Goblin with Beehive

Arden Oakwald's page

69 posts. Organized Play character for TaurenHugger.

Dark Archive

Looking at the Fey Touched familiar option via the Improved Familiar feat, I'm very interested, but I wasn't sure if it would work for me. I have a moth familiar.

The template says it could change into a small or medium creature as alter self.

But the universal monster rules regarding the Change Shape special quality state: "A creature cannot change shape to a form more than one size category smaller or larger than its original form."

Since my moth is diminutive, becoming small or medium is more than one size category different.

Does this mean the ability won't work for my moth? Or is this a case of "specific trumps general" and it can work because the template is more specific than the universal Change Shape rule?

Dark Archive

If you already have a familiar, would the familiar you gain from elemental whispers function as a second familiar (& thereby give you two options for familiar skill bonus benefits and such?), or would the levels be made to stack, forcing me to choose one familiar or the other?

elemental whispers:
Source Horror Adventures pg. 57
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You form a friendship with a fragment of your element. The element speaks back to you empathically, like a familiar. Pick a type of creature usually allowed as a familiar when you gain this wild talent. You gain the Alertness feat and the special abilities granted by a familiar of that type. As a standard action, you can give the voice of the element the body of such a creature, using elemental matter of the appropriate element within 30 feet. As long as you concentrate, the familiar can take actions as a normal animal of its type, and it can move any distance away from you, though if it takes any damage or you cease concentrating, it returns to your mind. You lose Alertness while the familiar is manifested in this way. The familiar gains abilities as usual for a familiar of its type, though it never gains the ability to speak with animals of its kind.

Dark Archive

When multiclassing, do class levels from each class entitled a familiar stack for the purposes of being eligible for taking Improved Familiars, or do all of the levels need to be from a single class?

From Familiars:
Levels of different classes that are entitled to familiars stack for the purpose of determining any familiar abilities that depend on the master's level.

This rule makes it sound like the levels would stack for determining the familiar's abilities from the familiar table, but not necessarily the eligibility requirements.

Dark Archive

I'm looking for advice on how to build a Seducer Archetype witch in a manner which it can best charm vampires while avoiding being dominated by them.

My character is a silver-tongued human who's starting feats are Racial Heritage (dhampir) and Natural Charmer.
This bit can't be helped as its already rooted in who the character herself is.

But I'd appreciate any ideas for her build or avenues that I could explore as she levels.

Dark Archive

The Witch's Beast Bonded archetype does not fully function properly when using an Improved Familair because of the semantics of its level 8 ability.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic wrote:

Familiar Form (Sp)

At 8th level, a beast-bonded witch may take the shape of her familiar (or a giant version of her familiar or a similar kind of animal) as if using beast shape II. For example, a witch with a rat familiar can turn into a Tiny rat, Small dire rat, or a larger rodent; one with a cat familiar can turn into a Tiny cat or a Large feline such as a tiger or lion; one with a monkey familiar can turn into a Tiny monkey or a Large gorilla, and so on. The witch can remain in animal form for a number of minutes per day equal to her level.
This ability replaces the witch’s 8th-level hex.

The consensus in the rules board seemed to be that it is incompatible with most Improved Familiars, since they no longer are an animal that would qualify under Beast Shape II.
However, I feel like this was probably just an oversight, (as familiars are magical beasts, not animals, and it doesn't call to point even some non-improved familiars, such as vermin familiars.)
I'm disappointed that it hasn't been formally addressed yet. I feel like Paizo actually already has a working solution right under their nose now, since 4 years after introducing the Beast Bonded archetype, they came out with the Synergist witch archetype.

I think we could use the following verbage from that archetype to solve the issue:


Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio wrote:

At 1st level, during symbiosis the synergist gains darkvision or low-light vision if the familiar possesses it.
At 5th level, during symbiosis the synergist gains any abilities the familiar possesses that are listed under beast shape I, except flight.

At 8th level, during symbiosis the synergist gains any abilities the familiar possesses that are listed under beast shape II. If the familiar can fly, the synergist can fly for a total of 1 minute per witch level she possesses per day while in symbiosis. This duration need not be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute intervals.

Emphasis mine.

