
Avienus Corvina's page

20 posts. Alias of KyleS.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I know 2024 is the year of Tian Xia, but I really hope 2025 is the year of Arcadia. The glimpses we’ve got in the various PFS adventures there make me really interested in learning more about it.

Cause the only information being talked about that I've found is subscription questions. My question though because I don't know much about the subject. I just put a pre order in though my local shop (store credit will cover it). What kind of time line can I expect that my pre ordered deluxe version will be available for me to pick up? Is it just a matter of when they get copies in for regular sales or is it a different process? Any information would be great as like I said, this is something that I really don't know much about.

Silence. Darkness. Nothingness and void are all that are to be had. It would seem that everything that had existed has ceased to be and that that shall be is to be created. All of the sudden from what seems like the depths of nowhere, a beautiful but warped voice beckons out of nowhere. "COME TO ME, COME TO ME AND MAKE YOUR DESTINY EASIER!" Instantly a flash of light that appears so intense, anyone would agree that they believed they would now be blind as it's intensity lowers until sight can resume.

Please roll me a perception check.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Excellent read once again. The 3 hour creation time scares me because that's a lot longer than the last one. Will you guys be implementing the new changes for the 3rd part or are you going to be sticking with the original playtest rules?

Aight everyone, welcome to the reset button that's been hit! So those who've already attempted this with me, we're gonna try for the same format. For those new, here's the format we're gonna try for. As you can tell, I started right off the bat with a check. So with cases such as this, as well as combat, I'm giving everyone a day to react before being botted. As for roleplaying, unless it gets a heavy interaction, I'm going to try and limit one in game day down to a week in real time, that way we can try and avoid spending 3 months on 3 hours. With this start, I'll give a couple of days for everyone to make sure they are good to go and post as well. Please notate anything that needs to be know in ooc, and when making attacks, please state what it is that you're attempting to do, and roll both attack and damage at the same time. Any questions?

Silence. Darkness. Nothingness and void are all that are to be had. It would seem that everything that had existed has ceased to be and that that shall be is to be created. All of the sudden from what seems like the depths of nowhere, a beautiful but warped voice beckons out of nowhere. "COME TO ME, COME TO ME AND MAKE YOUR DESTINY EASIER!" Instantly a flash of light that appears so intense, anyone would agree that they believed they would now be blind as it's intensity lowers until sight can resume.

Everyone please roll me a perception check.

So I tried to run this late last year, but I had some life issues slow things down a bit and a bad moving experience that prevented me from running, but fear not! We're good to go here! So what am I looking for in this game? I've already got two characters that were able to return, and one person creating a new one. So I'm looking for a couple of people. We didn't get very far, and the players already in decided to go ahead and start from the beginning. The group currently consists of an Elf Paladin (Divine Hunter), a Gnome Cleric (Ecclesitheurge), and a Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Scion). So, for creation rules:

First and foremost: No 3rd Party. I don't run it in my games, so if you want to run something, it either must be found in a physical book on the PRD here on Paizo (yes, I don't trust the pfsrd20 site. I've found too much home brew supposedly published by Paizo). I will be okay if you can provide a link through the Archives of Nethys as the PRD isn't fully complete and I've yet to find inconsistency with them. This is not to say that I won't say no to ideas though. If you wanna try it, run it by me, but keep it practical and simple. If I'm to welcome new players because I always do, I don't want it to be something they can't wrap their head around and takes me 15 minutes to figure out how it works. Now on to the creation rules!

- This will be a 20 point buy for ability scores.
- Average starting gold for character class.
- 2 traits and a drawback. Campaign traits are not required, but if it's a trait that involves some background work, I will expect the work along with it. Example: the Rich Parents trait. Tell me how you got an extra 900 starting gold. I'm not going to just straight hand it to you, and it may not be 900. Also, make the traits tie into your character. The Fencer trait makes absolutely no sense if your character has never touched a blade.
- Please provide at least a brief background of your character and who they are. I favor stories over roles and stats. That doesn't mean the longer the story, the better the chance of getting in.
- If you have anything in particular that you want to incorporate, please ask. I'm sure I will get people who've played or own this AP that apply. That's fine with me as long as you keep character knowledge separate. But if you want to utilize something from the AP as part of your character, give a simple explanation of how it would tie with your character and we can go from there.

