
Amsheagar's page

Organized Play Member. 2,084 posts (7,176 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 10 Organized Play characters. 26 aliases.

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Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

It looks like all my checks and hospital visits will be done by next Thursday.

So far, they haven't found anything too serious. And they caught my blood pressure and liver damage at a very early stage, so I should make a full recovery. They are doing a sonogram (i think) next week to check out my kidney and make sure everything is alright.

Like i said, I'll keep you updated and should be back in a weeks time.

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As you tie up Phlegos, Jirandiel bleeds out on the floor.

You search the rest of the manor, finding several slaves tied up and are able to free them easily. They wait at the entrance of the manor, as it is now safe for them to be there. You travel down the spiral staircase and find a huge cavern.

An intermittent sucking sound echoes through the cave as sea water is drawn out before gushing back into this enormous underground cave. A deep pool of water conceals to an underwater passageway to the south. Eerie blue flames burn under the water, illuminating the entire cave in a rippling radiance. Fish bones and crustacean shells litter the bottom of the channel.

Greets new friend shows up and doesn't attack the party, as it sees Greet as a friend. You see that there is an Orb in the water. Traber quickly identifies it as an orb of Master. Something that was here to control these giant octopus. He easily disable the orb and you retrieve it for the society's use.

Upon returning to Kartsa, she smiles. "The decemviral will be quire impressed with you, and pleased to deal with this traitor themselves. I have a few questions for him regarding those missing Pathfinders agents too. Thank you.

As mention on the discord. I am going to call this game. You faced the final challenge earlier and were able to deal with him easily. So I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to deal with it again.

I'll have the sheets ready in the next hour or two.

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For dotting and deleting.

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Human Ranger lvl 4 AC:20 T:12 FF:16|HP:32/40|BaB:+3|CMB:+6|CMD:18|F/R/W:5/5/3|Init:+2|Per+9|Conditions: none

Must be a teenager... They always get mad when you take their small toys away.

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leaving for a moment, Khanuur brings back a round of cool tea, jasmine tea for those of you interested in the finer things in life. and places it down in front of each of you. "Before, I was free. Now I'm not. Not much to say about my past life, only my current and future life." he says, tugging a little at his collar.

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Currently waiting on Greet to accept or deny the offer given to him. As much as you currently know, there is no information you need from Corvius, but you cant free the Efreeti at this current time, due to Corvius being active in the room.

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I’ll get back to the game in about 48 hours. Weekend posts are slow.

Scarab Sages 2/5

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It's time to get back into the GM game. :) I guess its a good time to do so as well. Looking forward to GMing a new adventure.

Sovereign Court

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HP:27/27 | AC:17/FF:13/T:16 (+2) | Fort: +6 Ref: 7 Will: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 Perception: +6| Init: +3 | CMD 20 CMB 5 BAB 2 Kitsune Monk 3
Flurry Staff:
[dice=Furry of Blows MW Sansetsukon]1d20+5+2[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d10+2[/dice]

Haro doesn’t like the pain he just received, but endures while his team takes on the big beastie.

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Human Ranger lvl 4 AC:20 T:12 FF:16|HP:32/40|BaB:+3|CMB:+6|CMD:18|F/R/W:5/5/3|Init:+2|Per+9|Conditions: none

long day trip to the east of Tokyo.. don’t know that song, but how about this one?

Seeing that the owlbear is badly hurt, Wizzer presses his attack.

K.Scimitar: 3d6 + 6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) + 6 + 2 + 1 = 16damage: 1d6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 = 9

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Human Ranger lvl 4 AC:20 T:12 FF:16|HP:32/40|BaB:+3|CMB:+6|CMD:18|F/R/W:5/5/3|Init:+2|Per+9|Conditions: none

Well, there goes my plan of buying something huge one level, just to sell it the next.

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Human Ranger lvl 4 AC:20 T:12 FF:16|HP:32/40|BaB:+3|CMB:+6|CMD:18|F/R/W:5/5/3|Init:+2|Per+9|Conditions: none

Can i change my favorite enemy to spiders?

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Human Ranger lvl 4 AC:20 T:12 FF:16|HP:32/40|BaB:+3|CMB:+6|CMD:18|F/R/W:5/5/3|Init:+2|Per+9|Conditions: none

Wizzer looks at the liquefied person. That is no way to die... Remind me never to get caught in a spiders web again.

