Pirate Bomber

Akasha's page

734 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).

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So our Level 1 party seems to have lost our DM (for the second time) very early on in a promising Kingmaker Campaign. We lost our first GM with no warning after the first combat they seemed to have completely left the boards), and our replacement GM has now been MIA for over a month (last in-game post over 2 months) right as the party began exploring the Old Sycamore.

The group has pretty good chemistry, and we’d love to carry on, like I said we’re still level one so a prospective GM would pretty much have carte blanche.

You can check out the game thread here:

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Hi everyone.

We have a 1st edition Kingmaker game that's barely off the ground (experiencing GM abandonment 1 round into the first encounter).

The game was set up with a few caveats (the PC's each having a secondary NPC class semi-cohort, the exception being the cavalier having his horse upgraded to heavy warhorse for free) and each having an heirloom weapon. That being said, we'd be more than happy to put those specifics aside in lieu of a more conventional party if the works better for a new GM.

You can check out the game up to this point here and ask questions of any of us.

Masters of our own ship and wild adventured of the sea, we're in need of a GM to continue our conquest of the seas.

Hi there. We lost our GM with no warning near the end of book two, (and subsequently a few characters). Our current roster consists of Our Captain (Fighter), Quartermaster(Cleric of Besmara), The ship's witch (Witch...obviously), and out mistress at arms (Ifrit Swashbuckler)

Solid group with hearty RP. Feel free to take a look here

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Greatest Summoner Ever!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Here you go!

Hi there. Our GM has decided to leave the game, actually all of his games I believe, for personal reasons. We've got a good group who'd all like to continue on.

We're still on book one.

We've taken down the bandits and freed the Lady, recruited Tenpenny Tacey who subsequenlty was the party's first casualty, and we're about to approach Baba Yaga's hut.

If it sounds interesting, feel free to take a look at the game thread.

Hi there. So we've Survived being press-ganged, fomented a successful mutiny and set out to ply our luck on the seas and our GM has gone AWOL since September.

He was initially a replacement GM for our previous person and as such there's also a PC that became a GMPC so there's also an opportunity to play that character if someone's interested.

If this sounds like it might be up your alley, hop on over and take a look.

Skull and Shackles: Red Sky at Morning PbP

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Scream TV series (S01E07)

Solid regular group firmly entrenched in 2nd book of Adventure Path is seeking a replacement GM. If you're interested check out our progress and play-style Here

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Worst. Plant. EVER.

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Ok so it seems that [spoiler=http://paizo.com/campaigns/SpringHeeledGMsCarrionCrown/gameplay&page=1] THIS[/url] game has lost our GM right after the reading of the will.

All players are still on board, and if you read through the posts to dat we have a pretty good dynamic going so far.

Due to unforseen and uncontrollable internet issues with the GM's internet connection, the Carrion Crown game died at its start. I love the idea of this character and of the AP and would love to actually use her.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

The spell reads as follows.


Produce Flame
School evocation [fire]; Level druid 1
Quick Reference
A torch sheds normal light in a 20-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 20 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A torch does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light.
Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range 0 ft.

Effect flame in your palm

Duration 1 min./level (D)

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

Flames as bright as a torch (see Quick Reference at right) appear in your open hand. The flames harm neither you nor your equipment.

In addition to providing illumination, the flames can be hurled or used to touch enemies. You can strike an opponent with a melee touch attack, dealing fire damage equal to 1d6 + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Alternatively, you can hurl the flames up to 120 feet as a thrown weapon. When doing so, you attack with a ranged touch attack (with no range penalty) and deal the same damage as with the melee attack. No sooner do you hurl the flames than a new set appears in your hand. Each attack you make reduces the remaining duration by 1 minute. If an attack reduces the remaining duration to 0 minutes or less, the spell ends after the attack resolves.

This spell does not function underwater.