I'm sure you will all have questions, so please be free to ask. I don't have a deadline as of yet as things can fill very quickly, but I will be looking for at least the next couple of days. I look forward to seeing everyone's character ideas!

Silence. Darkness. Nothingness and void are all that are to be had. It would seem that everything that had existed has ceased to be and that that shall be is to be created. All of the sudden from what seems like the depths of nowhere, a beautiful but warped voice beckons out of nowhere. "COME TO ME, COME TO ME AND MAKE YOUR DESTINY EASIER!" Instantly a flash of light that appears so intense, anyone would agree that they believed they would now be blind as it's intensity lowers until sight can resume.

Everyone please roll me a perception check.

Alrighty guys, if I can get a response back for those still interested, the sooner I get confirmation, the faster we can get playing! There are some things that I know a few characters need to have sorted out before gameplay, but I'll address those once I know people are still interested.

So I've consistently tried to run this privately for the last few years to no avail, and I'm really wanting to run this! So it's been some time since I ran a play by post for the public, but fear not! We're good to go here! So what am I looking for in this game? Well as the title says, if you're new, I encourage you roll up a character! If you're new to play by post, I welcome you to the place that gives you more leeway to write the story you want to share! And you won't be alone either, there is already someone who is brand new waiting and ready to play! And if you're not new, here's what you'll want to know for sure!

First and foremost: No 3rd Party. I don't run it in my games, so if you want to run something, it either must be found in a physical book on the PRD here on Paizo (yes, I don't trust the pfsrd20 site. I've found too much home brew supposedly published by Paizo). This is not to say that I won't say no to ideas though. If you wanna try it, run it by me, but keep it practical and simple. If I'm to welcome new players, I don't want it to be something they can't wrap their head around and takes me 15 minutes to figure out how it works. Now on to the creation rules!

- This will be a 20 point buy for ability scores.
- Average starting gold for character class.
- 2 traits and a drawback. Campaign traits are not required, but if it's a trait that involves some background work, I will expect the work along with it. Example: the Rich Parents trait. Tell me how you got an extra 900 starting gold. I'm not going to just straight hand it to you, and it may not be 900. Also, make the traits tie into your character. The Fencer trait makes absolutely no sense if your character has never touched a blade.
- Please provide at least a brief background of your character and who they are. I favor stories over roles and stats. That doesn't mean the longer the story, the better the chance of getting in.
- If you have anything in particular that you want to incorporate, please ask. I'm sure I will get people who've played or own this AP that apply. That's fine with me as long as you keep character knowledge separate. But if you want to utilize something from the AP as part of your character, give a simple explanation of how it would tie with your character and we can go from there.

I'm sure you will all have questions, so please be free to ask. I don't have a deadline as of yet as things can fill very quickly, but I will be looking for at least the next couple of days. I look forward to seeing everyone's character ideas!

Alrighty then! Here's the post I said I was gonna create lol. Bookmark this page and this is the one where we'll have out of game discussions when needed, and we'll use the game play thread for the game play. But for now, this is where we'll go ahead and get characters going. First things first will be rolling for ability scores. What it will be is 4d6, dropping the lowest. The dice code here is pretty simple to figure out, but for simplicity's sake, I'll put the line out for you to copy, paste, and you can see it from there.

[spoiler=Set 1]
[dice=Stat Roll 1]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 2]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 3]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 4]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 5]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 6]4d6[dice]

[spoiler=Set 2]
[dice=Stat Roll 1]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 2]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 3]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 4]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 5]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 6]4d6[dice]

[spoiler=Set 3]
[dice=Stat Roll 1]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 2]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 3]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 4]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 5]4d6[dice]
[dice=Stat Roll 6]4d6[dice]

Now being BBCode, you'll have to put the / in the last bracket. The rest of the different formatting allowed is under the posting box that says "How to format your text". So back to this, you'll roll 3 different sets of stats, and then choose which set you want to go with, just remember to drop the lowest die. So if you get a roll of 3, 5, 2, and 6, the code will total it to be 16, but you'll have to drop the 2 in order to get your score, which will be 14.

