Pirate Bomber

Akasha's page

734 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).


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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

I'm pretty sure this game is dead now.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

I think float around as an NPC, that sardonic wit would be missed.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

If it's not too much of a burden on you we could continue. Or if you wanted to run a different story in Eberron. I know it's your favorite setting.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Sorry to hear it. I definitely understand. You've got a lot going no. You do what you need to do for you. Real life comes first.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

As they head off together, Akasha waits until they are completely alone before letting Jessamin know of their plan. "We're being targeted, they're basically sending out crews to kill us and it would only b a matter of time before they show up here.

Caressing Jess cheek she looks into her eyes. [b]"We aren't going to sit around waiting for them, and while we figure out how to target whoever's behind this whole mess, I don't want anyone I care about getting hurt. We have a lead that will take us into the heart of the ruins of Cyre, but we need to meet someone first, so we'll be gone for a bit. Were setting it up to look like were going by airship, and at the last moment we'll skip out and go by carriage to the rail instead, hopefully leave them a couple steps behind or at least spread their forces thin." she finishes, knowing that Jess would be less than thrilled,

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

S'ok. Life happens. And yours is pretty busy.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Returning Jessamin's welcome with a long smoldering kiss, Akasha runs her fingers through her lover's hair. "Mmm....can you get some time off?"

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"The ruins that were left in the aftermath of the Day of Mourning. The day Cyre exploded in a blast of arcane power that left it a giant mass grave." Akasha says solemnly. "We should head back to the tavern, drop "hints" about our plans to take an airship while one of us arranges for a carriage to the rail."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"I figure anything that has the enemy expending resourses somewhere else is a good thing. Let's get out of here."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Sure. You're least likely to be impeded by it in a fight anyway." Akasha says as they prepare to leave. "If it weren't for the cost I'd suggest we make a visibly noticeable show of booking passage by airship, then taking carriage/rail at the last second. At the very least we can talk up one option where we're likely to be overheard, then take the other."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Letting out a low whistle as she sees the contents of the backpack unfolding, Akasha reads the letter. "She believes that House Cannith itself is suspect and that the object we brought back, a 'Schema' along with others are being used by them somehow. Something that may be tied to the Day of Mourning." at the she falls quiet for a moment, remembering the horror of that day."W need to find another that was kept in a workshop whose location is a mystery, lost when the patron of House Cannith fell was killed in Cyre."

Passing the letter to Silan the magus runs a hand through her hair. "She included instructions on how to find the Cannith record archives that would tell us where the workshop was, as well as a meeting place should we be able to get it."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"That would probably just get them killed."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"We're all targets, and it's safe to assume the know us well enough to come at us. Staying in one place may not be the best move while we figure how to take the fight to them." Akasha says reaching into the backpack's left pocket.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Damnit! She's gonna get herself killed." Akasha mutters as she quickly goes over the backpack. "See if they have anything useful on them and then we should get moving. Until we can take them out instead of just being on the defensive, I don't want innocents in out lives getting hurt when they come at us again."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Akasha can't help but bark out a laugh as she looks up to see Syksy about to butcher her opponent. Spinning to roll off of both Syksy and Garotte, momentarily going back to back with each of them, she moves around to strike at the last live kobold.

1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 5 + 1 = 15
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Right in the neck!

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Sure thing. Try to survive the abyssal heat.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Anything that makes it past me, kill it!" Akasha says over her shoulder before rushing forward to drive her blade into one of the kobolds.

Charge: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 5 + 2 = 17
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Wouldn't drawing a weapon in melee give up A'soO?

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Whatever you do, stay close to me!" Akasha says, as her dragonmark begins to pulse, a slilvery glow surrounding her hand and spreading over Elaydren as she touches her arm, before spreading to engulf her body as well.

Cast Shield other while drawing sword, Elaydren gains +1 AC +1 Reflex saves, and Akasha takes 1/2 of any damage from attacks on her.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

@#$%! Take the shooter out first!" Akasha yells as everything erupts into violence.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Distracted by the rain Akasha looks up at the last moment, as everyone else settles in to the room. "Are you alright?"

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Whatever it was it was important enough to carry out a violent assault in the middle of the day to intercept. That sounds pretty important to me." Ashaska says quickening her pace towards their destination.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Thank you. Don't worry about it. I'm sure she'll be able to tell us what was the subject of the message. I'm sorry that any business of mine brought this upon you. Be well." the magus says with a nod. "Alright boys looks like it's over to meet Lady Elaydren. Keep and eye out in case we're followed."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Yes, that's me." Akasha replies, intrigued.

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Garrotte, stand down. They aren't hiding anything from us, they're just unfortunate victims and they've been through more than enough." Akasha says calmly with the slightest hint of command in her tone.

She walks over to the counter where the woman sits quaking in fright and crouches down to look her in the eye. "I'm sorry that this happened to you. I'm relatively sure that the message they took was meant for us, and if that is the case I'm sorry our enemies have brought you pain." she reaches into her pouch and places 200 galifars in the woman's hands."This obviously doesn't make up for what you've been through but I hope it helps." she says standing up, her dragonmark glittering in the light. "And know that when we find the ones responsible, I'll add an extra twist of the blade for you."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Any particular suspects come to mind given the description and M.O.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Hmm..so warforged acting as the muscle for kobolds. This has the kind of focus of someone dangerous, only going after a single message" Akasha mutters as the others sift through the clues. She runs through ideas of the possible parties responsible for the attack.

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Profession Mercenary: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Do you know if anything was taken?" Akasha asks taking in the surroundings.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

As the others go to gather their gear, Akasha finds Jessamin, giving her the details of the letter. "So apparently we're being targeted. We're gearing up to go meet Lady Elaydren, figure out who we need to take down. I know I don't need to tell you this, but you know I'll say it anyway. Watch your back, I don't know if they'll try to target people we care about or not."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Fascinating gadgetry aside, looks like we need to gear up and meet her tonight. If we're being targeted, I want a full rundown of who's after us for what. Akasha says walking over to read the message.

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

About to lie down for a bit will be on a little later.

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Awesome! Congrats.

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Akasha's time will be a balance of training, getting Syksy used to the city, interacting with the group, checking in on her House contacts for any interesting tidbits of information, and of course Jess.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Probably not a bad idea. I'll post something in a bit

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Whenever you're ready we'll be here.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Definitely a fun stage.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Take all the time you need. It'll get better.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

I'm absolutely willing to wait. Life can get pretty crazy at times. Hang in there.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3


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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Not necessarily in order:

Quality time (Spending time with Jess )
Group "activities"
Keep an ear out for anything of interest

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Akasha grins at Silian's musings, clearly probing in nature."A good thing to bear in mind as I'm sure we're likely to come across other things of...interest at some point."

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Alright boys are we done here?" Akasha asks, putting away her purchase.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Akasha retrieves payment for the silversheen vials from her pouch as well, walking over to where Aurora sits.

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Akasha smiles watching Syksy interact with what she assumes is Aurora's familiar. "Thanks for the warning." she says to the eccentric shopkeeper.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Giving Aurora an odd look Akasha takes two very deliberate steps to her left.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Looking down at the vial, Akasha nods reaching into a pocket on her belt. "Is this the only one you have available?"

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3


Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Raising an eyebrow Akasha pick up a different vial. "Ooookkkaaaayyy, this one?"

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

"Actually, would you happen to have a couple of vials of Silversheen?" the magus asks, recalling the encounter with the were-creatures.

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