My question is that with a high level druid with durations of 10+minutes, can other spells be cast while this spell is maintained as with call lightning?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka Mark Thomas 66

Lord Jeroim Borloz, the Diamond Dragon Male Dwarf Expert2/Monk 13

Jeroim is the very portrait of a cultured merchant. His silver hair always drawn back into a flawless ponytail, his beard, a neatly trimmed goatee. His handsome face seems chiseled from granite, accented by an aquiline nose that leads to eyes of almost crystalline grey. It is the eyes that give pause, cold and hard, his gaze bores into the souls of those who dare to meet it.
Broad-shouldered and powerfully built, his well muscled frame refuses to be concealed by the elegant and expensive silks that drape it.

Jeroim had the misfortune of being born a dwarf. Suffocating under the constraints of a society that valued devotion to the clan over the drive and brilliance of the individual, he left his home after betraying his mining party to a Kobold encampment, collapsing the mine in exchange for a percentage of the future ore revenues, and faking his own death in the process.
Travelling the subterranean tunnels his destiny manifested in the form of the Ancient blue dragon Braxulthis. In the young dwarf, the wise dragon saw greed of draconic proportions, and a total absence of conscience. He saw the soul of a dragon. For one hundred years, Jeroim studied with his new Master. One hundred years to learn the Way of the Dragon. His body and mind made into the perfect weapons, the arts and philosophies of manipulation, intimidation, and blackmail mastered, all wrapped in a binding of iron discipline.
Showing more promise than any of the whelps Braxulthis sired over the centuries, Jeroim has now set himself up as a respected merchant Lord, his diverse business ventures serving as a flawless screen for a brutal and ruthlessly expanding criminal empire.
Perhaps the greatest and most terrifying philosophy he has put into practice is that of The Hoard. Every employee and contact, every underling and sycophant, from the corrupt officials and dark clerics to the hapless adventurers and drug addled wizards he manipulates; every man woman and beast his organization touches are part of his hoard. Assets; tools to be used in the hoard’s expansion, or weapons to be used in its defense; discarded when their usefulness is at an end.

Silver tarnishes, gold is soft;
Only diamond is perfect, diamond endures forever.
– Mantra of the Diamond Dragon

Schemes/Plots/Adventure Hooks:
The PC’s are hired to eliminate bandits in the mountain passes by a rich merchant. The bandits are soon replaced by a far more organized and elusive outfit.

The PC’s obtain information leading to the local thieves’ guild hideout only to find its members butchered, their bodies broken and battered, in some cases torn limb from limb, seemingly with bare hands. The only thing of value left sits on the corpse of the leader, a small diamond statuette of a dragon.
*DM note, a predominantly evil party could be the ones sent to eliminate the bandits with full knowledge of setting up replacements.

Lord Jeroim Borloz, the Diamond Dragon CR 15 LE Medium Humanoid
Init +5 [+1 Dex, +4 Improved]; Senses Darkvision 60ft, ; Perception +13 (+15 taste, touch or to notice details in stone) see skills below

===== Defense =====
AC 22, touch 19, flat-footed 21; [+4 vs giant type, +4 for one round spending 1 ki point]
(+3 bracers, +1 Dex, +5 Wis, +3 monk bonus)
hp 102 (15d8+32[2d8 expert, +13d8 monk, +15 Con bonus points, +17 Toughness]);
Fort +9 (+11 vs magic) [+8 monk, +1 Con, (+2 racial)], Ref +9 (+11 vs magic) [+8 monk, +1 Dex, (+2 racial)] , Will +16(+18 vs magic, +20 enchantment) [+3 expert, +8 monk, +5 wisdom,(+,2 racial, +2 still mind)]
Defensive Abilities diamond body (see below), diamond soul (see below)defensive training, evasion, improved evasion, purity of body (see below) slow fall 60ft., still mind;
Immune disease, poison; SR 23

===== Offense =====
Spd 60 ft (80ft for 1 round spending 1 ki point) [20 Dwarf, +40 monk] ., Abundant step up to 640ft [400ft + 40ft/level CL6]
Melee Unarmed Strike +12 [+10 BAB, +2 Str] (2d6+2 /19-20), Full Attack +12/+7 (2d6+2 /19-20)

