Little Girl

Alisha Quinn's page

229 posts. Alias of Darkfire142.


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I took English and French as Canada is a Bilingual country and most people there can speak and write in both languages.

Where am I short in terms of purchases?

I bought the attractive edge and some 2 skill boosts with my advances. I took a hinderance of "Heroic" to get myself a +1 to my stats. I have 18 skill points which is 2 more points than the 16 I started with.

We will eventually have "Gene Mods" available correct?

I have created a character Alisha Quinn. She's a Military Sharpshooter who is of American/Canadian heritage and holds Dual-Citizenship. Currently she works for the Canadian military though so falls under their preview.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha takes a shot with her rifle again from her covered position.

Rifle shot: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Unfortunately the weapon locks up on her and jams. She curses and ducks down further behind the rock she is propped on.

Female Human Marksman

Yea, we've rolled so low in this fight. We're clearly outmatched as well as were dealing with soldiers with armor and high AC's.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha takes a shot at the closest enemy solider from behind a rock with her automatic rifle.

Rifle Shot: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
2d8 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12

Female Human Marksman

Alisha shivers when the bullet hit. She's never shot someone before. Sure she shot at targets and fired blanks during basic training but she never thought she'ed end up killing people, but instead just working a cushy job as a base medic. This indeed does skew the whole Do no harm thing of the Hippocratic oath and she is shocked to the core.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha Quinn having not taken a counter-attack from the last round decides to prop up and take a shot at one of the soldiers.

She looks out to see if there is anyone paying undue attention to her.

Perception Check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Crap a 1

Not noticing anyone paying undue attention she gathers the guts to take a shot and does so at the closest standing enemy solider.

Rifle Shot: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Rifle Shot Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

4d8 ⇒ (3, 1, 3, 7) = 14

She fires a shot at the closest standing solider to her putting a bullet in a vital point in the enemy.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha afraid of counter attack after missing with her first attack takes full cover behind a rock having given her position away from her previous shot that missed. So she has full cover and concealment but no LOS to enemies either.

Female Human Marksman

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Alisha having missed the mark ducks behind the rocks for cover.

Female Human Marksman

Heck none of us have that kind of armor. You have to take a feat to get a full benefit of armor? Not many people can spare the feats for something like that at 1st level. Its not like Alisha would have any armor training. She's a medic, not a front line soldier.

Female Human Marksman

Heck none of us have that kind of armor. You have to take a feat to get a full benefit of armor? Not many people can spare the feats for something like that at 1st level.

Female Human Marksman

Reporting for gameplay for the first time

Alisha moves with the party in the cold of winter. While she had some cold weather training back in basic she had little idea she would end up in Nunavut of all places. What seemed like a way to repay her debts now is a guerilla war with the strongest military complex in the world. Indeed, she would have preferred to stay in the safety of the camp, tending to the injured rather than go on patrol but when ordered by a superior she was forced to go along.

Alisha is asked by Zed to take the lead with him on the left. Taking the lead was not something Alisha wanted to do.

Along the way she will perceive the area and see if anyone else is lying in wait.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

When the first shot is fired however she looks out for a target and then takes a shot with her M16 using what little training she has. She will try her best to stay in cover while doing so.

M16 Shot: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Damage: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9

I will adjust my position later as I don't have access to Google right now

AC 16+, these guys must have full body armor.

Here is my character sheet and backstory. Might adjust my gear some more before the game begins.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha takes a pot shot from her pistol at the demon hoping to injure it further. Spending an Action Point

Pistol Shot: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Action Point: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10

Female Human Marksman

Alisha tries to resist the power of the fireball by shielding herself from the blast with whatever cover she can find.

Will Save 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

At the last minute she sees the fireball is but an illusion only taking a slight shock from the surprise of this magical power.

She yells, "Its an illusion! Disbelieve it and it will not burn you!"

Female Human Marksman

Alisha puts away her gun and looks to Cyrus, "For a master of the undead, your master sure likes to hide himself. How about we end all this hiding b~$+%$&+ and you take us to see the master as we have much to resolve."

Female Human Marksman

Sorry to see ya go Roy. Good gaming to ya!

Female Human Marksman

Alisha takes another shot with the pistol at one of the Half-Zombie monsters.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 Attack
2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4 Damage

Female Human Marksman

Alisha not wanting to waste her crossbow bolts on non-vampires, fires a shot with her pistol at the creatures while moving back from them.

2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6

Female Human Marksman

Alisha nods to the Djinn and says, "Indeed great Djinn we shall do our best to free you from the powers that bind you. No one deserves to be a slave."

