Pathfinder Chronicler

Alaire's page

138 posts. Alias of Aleron.


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M Romandan Human Templar 3

You might want to check with Deiros, but I remember him saying these kobolds are like yappy mammal dogs, not the awesome draconic reptile sorts we all love.

Anyway, Deiros feel free to DM Alaire at your leisure. I hate to say it but I'm working 6 day work weeks (likely for awhile) and I have work in about about 10 minutes of this post even. It's been hectic suffice to say. Wanted to thank you one last time for a great campaign and the awesome write-ups you did that inspired me getting involved in the first place. Will still be using portions of it in my own campaign so it'll definitely live on!

Finally, sorry guys. Afraid I just can't be around like I was and I'll have to take my leave after all. Had fun and hope you all enjoy yourselves. Maybe see you around the boards now and then though! Best wishes to all of you.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Around off and on. Mostly due to work which has been extremely busy this week between my shifts and several meetings. Also due to the fact I have my own prepwork for my own campaign that is kicking off again in another week or two. Makes for not a ton of free time.

As for the character, the short times I've had to post in the last while I haven't been able to decide what to post. Things flew by way too fast it felt like for me. Also the issue that Vance blew up the corpse a friend and companion Alaire had been traveling with for some time and spent the time trying to bless to avoid defiling him further. I'm uncertain how he should react to that as on one hand, it's basically a desecration of the body and slapping all of Alaire's beliefs and faith right in the face (worshipper of Adest, remember). On the other, I freaking -hate- interparty conflict and really don't have the time or desire to deal with it. From what I've seen of Vance (from an IC point of view) I doubt he would react well or possibly even care either.

As said, adding onto the fact a bunch of posts flew up before he had any chance to intervene or react put a bit of a damper on my posting too. I can also say quite honestly one post a day is pretty much impossible for me right now due to real life obligations and work. Sorry. I've been wrestling with the idea of stepping out since I've not been very active and Alaire hasn't been overly helpful compared to the other characters.

It has been fun, though, and I do want to thank Deiros for letting me take part as long as I have whether I stay or leave. Thanks for listening.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Errr...which corpse is Vance lighting up? If you meant Jager, Alaire might have issues with this (seeing as we did just discuss the whole blessing of the body and the fact he used one of his few 2nd level spells on him). Wanted to confirm before I made a post on it (also because I've been busy at work and just got home to see all these).

M Romandan Human Templar 3

"If thou mean the spell I blessed his body with, I am granted one each day by my Lord. I could potentially prepare one extra. It would take time I fear we are not graced with. I will do what I can in any case, once we are certain this keep secured and not festering with either the fiend or more of his ilk." Alaire shakes his head sadly as he speaks, occasionally glancing toward the Keep with concern. He matches steps with Lindynt, watching the chocobo take off running at his command. He searches the grounds a few moments for Nichelle, beckoning her over once he catches sight of her.

"Having Nichelle scout ahead might might be of some aid, though I would prefer not too far. Having one of us get caught alone would be a death sentence, but having foresight of what is to come could give us an advantage. Thy thoughts, Sir Auroral? And thou, Nichelle?"

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Long ways off but I'm thinking (depending on campaign, story, etc) Alaire might aim for Holy Vindicator after Holy Knight. Fits the idea/character I imagined for him though he loses a bit of casting power for more melee presence. Even right now he is realizing his place isn't so much as someone trying to heal the fallen, but keep people from dying in the first place. The shift could be awkward at first, though if can cover our butts with a healer from the leadership feat that might work quite well.

Also a note for myself to add quicken spell to the feat list. Being able to pop off a buff or two without completely wasting a round could be invaluable.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

The glaive was not in the mud, Nichelle had grabbed it from him during the combat and previously stabbed into the ground some distance from Jager's body. Additionally, I think Alaire would have other priorities than looting his former traveling companion...not to mention that's more than a little bit disrespectful.