This simple change of phrase would solve the whole issue while keeping things balanced and the end result would look something like this:


Familiar Form (Sp)
At 8th level, a beast-bonded witch may take the shape of her familiar (or a giant version of her familiar or a similar kind of animal) as if using beast shape II gaining any abilities the familiar possesses that are listed under beast shape II. For example, a witch with a rat familiar can turn into a Tiny rat, Small dire rat, or a larger rodent; one with a cat familiar can turn into a Tiny cat or a Large feline such as a tiger or lion; one with a monkey familiar can turn into a Tiny monkey or a Large gorilla, and so on. The witch can remain in animal familiar form for a number of minutes per day equal to her level.
This ability replaces the witch’s 8th-level hex.

It's a pretty small change, but I think it would really help a lot.

If you agree that this fix would fix up the Beast Bonded archetype, I guess please mark it for an FAQ so hopefully it gets Paizo's attention?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The Witch's Beast Bonded archetype runs into an issue if you take an Improved familiar. Essentially, they lose their 8th level hex in to gain an SLA that gives them a limited Beast Shape II in regards to taking on an animal shape of the same type as their familiar.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic wrote:

Familiar Form (Sp)

At 8th level, a beast-bonded witch may take the shape of her familiar (or a giant version of her familiar or a similar kind of animal) as if using beast shape II. For example, a witch with a rat familiar can turn into a Tiny rat, Small dire rat, or a larger rodent; one with a cat familiar can turn into a Tiny cat or a Large feline such as a tiger or lion; one with a monkey familiar can turn into a Tiny monkey or a Large gorilla, and so on. The witch can remain in animal form for a number of minutes per day equal to her level.
This ability replaces the witch’s 8th-level hex.

The consensus in the rules board seemed to be that it is incompatible with most Improved Familiars, since they no longer are an animal that would qualify under Beast Shape II.

However, I feel like this was probably just an oversight, and I'm disappointed that it hasn't been formally addressed yet. I feel like Paizo actually already has a working solution right under their nose now, since 4 years after introducing Beast Bonded, they came out with the Synergist witch archetype.

I think we could use the following verbage from that archetype to solve the issue:

Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio wrote:

At 1st level, during symbiosis the synergist gains darkvision or low-light vision if the familiar possesses it.

At 5th level, during symbiosis the synergist gains any abilities the familiar possesses that are listed under beast shape I, except flight.

At 8th level, during symbiosis the synergist gains any abilities the familiar possesses that are listed under beast shape II. If the familiar can fly, the synergist can fly for a total of 1 minute per witch level she possesses per day while in symbiosis. This duration need not be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute intervals.

Emphasis mine.

This simple change of phrase would solve the whole issue while keeping things balanced and the end result would look something like this:


Familiar Form (Sp)

At 8th level, a beast-bonded witch may take the shape of her familiar (or a giant version of her familiar or a similar kind of animal) as if using beast shape II gaining any abilities the familiar possesses that are listed under beast shape II. For example, a witch with a rat familiar can turn into a Tiny rat, Small dire rat, or a larger rodent; one with a cat familiar can turn into a Tiny cat or a Large feline such as a tiger or lion; one with a monkey familiar can turn into a Tiny monkey or a Large gorilla, and so on. The witch can remain in animal familiar form for a number of minutes per day equal to her level.
This ability replaces the witch’s 8th-level hex.

Is this worth trying to bring to Paizo attention, and if so, how do we suggest such a specific edit?

Dark Archive

Do you keep adjustments from Feats while polymorphed?

I found that "you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form" as well as form-dependant class features.

The issue is most feats aren't labeled as Ex, Su, or otherwise.

A few specific examples I'm curious about:

Bloatmage Initiate -
This feat makes you fat, improving your spell casting while giving you a medium load.
It changes your form and seems 'form-dependant' but it isn't a class feature nor an Ex or Su ability.
So do you stay bloated in your polymorphed forms? O.o

Angel Wings - (aasimar)
This grants you wings but also has the effect of giving you Fly as a class skill.
Would you retain your wings in a polymorphed form, they are based on your form as an aasimar, but not based on class nor an Ex or Su ability.

Grudge Fighter - (orc)
This simple combat bonus is technically based on you being an orc.  Would that count as form dependant in the same way having the wings from the last example requires you to be an aasimar?

