![]() blackbloodtroll wrote:
we have exactly zero of those things happening in our campaign for exp..its a kingdom maker sandbox environment with no "story" other than the ones we are pursuing. We have characters creating families..building bee farms (giant bees), doing espionage missions...trade routes etc.And we still enjoy tracking exp. Not every campaign has specific moments that a bell goes off and the players become more powerful. Hell sometimes we go several sessions without combat and its all RP exp..so different strokes for different games.. ![]()
![]() I love XP..its like a little christmas present between games, I enjoy the progress..and the expectation of a new level, and everyone I play with expresses the same.
I have played in "level when the Gm says " games..and I found it lacking in this one simple pleasure for me as a player. ![]()
![]() Our campaign has introduced several breeds of horses in four tiers of quality..base horses are barely broken or trained ones, tier 2 is the standard horse in game, tier 3 is a much more well defined breed, (race and nation based), and tier 4 are the absolute best of them.
and to further enhance the horse process, we also have 20 horse traits that are randomly generated when someone goes shopping for a mount, the tier of the horse is the maximum number of traits it can have. The traits range in effect and will influence various stats and such..and even reflect a very spirited powerful horse is not for a unskilled rider. all in all it has added alot of depth to our campaign, and the GM has gone to lengths to keep horses and such as vital to travel..(no overland flight spells..teleports etc) ![]()
![]() useful for some swarms... Repellent, Vermin Source Adventurer's Armory This vile-smelling white paste keeps vermin at bay if spread on the skin. Normal-sized (Fine) vermin avoid you. Swarms of vermin must make a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw in order to enter your square. Once applied, vermin repellent remains effective for 4 hours or until you spend 1 round washing it off. Create: Craft (alchemy) DC 20 ![]()
![]() hmmm..herolab for me has been a godsend.. I am a retired combat vet with TBI and other various bad wireings..
I do endeavor to look stuff up when questions occur and extend my knowledge...but not everyone is a teen with a sponge brain anymore..some of us old soldiers kinda need our "crutches" as some have so indelicately described...but PFS games are obviously not were we may be welcomed..but no matter, I have a nice geekchic table..and buddies to sit around it..and A VTT on roll20 as well. Godbless Herolab..it gave me back my rollplaying games as a viable hobby again. SFC (ret) Dan L. ![]()
![]() I guess "balance" is not something I have problems with in the games I run, in so far as stats are concerned. Especially starting ones. I allow each player to decide to use a 20pt stat buy, or roll 4d6 drop the lowest arrange as preferred..what you roll is what you get, and if the point buyers whine that the dice rollers got lucky..oh well, they took the chance at getting less as well. I have also found that a player that will grouse at another players stats will also grouse at items other players may find. Advantage they may accrue or even rewards for good game play and clever ideas...some players always covet what another has. besides in the games I run the party works as a team..and not a bunch of ego measuring wannabe heros that have to all be exactly the same, from the get go. I guess this goes back to my old school roots of gaming and the fact that I avoid "organized" play like a plague. No one player (character) can do everything in game well, so if you find yourself feeling like a "sidekick" maybe you have only yourself to blame, find a niche and fill it and be useful..who knows you may shine even more than the lucky "rolled" pc..but that's a lot up to the player playing not some numbers on a sheet. ![]()
![]() 9. A large and in charge half-orc (pick gender) takes a active social interest in a character..much to the relief of his/her companion. 10. A bedraggled person comes storming into the tavern ranting about gold and treasure and some nasty thing trying to harm him..while demanding a drink. 11. your chair breaks. 12. the wobbly table shifts under the weight of all the drinks food and items and dumps it into a random player(s) lap/floor. 13. the door opens and all the lights in the room go out, and suddenly re-light after a round or two. Revealing a man slumped over the bar with a knife plunged in his back. 14. the Toilets get backed up. 15. someone casts swarm of monkeys into the bar. 16. someone casts swarm of flaming monkeys into the bar! ![]()
![]() A hall of mirrors that reflect only a dim reflection, and as each mirror is gazed at the refection becomes more and more distinct until revealing at the end of the hall, a much aged character in it..maybe with some wasting disease, perhaps its real, or just a illusion. Various seemingly innocent children patrons of the carnival, but each after a time begins to exhibit a increasingly nasty temperament towards their parents or others..until the players view them eating them, or murdering the same in some horrible manner, revealing distinctly malevolent features to their appearance( wide sharptoothed grins, backwards legs..tails, etc).before darting off behind the scenes. ![]()