The summoned knight's blade vanishes in a swirl of fog as Alaire tromps across the battlefield to Lindynt's side. His voice is respectful but tinged with a sense of urgency as he addresses him and the knights, "Get thy answers quickly if thou can. Jager's presence here indicates something more foul at work, more than likely the summoned being we encountered at the town. I suggest we seek our answers inside and quickly if possible."

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Sorry, things have been hectic here. Shiftwork has been kicking my butt sleepwise.

As for leadership, yeah, it is on the feat list eventually though most are called for at least until level 5 or so. I can't recall exactly which but he has most of his feats until then spent trying to qualify for Holy Knight. TBH not even sure what sort of cohort he would take. Maybe another priest or healer to help out on that front.

Also, to be fair, I'm less worried about outfitting cohorts when we ourselves haven't even found a suit of full plate. :P If Alaire is going to tank, he's going to need it eventually, not that we have really had the chance to go shopping what with every settlement we've found being under attack heh.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Passive Initiative: 13
HP: 27/27
AC: 19

Alaire quickly surveys the battlefield, watching the foe before Reinholdt drop quickly to the combined assault. A swift gesture sends the ghostly blade to attack Reinholdt's new target as he takes another step back toward the main fighting.

Move Action: Direct Spritual Weapon to New Target (One Reinholdt is fighting)
Misc Action: Five Foot Step to V16

Once more the blade vanishes in a swirl of fog, reappearing beside Reinholdt and stabbing toward another traitorous soldier.

Spiritual Weapon Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
SW Damage (Force): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Leaving the blade to wreak havoc upon their foes, he once upon calls upon Adest showering his allies in a purifying light as he chants softly, "Light shine strong, our wounds begone".

Standard Action: Channel Energy (Selective)
2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10

Everyone besides Lindynt should be within range of the healing

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Passive Initiative: 13
HP: 22/27
AC: 19

Alaire closes his eyes, murmuring a soft prayer over Jager's body before placing a copper coin over each of his eyes and dropping a pinch of salt onto his body while inacting a spell to preserve his remains.

Standard Action: Cast Gentle Repose on Jager's body

Upon completion of the spell he stands swiftly, taking a short step toward the remainder of the battle and pointing with his own blade toward the foe Reinholdt is currently engaged in, his face once more showing resolve as he speaks, "Go. There are many foes remaining."

Misc Action: Five foot step to W16
Move Action: Redirect Spiritual Weapon

In a swirl of fog the ghostly blade vanishes, reappearing suddenly beside the enemy attacking Reinholdt and attempting to cut him with an overhead slash.

Spiritual Weapon Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage (Force Type): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

M Romandan Human Templar 3

You're right, Reinholdt is. :P

M Romandan Human Templar 3

The question does give Alaire a momentary pause before he firmly responds, "Do it. The effect will not last long and this is but a mere mockery of who he once was. I pray he moves on peacefully this time without the meddling of that demon. If this is a mistake, I will bear the burden and consequences of asking for this of thine."

M Romandan Human Templar 3

No save, it is a touch attack. Since the touch connected he is affected per the ability automatically.

As for the AoO, not sure. Shouldn't provoke an attack but you didn't really say what he was using for a weapon... If he is like Jager was, it wouldn't since he was using a glaive guirasame which from what I can see isn't a reach weapon. As I'm just moving up to him that should not provoke either unless he readied an action to attack?

His old character sheet at least read:
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Melee: Gla-Gui +9 (+2 BAB +4 STR +1 feat +2 Brave)

In any case, you're the DM.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Passive Initiative: 13

HP: 22/27
AC: 19

The invoked blade of Adest quickly recovers after the failed first attack, delivering a follow-up stab toward Jager's shoulder.

Spiritual Weapon Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Spiritual Weapon Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Alaire moves in swiftly, a gentle prayer softly spoken from his lips as he does, "To sleep. To dream. To seek the eternal rest." He extends his arm toward Jager, a ghostly fog circling his hand...