Evolved Familiar -
Say you've taken this feat to give your familiar a natural attack (which are Ex ability evolutions) like Bite.
If you polymorph your familiar, it should lose the bite, since it is an Ex ability based on form.
However the waters get murky-  the feat is not the familiars, it is Yours.
Meaning that the Familiar's form has nothing to do with the Ex ability.  Simply: if it is your familiar, you are constantly bestowing the ability upon it.  The polymorph on your familiar does not restrict Your feats, so
Would it simply still be in effect regardless, so long as your familiar wasn't dead/dismissed?
[Edit: basically, I am wondering if it stays applied through polymorph because it is applied by an outside source. Just like if the familiar was wearing an item or something that gave an attack, like ring of rat fangs]

Dark Archive

I was thinking about building a witch who is focused around landing Bestow Curse.

As such, one of my main priorities would be getting its DC pumped as possible.

My first thought was combining the Seasons Witch (picking Winter) and the Winter Witch archetypes.
Between the two, it would cause Bestow Curse to become a cold spell, deal an extra 1d4 cold damage on success, and gain +2 to its DC.

Aside from that, I could take Spell Focus + Greater Spell Focus on Necromancy for another +2 DC.

+4 is a decent start, but I'm looking for more suggestions.

My friend pointed out that if I take the Magical Knack trait, I could take two 1-level dips while keeping my Witch's caster level the same, and suggested taking a dip into Boreal Sorcerer for another +1 DC (from the bloodline arcana) (and getting the perks of having extra spells). He pointed out too that if I don't care about the bloodline power, I could take a bloodline familiar, to give my familiar extra powers and prevent it from taking the level hit.

Any ideas what might make another good 1 level dip?
Or feats that might boost DCs of curse or cold descriptor spells?

Dark Archive

I had a thought of taking a rat, and then snagging Improved Familiar to let it develop with me into a fiendish rat and then into a ratling.
I'd really like to flavor it as though my familiar is taking a new form each step, rather than being a brand new figure.

Is It justifiable to do that?

Also, anyone know if there has been an official Paizo stance yet on the old issue of if Witches have to lose all their spells when taking improved familiar?

Dark Archive

Pookas, from Bestiary 4
Link: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/pooka/

Are they a female-only race in Pathfinder?
Or is it just that the example is female?

Dark Archive

Evolved Familiar let's a familiar pick up a 1 point Eidolon evolution so long as "The familiar must conform to any limitations of the evolution."

Before, it was a worry whether or not familiars had to meet a base form requirement (for example, a quadupedal familiar still doesn't technically have the quadupedal base form),
But now with unchained summoner mandated, so many evolutions require a subtype.

Do familiars need to match the subtype as well?

Also, even though the Summoner class has been mandatorily shifted to unchained, disabling its access to many old evolutions from Ultimate Magic, were the evolutions in Ultimate Magic banned from PFS, or are they legal to put on familiars via Evolved Familiar?

Dark Archive

Evolved Familiar let's a familiar pick up a 1 point Eidolon evolution so long as "The familiar must conform to any limitations of the evolution."

Before, it was a worry whether or not familiars had to meet a base form requirement (for example, a quadupedal familiar still doesn't technically have the quadupedal base form),
But now with unchained summoner out, so many evolutions require a subtype.

Do familiars need to match the subtype as well?

(And curious if anyone knows - are old evolutions from Ultimate Magic now illegal to use with this feat? how about in PFS play?)

Dark Archive

So, I liked the fiendish vessel concept, but wanted to open it to non evil flavor as well. And have it not race-locked.

Just a cleric of whatever type who has a strong connection to his deity through a gifted familiar.

Link to my Google doc:
Deific Vessel

That's what I have so far
(I'd have just copied it here but couldn't figure out how to get the tables to cooperate)

It's mostly quick edits, changing "Fiendish" to "Deific"

The main mechanical edits are to Channel Evil, and Fiendish Familiar.

I wondered though, if just based on the nature of the concept, if the familiar should function like a witch's rather than a wizard's. And perhaps have spells work similarly with it, having the familiar be the liaison to preparing spells?

Dark Archive

Is there a feat (like the opposite of the Reach Metamagic) or anything (other than Maybe Magus stuffs) that would allow a caster to drop the range of a spell to touch so that they could touch attack with spells like magic missile and such?