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Human Ranger lvl 4 AC:20 T:12 FF:16|HP:32/40|BaB:+3|CMB:+6|CMD:18|F/R/W:5/5/3|Init:+2|Per+9|Conditions: none

Wizzer watches the people leave, Less people, good. he mutters to himself. Moving forward he hears some people talking and his attention peeks up when he hears the mention of pay. He moves to them and joins in on their conversation.

"Hello, I'm Wizzer." He watches as Fred Junior talks to his coin. "So, it's true. Money does talk."

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2 Daggers:
[dice=2 Daggers]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=damage]1d4+6[/dice][dice=sneak attack]2d8[/dice][ooc]-2 on attacks vs me 1d4 rounds
Human Knife Rogue: 4|AC:17|T:13|F:13|F/R/W: +5/+8/+3|HP:40/40|BaB:+3| Init:+6 |Perc:+9|CMB:+4|CMD:18

Living in Japan, it’s a little tough with international relationships. My first marriage fell apart due to communication and cultural differences. My current partner is.... somewhat pushing my boundaries with how much jealousy I will handle. She also wants to get married... to stall, I told her to become somewhat fluent in English.

Why can’t I find two 20 something Japanese twins who are willing to share me with each other.

Dark Archive

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Female, Elf
Sniper Rogue 4| AC:20, T:14, FF:15 |F:1, R:8, W:2 | HP 24/25 | Init +4 | Stealth +8, Perception +10, L.L. Vision, Keen Senses | Sneak Attack 2d6

History (UT): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Falom doesn't remember what she had for lunch.

Dark Archive

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Female, Elf
Sniper Rogue 4| AC:20, T:14, FF:15 |F:1, R:8, W:2 | HP 24/25 | Init +4 | Stealth +8, Perception +10, L.L. Vision, Keen Senses | Sneak Attack 2d6

K.L: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Not knowing that much about this local area, Falom just enjoys the tune.

"待って。もすぐヘストラン様来ます。" seeing the confused faces on some of the members. "Sorry, I mean he'll be here soon."

Just FYI... I may lag behind a few hours in communication. I live in Japan.

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Female Gnome Alchemist 11|| HP -5/91 || AC:19 T:13 FF:17 || F:12 R:12 W:9 || Initiative +3 | Perception +20 | Stealth +27 Gnome
[dice=Bomb]1d20+14[/dice] [dice=Dmg]6d4+3[/dice] 5 dmg splash, DC 14 Ref [dice=dazed]1d4[/dice]
[dice=Crossbow]1d20+12[/dice]Human +2[dice=Dmg]1d8+3[/dice][dice=Humans]2d6[/dice]

Only the uncivilized forget their history.

Looking at the opera Jane starts to think. "Let's look through the spell books of those wizards and other magic users we've fought. If one of them had the spell, Comprehend Languages, written down, I can copy it and get a translation going.

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Game Breakdown
The Gap was a sudden loss of history that shook the entire galaxy. It was an event where history disappeared from the minds of everyone throughout the multiverse, and only the gods have an inkling of what happened, but they refuse to speak of it. In that nebulous time of missing history, the world of Golarion disappeared, though the gods indicate the world—wherever it is—is safe. In the aftermath of the Gap came the revelation of faster-than-light travel by means of the Drift. It was during this time that the Starfinder Society formed and became one of the eminent organizations of the Pact Worlds. The machine god Triune’s gift of rapid interstellar travel facilitated a sudden land rush by colonists and corporations alike, and as exploration became an extremely lucrative business, the information that Starfinder agents retrieved secured the Society’s prestige and wealth.

This prosperous age recently came to an abrupt end within the star systems known as the Scoured Stars. An armada containing almost 80% of the Society’s agents and assets joined the Society’s First Seeker on a mission to the Scoured Stars, only for all its transmissions to cease. When the remaining Starfinders in the Lorespire Complex attempted to make contact, they discovered a terrifying truth: the Scoured Stars were now cut off from the rest of the multiverse by a barrier of incomprehensible power.