Special Attacks Flurry of blows +12/+12/+12/+7 (1 extra attack at +12 for 1 ki point), Hatred (+1 on attacks vs orcs & goblinoids), Ki Strike (magic, lawful)

===== Tactics =====
Before Combat If the party is no longer useful to him he will offer a “Gentleman’s Drink” of a very strong Dwarven liquor, openly being the first to drink. The rim of each glass is laced with Dragonbile contact poison; Save Fortitude DC 26 Frequency 1 round (3); Effect 3 Str damage; Cure 1 save.

Jeroim will utilize his Medallion of Thoughts to isolate those of high intelligence as potential spell-casters and pick up intelligences around the room that may be hidden or invisible, allowing himself to be aware of their existence albeit not their location. If he successfully detects the group’s surface thoughts, he readies himself (acting during any planned surprise round), and selects his targets, going after spell-casters first.

During Combat Jeroim makes use of his vastly superior mobility, going past or over frontline fighters to tear into spell casters and support characters. He makes use of his Stunning fist, Scorpion Style, and Gorgon’s Fist to disable opponents, tearing them apart in subsequent rounds.

One of his favorite tactics is to disarm spell-casters using wands, or staves, often utilizing his abundant step to then put him in a better tactical position to use these items against the more melee heavy members of the party.

His Dwarven proficiency with axes and hammers can be a surprise, and though he prefers the kill with his hands, he is not above relieving a fighter of a powerful weapon, to introduce him to its business end.

Morale If it would benefit him to leave members of the party alive, or if death is imminent, Jeroim will make a tactical retreat, using Bluff to give the impression of panic. Once he escapes he will heal himself, call upon reinforcements if available and begin stalking the party, taking them out one by one.
No one who crosses him will ever simply be allowed to walk away.

===== Statistics =====
Str 15 [13,+2 belt], Dex 12 [10,+2 belt], Con 12[8,+2 racial, +2 belt], Int 12, Wis20[15, +2 racial, +3 advancement], Cha 12 [14, -2 racial]
Base Atk +10,/+5 (+11/+6 vs. orc or goblin type)[+1 expert, +9 monk, (+1 racial)]; CMB +18 (+20 disarm) [+1 expert , +15 monk, +2 Str, (+2 Improved Disarm)]
Feats Claws of the Dragon [new feat explained in sect. 3], Combat Expertise, Deflect Arrows*, Gorgon’s Fist (DC 22)*, Improved Critical (Unarmed strike), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike*, Leadership (Wyndham, Expert 2/Rogue3/Assassin 6 Human Cohort/Valet), Scorpion Style (DC22)*, Stunning Fist(3/day, DC 22)*, Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Toughness.
*bonus monk feats
Skills Acrobatics +11 (+23 on jumps) [+7 ranks, +3 class bonus, +1 Dex (+13 high jump)] (+31 for one round spending ki points), Appraise +8 [+4 ranks, +3 class bonus, +1 Int], Bluff +9 [+5 ranks, +3 class bonus, +1 Cha], Climb +6 [+1 rank,+3 class bonus,+2 Str], Diplomacy +10 [+6 ranks, +3 class bonus, +1 Cha], Escape Artist +10 [+6 ranks, +3 class bonus, +1 Dex], Intimidate +10 [+6ranks, +3 class bonus, +1 Cha], Knowledge Arcana +5 [+1 rank, +3 class bonus, +1 Int], Knowledge History +5 [+1 rank, +3 class bonus, +1 Int], Knowledge Local +5 [+1 rank, +3 class bonus, +1 Int], Linguistics +7 [+3ranks, +3 class bonus, +1 Int, Perception +13 (+15 taste, touch or to notice details in stone) [+5 ranks, +3 class bonus, +5 Wis (+2 racial), Ride +5 [+1 rank, +3 class bonus, +1 Dex], Sense Motive +14 [+6 ranks, +3 class bonus, +5 Wis], Stealth +10 [ +6 ranks, +3 class bonus, +1 Dex], Swim +6 [+1 rank, +3 class bonus, +2 Str], Use Magic Device +20 [13 ranks, +3 class bonus, +3 skill focus, +1 Cha]
Languages Common, Dwarven, Draconic, Halfling
SQ AC bonus, Flurry of blows, Ki Pool (11), Ki strike, High Jump, Wholeness of body (13 hp/ 2 ki points),
Combat Gear Wand of Lightning bolt (7d6 electricity, DC 14 reflex), Elixir of tumbling, Potion of Bull’s Strength, Potion of Haste;
Other Gear Medallion of thoughts. Bottle of Dwarven liquor, glasses (lined with Dragonbile)
Treasure Diamond signet ring in form of a dragon (1000g)