Move Action: Moves to X17 (Done on Map)
Standard Action -> Gentle Rest (Touch Attack): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Gentle Rest:
Gentle Rest (Sp): Your touch can fill a creature with lethargy, causing a living creature to become staggered for 1 round as a melee touch attack. If you touch a staggered living creature, that creature falls asleep for 1 round instead. Undead creatures touched are staggered for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Staggered: A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift and immediate actions. A creature with nonlethal damage exactly equal to its current hit points gains the staggered condition.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Passive Initiative: 13

Alaire lifts his blade into the air, his voice lifting in volume as he chants, 'Adest, grant this humble servant thy blade to strike down this abomination in thy name!"

Standard Action: Cast Spiritual Weapon (at W18, Marked with SW)

A knight's blade, black as night and wreathed in a ghostly fog materializes into view beside Jager, slashing swiftly toward his exposed back.

Spiritual Weapon Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Spiritual Weapon Damage {Force Damage}: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Alaire takes a short movement back, bracing his shield and lowering his sword into an attack form, readying himself to charge next round.

Misc Action: 5 Foot Step to Y14

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire's expression reels with initial shock, quickly clouded with anger as he swings his knight's sword in a short chop to aim the blade directly at 'Jager'. His words are curt and sharp, filled with a calmness but deep hostility and unspoken threat, "No. Both Jager's life and death were noble and honorable. An...abomination like thee hath no right to besmirch that. Thy are not he and your eternal life is but an afront to Adest and all He represents! Thy will be lain to rest, as thy rightly should, monster."

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Initiative: 13

HP: 22/27
AC: 19

Alaire glances back, ensuring everyone is together before quickly sprinting far enough back to give himself some room to call his blessings without aiding their numerous foes. Lifting his blade into the air, he grasps his holy symbol upon his chest with his other hand and prays quietly to invoke Adest's purifying light.

Move Action: Moves to Y15
Standard Action: Channel Energy (Selective) = 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7

He smiles somewhat grimly, the wounds upon himself healing considerably, as he calls out, "Together, allies! This battle is not lost yet! Adest be with us."

All enemies, minus one, should be out of range but selective channeling will negate him (kobold at S16). All allies should be within range to receive healing. Take it while you can!

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Can we take our next turns or are you resolving whatever the perception was for first?

M Romandan Human Templar 3

The problem Alaire is going to have with that, as mentioned in my IC post, is that if I want to channel I can only ignore two of them in a 30 foot burst. Else I end up healing everyone.

If I'm in melee up front and trying to cast spells...we're counting on me making the concentration checks or losing spells/taking more attacks. It's rough being a healer and tank lol.

I think our best bet is to get a door closed if we can and let Alaire get some healing done before he rejoins the frontline if possible. If I can pull back far enough, potentially I can keep just our allies in the channel bursts without giving them all free hp.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

I'll worry about those options if Alaire doesn't drop this round from the potential 4-5 attacks of opportunity. His AC is good but they were still hitting him at a 21 and he isn't able to fight defensively this round heh. Besides, he wouldn't know IC that the ones approaching are going to help or hinder them further so at least getting to the gate seems to be the best option.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire is in a really bad spot. Took me awhile to decide what he could do. I could try channel, but I'd heal everyone including every enemy (minus 2 for selective channeling) and waste all of Vance's efforts thus far. Instead he'll use a five foot step then withdraw action. He'll avoid 6 attacks of opportunity this way (but still take 4 potentially assuming they are able to take them when his turn rolls around and haven't used them on other characters).

Passive Initiative: 13
HP: 15/27
AC: 19

Misc Action: Five foot step to O15
Standard Action: Withdraw Action (double movement speed = 40 feet) to U15 outside the gate)

Alaire wards off as many attacks as he can with his blade and shield, several slipping through and opening small wounds. With blood trickling down his face and hands, he finds himself approaching his limit. With few options left he gives a quick nod to Vance's words and deftly steps back before withdrawing, attempting to parry the blows with his shield as he makes his way backwards toward the gate.