Dark Archive

Is there a way to utilize an undead themed Eidolon with the unchained summoner?

The original summoner had a lot of evolution options available from Ultimate Magic, but does anyone know if the unchained summoner can do something similar, or if the undead flavor has just been nixed all together :( ?

Dark Archive

Hi guys. I've been working on a Summoner Archetype designed to let it ditch summon monster (and perhaps bring down its overall power level), making it easier for new players to be able to manage, but also keeping it relevantly usable. This is what I have for it, and then below that are some of my thoughts.

I'm hoping you guys can help me fix any glaring issues, and/or give me suggestions or tell me if you think it'll fit its intent?
Soulbond Summoner Archetype:

Some summoner's forsake the ability to conjure wide varieties of monsters, and foster a much deeper connection with their eidolon. These summoners empower their eidolons through the strength of their emotions, allowing their partners to temporarily soar to otherwise unreachable heights in power.

Shared Soul (Ex): A Soulbond Summoner's Eidolon is forged from a shard of the Summoner's own soul. Because of this, the Eidolon is not sent back to its own plane due to its summoner becoming asleep or unconscious; instead, the eidolon falls asleep or becomes unconscious as well, waking only when its summoner awakens.
However, the missing shard of soul takes a toll on the Summoner. The Soulbond Summoner's eidolon must be of the small size, and the Soulbond Summoner has one fewer spells known at each level (including cantrips) than is presented on Table 2-8: Summoner Spells Known on page 57 of the Advanced Player's Guide, or Table 1-5: Summoner Spells Known on page 27 of Pathfinder Unchained, if playing an Unchained Summoner.
This alters the Spells class feature, and the Eidolon class feature.

Awakened Form I (su): At 1st level as a full round action, if the Soulbond Summoner is within 30 feet of her eidolon, she can fuel her eidolon with a surge of emotional energy, temporarily awakening her eidolon to a more powerful, awakened form.
When this occurs, the eidolon becomes medium size, may select a new base form (biped, quadruped, or serpentine), and gains a number of pre-determined evolutions. The new form, if chosen, and any evolutions must be selected whenever the Soulbond Summoner is qualified to select evolutions for her eidolon (such as when she gains a level or uses the transmogrify spell) and cannot be changed until the Soulbond Summoner is qualified to select new evolution choices again. If an eidolon's new base form causes it to no longer meet the prerequisites of evolutions it already has, it loses the benefit of those evolutions until it resumes its original form.
The eidolon must meet any base-form prerequisites of the selected evolutions, but does not need to meet subtype prerequisites. Additionally, the Soulbond Summoner may select evolutions as if her Summoner level were three higher.
At 1st level, the Soulbound Summoner may spend 1 evolution point on pre-determined evolutions. This increases by 1 point at 3rd level, and by an additional point every 2 levels thereafter, up to a max of 9 points at level 17.
The Soulbond Summoner may awaken her eidolon for a number of minutes per day equal to her summoner level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
This ability replaces Summon Monster I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX.

Bonded Soul (Su): At 2nd level, once per day when the Soulbond Summoner or her eidolon fails a save against a mind-affecting effect that affects only one of them, the other can choose to attempt the save as well. If this second save succeeds, treat the original save result as a success. On a failure, both the Soulbond Summoner and her eidolon suffer the effects of the failed saving throw, even if one of them would not ordinarily be a valid target.
The summoner can use this ability twice per day at level 10, and three times per day at level 16.
This ability replaces Bond Senses, Merge Forms, and Twin Eidolon.

Awakened Form II (Su): At 10th level, when the Soulbond Summoner uses her Awakened Form ability, her eidolon may grow to large size instead of medium.
This replaces Aspect.

Awakened Form III (Su): At 18th level, when the Soulbond Summoner uses her Awakened Form ability, her eidolon may grow to huge size instead of large or medium.
This ability replaces Greater Aspect.