Starting equipment wealth will be rolled as well, which is found in the equipment section. Roll for the starting gold, and then go nuts from there with what you get. Characters will start at level 1, so full health will be there, after level 1, health will be rolled for. Other things to note is that 2 traits and a draw back will be included, so you'll need to pick 2 traits, and your drawback, which can be found here for both, drawbacks are all the way at the bottom. I am also allowing a starting bonus feat, but it must be a story feat which can all be found here. Keep in mind that if you do choose to take a story feat, you'll have to include the prerequisite in your back ground. I'm mainly allowing one as a bonus feat to help give your characters some motivation and purpose of their own, so that you guys can create actual characters, not just walking stat blocks. And the same thing for your traits. Incorporate them somehow. Taking the Child of the Temple trait just for the skill check bonuses makes no sense and seems absolutely pointless if your character didn't grow up in or closely around a temple.

As a side note, being as I know we can get a little carried away with backstory for characters, I'm not going to require a 13 novel story with one novel being dedicated to a chocolate form (a horrible inside joke for a couple of us...) All I'm really going to ask for is just something simple that I can use to get a sense of who your character is, some major points in their history, and get a sense of their motivations so I can work them into the story. This guy right here is a fair example of what all I really need. Hell, I'm the one who condensed it for simplicity's sake because I had even more for that character when I created him lol. Anyways, the bottom 3 spoiler blocks are really what you need to look at to get an idea of all I'm asking for.

Now when it comes to a place to write down stats, Myth Weavers is a very great place to go for a character sheet that you can share. Accounts are free, and it's an easy way to edit them when you need to. When you go to create one, use the Pathfinder [experimental] version, and then copy the link so that it can be accessed. A new link isn't needed everytime, so posting the link in your character alias is all that's needed. If you need some help creating an alias here for when you're ready to create one for your character, just let me know if the FAQ tells you nothing.

Now being as it's past midnight, and I need some sleep, I'm gonna leave it at this for now, and if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Aight everyone. I just want to make sure we all get on the same page as far as getting on here first. Once we're good to go (hopefully before the weekend), then we'll go forward creating characters. In the meantime, feel free to go ahead and start thinking about what you would like to play, getting yourself a couple of different ideas. I wouldn't advise creating a solid background to build the character upon just yet, and I'll explain that why later. Either way, for those who are new, I would recommend trying to stick with just the core rule book for now so that way it can help ease up on any possible confusion, and for those with experience, just don't go too crazy that it makes the new people wonder what the hell is going on lol. Just make sure to respond at least so that I know you were able to get on here successfully.

By the way, the link for the complete rules straight out of the books.

I'm looking for people here in the Mooresville, NC area to play with, I'm having a hard time looking for a group. I know I can probably find something in Charlotte, but that's too much of a drive for me, especially if it's only on the week days. Anyone near by that is looking for a player or wanting to join a group?

Here is the discussion thread we'll use for everything outside of gameplay.

So I've seen a few of these threads so far, and I've been interested in the idea doing it myself. So basically looking for a GM who wouldn't mind running a Rise game for a party that would be played out entirely by myself. I won't be able to actually put full time into it just yet, as I'm about to go through a move here in a few days, but that gives plenty of time anyways for GM's to think if you'd be interested in doing this.

The characters I have drawn up are based on the Heroic NPC stats to just give an idea, with average starting gold for class, two traits, and a drawback. If you want to change this, that's perfectly fine with me, as I said, they're just a baseline to get an idea and should be able to be easily changed if needed.

I've 6 drawn up, the two I want to run for sure are Satinder Coric who is an aasimar ranger and Liliana Tesseran who is a human cleric of Calistria. Two I would like to run (who are also a combo package with the backstories I'm working on for) are Melathiel Aeraloth, an elven wizard and Theodric de Luera, a human fighter. And then the other two who I wouldn't mind running (but am fine if you want to limit it) are Nakayama Hiriko, a human paladin of Shizuru and Kaleb Quickfoot, a halfling rogue.