Deiros? Can we maybe get the map expanded a little? We're running out of squares if we need to move outside the gate like Alaire would like to.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Wanted to leave a note here that I'm in the process of packing and moving this weekend so I'll likely be out of touch till sometime next week. Not sure how things'll be when I get there either so could be longer.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Passive Initiative: 13
HP: 19/27
AC: 21 (Fighting Defensively

Standard Action: Fight Defensively
Misc Action: Five foot step to N15

Attack Roll:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Damage: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Alaire winces from the painful blow, delivering a rather awakward chop in return as he raises his shield into a more defensive stance. Upon hearing Vance's words he quickly shifts backwards into position beside Reinholdt.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Looks like there are two kobolds that move within range so yes, he will gut one brutally with his sword. Hopefully killing it so we aren't quite so surrounded.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Using the above roll for the attack of opportunity then (Attack Roll: 22 Damage: 8), Alaire would target a kobold over a human if he has a choice between them.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

That would be the highest I've ever rolled on an attack so if it gets wasted I'd be extremely sad.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Passive Initiative: 13

Alaire will take a five foot step up to Reinholdt's side (did it on the map already) and hold ready. He is never the one to start a fight, but should one break out or the enemy take hostile actions toward them he'll attack. Count this as the same condition as Lindynt.

Readied Attack:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage:1d10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

M Romandan Human Templar 3

"My own thoughts align with the Black Mage's. These men are not the honorable sort, just look at the company they are keeping. Nothing but traitorous wretches."

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Uh you missed the DC Akela, it was DC 25 for you.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Alaire is evidently too distracted as he takes in the scene before him, appraising the enemy forces and watching for snipers on the walls to hear anything of note.

As the man finishes, Alaire levels his gaze on the officer and brings his sword slicing through the air to point the knight's blade at him across the battlefield, "How kind and noble of thee to offer such an option. We shalt offer thou the same, though we will not to the monsters ye call companions. Drop thy blade and repent! ...lest Adest be judging thy soul by the end of the day."

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire, while his features show he doesn't entirely agree with the chosen course of action, does nod and moves up front with Lindynt to take point beside him. Hefting his sword and shield to the ready he quickly remarks, "If this is our course, let us tarry no longer. Men are fighting and dying which our blades can prevent."

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire would prefer the front, so that the battle could be ended faster but he recognizes the tactical sense in entering from the back.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

I'll have to be more clear where Alaire moves next time. I should have been able to get to there without provoking if I'm not mistaken...

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Alaire holds his wound, wincing as the creature falls. He watches the unfolding events quietly, digesting what just happened. His face is clouded, showing uncertainty and jumbled thoughts.

On one hand, carrying out a dying man's wishes is within Adest's dogma. On the other, these are horrible monsters. Ones that brought suffering and death to many well before their time.

Eventually he gives his head a swift shake and goes about what he knows he can do, moving into the midst of his allies and calling upon Adest's grace to heal their wounds. With a soft prayer from his lips, he stretches his hands out to his sides and channels healing energy through them.

Channel Energy (Selective Channeling): 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9

With his own wounds completely healed through his devotion, he watches Akela tend to the fallen one with a slight frown, making no move to help or hinder him. He eventually say in a soft but serious tone, "If thy save this monster and it takes more innocent lives, its blood is on thy hands".