After he leaves she looks to the others

"Let us continue shall we? This vampire and his evil minions must be stopped lest more will suffer at his hands."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha takes out a silver crossbow bolt, dips the tip in holy water and then loads it into the crossbow.

She says, "I am ready to go. Its time to take down this vampire bastard."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha will request a dozen Silver Tipped crossbow bolts with wooden shafts and a crossbow. Just to add insult to injury, she'll get some holy water in order to bless the arrow tips so they count as Magical thus overcoming the Silver/Magical requirements. She also will be memorizing two True Strike spells from her spellbook.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha says, "At most I can use it twice a day if I have concentrate my energies. Thus at most we'll have two shots at it."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha thinks for a moment and then says, "There is one spell that I have in my spell-book that will nearly guarantee an accurate strike on a target, called True Strike. The problem is it only works on myself. So if I do use it, I will have to be the person who takes the shot."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha looks to Jon and nods in agreement saying, "Indeed, a ranged weapon like a crossbow would work. The weapon tip however will have to be silvered so that it can penetrate the vampire's natural defenses and the bolt will have to go deep enough to put a wooden shaft through his heart. We will also need someone who can hit a bullseye on a moving target and hit in such a place that the bolt would penetrate the rib cage. It would be easier if there was some way to immobilize the vampire, but I doubt we have a method to do so safely."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha says, "The problem with just trying to kill him with standard attacks is the the Vampire may have the power to turn into a Mist Form which may make him invulnerable and able to escape any form of entrapment we can try and contain him in. We should see if we can stake the vampire, whereas he will be helpless and then we can dispose of him by tossing him in the nearby river or taking his body out into the sun."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha goes with the group and stocks up on some holy items such as a cross and some vials of holy water as well as some silver bullets for her rifle and pistol.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha says, "Vampires have many deadly powers but also many grave weaknesses. Holy symbols also are an effective defense so long as you wield them with a degree of faith behind A vampire would have to exert great will to attack someone protected in such a way. But this does not prevent the vampire from doing ranged or magical attacks. As for the running water I believe it only works with full immersion. You can't harm a vampire with a super-soaker unfortunately despite it literally being Running Water."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha says, "Yes we shall join all our forces together. We will need all the strength we can muster to defeat the vampire. United we shall defeat our mutual enemy and bring peace back to these lands."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha gives a bow in the direction of the voice, "Indeed Lady of the Forest, the Witch Maria took the power of the Fane and intends to use it against our mutual enemy who no longer benefits from its power. I request that the villagers be released from the curse and that you gather your forces for an assault on the castle. Its time to bring this undead fiend to an end."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha says, "Very well let us visit the Lady and conclude our business." follows along and closes her eyes to make sure she does not look upon the Lady of the Forest and lose her valuable vision.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha takes the last Depowered Fane before leaving the area with the others. When she meets with Hurnin she says, "Two of the fanes have been delt with. The third fane while not destroyed no longer empowers the vampire thus I believe he is now vulnerable to assault by whatever forces we can muster and attack the castle. I expect that this should fulfill our end of the bargin. The Fanes no longer empower the vampire thus we have our chance to strike."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha gives a look to Maria knowing what she has done by her magical analysis of the scene gives a concerned look Maria and says, "The fane has not been destroyed that is true. The power has now been transferred to you Maria. Still, if you hold onto this power Maria you're going to cause the land to decay even further. In order for us to keep our arrangement with the Lady of the Forest, all the Fanes must be depowered. Otherwise a lot of innocent townsfolk are going to spending the rest of their short lives as Werewolves."

She looks to the others, In laymen's terms, Maria is now the third witch and the focal point of the current fane.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha nods and says "This magic is old and powerful. I believe I am the most qualified to deal with it. Stand back from the fane while I examine it."

Alisha utters some magical words and turns on her arcane sight (Detect Magic cast). She then looks at the stone and does a spellcraft check as well as an arcane lore check to identify the magics and find the safest way to deal with the fane.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Arcane Lore: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

Female Human Marksman

Alisha on turn number 3 takes aim with the rifle and fires off a shot

Gun Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 7

The bullet flies into the darkness.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha avoids a good deal of the acid to her vital parts by using the others in front of her as cover but still gets mildly burned on her arms as some splashback still hits her.

On her action she spreads out from the party but stays behind them to avoid a second spray of the acid. She looks at the dragon and attempts to exploit any weaknesses she can get.

Exploit Weakness: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Success she can use her int mod to attack the dragon for the rest of the combat

Female Human Marksman

Alisha's Reflex Save with Action Point 1d20 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 2 + (6) = 28

Natural 20! Can I take no damage as I criticaled the save?

initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Alisha on her turn incants some arcane words and a shimmering armor of force appears on her body for a moment before going invisible. Casting Mage Armor.