Once things are established, I wouldn't mind running something for you or your party if you would like. Just let me know and we can go from there.


Discussion thread. Obviously lol.

So my group is going through the Glassworks right now, and they opened the door to find Ameiko before finding Tsuto (whom I've got in an alert mode since one of the prior goblins managed to get away). Our drow oracle gave aide to Ameiko and as she was close, went ahead with a disguise check. And Ameiko's perception beat by over 5. So with Ameiko questioning what was wrong with the drow's eyes (they're red that turn orange towards the pupils), he response was allergies and rolled the bluff check. Ameiko's sense motive didn't succeed, but was in range to beat should the unlikely scenario apply. Now the group already knows that she's a drow (she wears a closed helmet to conceal herself by the way) with the exception of our newest member who's an elf. And they haven't made a giant connection with Ameiko just yet, and considering what she's just learned, realizing there's a drow in town at the same time all is going, well conclusions can be jumped pretty quickly lol.

So here's my predicament. I'm prepared to go both routes, but should I go ahead and apply the unlikely modifier which would lead to a very interesting roleplay or should I leave it as is and continue on with what's going on and just have Ameiko remain cautious of the drow? I already have plans on outing her as a drow to the town anyways (she gave me a pretty fun background in which I could do so), so in the end it doesn't matter anyways, but some advice for this current situation would be kindly appreciated.

Here is the gameplay thread should anyone want to read it themselves.

So I've got a character who was just accepted into a Rise game who has history being raised around, and currently works at The Pixie's Kitten. The GM has given everyone the next week to expand on our backgrounds for potential plot hooks. I remember finding something that listed those employed there, but for the life of me can't remember where it was. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and could a link to this be found please? It would be a great help lol.

So I've got a character who was just accepted into a Rise game who has history being raised around, and currently works at The Pixie's Kitten. The GM has given everyone the next week to expand on our backgrounds for potential plot hooks. I remember finding something that listed those employed there, but for the life of me can't remember where it was. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and could a link to this be found please? It would be a great help lol.

Please put out of character conversations here.


Chapter I: Burnt Offerings
The coastal town of Sandpoint has faced few trials and dangers over the course of its forty-two year history, but unfortunately, that is all about to change. Unknown to the town’s founders, they chose to build their community over the ruins of an ancient stronghold once used as laboratory and prison, a place where horrific experiments and unholy explorations into what divides man from monster took place. These are the Catacombs of Wrath, a place where arcanists explored and perfected the stolen arts of life shaping and flesh warping, one of several such sites used by Runelord Alaznist’s apprentices during Thassilon’s height, When Thassilon fell, these catacombs went dormant, but the one buried under Sandpoint was not fated to stay that way.

Part I: Festival and Fire
For five years, the faithful of Sandpoint have attended church in temporary structures erected after fire destroyed the previous temple, and while their new religious leader was helpful, kind, and wise, church wasn’t the same. Now, the new cathedral is finally done. All that remains is for the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site’s blessings from the gods and it will be as if the Sandpoint Fire had never occurred.

In the clearing before the newly constructed Sandpoint Cathedral the citizens of Sandpoint have been hard at work for hours, several merchants have set up tents to vend their wares of food. All manner of clothing, local crafts, souvenirs, and beverages can be had for a price. Other folk have arrived early to gain positions near the podiums and the tables beyond. Tables loaded with a picnic buffet await nearby, the enchanting aroma drifts over the square.

The Swallowtail Festival finally begins scheduled and the turnout for the opening speeches is quite respectable. A stage has been set up in front of the cathedral and a woman with short auburn hair stands in the center. Behind her sit four wooden chairs, three of them occupied. The square before the church is crowded now as Mayor Deverin walks on the stage. As the crowd notices her, the chatter begins to die down and eyes turn to the stage. She smiles and begins to speak.