Philosophy & Balancing thoughts.
Essentially, by level 20 the Summon Monster ability allows the equivalent of 6+ castings of a 9th level Summon Monster spell, with enhanced speed (standard action rather than full round casting time) and a vastly improved duration (x10: minutes per level instead of rounds per level). This allows a standard 20th level summoner to have creatures such as an Astral Deva, or 1d3 Elder Elementals, for about 120+ minutes out of the day, at the expense of not being able to have their eidolon present at the same time without expending a 2nd level spell slot for Summon Eidolon.
Enhanced 9th level spell - active 120+ minutes

So, my goal was to create a boon to the summoner's eidolon that would be temporary, but significantly powerful: Awakened Form.
At 20th level, Awakened form grants what would amount to 3 uses of the 4th level spell Greater Evolution Surge, with a vastly reduced duration (1/20th: 1 minute per level, rather than 20 min per level), making the total usable duration equivalent to a single casting. It is worth note that because the ability allows a Soulbond Summoner to temporarily surpass the level limits, Summoners below level 15 gains a slightly larger benefit from its use. It is also worth noting that this ability functions With the eidolon, rather than in place of it, which saves burning 2nd level spell slots if the eidolon is needed.
Enhanced 4th level spell - active 20 minutes

I feel that, even though the Awakened Form feature has only 1/6th the maximum duration of use compared to Summon Monster feature, the benefit of being able to focus solely on the eidolon is still very significant.
Compared to a standard Summoner, the soul bond summoner would have much less action economy, spell diversity, power-longevity, and positional utility. But it might be better in a few 1v1 or enclosed fights.

Dark Archive

The True Spirit Ability of a Nature Shaman is Companion Animal:

Companion Animal (Su): The shaman’s spirit animal takes the form of an animal companion of her choice, using her shaman level as her effective druid level. The animal retains all the special abilities and the Intelligence score of the spirit animal, but also has the statistics and abilities of an animal companion. If the animal is dismissed, is lost, or dies, it can be replaced in the same way as a normal spirit animal.

My shaman will have a sprite as an improved familiar, and I'm fond of the aesthetics of having a sprite. Now, the sprite's Luminous special abilities would stay in its new form, which is neat, but could I toggle the form on and off at will?

(Since the familiar itself is an Ex ability, and the Companion Animal effect is an Su ability, I'm sure I could use some sort of personal-antimagic or something to suppress the effect when desired, but that's a lot of thought and effort that hopefully I don't have to brainstorm up.)

Dark Archive

This might be a stupid question, but does the burning infusion still apply to targets that don't have SR to bypass, since it is stated to only ignite enemies when it bypasses their SR?

I feel like it should work fine on things without SR, but the semantics make me hesitate.

Burning Infusion
Element fire; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire, magma, plasma
Saving Throw Reflex negates
Your kinetic blast ignites your foes. Whenever an infused blast hits a foe and penetrates its spell resistance, that foe catches on fire, regardless of whether it takes damage. A foe that catches fire takes 1d6 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. Against a creature on fire from this infusion, any fire kinetic blasts gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, to DCs, and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.

Dark Archive

Just making sure-
since a kineticist can take Weapon Specialization for its kinetic blast, can it also take Point-Blank Master as a feat?

Kinetic blasts normally provoke once for being a sla, and once more for being a ranged attack. But with this feat, a kineticist should be able to blast defensively without provoking, right?

Dark Archive

Can the Kineticist's Fire Sculptor utility talent be used to help an ally that is on fire by moving the fire out of that ally's square?

Likewise, could you move fire into an enemy's square to cause them to take the standard damage of standing in fiery terrain?

Dark Archive

I was told old archetypes work with the unchained summoner class, and wondered if having an unchained First Worlder Summoner is a valid option.

I am aware of the Fey Caller archtype, but it's no good because as per Raw it has yet to be fixed. (The Fey subtype invented by the archtype does not qualify for many evolutions because Paizo has yet to go back to their evolution list and add the subtype for qualifiers)

First Worlder edits the Eidolon's type to Fey and such, but the unchained summoner would still have to pick a subtype for it to have started as, which would be the subtype referenced when qualifying for evolutions I would guess?

Dark Archive

The Ancestor Eidolon subtype from Blood of the Beast allows the eidolon to use the Quick Rebuild Rules from a Simple Class Template (Monster Codex 246) using either the Fighter, Rogue, or Sorcerer simple class template.

This is the Sorcerer Simple Class Template

Regarding the two level 0 spells that it learns - Do they function like a normal Sorcerer's 0 level spells (where they are not expended after being used), or do they get used up after a single cast each?

