
TaurenHugger's page

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I don't think there is anything wrong with having an eidolon mount without the Mount evolution, especially if your Ride skill is high enough. Lurk3r pointed out in the 2nd post that the Mount evolution really only saves you 5 on a ride check, which is true.

The Mount evolution reads:
"An eidolon is properly skilled and formed to serve as a combat-trained mount. The eidolon must be at least one size category larger than its rider. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped and serpentine base forms."

So, it only makes an eidolon properly skilled as a mount. The requirement is that they have a proper form that allows them to BE skilled as a mount.

The ride skill has a clause that reads:
"If you attempt to ride a creature that is ill suited as a mount, you take a –5 penalty on your Ride checks."

Thus, improperly formed/skilled mounts can still be mounted. This means that eidolons may be mounted, regardless of if they have the mount skill or if they are even eligible for the mount skill. There is no reason that a Biped Kangaroo type of eidolon could not be mounted. You'd just take a -5 penalty.

I research a ton of my spells in home games. Most of them are just re-skins with no change to functionality, but I've been starting to think about playing Society games lately, and my friend told me that spell research is a big no-no there X_X.

I guess I'll run it by the GM to double check. thanks guys :)

Ok, I hope this question isn't too noob >_<, but when light says that the object sheds light like a torch, its just talking about area, right?

It's just for flavor, but my caster has a jewel he likes to cast light on, and I like to picture the light that shines from it as blue, like the color of the jewel. That's ok, right?

Likewise- can the orbs and lantern effects cast by dancing lights appear as a desired color?

Is this in an FAQ someplace now, I can't find it

Hiyas, I was wondering- If an summoner begins play with an eidolon of the aquatic base form, if the summoner could also select the improved natural armor evolution for it.

Aquatic Base Form:
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Free Evolutions
bite, improved natural armor, gills, swim (2), and can select the mount evolution. Source: Ultimate Magic

Improved Natural Armor evolution:
An eidolon’s hide grows thick fur, rigid scales, or bony plates, giving it a +2 bonus to its natural armor. This evolution can be taken once for every five levels the summoner possesses. Source: Advanced Player's Guide

an errata/faq note on the SRD says: "A summoner can select this evolution once for levels 1—4, again for levels 5–9, a third time at levels 10–14, a fourth time at levels 15–19, and a fifth time at level 20."

If an eidolon has an evolution for free, has the summoner really selected it? If not, can a summoner grab that evolution for their aquatic eidolon, giving it 2 stacks of the evolution from the get-go?

Wow, this thread got a bit derailed... O_o
But I've gotta try to rez it because its peaked my interest too now, and back to the original question.

A witch's familiar form ability reads:
"At 8th level, a beast-bonded witch may take the shape of her familiar (or a giant version of her familiar or a similar kind of animal) as if using beast shape II. For example, a witch with a rat familiar can turn into a Tiny rat, Small dire rat, or a larger rodent; one with a cat familiar can turn into a Tiny cat or a Large feline such as a tiger or lion; one with a monkey familiar can turn into a Tiny monkey or a Large gorilla, and so on. The witch can remain in animal form for a number of minutes per day equal to her level.
This ability replaces the witch’s 8th-level hex."

It would be absurd to exclude the level 8 class feature from a beast bonded witch simply for upgrading her familiar (the class feature that is the specialty of this archtype).

Because this has gone SOOOOO long without official ruling / errata, its totally in GM territory, but if I were GM- I believe the reference to beast shape II should only be used for the size limitations and the abilities that can be gained from the transformation, or that the witch should get her standard class feature for that level.

There's just no reason a class should be punished for taking a feat that upgrades a feature that the class relies on. No reason, lol

Sorry to rez the thread, but I'm running into this issue now too.

RAW, i see absolutely nothing stopping things from having multiple templates applied, as absurd as they might get.

If an Aasimar wants to have a Celestial Imp, I see nothing RAW preventing that at all.

-The Celestial Servant feat does not require your familiar to be an "animal" (Which, technically it couldn't because aren't familiars All magical beasts already?). The reason it says animals become "magical beasts" is for the benefit of people with animal companions and the like. It absolutely does not require an animal in order to take the feat. Familiars (whether they are from the basic list or the improved list) meet the requirement.

-There is no requirement listed for the celestial template, therefore all familiars are eligible to use it. (Again, as absurd as that can get, its legal RAW)

*Note: The feat itself turns your familiar into a magical beast though, as stated, so things like an imp, which are Outsiders, would then become Magical Beasts instead.
This would cause familiars like imps to lose its Outsider Traits in place of Magical Beast Traits found over here: http://paizo.com/prd/monsters/creaturetypes.html