Alaire does not heal the leader or the female kobold. He does not see them as allies, but they are no longer a threat or attacking at this point so he would not attack them either.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Update: Alaire's touch attack vs the Big Bad is 11 since Lindynt did Lion's Call. This would take effect before his turn and touch attack was performed.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Thanks! I'll post an update quick so hopefully Deiros sees that. Could make all the difference.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

My dice are cursed. >.>

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Passive Initiative: 13

Move Action: Move to K12
Standard Action: Gentle Rest on Kobold Leader

Gentle Rest (Touch Attack): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Alaire draws his blade from the dead creature and sprints onward to aid Reinholdt with the kobold leader. As his steps carry him forward he draws upon Adest's power, a thin grey mist circling his hand as he reaches out in an attempt to simply touch the foe before him.

HP: 27/27
AC: 19
CMD: 14
Saves: 5/2/6
Speed: 20ft
Status: Using Gentle Rest upon Kobold Leader
Equipped: Knight Sword and Shield

Gentle Rest:
Gentle Rest (Sp): Your touch can fill a creature with lethargy, causing a living creature to become staggered for 1 round as a melee touch attack. If you touch a staggered living creature, that creature falls asleep for 1 round instead. Undead creatures touched are staggered for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions. A creature with nonlethal damage exactly equal to its current hit points gains the staggered condition.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Passive Initiative: 13

Move: Moves to L15 (Done on map)
Standard: Attacks Kobold at K14 while Fighting Defensively

Attack (Fighting Defensively): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Damage: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

HP: 27/27
AC: 21 (Fighting Defensively)
CMD: 14
Saves: 5/2/6
Speed: 20ft
Status: Attacking while Fighting Defensively
Equipped: Knight Sword and Shield

Alaire moves forward to engage the enemy, heeding Vance's words as he calls back to Nichelle, "I shalt try aid Sir Auroral so he does not get surrounded again. Either join us or try eliminate the archers, if thy would be so kind."

As Alaire arrives at Lindynt's side he finds himself a bit off balance and brings the heavy sword down in a rather clumsy chop, missing the nimble beast. He is, however, quick to raise his shield in an attempt to ward off incoming counterattacks.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

One little request...could we get a map maybe? Terrain doesn't matter so much but I'm having a really hard time imagining with the info we have available where we are in relation to the enemy, whether in one move I can reach one to attack, if all allies are in range of channel energy, etc. Would be a real big help even in little battles.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Passive Initiative: 13


HP: 27/27
AC: 19
CMD: 14
Saves: 5/2/6
Speed: 20ft
Status: Readying Self for Combat
Equipped: Knight Sword and Shield

Move Action: Draws Sword
Standard Action: Readies Shield
Misc Action: 5 Foot Step Toward Battle

Alaire, while originally caught off guard and confused by the proceedings before him, quickly reacts once combat is joined. Swiftly drawing his sword and readying his shield, he steps forth toward the fray, his voice ringing out across the battlefield, "Monsters! Drop thy weapons or face death itself! You get but one chance!"

He turns and offers Nichelle a quick nod, gesturing for her to engage as she best sees fit.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

I'll be doing Alaire's turn later today, I just wanted to check...are we not still using passive initiatives (10 + init value)? I recall that being done all of last battle but noticed everyone rolling it this time. Just wanted to be clear before doing up my post.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

No, honestly that is really helpful, Vance. It fits the noble dialogue for him to speak like that but I'll admit right now I haven't studied any Shakespeare in literally around 7 odd years. It is more than a little rusty and I don't remember a lot. Been giving it my best shot all the same.

Any help or more references like that would be excellent suffice to say! Thanks!

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire is quick to adjust his pace to keep pace with Rammsteiner, his tone taking on a firm edge though his expression still gentle, "I have hid nothing, you perhaps just could not perceive it. A Templar walks amongst all people and denies them not the service of the Gods simply because of birth."

After he responds to Nichelle with a warm smile, "Then I suppose I will have to thank my sisters on our return. Go about your duty as you best see fit, I know well to trust their instincts."

