
Ahz's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 46 posts (47 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


The Exchange 3/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And it doesn't have to be a GM - Skill Monkey dialog, anyone can join in on the discussion to add their point of view for an aid.

The Exchange 3/5

I know this is way late, but if it's the scenario I'm thinking it is... Undead are not subject to non-lethal damage.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's an awesome idea! Sorry I can't help with your story-line, I just wanted to tell you that's a great way to develop your character.

The Exchange 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I saw something during a table at PaizoCon that I'd never seen before: 2 Wayangs in the same party.

During the special, I was running my Wayang Witch and Johnathan was playing his Wayang Wizard. It was a lot of fun!


The Exchange

Hello all,
I've gone through this once.
I have various options at 3rd level.
See everyone there!


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll be returning for my 2nd PaizoCon!!
Had a great time at Liz' table last time.
Hope to see everyone again.


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Everyone always mentions Oil of Daylight, but for 10PP you can get a Dayfinder. That's usually a staple for my characters.

The Exchange 3/5

I’d agree that if the enemy saw you cast it, they’d get a spellcraft but it would seem that Silent and Still would nullify that.

The Exchange 3/5

My Tengu Slayer was adopted by Varisians who were part of the Scarni. He looks to Erastil for guidance as that's a deity that overlooks community and the Scarni are all one big family.

The Exchange 3/5

Also, the whole Sharrowsmith series from season 6 (#6-12, 6-14 & 6-16), you're on the trail of a Pathfinder that's stopped sending updates from the field... whether she needs rescuing or not, you'll have to find out.

The Exchange 3/5

I'm pretty sure 4-11: The Disappeared has a devil in it. I don't have it in front of me so I don't know what CR.

The Exchange 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wouldn't that be Profession: MurderHobo?

The Exchange

I'm very exited about this game, was very happy to win it in the lottery! This is my first PaizoCon and I heard good things about it last year.
I understand character gen rules will be posted here sometime after the lottery announcements, but there'll be pre-gens, right?

The Exchange

Me too! Me too!

The Exchange 3/5

My guys:

-1 Dwarven Fighter - Barkeep
-2 Human Paladin - Auditor
-3 Tengu Monk - Leather worker
-4 Half Elf Sorceress - Fortune Teller
-5 Human Magus - Cartographer
-6 Human Samurai - Craft: Calligraphy
-7 Human Barbarian – Craft: Bows
-8 Assimar Cleric - Astronomer
-9 Tengu Zen Archer - "Merchant"
-10 Wayang Witch - Jeweler
-11 Tiefling Alchemist - Alchemist
-12 Sylph (Life) Oracle - Librarian
-13 Oread Monk - Bodyguard
-14 Dwarven Rogue (CORE) - Teacher
-15 Kitsune Swashbuckler - Dancer
-16 Human Cleric (CORE)- Midwife
-17 Human Summoner - Doll Maker

I don't think I've ever put more than 1 skill point into a profession/craft/perform except for my alchemist.
I feel it adds to the character, it'll give me a little more gold and might, occasionally help in a scenario. That's well worth one skill point.

The Exchange 3/5

Why not remake the character as Bob Jr and he's following in dad's footsteps?

The Exchange 3/5

One piece of advice I can add: While playing CORE I've noticed that newer GMs aren't always aware of the Secondary Success Conditions document. They outline what must be accomplished for PCs to gain the 2nd prestige point since faction missions were done away with. The Secondary Success Conditions is a free download found right here at the Paizo site.



The Exchange 3/5

Paz, thanks so much! This post makes things a lot easier. I don't know how I missed it. Thanks again.

The Exchange 3/5

Now that I have a few core games under my belt (about half are GM credit), I think I have a little bit of insight about core skills. With the reduction of available languages (I believe it's restricted to just the core races), Linguistics becomes even more important.

I played in a core game recently where notes were written in Osirion. The GM asked if any of us had the language and when none of us said we did, I mentioned that I didn't believe it was available in core. He did some quick research and confirmed it and agreed that we were just SOL. My character and another had linguistics but we didn't roll high enough to get anything.

So Akitayne, I would like to add that as a skill that has increased importance in Core games.

The Exchange

The character I'm having the most fun with right now is a Wayang Witch.

She's fun to play and very effective as a buffer/debuffer.

The Exchange 3/5

Interesting stuff Akitayne.

How does the information in the survey compare to classic play? It seems that some of the points brought up would also apply to the classic campaign (such as why perception and toughness are so popular).

Thanks for putting all of that together.

The Exchange 3/5

The Pathfinder Society Field Guide is a legal source for Core games and it has a lot of vanities.

The Exchange 3/5

The only one of my characters that I've really cared to go before everyone else is my witch. It's so nice to misfortune the boss or fortune our frontliner early so it really matters.

The Exchange 3/5

Hey, if you have the 16 PP to spend go ahead and bring this back from the dead.