The events of the Scoured Stars left the Starfinder Society crippled, as most of the Society’s agents and assets resided within the now inaccessible systems. The Society’s prestige crumbled, and many of the Starfinders’ distant holdings fell to alien forces within months of the incident. Only the actions of one outspoken Starfinder, Luwazi Elsebo, held the Society together. Even with the dedication of Luwazi and her allies, the Society suffered further losses as disillusioned agents opted to part ways with the organization. Maintaining the Society’s interests was too much for the few remaining agents to handle, so Luwazi turned to outside assistance from reputable mercenary organizations.

With the Starfinders on the brink of ruin, Luwazi’s hopes now rest in the hands of a new generation of recruits and ambitious factions. Today is a momentous day for the Society, as it marks the graduation of the first wave of fresh agents from accelerated Starfinder training. These agents represent the first step the Starfinder Society is taking to reposition itself at the forefront of
galactic exploration.

GM Info
Greetings from Japan. That's right, I live in Japan, so my post usually come around 9pm-6am EST. If that's a problem for you, turn back now. I have been GMing games since 2010 and am coming off of a long needed break. I want to break back into the GMing scene with this new society and see where it takes me. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a table that wasn't already packed for me to play, so we'll have fun with these first three adventures together.

Players Expectations
First and for most, I want you all to have fun. We will learn more about Starfinders together as it is still a new system and I am sure we will all be confuddled at some points.

I will usually have the forms up on my computer at work and even drop in on it sometimes after work. So I will typically post once a day (If not more) and I would love the same from you as well.

We will be using Google Slides for maps since I can move images on there using my phone.

I am somewhat a stickler when it comes to Profile Layout. To make things easier for running PBP games, I would love if you could set up your character profile to something like this profile of one of my alts. You don't need to go that crazy, but you must have the key information in the gender/class area of the profile so it will show up on the threads.

What you put into this game as a player is what you will get out of it with me GMing it.

Recruit Dates
Recruitment ends on Friday, September 15th.
Game Starts on Monday, September 18th.

Feel free to ask any questions that you wish.

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Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

Ewwww... but cool.

Let's start recruiting some more peps.

The Exchange

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[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

Guys... I was able to recover the files from my computer... :) Oh my fracking God... was I so worried.

Side Note, my Kickstarter is now live.. Would love a share. Thanks.

I'll be catching up in a few hours.

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Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

The thing about living in Japan, only 2 boardgame cons a year. :/ up side. Japanese women. ;)

Also, heads up, the kickstarter for my game is June 6th at 10am EST. Here is a link to the kickstarter.

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Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

Note.. around the 6th of June. I'll be super busy with my kickstarte launch and won't be on here much.

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Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

Interwebs are important for online games... bummer that it happened to you.

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Female Gnome Alchemist 11|| HP -5/91 || AC:19 T:13 FF:17 || F:12 R:12 W:9 || Initiative +3 | Perception +20 | Stealth +27 Gnome
[dice=Bomb]1d20+14[/dice] [dice=Dmg]6d4+3[/dice] 5 dmg splash, DC 14 Ref [dice=dazed]1d4[/dice]
[dice=Crossbow]1d20+12[/dice]Human +2[dice=Dmg]1d8+3[/dice][dice=Humans]2d6[/dice]

Jane looks at Raris, "If you want some close combat action, get your arsh over there yourself." she pick sup another bomb and lobs it over at the crew member who hit her.

Alchemist Bomb: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Glad this is touch attacks. Splash of 4 for those around, DC 13 Reflex for half.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Gnome Alchemist 11|| HP -5/91 || AC:19 T:13 FF:17 || F:12 R:12 W:9 || Initiative +3 | Perception +20 | Stealth +27 Gnome
[dice=Bomb]1d20+14[/dice] [dice=Dmg]6d4+3[/dice] 5 dmg splash, DC 14 Ref [dice=dazed]1d4[/dice]
[dice=Crossbow]1d20+12[/dice]Human +2[dice=Dmg]1d8+3[/dice][dice=Humans]2d6[/dice]

Jane looks at the other ship, searching to see if there are any crew members who might be best if not among the survivors. She looks for one close to a crew member from the other ship. Once she spots one, she will toss the next bomb at him, and claim she missed the enemy.