“Good morning everyone.” The attractive and personable woman welcomes the crowd with her usual friendly attitude. Her excitement is obvious and proves contagious as she welcomes visitors and locals alike. “I see everyone’s arrived. Even Larz Rovanky has left off tanning hides to be here. I’m sure his workers are glad it’s not their hides getting tanned, at least not today.” When the chuckles died down and Larz stops glowering past a reluctant smile, Mayor Deverin continues.

”It's wonderful to see so many of you here to join us on this proud day, and I'd like to extend my welcome to the many new faces I see in the crowd. As Mayor, I’d like to extend welcome to you on behalf of the town. I hope you all are enjoying your stay here in Sandpoint and I sincerely hope that you're having a wonderful time. Our town has much to offer and I hope we can consider you as new friends. Spend some time in Sandpoint and you’ll grow to love it like we do. And even if you don’t spend much time please, spend your money!”

Several of the merchants give a vigorous applause, and the Mayor lets the crowd settle before continued over the remaining chuckles. “And to all of the old faces I see, thank you for coming and thank you for everything that each of you has done to keep this town strong. Thank you especially for all the time, sweat, and love you've put into building this fine cathedral. Sandpoint didn't seem complete without a church. We've always had heart. The true heart of Sandpoint is you, her people. But now we have an expression of that heart, and we built it ourselves!”

"Anyway, I can smell the lunch our tavern keepers are cooking already. A round of applause to Ameiko, Garridan, Cracktooth, and Jargie! I'm sure Father Zantus can spare an extra prayer that they don't burn anything before we get to eat it." More cheering erupts: the enticing aromas drifting over the crowd are overwhelming. "Now, since you have three more of us to stand there through, I'm going to sit down. Today as mayor I am declaring a town order to have fun! This is my favorite time of year!"

The crowd responds with a roar, and it’s a while before the Mayor could continue over the applause. “Without further ado, let me welcome our dutiful Sheriff, Belor Hemlock to the stage!” She indicates a dark-skinned, bulky man, clearly of Shoanti descent, wearing his armor and armed with a prestigious looking sword. Sheriff Hemlock nods and steps forward onto the stage.

"Thank you, Mayor. First off, let us have a moment of silence." He bows his head and begins speaking, "Let us remember the memories of those friends and family members who lost their lives in the tragic blaze that made our new cathedral necessary. Cherish those memories and may the blessings of our Gods see them happy and well in the Afterlife." He raises his head and stands in silence for a moment scanning the crowd.

"Over the next three days all instances of wrong-doing will be dealt with swiftly and to the fullest extent of the law. No exceptions. As the sheriff of Sandpoint, I, Belor Hemlock, would also like to welcome everyone to enjoy themselves today, and you may or may not be aware of the planned bonfire at the beach tonight... it looks to be a promising festival. Do trust that I will be monitoring the level of safe conduct late into the evening. I am trusting our fun will lean to the side of caution. If you are a militia member, remember where your duties lay, and help Sandpoint keep the peace. Thank you." With that the sheriff steps back awkwardly and beckons with his hand, for the next speaker to approach.

The next speaker is quite a contrast to the Sheriff; he is brightly dressed, sports a well-groomed goatee, and seems to be thoroughly enjoying the day. As he reaches the center stage he loosens his collar a bit, winks into the crowd and starts to talk: "Well, thank you Sheriff for that uplifting oratory. Don't worry I doubt there will be any fun for you to stress over today. If things get out of hand you can ask Ameiko to take the stage and put us all to sleep with one of her stories." The crowd responds with a combination of chuckles and offended heckles.

Without a beat Ameiko shouts from her merchant tent "What about the story of your last flop at the theater? I'm almost done with my newest ballad, I call it Cyrdak the Unimpressive! Who wants to hear?" The crowd responds with laughter and cheers.