===== New Feat =====
Claws of the Dragon
Through intense training you have learned to channel your ki to the tips of your fingers, strengthening them, and allowing you to shred your enemies.
Prerequisite: Improved unarmed strike, Ki pool class feature.
Benefit: Your ki strikes can deliver slashing or piercing damage if you so choose. You can alternate between damage types in between attacks.
Normal: Unadorned unarmed strikes deliver bludgeoning damage.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Initially I thought of this idea should be implementd as feats but honestly it makes sense to apply it to the existing mechanic.

Bull Rush as it reads currently seems to be missing the key element of what happens when the person being bull rushed is driven into another person or a solid object (door, wall etc.)

As every hockey player knows, bull rush + wall= pain, so Ipropose the following expansion to the Bull Rush rules.

(Expansion in bold)

Bull Rush
You can make a bull rush as a standard action or as part
of a charge. You can only bull rush an opponent who
is one size category larger than you or smaller. A bull
rush attempts to push an opponent straight back without
doing any harm. If you do not have the Improved
Bull Rush feat, or a similar ability, initiating a bull
rush provokes an attack of opportunity from the target
of your maneuver.
If your attack is successful, your target is pushed back
5 feet. For every 5 by which your attack exceeds the DC
you can push the target back an additional 5 feet. You can
move with the target if you wish but you must have the
available movement to do so. If your attack fails, your
movement ends in front of the target.
On a successful Bull Rush, if you choose to move with your opponent, and the opponent's movement backward is impeded by a wall or solid object, the opponent takes damage from being pinned between your body and the obstruction. The damage is equal to 1d6+ 1 1/2 times your Str. Modifier. The damage increases by 1d6 for each size category you are larger than your opponent.
The opponent is allowed a reflex save to halve the damage.
The damage values for armor spikes and/or shield spikes are added to this damage.

If the movement of an opponent subject to a successful Bull Rush enters another enemy's space, that opponent is also subject to a Bull Rush but gains a +4 to the Bull Rush DC. If this check is also successful, both opponents are moved to the maximum distance.
If the second attempt fails, the first enemy's movement ends.
Special: The effects of any feats that affect a Bull Rush apply fully to BOTH opponents.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka Mark Thomas 66

Lord Jeroim Borloz, the Diamond Dragon

Male Dwarf Expert2/Monk 11

Jeroim is the very portrait of a cultured merchant. His silver hair always drawn back into a flawless ponytail, his beard, a neatly trimmed goatee. His handsome face seems chiseled from granite, accented by an aquiline nose that leads to eyes of almost crystalline grey. It is the eyes that give pause, cold and hard, his gaze bores into the souls of those who dare to meet it.

Broad-shouldered and powerfully built, his well muscled frame refuses to be concealed by the elegant and expensive silks that drape it.

Jeroim had the misfortune of being born a dwarf. Suffocating under the constraints of a society that valued devotion to the clan over the drive and brilliance of the individual, he left his home after betraying his mining party to a Kobold encampment, collapsing the mine in exchange for a percentage of the future ore revenues, and faking his own death in the process.