Alchemist Bomb: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Those standing around the hostile crew mate take 4 points of splash damage. Reflex 13 for half of the splash damage.

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I think they are loud and drink a lot. So they are okay in my book.

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Greetings adventurers. I am looking for a group of brave explorers to travel the into the Silent Caverns. Inside there is rumored to be a treasure beyond your imagination and to reach this goal, you will spend years below the surface. Don't take this challenge lightly for those who have gone before you haven't always returned and those who have, don't always return in one piece.

If you think you have what it takes, sign up and get ready. The adventure starts in just under a month.

I want to try my hand at a build it as they progress adventure with a group of people. A recent game I was GMing was destroyed due to life matters and I want to strike back with vengeance.

The basics of the adventure are above, but you will be traveling into a cave and facing monsters, traps and some negotiation with people who live down below. You will face monsters that are not commonly brought into normal games. I might even grab monsters from older version of D&D and modify them to work in Pathfinder.

Now, for your characters.
Starting Level: 2
Points: 20
Wealth: Average wealth by level. No single item can be more than half of your wealth.

Any Standard race is Okay. Other races must be run by me first. I will not accept any race that has a Race Point over 12

All Core, Base, Hybrid and Occult classes are welcome. However, no Gunslingers or any class that requires firearms/modern tech. Remember, this is a cavern you're exploring, so most mounted classes will be at a huge disadvantage when their mount can't follow them.

All feats paizo feats are accepted.

You get your normal skills from your class plus 2 skills from your background. Each level, you gain 2 points to spend on your background skills. Your background skills must be explained in your background story. After reading your background, I'll give you a selection of skills, you can pick your favorite from the list to be your background skill. If it's a class skill, even better.

First three levels, you get Max HP. After which, you get 75% rounded up. I'll also be adding some HP to the creatures.

Follow any limits on your class. You can play as an evil character, however if your evil character is annoying... He might wind up falling into a hole, never to be seen again. This is for any annoying character.. not just evil ones.

You will receive a spelunking kit as part of your gear to set off into the caverns. Nothing more advanced than a +1 item is allowed. I have something in store for upgrading your weapons on the route down.

When a map is required, I'll use Google Slides and draw up a map then. a good portion of the time, I won't use a map and rely on descriptions from players.


Complete Applications will include the following:
*Summory: I want a little bit of your character, what is your motivation and why you are here.
*Personality: Give me a RP post.
*Player Profile: This is where i want all of the information on your character. Look at these two examples, you will see minor changes, but over all the information is in a designated location and easy to find. Subject 42 and Ruza Furskin.

Deadline: June 10th sounds like a good day to have it all in by. I'll start shortly after that.
Posts: I do get busy sometimes so I don't post every day. I check in everyday to see what has happened. I expect any player to post a minimum of 3-4 times a week. If life happens and you can't post, let me know, I'll bot your character for a short time. If you vanish without saying anything, after a week I'll start boting you and if you haven't posted in over three weeks, you're character will fall into a hole and a replacement will be sought after.

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[dice=Sword Cane]1d20[/dice][dice=damage]1d6-2[/dice]
Female Kitsune Mesmerist lvl 1 | HP 11/11 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 | (Saves: F:2 R:4 W:3) |

Google docs are good, but you can't edit them in your phone Google slides however, you can.

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Talking out of character place.

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New GM Avatar.
I will be adding another game to my sheet soon. If you have a suggestion, please make it on there.

As for a new player, please introduce yourself.. We will chose on the 5th of next month.

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Yeah, we have about 3 table in here :3 now to find 2 more GMs.

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Ginko moves out of the battle and heals himself.
Max moves in and finishes the last Mite, before falling on his rump.
Thael watches in amusement at the scene.
Grahl and Scar already finished their opponents.
Brachar misses the spiders.

The spiders move out of the flaming sphere and bite Scar and Brachar. Dealing damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6 to each and poisoning them. need a DC 11 Fort save or take strength damage: 1d2 ⇒ 1

Viliym moves the flaming sphere into the only available space, dealing fire damage: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 5) = 11

For which the Spiders burn to a crispy snack for Scar.
reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

[ooc]Combat Over

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Just waiting on Max and Thael to update their positions on the map. Then i'll go onto round 2.