After the noise finally quiets Cyrdak continues with a forced smile as if nothing happened, "We can all agree, this is our time to celebrate! I know this town has been through some hard times, but we don't lay down easily. Look at what we've accomplished!" He motions towards the church. "And I'm telling you, they spared no expense with this place. Father Zantus' chamber pot? It's solid gold and comes with a singing choir standing nearby. It's no doubt our neighbors and nobles put a pretty copper into the construction of this joint. And to think they wanted nothing in return, but to enlighten us and our taxes for many lifetimes to come. But worry not about your coin purse, I've heard from father himself that the gods are getting their gold together to help pay for this place. But don't take it from me, let me hand the stage off to the man who's in charge here. But before I let him get things going I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my personal invitation to each and every one of you to the new production of "The Harpy's Curse" starring the world-famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda as Avisera the harpy queen! It's all premiering tomorrow evening and continuing throughout the next two weeks at the Theater. Come see it, it will be fabulous! And now join me in a bit of applause for his holiness himself, Father Zantus!"

The crowd cheers as Cyrdak motions Zantus to the center stage. The young priest looks noticeably abashed at the reception set up for him. He wears the traditional ceremonial robes of a priest of Desna and a shiny silver holy symbol about his neck. He smiles and tries to calm the crowd down, eventually speaking when the applause has subsided: "Ahem, thank you. Thank you Cyrdak. And thank all of you for coming to join us on this most Holy day. Today ushers in the new Fall season. A season I have always thought was named appropriately, as today was the day Desna fell from the heavens during battle with Lamashtu. Though all the world wept for the loss of the goddess, and of dreams, it is said that she survived. She was discovered, on the rocks of a beach, by a blind orphan, forgotten and cast aside by the rest of the world. Though the orphan didn't know who she was and could do little for the wounded goddess, she still stayed by her side, holding a vigil on the beach, tending to her as best she could and praying to her god, Desna. When other followers had abandoned Desna, the orphan empathized and held hope in her faith. Through the care of this orphan Desna recovered and revealed herself to the blind woman. In return Desna transformed her into an angel and offered the girl ascension to Desna's palace in the heavens. It is now there and forever that they shall remain."

Father Zantus motions toward the newly finished cathedral, the sunlight glittering off the stained glass windows. “This story reminds us that tragedy is just a setback, not an end. Though our place of worship was destroyed, and our previous priest, Father Tobyn, perished in the flame, we have preserved as Desna would desire, and built anew. Today is our day of new beginnings. Our day of ascension. Friends of Sandpoint, I declare the Swallowtail Festival officially underway!"

An acolyte throws off the canvas of a nearby wagon, revealing thousands of swallowtail butterflies...the Children of Desna. He opens the cages and the crowd begins to applaud as butterflies flutter in every direction through the crowd, and eager children begin chasing them.

Moments later Father Zantus and the others step off the stage and the crowd begins to disperse to enjoy the festival. Numerous games and contests take place during the day, including sack races, games of hide-and-seek, weight-lifting challenges, balance beam contests, tug-of-war events, and the like. Lunch is provided free, at the expense of Sandpoint’s taverns. Each brings its best dishes. It soon becomes apparent that the darling of the lunch is, once again, Ameiko Kaijitsu, whose remarkable curry-spiced salmon and early winterdrop mead easily overshadow the other offerings, such as the Hagfish’s lobster chowder or the White Deer’s peppercorn venison.

So as it says. I've tried to start this AP numerous times to have it suddenly fall apart for whatever reasons. I have also successfully ran it for some time (to include a very entertaining game I'm running here as well). Anyways, after finally getting into two games, I've decided to hang my hat on this wonderful adventure path, and kick it with some style (the best I can anyways). So, onto the gory details!

The first thing to note is that I'm looking for 3 people as I've already got 2 people lined up. I will allow a 4th person should they take up the interesting challenge of playing a young character. Secondly, and most importantly, this will not take place solely here on Paizo. I will be running role play on here through the boards, but will run combat via Roll20.net. Reason being that I would like run combat as a group at once, this way combat can be wrapped up in a matter of minutes instead of days, as well as allowing a chance for the group to get together. Plus it can allow for posting to be rapid fired for a period of time, and it also doesn't require anyone to be at the computer every week. Saturdays are typically the days that we'd meet, around mid afternoon my time (PST). Granted I know that some of you will think that I should probably just post this there, (and already will anyways), but I know that at least here I can find those who care about story rather than just "winning".

