Pilts Swastel

AlKir's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 156 posts (494 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.

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Aaron Hale wrote:
Starfury wrote:
I know Mythic Adventures has only just starting being released. But has anyone considered adding mythic tiers to Nyrissa? Can't think of anyone more suited for a mythic upgrade than her...

I've done just that! My players are completionist, pair that with time to complete whatever you want and we ended up with a party that hasn't fit the power curve of the AP since book 3. Rather than hemming in their efforts, I've embraced them and let it just continue. Prior to book 6 I was manually editing encounters to raise their CR by 4.

Near the end of book 5, the party has overcome a few encounters at CR20 and have an APL of 16 going into book 6. I needed something else. I felt Mythic Adventures paired well with ides of the First World and decided that all creatures from this mythical place have mythical power. The nice part is that adding mythic ranks equal to 1/2 of the existing CR already increased the difficulty by approximately 4CR without further modification.

If it helps, I've got these in google docs for folks to review. It is still a work in progress. My party has just begun tackling blooms and I am just now starting to stat Thousand Breaths encounters.

Mythic First World Blooms

Thousand Breaths Enounters

Note: I am not giving any of my characters mythic power for themselves as they are already amazingly powerful.

We're down to the last 10 or so encounters in the House at the Edge of Time. The Mythic Conversions of the stats are actually working wonderfully. My characters are in the level 17-19 range and 3 players have leadership bring the party up to a whopping 8 in size. My Nyrissa worked out to CR 25 MR 10 and I'm hopeful it will present a grand challenge. Thus far each encounter has been tough, but achievable. After not finding much challenge in volumes 4 and 5 a Mythic chapter 6 has caused my players to rethink and retool long standing strategies.

House at the Edge of Time

Dark Archive

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Starfury wrote:
I know Mythic Adventures has only just starting being released. But has anyone considered adding mythic tiers to Nyrissa? Can't think of anyone more suited for a mythic upgrade than her...

I've done just that! My players are completionist, pair that with time to complete whatever you want and we ended up with a party that hasn't fit the power curve of the AP since book 3. Rather than hemming in their efforts, I've embraced them and let it just continue. Prior to book 6 I was manually editing encounters to raise their CR by 4.

Near the end of book 5, the party has overcome a few encounters at CR20 and have an APL of 16 going into book 6. I needed something else. I felt Mythic Adventures paired well with ides of the First World and decided that all creatures from this mythical place have mythical power. The nice part is that adding mythic ranks equal to 1/2 of the existing CR already increased the difficulty by approximately 4CR without further modification.

If it helps, I've got these in google docs for folks to review. It is still a work in progress. My party has just begun tackling blooms and I am just now starting to stat Thousand Breaths encounters.

Mythic First World Blooms

Thousand Breaths Enounters

Note: I am not giving any of my characters mythic power for themselves as they are already amazingly powerful.

Dark Archive

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My players start book six tomorrow night and I wanted to take the time to thank everyone for the amazing creative effort here. It was super hard to choose which version to use. Kudos to all of the artists.

Ultimately I went with Blaaarg's illustrations and the beautiful watercolor map from Natalie's work. I'm running in Roll20 and these are going to make fabulous handouts. I'm very pleased.

Goblin Squad Member

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I somewhat like the fact that group members and their pins only track on the mini map. I mean how would you KNOW your companion is two hexes East of you? When we get lost we just mouse over our minimap icons and locate each other by our TK coordinates.

Goblin Squad Member

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For those of you complaining that there's nothing substantial to do, I think you're missing the point of the sandbox...

I think the question is what do you want to do? The content/conflicts of the game are player created. Right now, my focus is to gather resources and craft to start equipping my settlement. Others are monster hunting and working on beating back escalations to increase the resource value of nearby hexes and to farm for patterns.

On the other side of things, I know there are already shady characters hiding in the bushes and stabbing traveler's in the face. I don't see much point there until husks are implemented, but there you have it.

If you're bored on day 3, you either lack community, vision, or both. In the end this game is what you make it.

As for first impressions of EE. Much improved from when I went inactive in Alpha two months ago. I've had zero bugs or issues. Everything seems to be rolling along as planned.

Goblin Squad Member

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First off, I want to say that I think the dialog in this thread is rather productive and many interesting questions have surfaced.

I do however, find it curious that there is such an intent focus on the concept of a "crafting alt". I understand how it might be desirable to have a crafting specialized alt to park at the crossroads of a bustling economy or of a different race to min/max racial skill bonuses, but with crafting ques making progress while you're out in the world adventuring I think that these benefits are being perceived as greater than they actually are.

I don't really see a great advantage to stopping the xp on my main char to give xp to an alt just for the purpose of crafting. Why not just spend some of your main char's xp budget on crafting?

IMHO, crafting alts are for players who either have a Destiny's Twin or have intent to purchase a second monthly sub long term to maintain a crafting character and an adventuring character with maximum XP each.