Dark Archive

Hey guys,

I was sure there was a spell that allowed you to touch a target in order to convey a vast amount of information via visual/empathic messaging that bestowed a perfect understanding without need of a shared language.

I know it was from one of the pathfinder books, but I've spent about an hour and a half staring at spell lists and I can't for the life of me find it.

Anyone have any ideas?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cevah wrote:

ESM: Evolved Summoned Monster
FS: Ferocious Summons (Orc/Half-Orc)
HS: Harrowed Summoning
SacS: Sacred Summons
SupS: Superior Summoning
SEM: Summon Evil Monster
SGM: Summon Good Monster
SNM: Summon Neutral Monster

Looking at this neatly compiled collection by Cevah in this thread, which of these feats can be applied to a summoner's summon monster ability?

I heard that augment summoning and superior summoning can, but I'm not sure if that was an actual ruling, or what it might or might not imply about the legality of using the rest on their SLA.

Dark Archive

Hey guys,

I really really like the aesthetics of the hunter's animal focus ability. Being able to make animal-themed superficial changes to its animal companion or even itself on a whim seems really cool!

I saw that there was the Naturalist summoner archtype where a summoner could use that feature on its eidolon, and wondered if there was an archtype out there, or if anybody had bootlegged a way to be able to use something like Animal Focus on a familiar?

In general, it seems like familiars are much less powerful than animal companions and eidolons, so I thought maybe there'd be a way? But, I can't find one.

Dark Archive

My witch will be hitting level 7 shortly, and I would like to take my Sprite Familiar as a cohort via the Leadership feat.

I don't believe that a familiar can qualify as a cohort, so I plan to dismiss my sprite from is familiar-duties, and take it then as a cohort instead.

Relevant text quotes:
Witch's Familiar (APG 69)
"[The familiar] uses the same rules as the wizard's arcane bond class feature."
Arcane Bond (CRB 78)
"Rules for familiar appear on page 82.."
Familiar (CRB 82)
"If a familiar is dismissed, lost, or dies ...."

This leads me to believe that dismissing a familiar is RAW legal.

There are no details regarding "dismissing," so the logistics of the act are probably up to GM discretion. Some GM's might rule that dismissing your familiar sends it away forever or something?
However, simply losing track of your familiar (IE: BBEG kidnaps it or something)allows eligibility for gaining a new familiar. Its easy to conceptualize doing a ritual to replace a stolen familiar, only to later rescue the prior familiar. So, I don't think that "dismissal" necessarily has to send a familiar away.

Now, of course once a familiar has been dismissed or replaced, it would no longer gain the benefits it enjoyed while it was a familiar.

So, my Sprite would be back to an ordinary Sprite. But, it would have its good history and relations with me, and it would then be eligible to take class levels as a cohort.
(Probably a decent chunk of class levels, since Sprite CR is only 1/3 ?)
Unlike a conventional cohort who has backstory legitimizing why it starts with all its class levels, my sprite might only start with 1 and need to work into the rest or something, but that's alright.

Other than possible GM-Fiat, does this seem like a legitimate course of action to change my current sprite from my familiar to my cohort?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Gluttonous Gobbler is an Ogre feat from the monster codex. It allows a creature to swallow a foe as if they had the swallow whole special ability.

The swallow whole special ability says that "Being swallowed causes a creature to take damage each round. The amount and type of damage varies and is given in the creature's statistics."

How do you find out how much damage the swallowed creature takes?

Dark Archive

Hi guys,

I would like to have a water kineticist character, and I really really want him to have a Water-Mephit as a familiar. I could snag a water wysp or water elemental through the Elemental Whispers utility wild talents, but not the mephit i want, so I'm looking for ways to get one. These are my 3 ideas so far:

The costly 4-feat chain of:
Iron Will
Familiar Bond
Greater Familiar Bond
Improved Familiar

Take a 1 level dip of a familiar-granting class. I would pick something thematically appropriate like a Aquatic or Water Element bloodline sorcerer, or a Sea Witch with a water Patron.

(It is my understanding that a character may not have 2 familiars, and that if something would grant a character a 2nd familiar, that the levels effectively stack.)
So taking the Elemental Whisper's utility wild talent after dipping in a familiar-granting class should then stack any kineticist levels onto the familiar.