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire remains quiet when Lindynt hails the man and the upcoming exchange. When the gravity of the current situation is revealed, he quickly begins preparations for the upcoming combat. He raises his voice over the noise of the road so he might be heard, "Sir Rammsteiner, if thy would, please take the lead. These lands are your own and it would be only fitting. If we are to avoid the tragedy of the day prior we must make haste, though."

In a more gentle voice he glances to Nichelle and adds after, "The road I shalt be walking will be a bloody one. Thy are welcome to join and your help appreciated, if you so desire."

He moves toward Rammsteiner's side as he awaits her answer, his expression stern though caring.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire was awake, as promised, around an hour before the sun even touched the horizon. Within his tent in a respectful silence he prepared himself for the day ahead, lighting a small incense burner and praying that the spirits of the deceased find Adest's guidance in the afterlife. Near the end of the ceremony he selected and humbly asked for the spells he would need for the day.

Once finished, he quietly began to pack up his belongings and camp with a rather serene expression on his face after the he spent in reflection and prayer. With that out of the way he offers the others a simple smile as he joins them at the fire.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

The Channel that healed him was DM Fiat, Deiros said so on the last page of discussion. Not that any character would have seen it anyway, being enveloped in darkness at the time.

On that topic, I meant to ask if the Faith bonus to DCs works with Channel Energy (when Alaire uses positive energy to harm undead for instance)? It's considered a supernatural ability but figured I should check just in case.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire would happily feed you to one of the bands of roving monsters we come across if you mention that to him. ;) You know, instead of saving your butt as you run toward us screaming like a little girl yourself next time.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Well one of them won't be getting spoiled when he gets back then. >.>

...and to be fair? I think we have bigger concerns than a potentially evil 16-ish year old twin girl at this point. :P That comes from a family of LG knights and healers at that heh.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire steeples his fingers as he listens to her, nodding along his face looking thoughtful. He accepts the bowl when she offers it back and places it with the other dishes out of the way. His nod to Lindynt is respectful though he holds his palm up to indicate to the Knight he wishes to speak.

"I will admit your time is fortunate as Zerig...I'm uncertain if you met him back at manor, but he was filling your position till recently. In any case, he recently took his leave." His look is one of sorrow for a moment before he shakes it away and gestures to the others before continuing, "Suffice to say it has been a long day. I would introduce my companions but we met only this day due to circumstances so I'll allow them to do so themselves in a moment. Before that, however..."

Alaire turns back to her, giving her a somber look. He makes sure to meet her eyes directly with his gaze to show the gravity of the situation. He takes a few moments to gather his thoughts before he begins to speak, "The village not a days travel from here we found burned to the ground and under attack by Beastmen. Few survived outside of Sir Rammsteiner here and many others were sacrificed to the Dark Zodiac. We battled a demonic entity and lost several of our number, though drove it off. I understand you are here to serve and appreciate your offer, but I would not want you to commit yourself before you know how grave the situation is. You are welcome for the night to rest and recover your strength. If you would rather turn back in the morning, though, I could not fault you it. Seeing so many dead paled even stoic Zerig. He is now accompanying a few of the survivors to safer places and away from the bloodshed that has stained these lands. We now travel, as Sir Auroral said, to inform the nearby Keep and determine our next course of action. I suspect it involves the hunting and bringing justice to those that stole so many lives though."

He withdraws a canteen from his pack, taking a long drink. As he replaces the stopper he glances from her to the others, evidently having said what he wished and seeing if they wanted to add anything more.

M Romandan Human Templar 3

Alaire accepts the small toy with a gentle smile, his face reflecting fond remembrance of times past. He rolls it around in his hands, letting his fingers recall the now slightly chipped paint and grain of the old wood.

There is no hiding the concern in his eyes as he once again turns his attention to Nichelle and addresses her, "You are welcome to join us, Lady Crassior".

He gestures for her to accompany him to the fire and dishes her up a serving of food as he continues, "The twins sent this with you, I presume? How fares my family...and what brings you this far to seek me out? Please elaborate."

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