So for the character crunches, here is what I'm looking for:
-Paizo content only (no 3PP)
-15 point buy
-2 traits and a drawback
-Average gold for class
-A favored sin/virtue
-1 minor non wondrous magic item from the CRB

Please include in your backgrounds enough information that I can use as I like to add flavor to the game to include your characters. Also, I am big on story, so I will pass on obviously min/maxed characters that have been built to "win".

Please dot for right now until gameplay starts.

Here is the discussion thread for all things out of character that do not involve direct gameplay.

Has anyone else but me considered, now that it's out, making a conversion of this AP for 5e? Granted a lot would still depend on next month's PHB release, but for those who've seen the starter set, would you agree with me that this could actually be pretty easily doable?

So due to enough interest it for those who want a 4th PbP game, I will be running the general setting campaign from WotC designed for characters from level 1 to 30. So without further delay, here are the CC rules and guidelines I'll put down:

- 4d6 method for scores. Total the highest 3 of 4d6 for a score. If you roll less than what a 15 point buy would afford, you may re roll. If you roll more than what a 25 point buy would afford, you may have to re roll depending on the scores.
- Standard starting of 100 GP.
- I will pass up a min/max character if I can. Yes, this edition was built for the MMO style of play, but I will not run it MMO style.
- No 3PP material. I must be able to find what power or feat you're taking easily within either the DDI builder or books/Dungeon/Dragon.
- A back story would be helpful to have so that I can better plan each transition from tier to tier as your character goes along for your characters rather than just say "you now are in epic tier".
- Not a rule, but please provide me with a sheet from Myth Weavers. It makes looking over your character much easier for me on a whim.

As of now, I'll leave recruitment open for the next week or so, planning to start next Friday eveningish PST. This will of course depend on the amount of applicants and interest.

Well the title says it all to be honest lol. And I'm sure there's people willing to join as well. I'm just looking for a GM willing to run it from 1st level if anyone is up for it.

For some whatever reason, every time I attempt to join a RotRL game, it doesn't start at all which I don't understand honestly lol. Anyways, I've got a character concept I've really been trying to play for a while, but obviously can't. Is there anyone that wouldn't mind running one? Oh, other issue that may come up for some, I'm running this in a game already (which is one reason I want to play it) although I do know the importance of not meta gaming which is something I stress in my games.

Silence. Darkness. Nothingness and void are all that are to be had. It would seem that everything that had existed has ceased to be and that that shall be is to be created. All of the sudden from what seems like the depths of nowhere, a beautiful but warped voice beckons out of nowhere. "COME TO ME, COME TO ME AND MAKE YOUR DESTINY EASIER!" Instantly a flash of light that appears so intense, anyone would agree that they believed they would now be blind as it's intensity lowers until sight can resume.

Can I get a perception check from everyone please?

Please post here when you get your account setup.

Silence. Darkness. Nothingness and void are all that are to be had. It would seem that everything that had existed has ceased to be and that that shall be is to be created. All of the sudden from what seems like the depths of nowhere, a beautiful but warped voice beckons out of nowhere. "COME TO ME, COME TO ME AND MAKE YOUR DESTINY EASIER!" Instantly a flash of light that appears so intense, anyone would agree that they believed they would now be blind as it's intensity lowers until sight can resume.

Can I get a perception check from everyone please?

Okay, so this is the thread that we'll use to discuss items outside of character that should be handled here. Essentially anything that is not an action, dice roll, or action result should end up here. That way something doesn't distract the gameplay thread and we end up having 3 pages of something not resulting about gameplay, well, in the game play thread lol.

I'm sure that there's been plenty done, but I'd like to give my shot at running this as I've been wanting to run it for quite sometime now. The only restrictions on characters I will impose is that they come from the Corebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, and Ultimate Magic, and use a 25 point buy for abilities. I am looking for anyone new to Pathfinder (or tabletop in general), but am also looking for characters to a story, not creations to beat a game (in other words I will pass over a min/max character if I can). Please provide a brief history of your character, as well as a sheet (preferably done with Myth Weavers as it's a lot cleaner than a bunch of text, plus it's free). If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks for the look and I hope to find a fun group ready to play!