily secured complex RP / mission perspective it has tons of uses.

Maybe the evil big bad you pissed off last run by taking out some of his lower lvl associates decides to ruin your rep and litter the web with all kinds of planted evidence. Maybe he shuts down your access to your accounts. Sours your favorite store owner from dealing with you. Plants evidence of crimes so the Stuarts come calling.

Narritively there are a ton of things you can do.

I think this is one of the reasons computers in general could use a whole source book. It really needs some boundaries and jumping off points for inspiration. Hell its worthy of a entire class not to mention the tie'ins and potential uses all this has for a technomancer. This universe is exceedingly interconnected with computers so the implications and potential uses of computers and hacking should be pretty profound.

That's some well-laid out points. But consider this: It doesn't help my DPS so REEEEE!

lonewolf23k wrote:
Weylan is the God of Freedom, but I think a resurgence of the Cult of Gorum might be needed here. Perhaps it could be a returning Gorum, changed from his disappearance, turning more into a God of Rebellion then just Fighting for its own sakes. Gorum the Chain-breaker.

I might have to use that. That's really good.

Sadly, most of the slave orcs would probably rather die than be free, from how it sounds in the book.

Tender Tendrils wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:
I think it's hard to argue that they just look objectively worse & less cool.
I agree, it is hard to argue that they look objectively worse (as aesthetics cannot be objective)

Luckily, I am the arbiter of everything that is true and false. And I say they look bad. So there.

People can already hack cars and cellphones. A character's comm can surely be hacked fairly easily unless measures are taken to prevent it.

"But what would that matter?"

It's simple. Maybe make it go off when you're trying to be sneaky. Shut it down while you're communicating with someone. Turn off the light when you need it.

Not to mention that whoever it is would gain access to all of your contacts, where you've been, and anything else you keep stored on your phone. And then they could completely wipe it clean. Send mean messages to important people disguised as you.

Just think about everything people use a cellphone for today. Just losing it is enough of a hassle. Having it hacked could lead to years of grief.

I'm actually pretty ok with orcs being color-changed. I'm just salty at them being a slave race. I mean, come on! They're ORCS!

Of course, I know the orcs in Tolkien's stuff were slaves, too. Still didn't like it then, either.

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Tender Tendrils wrote:

I really like the new look for hobgoblins - they actually look related to other goblins now instead of just being gray humans.

My boyfriend said that now they just look like someone put a goblin head on a human body.

I think they look like someone threw a goblin into Willy Wonka's taffy machine.

So then the Envoy and the deafened character would both need to know sign language for it to work?

"Some envoy improvisations are language-dependent, mind-affecting, sense-dependent, or some combination of any or all of these."

It really is important to know if an Improvisation that has a combination requires both or only one in order to have an effect.

Now here's a question. Can a Trox burrow through ship/station walls and floors?

I never really looked at the Trox before Starfinder. The one on the cover of AA2 looked really cool, so I flipped to them after the orcs.

The -2 Dex is a small hindrance to shooting, which is pretty important. But with the +10 speed, they'd make amazing Blitz Soldiers moving at 50ft a round at level 1. Add in the Reach, and they are definitely a force to be reckoned with in melee.

Then they have the Chitin to make up for the negative Dex when it comes to Reflex saves. A bonus to Intimidate. Frenzy, AND Grappler.

Yeah, they are definitely a very powerful race. I can certainly see people saying they are too powerful

My immediate thought while reading it was to make an orc worshiper of that goddess of freedom (forgot her name at the moment), and is on a crusade to free her people.

So is that ability an either/or, or something that must be seen AND heard?

BigNorseWolf wrote:

What you've just said is that envoy improvisations functionally don't work because thats going to be the case every time you'd want to use them: its noisy and people are busy. You're denying a player (the guy you're playing the game with) the use of their characters abilities at pretty much your whim.

It's not my whim. It's making a critical effect actually have a negative impact.

Xenocrat wrote:
Azalah wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Azalah wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Ah, yes, "your ability doesn't work because I say so," freeform is certainly one word to describe that approach.
No. It's, "Your ability doesn't work because the guy you're trying to use it on is currently in a vicious firefight and is deafened, so isn't paying attention to you."
Did the player say he wasn't paying attention? I'd think that if he has an Envoy ally and he's lost his sense of hearing he'll be looking around even more than often to make sure no one is sneaking up on him and his allies haven't retreated behind his back.

Why not have the Envoy tap him on the shoulder and give him the thumbs up?

Oh, right. Tapping people on the shoulder isn't part of the rules. Or is a Called Shot, unarmed.

My point is, during a combat situation, someone fighting is going to have better things to do than looking around like a lost puppy at their team mates. Namely, they are gonna be shooting the enemy and avoid being shot by the enemy.

Yes, looking in all directions to see if any enemies are approaching or attacking you is clearly not something you'd do in that situation. Good point.

Alright. Get a gun. Set up some targets. Get some sound mufflers for your ears, and a friend to stand behind you.

Now, try to look in all directions, focus on your friend long enough to see what he is doing and what he means, while shooting at the targets. In three seconds.

Sounds pretty simple, huh?

Xenocrat wrote:
Azalah wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Ah, yes, "your ability doesn't work because I say so," freeform is certainly one word to describe that approach.
No. It's, "Your ability doesn't work because the guy you're trying to use it on is currently in a vicious firefight and is deafened, so isn't paying attention to you."
Did the player say he wasn't paying attention? I'd think that if he has an Envoy ally and he's lost his sense of hearing he'll be looking around even more than often to make sure no one is sneaking up on him and his allies haven't retreated behind his back.

Why not have the Envoy tap him on the shoulder and give him the thumbs up?

Oh, right. Tapping people on the shoulder isn't part of the rules. Or is a Called Shot, unarmed.

My point is, during a combat situation, someone fighting is going to have better things to do than looking around like a lost puppy at their team mates. Namely, they are gonna be shooting the enemy and avoid being shot by the enemy.

Xenocrat wrote:
Ah, yes, "your ability doesn't work because I say so," freeform is certainly one word to describe that approach.

No. It's, "Your ability doesn't work because the guy you're trying to use it on is currently in a vicious firefight and is deafened, so isn't paying attention to you."

Xenocrat wrote:
If I don't need a helmet on my space armor I don't see why I need boots, either.

I did make a previous thread on if Halflings still go barefoot. It basically boiled down to, "If they want."

I don't think you're understanding. I'm not saying add a facing system. I'm saying use some common sense. Move away from strict rules and add some freeform stuff.

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I'm a big fan of orcs. I really am. My favorite fantasy race.

So it hurts me to see how far they have fallen in Alien Archive 2.

First of all, they're purple now. I get it, Apostae is an underground world, they would have evolved, etc. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But it is a thing, and it's gonna take some getting used to.

Secondly, they apparently go barefoot now. Both the pieces of art have them as such, and one is fully armored and still barefoot. Not an issue for me, just something worth pointing out, I think.

Third, they aren't dumb as dirt anymore. +4 Str, -2 Cha. I think that's pretty good. It certainly beats having a -2 to every mental attribute.

Now for the fourth thing, which IS a bit of a sticking point: They are now a subservient slave-race, almost genetically so. All of them. This is just... I can't really put into words how much it bothers me.

Overall, I still really like the orcs. But my inner orc is rebelling HARD about the in-built subservience.
Also, hobgoblins are stupid looking.