Travelling the subterranean tunnels he would then meet his destiny at the claws of the Ancient blue dragon Braxulthis. In the young dwarf, the wise dragon saw greed of draconic proportions, and a total absence of conscience. He saw the soul of a dragon.

For one hundred years, Jeroim studied with his new Master. One hundred years to learn the Way of the Dragon. His body and mind made into the perfect weapons, the arts and philosophies of manipulation, intimidation, and blackmail mastered, all wrapped in a binding of iron discipline.

Now with his Master’s blessing, the new Jeroim has availed himself of all the surface world has to offer, setting himself up as a respected merchant Lord. His varied and diverse business ventures merely serve as a face for a rapidly growing criminal empire.

Perhaps the greatest and most terrifying philosophy he has put into practice is that of The Hoard. Every employee and contact, every underling and sycophant, from the corrupt officials and dark clerics to the hapless adventurers and drug addled wizards he manipulates; every man woman and beast his organization touches are part of his hoard. Assets; tools to be used in the hoard’s expansion, or weapons to be used in its defense.

Silver tarnishes, gold is soft;
Only diamond is perfect, diamond endures forever.
– Mantra of the Diamond Dragon

Schemes/Plots/Adventure Hooks:
On the eve of the annual crop blessing ritual, the local druid circle is found murdered with all evidence leading to Gnoll activity. While the party investigates, a merchant comes to the people’s rescue with caravans of grain from his holdings in a neighboring region, sold at a slightly elevated price.

The PC’s are hired to eliminate bandits in the mountain passes by a rich merchant. The bandits are soon replaced by a far more organized and elusive outfit.

*DM note, a predominantly evil party could be the ones sent to eliminate the druids, or eliminate the bandits with full knowledge of setting up replacements.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka Mark Thomas 66

Hammer’s Bane Torc
Aura: Moderate Abjuration/ Evocation CL 7th
Slot: Throat Price: 73,750gp Weight: ½ lb

Forged by Dwarven battle mages during a secret schism between the Arcane Order and the Church, these black iron and smoky quartz torcs allowed the Wizards’ allies to turn the Clerics’ favored weapons against them.

When donned, the wearer’s body is surrounded by a field that absorbs impact, (providing DR 5/ Slashing or Piercing) as a continuous effect. The torc stores the damage absorbed with each blow to a maximum of 50 points. This pool of damage can, at any time, be unleashed as a blast of Force that strikes as a ranged touch attack dealing the amount of damage currently stored and emptying the reservoir.

When 50 points are absorbed, the crystals begin to glow and the entire torc vibrates with potential. The next blow the wearer is protected from triggers an overload, causing a violent explosion dealing 50 points of Force damage to all creatures and objects in a 20ft radius, (DC 15 Reflex save for half), including the wearer (no save.)

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, magic missile; Skill Craft (Jewelry); Cost: 37,000gp

Just hoping for a little feedback on rewarding a fighter for not making Int a dump stat with a few options.

Body Check
Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush.

Benefit: On a successful Bull Rush, if you choose to move with your opponent, and the opponent's movement backward is impeded by a wall or solid object, the opponent takes damage from being pinned between your body and the obstruction. The damage is equal to 2d6+ 1 1/2 times your Str. Modifier. The damage increases by 1d6 for each size category you are larger than your opponent.
The opponent is allowed a reflex save to halve the damage.

The damage values for armor spikes and/or shield spikes are added to this damage.

Shield Hammer
Improved Shield Bash, Shield Proficiency, Two Weapon Fighting, Shield Slam

Benefit: On a successful Shield Slam, your opponent is knocked prone and sent backwards.


Any opponents hit by your shield bash are also
hit with a free bull rush attack, substituting your attack
roll for the combat maneuver check (see the Combat chapter).
This bull rush does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Opponents who cannot move back due to a wall or
other surface are knocked prone after moving the maximum
possible distance.

Edited to be more concise.