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Scar finishes off the cleric. Update in the morning.

Sovereign Court

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Human Rogue 4 | HP:25/36 | AC: 21/ FF 15/ T 16 | Fort: +4 Ref: +9 Will: +7 | Perception: 9 (Traps +10) | Stealth +11 | Init: +5

You can't really work with Google Documents from your phone... If you want to use your phone, i would suggest switching to Google Slides.

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Okay, I got a monitor from a friend... I am back.

Spirits pour out of the obelisk, and a wave of desert heat washes over the area. The spirits dive at the Auriea and attack him.
touch attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

When the creature struck you, you heard it whisper "Remember"

Auriea, You must make a Will save, DC 15 or be cursed.
Curses effects:
A cursed creature constantly sees images of Ancient Osirion, which impose a –5 penalty on Perception checks and –2 penalty on initiative checks. In addition, the cursed creature treats all creatures more than 10 feet away as having concealment

As dead raise up from the black abyss below, a dark plague washes over the bridge connecting the two cliffs.

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I am able to post from my phone... but my screen on my PC is broken. :( I can replace it when the part comes in... which is a little ways away. I'll see if i can borrow a friends PC tomorrow to download the PDFs again and continue for a few posts... PC will be 100% at the end of next month... But i plan to have an iPad at the end of this month..

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I have contacted a friend to see if he can take over my games until I can get my PC fixed.

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I am looking at other players profiles and am thinking to myself.... did i make my overly segregated..

Sovereign Court

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HP:27/27 | AC:17/FF:13/T:16 (+2) | Fort: +6 Ref: 7 Will: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 Perception: +6| Init: +3 | CMD 20 CMB 5 BAB 2 Kitsune Monk 3
Flurry Staff:
[dice=Furry of Blows MW Sansetsukon]1d20+5+2[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d10+2[/dice]

Last months, while i was in Tokyo, my friends and I were playing Arkam Horror. Right when the final monster came to the world, we felt a 8.5 earthquake.

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Fred looks at Sidney, momentarily distracted by Sidney's flabby belly. "Sir, please keep your shirt on. We don't want to charge you with indecent exposure." and with that, they let you by.

The End
This scenarios has been brought to you by the madman behind Games by a Madman or Two. Our first game, Moonshine Run will be back on Kickstarter in September. Thank you for playing.

lol, i couldn't resist that last part. I'll get the chronicle sheets out to you soon. I'll start Part 2 next Friday.

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Fred looks at Sidney, momentarily distracted by Sidney's flabby belly. "Sir, please keep your shirt on. We don't want to charge you with indecent exposure." and with that, they let you by.

The End
This scenarios has been brought to you by the madman behind Games by a Madman or Two. Our first game, Moonshine Run will be back on Kickstarter in September. Thank you for playing.

lol, i couldn't resist that last part. I'll get the chronicle sheets out to you soon.

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

to make it easier, i turned it into chess... 1xA

so, to move, say XX will go from 2xC to 5xC and attack the blue guy 6xC

Scarab Sages

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Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Okay, so for that entire circus scene... it was on the spot writing. Hope you enjoyed it.

Sovereign Court

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HP:27/27 | AC:17/FF:13/T:16 (+2) | Fort: +6 Ref: 7 Will: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 Perception: +6| Init: +3 | CMD 20 CMB 5 BAB 2 Kitsune Monk 3
Flurry Staff:
[dice=Furry of Blows MW Sansetsukon]1d20+5+2[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d10+2[/dice]

lol.. I miss my home state con.

Scarab Sages

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I was able to view it finally. It is good. I just ask that ALL spell casters link their spells when they cast them.

Scarab Sages 2/5

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It has come to my attention that we have to provide physical copies of our Chronicle Sheets to our GM upon any game we play. How does this work with Online Play?

From the thread Here

Michael Brock said wrote:

when asked if we have to show physical copies of the Chronicle Sheet.

But Here, the only mention of illegal Chronicle sheets are those that are customized.

I guess we need a ruling on this, Because if physical chronicle sheets are required for the online games, we might as well close this part of the forums down.

Scarab Sages

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it would be a miss reading of Stone Call. However, if he made a pit with "Stone to Mud" and then cast "Mud to Stone" the creature would be trapped within said stone.

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