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![]() Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote: Energetic field is a cantrip. Should be able to learn it at either the Wizard school or the war wizard. It would then appear in your feat and could be equipped to a staff if you have one equipped. Energetic Field is not available from the Occultist Cantrip trainer for me, either (Killing Joke is another that is missing, neither are on the "Untrainable" tab either). Yes, I have just added all the starter Arcane Feats needed and have a staff. I bug reported this already, but has anyone actually trained Energetic Field as a new Arcane character since the last patch? ![]()
![]() I now hear Benny Hill music every time a group of mobs aggro, then all split off and target someone *else* besides the puller who aggroed them in the first place. :/ Oh, and yes, we were still able to take down an Ogg group, not in T2 gear, but absolutely nothing good dropped to make it worth the puller and other assorted deaths. T2 challenges should have T2 rewards. ![]()
![]() Well, there may not have been a planned server rollback, but my main character was definitely "rolled back." I'd had some great luck with drops, and spent many hours on Sunday and Monday Gathering mats, then Refining to progress my Crafting skills. I also finally took the time to place all the "broken party-dropped" recipes into a local bank so they were out of my view. Come Tuesday, I logged in and had been teleported to the north, all my spent xp was refunded, all my Crafting Points earned were voided, all my Gathered and Refined mats were deleted, and even the broken recipes that I'd banked were back in my pack. So I consider that a 2+ day rollback. My question is, does logging in and out more frequently create any kind of "save point" to where you might not lose as much if this kind of thing happens again? I had been continuously logged in for quite a long time on Monday. ![]()
![]() CBDunkerson wrote:
Yes, wildshifting into a random livestock animal in order to scout out a settlement has always been my druid's favorite tactic in PnP D&D and it would be great to see it become possible here. HMMM how about a Neutral Evil Druid Sheep Assassin? Use Disguise to emulate and blend into a sheep herd, then spring out at night and take down the town's mayor as he walks by the pens? =P ![]()
![]() Well, the Zergies gonna Zerg, if it's 18 months from now with a Russian accent, or immediately. Only time will tell how much, and if the structure of PFO can funnel that horde into something more interesting than it has turned out to be in most games of this type. No matter what is *said* in these Forums there will be hundreds and hundreds of players who have never even heard of these discusssions, not being active Forum readers/participants. They will log onto the game when available and do what they feel like doing, according to whatever game mechanics are available. It will be THEN that some kind of actions can be taken to curb excesses or at least educate them as to why a different kind of game is intended here. ![]()
![]() I'd have to disagree. Less godlike omniscience and MOAR EXPLORING. I realize peeps In Real Life are use to having a GPS/Google Maps day at their fingertips, but there is no reason for a fantasy character to get a "ping" of an entire kingdom every time they step outside their hut. I would prefer that Rangers and other Scouts have a function and value for their services in the world as related to Wartime Reconnaissance Missions. ![]()
![]() Kobold Cleaver wrote: And I'm not sad that it's not cloning the Pathfinder ruleset, because DDO already did that (or DDO cloned D&D, which was cloned by Pathfinder). I was glad something new was being done. Just an FYI on DDO: the Dungeons & Dragons Online MMO is as far from the D&D ruleset(s) now as it possibly could have gotten. Turbine has slowly "tweaked" the basic Core D&D feel and implementation to cater to it's most whiney Casuals and placate the grumpy Hardcores in order to try and squeeze a few more bucks from them. One reason I am excited about the Pathfinder D&D type implementation is that we will have a chance to have a rough Core D&D type game at the heart of it all. Wizards and Clerics and Portable Holes, oh MY! =P Way too early to despair. Let's give em a chance to show us what they have in mind, and voice our concerns here. Any voice is welcome, keep the questions coming so we can talk about it. ![]()
![]() <Magistry> Toombstone wrote:
But...but...Sith can't then yell, "DEATH BY COCOA PUFFS, scum!" =P ![]()