Then just take Improved Familiar at lv 7 for my water mephit.

Now, I'm pretty sure that my GM would be willing to let me take one with Greater Elemental Whispers, maybe at a slightly increased level prerequisite since a Mephit improved familiar typically requires a 7th level character, and the 2 options provided by Greater Elemental Whispers typically require a 5th level character. But, I really want to explore the RAW-Legal methods at my disposal.

Can anyone give me some advice?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This patron familiar option from the familiarfolio allows the witch's familiar to cast a 0 level illusion spell from the witch's list once per day.

But.. I don't think witches get any 0 level illusion spells.

Did they mean a 0 level illusion spell from any list, maybe?

Dark Archive

So, I was reading over the Mimic's statblock, and it can use a Diguise check to try to express itself as an object, like a treasure chest. But, I can't figure out how to work that.

Typically, a disguise check has a modifier of +5 if only minor details change. Then it gets negative modifiers as a creature tries to disguise itself as a different race.

But what about if there are no changes made? Is that even better than +5, if +5 is for minor changes?

And what about if you are going beyond just race, to make yourself seem to be an inanimate object? Is that an even steeper modifier?

I am also curious how this applies to a standard character trying to disguise themselves.
For example, slapping on some body paint and disguising yourself as a statue or something.

Dark Archive

I'm trying to finalize a Varisian character who has Sleight of Hand as a class skill, and naturally gravitated to the pocketed scarf. Browsing the clothing outfits available, I thought the pickpocket's outfit seemed fitting. But, I'm not exactly sure how they work together in conjunction with sleight of hand when trying to keep my daggers concealed. Can someone help me figure it out?

Here's the relevant info and my thoughts on it:

Pocketed Scarf:
This scarf grants you a +4 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to hide objects on your body. This bonus does not stack with the bonus wearing heavy clothing provides but does stack with bonuses for attempting to hide small objects.

Pickpocket's Outfit:
Outfitted with concealed pockets, this clothing gives you a +2 bonus on hiding small objects on your person.

Sleight of Hand:
- You can hide a small object (including a light weapon or an easily concealed ranged weapon, such as a dart, sling, or hand crossbow) on your body.
- A dagger is easier to hide than most light weapons, and grants you a +2 bonus on your Sleight of Hand check to conceal it.
- A dagger is easier to hide than most light weapons, and grants you a +2 bonus on your Sleight of Hand check to conceal it.


Pocketed scarf gives me +4. It doesn't stack with heavy clothing, but does stack with bonuses for small objects.

Pickpocket's outfit isn't heavy clothing really, and is worded to provide its +2 bonus to small objects, rather than a bonus from clothing (presumably because it isn't a heavy outfit, but simply equipped with many hidden pockets). So, so far, these two should stack I think.

Dagger's grant a +2 bonus, which has no mention of stacking / not-stacking, and has no listed bonus type. So, that would stack as well, right?

For a total of a +8 bonus to conceal my dagger?

Dark Archive

Are there any good RAW ways to build a familiar to be able to get the Swallow Whole ability?

Perhaps via familiar archetypes, improves familiar options, feats, etc?

Mind, I understand that it is not a powerful or even good thing to have on a familiar for the most part, but I am still interested in ways to get it.

Dark Archive

Can someone help me figure out how a Diminutive animated object's stat block should look?
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/animated-objec t/
The listing only goes down to Tiny, which has 1HD, so I don't know how to drop it down another size x_x

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The unchained summoner archtype's Fey Eidolon has me a bit at a loss when it comes to evolutions. It describes the eidolon as a fey creature that bonds with the summoner, and gives examples such as a dryad or a redcap.

My hope was to use a satyr eidolon, however, per RAW, in order to utilize the Gore evolution to gain horns (or at least horns usable for an attack) the eidolon is required to have one of the following subtypes: Agathion, daemon, demon, devil, div, elemental, protean, or psychopomp.

It seems the Fey eidolon subtype, from what I've found, was never added to the unchained summoner's evolution list requirements, disabling any Fey Eidolon from taking all but the Non-Requirement-Based evolutions.
This cuts down on many Fey builds.

Is anyone aware of an errata or source of some type that details evolutions that the Fey Eidolon qualifies for?

