TaurenHugger |

I don't think there is anything wrong with having an eidolon mount without the Mount evolution, especially if your Ride skill is high enough. Lurk3r pointed out in the 2nd post that the Mount evolution really only saves you 5 on a ride check, which is true.
The Mount evolution reads:
"An eidolon is properly skilled and formed to serve as a combat-trained mount. The eidolon must be at least one size category larger than its rider. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped and serpentine base forms."
So, it only makes an eidolon properly skilled as a mount. The requirement is that they have a proper form that allows them to BE skilled as a mount.
The ride skill has a clause that reads:
"If you attempt to ride a creature that is ill suited as a mount, you take a –5 penalty on your Ride checks."
Thus, improperly formed/skilled mounts can still be mounted. This means that eidolons may be mounted, regardless of if they have the mount skill or if they are even eligible for the mount skill. There is no reason that a Biped Kangaroo type of eidolon could not be mounted. You'd just take a -5 penalty.