As for financial viability long term it is going to always be a balance between casual dabblers flocking to F2P vs. hardcore power gamers who maintain 2+ paid subscriptions to have high level output in multiple specialized roles.

Goblin Squad Member

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I joined the Kabal and so should you! I have to admit that it was a bit strange passing out after eating the quail only to awaken in a cold stone room in my small clothes, but after the initiation process we're getting along splendidly!

Dark Archive

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Greetings. I am member and Co-GM of Eric's PFS group upthread. I think the main issue here is this... Linking the season's metaplot to a specific module is a great idea. It gives a more in depth feel to the metaplot and enriches the experience overall. The blunder comes in at having the module set at such a high level and then changing the module play rules causing the module to only be valid to play for a very small subset of the organized play community.

We have all been very excited to play this module, it's marketing campaign has been very successful. With the new changes to module play, many of us are coming to the realization that we will not qualify for this module till next year or later.

I would like to make a case for a one month period of amnesty to play this module. Don't disappoint hordes of fans that may have started play in Season 2, jumped headlong into Season 3 with their eyes on this module. Sanction it, allow it to be played by the old module rules for one month, then release the new guide to play reserving the mod for 10th and 11th lvl characters only. Doesn't that go a long way to making _everyone_ happy?

I understand it's different for gamers who live in larger communities and can dependably run multiple tables and multiple tiers every week, but as a single table gamer I have to wait another 18 weeks every time someone new joins us before I can ever hope to advance my lvl 7. Module play, by the old rules, allowed a refreshing change up now and then from level 1-5 play.

My $0.02

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Here is a modified random encounter table I created for Smuggler's Shiv. I used the table in that volume as a base and then added all terrain and CR appropriate encounters from the Bestiary 2 and the rest of the Serpent Skull installments. Encounters are weighted so that CR 1 and 2 encounters occur much more frequently than CR3 and 4 encounters. Enjoy!


Random Encounters on Smuggler’s Shiv
d% Avg. Avg.
roll Result CR Source
1-4 1d6 Rhamphorhynchus 1 SS1 84
5-8 1d4 Baboon 1 Bestiary 2 213
9-11 1d4 Compsognathus 1 Bestiary 2 91
12-15 1d6 dire rats 1 Bestiary 232
16-19 ghoul 1 Bestiary 146
20-23 1d4 giant centipedes 1 Bestiary 43
24-27 giant spider 1 Bestiary 258
28-31 1d6 human skeletons 1 Bestiary 250
32-35 1d6 jungle goats* 1 Bestiary 87
36-39 2d4 monkeys 1 Bestiary 132
40-43 spider swarm 1 Bestiary 258
44-47 1d4 Thrunefang cannibals 1 SS1 29
48-51 1d4 vipers 1 Bestiary 133
52-55 1d2 Giant Solifugid 1 Bestiary 2 254
56-57 1d6 crawling hands 2 Bestiary 2 60
58-59 1d4 giant ticks 2 Bestiary 2 266
60-61 1d6 Grippli 2 Bestiary 2 150
62-63 1d6 biloko 2 SS2 82
64-65 bat swarm 2 Bestiary 30
66-67 1d2 poltergeist 2 Bestiary 2 212
68-69 1d2 juju zombie 2 Bestiary 2 292
70-71 1d2 draugr 2 Bestiary 2 111
72-73 constrictor snake 2 Bestiary 255
74-75 1d4 dimorphodons 2 SS1 82
76-77 1d6 human zombies 2 Bestiary 288
78-79 Pezock 2 SS1 227
80-81 Shiv dragon** 2 Bestiary 194
82-83 mosquito swarm 2 Bestiary 2 194
84-85 1d3 dimorphodons 2 SS1 82
86-87 1d2 snake swarms 2 SS3 82
88-89 1d2 monkey swarms 3 Bestiary 2 213
90-91 1d2 shocker lizards 3 Bestiary 248
92 1 Tikloshe 3 SS4 88
93 1 giant whiptail centipede 3 Bestiary 2 54
94 1d3 venomous snakes 3 Bestiary 255
95 venomous snake swarm 4 SS3 82
96 Tuyewera 4 SS1 86
97 Forest Drake 4 Bestiary 2 108
98 Parasaurolophus 4 Bestiary 2 92
99 Chemosit 4 SS2 86
100 winged chupacabra*** 5 SS1 43
* Treat as dogs with a gore attack instead of a bite
** Same stats as monitor lizard.
*** Encounters with the winged chupacabra should
not be combat encounters, only brief glimpses
or sightings to build tension for the creature’s
mysterious presence on the island.

Shipwreck Encounters
Ningyo SS1 82
Hunter Urchin SS1 84
Adaro SS2 81

Dark Archive

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Mark Garringer wrote:
Diego Winterborg wrote:
At the same time I sometimes get this paranoid feeling that some posters out there have nothing better to do than argue every single statement a VC makes.
No they don't! ;)

I paid for an argument, and all you're doing is being contrary.... No, I'm not.