Ancestor Eidolon Spells

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

The Ancestor Eidolon subtype from Blood of the Beast allows the eidolon to use the Quick Rebuild Rules from a Simple Class Template (Monster Codex 246) using either the Fighter, Rogue, or Sorcerer simple class template.

This is the Sorcerer Simple Class Template

Regarding the two level 0 spells that it learns - Do they function like a normal Sorcerer's 0 level spells (where they are not expended after being used), or do they get used up after a single cast each?

Dark Archive

I was posting here rather than the general rules board because I saw that the ancestor eidolon subtype was approved for PFS, and was curious how this was ruled there.

Probably the same ruling in PFS as out, but figured I'd ask here for accuracy's sake.

Anyone know?

Dark Archive

- little bump -

Silver Crusade

It's supposed to function like a Sorcerer, so I'ld say that they are reusable.

I concur, but the rules don't actually say it - one way or the other.

Silver Crusade

It says that it would cast as a sorcerer, sorcerers don't use up their level 0s.

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