![]() what are the player ages we are talking here, a fairly young age group it could just be acting out and such..if a much older player..well that's likely not going to be easily fixed. But no neg experience..it comes off as a bit childish, and when dealing with tantrums and such, using those tactics will likely just spark another bout of the tantrums. Talk to them, explain your concerns, and spell out the effects on the game and group enjoyment, then make a mature call on how to proceed..best thing maybe to part ways, before it gets worse. ![]()
![]() Its easy to get PCs to hate NPCs, in my experience the hard one is to make them love a NPC. But in order to make a truly hated and despised NPC in my games, I figure out what is a particular player or party hot button for annoyance/anger...and I push that button repeatedly. money obsessed. Rob them. Honor obsessed. Embarrass them. power obsessed. Dethrone them or ostracize them. Ability obsessed (this is a mean one), capture, and mutilate a couple of them, think game of thrones style here..but be ready for fountains of hate. build up a NPC they DO love..and have the nasty one murder he/she, in some foul way..and frame/blame, or make cause of it the PCs. steal their items, and replace them with cursed ones masked with illusions to make them look like the originals..plant them in a patsy lair and let the players murder some henchmen and recover them..then get cursed. Just some quick kooky ideas to make players really dislike a NPC, without having the NPC just put a beatdown on them. ![]()
![]() 90%+ of this hobby is communication, player to GM, GM to player, people ask questions pertaining to what is important to them, and anytime a gap in this vital chain is broken, then stuff fails. So don't make assumptions, and do ask questions, do so until certain of the answers, and omission is not permission..it will save a lot of heartache. ![]()
![]() 40. scabbard of the squire's duty
41.Dogcart of the weary Halfling
42.bullseye lantern of the sentry
43.The Skillet of good starts
![]() My setting has no large cities, or large towns for that matter, no magic shops, and most will be semi-random magic item finds...its up to the players to find uses for them..I long ago stopped being Santa with players giving me a list of items they want. But I do tend to make unique items that may incorporate a few abilities together, and will place some items somewhat intended for specific characters..but no entitled wish-lists. ![]()
![]() yup, my new campaign (kicking off next Saturday) is pretty much just CRB with some very limited stuff from other books (mainly fitting archtypes etc.)
Its nice to have all the options, but sometimes less is more, keeps a tighter focus and establishes a cohesive setting. I will also recommend any pathfinder GMs here that need players..try a VTT game on Roll20 , there are plenty of players there chomping at the bit for a game, I had 8 players plus a 10-12 extra within 2 days of advertising my pathfinder campaign. ![]()
![]() Assegai (or Iklwa as the Zulu called it , for the sound it made as it was thrust into somebody) would best be represented as a shortspear, since you can throw one. But the short spear is a pretty broad area, since it includes all 1 handed spears, even heavier Viking and greek styled ones. It would have been nice to have a few other spear types, rather than a glut o swords :) ![]()
![]() Actually he will, I am a "Normal"in a sense roleplayer, but I may prefer the term Traditional.
Its just how I have slowly found I prefer to play, looking for rule exploits and crazy combos, just does not really interest me anymore. Does that make my way of playing better than anyone elses..no, just how I have fun. Everyone has fun in different ways..the key is to get a group that has fun in similar or complimentary ways and you have a great game. :) ![]()
![]() The current campaign I have started on roll20, has no guns..no psionics..no advanced character classes..mostly just the core rulebook, a lot of races (monsterous and what not) and even a very distinctive restriction on equipment to match the setting..(late iron age, with a few variations) and as to firearms in 1st ED ad&d...I remember a few Dragon magazine articles on it, and a few charts of alternate methods of implementation. But there was never a class specializing in them, they were not even a speck on the radar of the game in those heady days of RPG, and Expedition to the barrier peaks did have laser weapons...and a handy flow chart to see if the player could figure them out..or shoot themselves.
![]() Knox drill and Sill AIT, but I was the only Drill Sgt. in my cadre with combat deployments, and I was kinda a softy on the guys..no reindeer games, unless they REALLY pissed me off, then it was smokehouse time, till 3 inches of sweat on the killzone. :) Anyway battle..there are civilians watching....:)