On a side note, they Fey Eidolon says that it gains the "Low-Light Evolution" at level one. The low-light evolution was an evolution from ultimate magic that was not transfered into the unchained summoner's evolution list. It's odd, since Fey Caller is an unchained-only archtype and cannot be used with the standard summoner.

Was the Fey caller perhaps intended to work with the old list of evolutions (which still had stuff like "Hooves") rather than the newer restrictive list?

Dark Archive

Hi, didn't know where to look to figure this out, so i figured i'd just pop in a quick question over here.

The Flask of Acid alchemical item can be used as a material (which uses it up) to extend the duration of the Acid Splash spell by one round.

What does this do exactly? ...And, is it more worth it to simply throw the vial of acid to begin with, since it could do 1d6 acid damage + splash?

Dark Archive

I've had a bit of confusion wrapping my mind around the concept of "Summoning"

I was under the interpretation that when you Summon (opposed to Call) a creature, that the creature in question would vanish from wherever it was, and that something like an exact copy of said creature would appear before you.

When the copy died or was dismissed, it would take 24 hours for the real creature to re-materialize just the way it had been before it was affected by the spell.

Admittedly, I don't know where my concept of the copy came from, if I read it somewhere or was told that by someone, or if it was just an idea I had that stuck, but I've reread the description of the summoning school, and some of my thoughts have been flip-flopped around.

Another interpretation that I had was that, because the summon was just a copy, if you wanted to hand a weapon/object to the summon, that the object would still stick around after the summon left. But I can't find anything RAW that supports that thought. In line with that, I believed that any equipment that the summoned creature had on hand at the time of summoning would appear with it, and (just like the creature) would re-materialize in the same condition as when they left (making sundered weapons repaired after the summon wears off.

Someone once told me that if I wanted to hand something to a summoned creature that they could keep, I would have to do a Calling spell instead, but i don't see anything different in the description regarding the ability to take equipment back with them. they both seem to say that they bring the actual real creature to you. its just that in one, the creature can return to its plane by a granted special ability, and in the other, you can dismiss it.

Because of my concept of the copy, I also believed that a summoned creature would be restored to full HP upon rematerializing on its own plane. But I can't find anything RAW about that either. The summoning description simply says that if they die while summoned, that they just take 24 hours to reform in their home plane. Nothing about restoring them in any way.

So, after all that mumbling, I suppose my key questions are the following:

1. Can summoned monsters take equipment given to them back with them when they are dismissed?
-other awkward things follow I suppose: like if they eat something, would the undigested bulk of it fall to the ground when they dismiss?

2. Do summoned creatures retain wounds from when they were summoned after they rematerialize? And if so, if they die when summoned, in what condition are they restored since they 'dont really die'.

and what/where is the RAW regarding the answers?


Dark Archive

I am playing a summoner and I would really like to give him a cane. Not the quarterstaff that everyone tends to talk about, but just a cane.

The ONLY example I can find is the cane that Ezren wields in the pregen characters. He has a cane that is able to deal 1d6 damage.

I realize that his cane is his bonded item, but it IS a weapon, and I can't find it listed in ANY equipment lists, so I am not sure how much it costs/weighs/etc.

Could someone direct me to a PFS legal cane weapon, that isn't the cane sword or the quarterstaff, but literally just a cane. That's a weapon. Like Ezren's? Please? T_T

Hiyas, I was wondering- If an summoner begins play with an eidolon of the aquatic base form, if the summoner could also select the improved natural armor evolution for it.

Aquatic Base Form:
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Free Evolutions
bite, improved natural armor, gills, swim (2), and can select the mount evolution. Source: Ultimate Magic

Improved Natural Armor evolution:
An eidolon’s hide grows thick fur, rigid scales, or bony plates, giving it a +2 bonus to its natural armor. This evolution can be taken once for every five levels the summoner possesses. Source: Advanced Player's Guide

an errata/faq note on the SRD says: "A summoner can select this evolution once for levels 1—4, again for levels 5–9, a third time at levels 10–14, a fourth time at levels 15–19, and a fifth time at level 20."

If an eidolon has an evolution for free, has the summoner really selected it? If not, can a summoner grab that evolution for their aquatic eidolon, giving it 2 stacks of the evolution from the get-go?