Female Human Marksman

[ooc]Woah a lot of new posts over the day[/dice]

Alisha mentions to the group "I believe I can help find the fane in the swamp. It has a powerful magical aura and using a magical detection spell I can find a trail to follow that will lead us safely to the location."

Alisha follows the group into the swamp but once again leaves her sensitive electronics and gear behind as she does not want her gear to get waterlogged. She sticks with just weapons, reagents and spellbook in a waterproof pouch.

When the Wisp is encountered she looks at it and checks her Arcane Lore knowledge, 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Looking at the wisp she says to the others, "The Will-O-Wisp is normally not aggressive but it is a being of evil and generally uses its light to attract people to follow it, leading them on a merry chase until they are overcome with exhaustion and despair and die in the process. If we move on it will likely ignore us. Unless of course it is working for the vampire or other enemies. It would be best not to provoke it either way."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha says to Joey Konani, "Yes, Maria is another practitioner of the Arcane art. But she is far more experienced than myself. I have spent years studying magical theory and arcane lore but only recently did I get my hands on some real spells. The few I have at hand are more of a defensive or enhancing nature with some ability to detect. I would not call myself an equal to Maria however who has wielded the true art for who knows how long."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha nods to Domingo and says, "Indeed it is a pressing matter to get the Swamp Fane. If we are going to defeat a master vampire, the more we can weaken his power the better off we will be. As for Maria we had best keep an eye out for her considering she also might be in danger due to this situation."

BTW as we went back to my car and drove back to town assume that I have all my gear back. In addition if we stop off at the hotel she's also going to clean herself up, take a shower and wear some new clothes as she is still water logged from the river.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha pulls out two runestones out of a pouch on her belt, "These would be two of the fanes. They were feeding magical power to the vampire but now they have been disabled. They still have some uses however and I hope to make use of them to strengthen my defenses against the supernatural. Unfortunately it takes an 8 hour ritual to tap into such power and time is of an essence so that will have to be accomplished at a later time."

Female Human Marksman

"Apparently the Townsfolk have been afflicted with lycanthropy to be used as living weapons against the vampire. We have struck a deal to have the curse removed in exchange for disabling the three Fanes of power that strengthen the vampire and his minions. We have two of the fanes at the moment but there is still one left to find. If we have to put down the Werewolves we'll need silver bullets for it but I hope we don't have to resort to that."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha looks to the newcommers and says, "So you're here to back us up are you? I am Alisha Quinn, Scholar of Mythological Studies and hunter of the supernatural. Indeed this has been quite a fruitful ventrue. I have found numerous creatures that were thought to only be mythology but are actually real. Currently there is many innocent townsfolk afflicted with Lycanthropy and a vampire on the loose looking to fill the world with his foul progeny. We're here to save the villagers and slay the vampire before things get much worse around here."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha says to the others "We should not go back to the elves until we have all 3 fanes. They aren't going to remove the curse or alter their plan unless we keep our end of the bargain and eliminate the fanes. We need to help these people before they permanently change into werewolves and get themselves killed."

Female Human Marksman

"We still have one more Fane to neutralize though. If we don't get rid of all three fanes we won't be able to defeat the vampire in time to save the Lycanthropy afflicted townsfolk. Rena may also be put into further danger if we do not act soon. We don't have time to wait for reinforcements with so many lives on the line."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha sighs and frowns saying, "Perhaps you are right Roy. I am sure more experienced spellsingers than myself have tried before only to end up as mere stage musicians rather than paragons of a new form of science. Such is the problem will all this cover-up b%%&&@@~ we have to deal with as hunters. Still it does not heed my ambition to better my knowledge of the arcane arts. Fighting fire with fire and all that."

Female Human Marksman

Alisha smiles and says, "Oh forgive my outburst there Xannder. I have just finally achieved what I have been seeking for years, the power to invoke Arcane Magic. Finally I will be able to prove to the scientific world the existence of arcane energy. Imagine the advancements that can be gained by mankind through the harnessing of such power. Nobel Prize here I come.

Female Human Marksman

Alisha Quinn dives into reading the arcane tomes with a hungry gleam in her eye. She reads one spell called "Light" and incants the arcane words and a glowing a white light shines from her pendant. Alisha begins laughing.

"FINALLY! I've done it! Magic! True Magic is finally mine! HA HA HA HA!"

Female Human Marksman

Alisha proceeds to the runestone and using her arcane knowledge removes it from its location without triggering any magical traps. With it she finds also a tome of some kind as well.

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