![]() Have always been on Dungeons & Dragons Online since 2006, with some longish breaks to try out new stuff like WAR, SWTOR, GW2, Neverwinter, and ESO recently. DDO is still my first MMO love, despite and because of it's...uniqueness. It's detailed and fun multiclass character building is one of the things that has held me to it. You can have up to 3 D&D classes, with no more than a 20-total level split between them, allowing for hundreds of combinations (tho only a few dozen really optimized ones work at endgame ATM). Thus a Wizard 18/ Rogue 2 build can be one of the best endgame trapping builds (lotsa traps in DDO), while still maintaining top casting ability, plus that gives the character the Evasion feat for more survivability. Things like that. The reason I mention this here is that I'm hoping the Pathfinder: Online skill development system duplicates this to truly allow some kind of "multiclassing" abilities to be developed, for more interesting characters. Beyond just adding crafting to a character, I mean. I know I'll probably need to start my first PFO character as a Cleric, since Druids or Paladins won't be available at first. But I don't want to have to just follow a "Cleric build path" that won't allow me to add say, trapmaking skills (when available) or some social skills to round out what he can do in the gameworld. I do have confidence that this will be possible, just ....give us more details!!! Alpha and EE are too far away right now... ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: "Hello, I'm James Jacobs, newly crowned Editor-In-Chief of Dungeon magazine. That last post was '11 minutes ago,' and it is now after 2 a.m. Since my *first* response to this thread was @ 3 p.m. *yesterday*, that means that I have been involved in this topic for about *12 hours* today! Why am I reading the messageboards of my magazine after midnight every night? (*whispers*)...I'm the Editor-In-Chief, baby! I do what I want." OK, he really didn't say that. Just an observation... :)![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: The guildhall's not really intended to be a linear dungeon crawl from point A to point Z; there's a lot of entrances and ways to get in there. Gotcha. And I can see how a low-level gang of thieves would probably want it that way. It does give an invading party a lot of different ways to infiltrate and take down this band of thugs (or get taken out by them if not cautious). But it just seemed a huge waste to have Area D9 all set up to trap and disable invaders only to leave basically a cakewalk NPC the only thing guarding a major entrance. Or maybe it's just that we're thinking of what kind of potential PC-run complex this could be in the future once the guild is all mopped up. After all, if the campaign lasts for quite some time, and the players have opportunities to come back to Sasserine regulary, they are going to need a base of operations. I'm sure Lavinia Vanderboren won't be too keen on the PCs moving in to Vanderboren Mansion. And with Dead Dog Alley being mostly abandoned buildings, there is even the possibility of the PCs tearing down the block, and building their *own* Mansion/Castle up above, complete with a recently-emptied dungeon and hidden sea-entrance. Once they haul some treasure back from the Isle of Dread of course... BTW, James, thanks for a great launch to this Adventure Path. This has convinced me to renew my subscription all by itself. Looking foreward to your tenure @ Dungeon. Archetype ![]()
![]() clannsmiley wrote:
Yupper. That's what the module layout *says* but we didn't use it that way as it doesn't make much sense. If the party can just jump down from the taxidermist's shop into the complex at this point, it puts them just one room away from the start of the final "big boss area" finale, bypassing most of the adventure! Why would the guild trust Nemien Roblach so much that they would give a 3rd level CE illusionist such a strategic access to their facility? So for logistic and gaming fun reasons, the ceiling trapdoor was moved from area D1 to the round room just to the east of area D10, and the corrodor with the secret door exiting that room is removed. This way, if the party does enter the complex thru the guildhall, at least they must go thru most of the defended areas before getting to the climax. For similar defensive purposes, the door in area D1 was made a secret door, and D1 was changed to "Cruncher's Guardpost" (normally area D14), to cover the sea entrance when the guild is on alert. (This allows a party coming in via boat access from area D18 to have a chance to see his tracks in the sand, and prepare for combat with a worg...) Just some suggestions... ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
What he said. So the world moved on to Adobe 7.0 while I wasn't looking. Go figure (I don't download much, obviously). That fixed it. Nice FREE supplement. Thanks again. ![]()
![]() OK, back to the topic of this thread: "I can't wait to *open* my pdf of the Savage Tide Player's Guide!" First of all, THANK YOU FOR THE FREE PDF! This is my first post here, and the most excellent first Savage Tide adventure is responsible. What a fantastic opener for a campaign. The Sasserine city map is amazing, and I can use it for a dozen other settings if needed as well. Congrats. I plan on ordering the $5 print copy of the Savage Tide Player's Guide just cause I'm a hard-copy kind of collector, but I did attempt to download the pdf as well. Now, I'm a download novice (w/ only crappy dialup), but I'd like to ask if this downloaded correctly for everyone else? Mine took 3 hours and I can't open it because it says the file is damaged and can't be repaired. :( Anyone else get this or is it just on my end? Oh, "Hello Paizo" as well. Archetype |