The Exchange 3/5

Same here, I got 3 race boons last year, all during different seasons and they're all sylphs.

The Exchange 3/5

Hello all,

I have:

I want:

PM me if you're interested.



The Exchange 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Favorite: The Prince of Augustana
Love the briefing playing an insane guy. Lots of room for fun.

Least: Scars of the Third Crusade
I'm really surprised this one hasn't been mentioned yet. With the typos and inconsistent mechanics and the unanswered/irrational motives of some of the NPCs this is hell to run.

The Exchange 3/5

Along with what everyone else has said, an option is a cracked vibrant purple ioun stone:

This stone stores three levels of spells, as a ring of spell storing. Stored spells in the stone must be placed by a spellcaster but can be used by anyone (see ring of minor spell storing).

Cracked: This stone stores one spell level, as a ring of spell storing (minor). Price: 2,000 gp.

Oh, if you want it for Force Punch you'd have to get an unflawed one. Those go for 36K.

The Exchange 3/5

Quick question for those that have run this...

Minor Spoiler:

How are you guys presenting Meleren, with him being an android and all? I realized this the second time I ran it and just said he was emotionless and waited for further questions/investigation from the group but none came. How are you guys doing this?


The Exchange 3/5

Hmmmmm... There are now two "6-01 Trial by Machine" threads in the GM Discussion section. Is there anything we can do to merge them?

The Exchange 3/5

This sure has a lot of things written in Goblin. How do they even have a written language... what with their fear of the written language and all.

The Exchange 3/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Gunslinger. They are out of balance at every level. I’ve seen this playing and GMing high and low tables. Like many previous posts have noted, they take the challenge/fun out of a game. Stop the madness!

The Exchange 3/5

And mine:

Andoran 1
Qadiran 3
Sczarni 3
Osirion 1
Grand Lodge 2
Lantern Lodge 1

Glad to find out that I'm not the only one who didn't change someone over after Lantern Lodge (or Shadow Lodge) died.


The Exchange 3/5

And mine:

Assimar 1
Dwarf 1
Half Elf 1
Human 4
Tengu 2
Tiefling 1
Wayang 1

Hmmmm... just realized that none of my next 3 planned characters are going to be human.

The Exchange 3/5


Alchemist 1
Barbarian 6
Cleric 2
Fighter 11
Inq 2
Magus 8
Monk 11
Paladin 8
Rogue 1
Samurai 4
Sorc 8
Witch 2


The Exchange 3/5

I too was not a fan of the old faction missions. They took up a lot of the table’s time. Also, the ‘secret’ manor that they were supposed to be handled… usually the rest of the group helped out and if you didn’t you were branded a d*ck. I understand the complaint that now you sometimes can’t get your characters into the scenario if it’s faction specific but that just means that you might miss out on a kinda good boon. But before there were no boons, but you’d miss out on a prestige point over (like someone said) a random bad roll. Also, I like that our success (or not) can affect the results of next year’s world.

The Exchange 3/5

I know what you mean, with this type of game it’s hard to not sit down and play the same guy every time.

To help get me ‘in-character’ when I sit down at a table, I usually write a backstory for my characters when I create them and I read it before play starts. It helps remind me what that dude is all about; why he/she joined the Society, what they’re trying to get out of the mission, etc. Others I’ve played with have a note or two that sum up that character’s personality or they have an accent that they use for that one character.

Hope that helps.

The Exchange

Is adamantine armor worth it?

Adamantine armor is really expensive, an additional cost of:
5,000gp for light armor
10,000gp for medium armor
15,000gp for heavy armor

It provides DR:
1/- for light armor
2/- for medium armor
3/- for heavy armor

I have adamantine plate on one of my characters. It was so expensive that I was unable to afford little else for a couple levels and still feel that I’m playing catch-up outfitting him. I will say it has saved his bacon a couple times. Once when he was attacked by Xill and they had a hard time getting past the DR and couldn’t implant. And it is fun, when I do take damage, telling a GM, “not all of that went through”. But, really, just -3 damage on most attacks?

What do you think, is adamantine armor worth it?

The Exchange 3/5

Ah, I found it. I was looking at Other Languages (not Ancient Languages). Thanks everyone!

The Exchange 3/5

Thanks for all your advice everyone. I do own the Inner Sea World Guide, however, the Thassalonion language isn’t listed on page 251.

So… How can a Tiefling learn Thassilonian?? Any other ideas?

The Exchange 3/5

Nefreet wrote:

Just put a rank into Linguistics, or get a Headband of Vast Intelligence.

Edit: assuming you own a copy of The Inner Sea World Guide.

Please note my original post:

" Also, per the CRB, it’s not one of the languages you can learn when you put a point in Linguistics. "

The Core Rule Book notes specific languages that you can learn through the Linguistics skill and Thassalonion isn't one of them.

The Exchange 3/5

Hey all, I’ve got a character concept that I’m working on but I’ve hit a little roadblock.

(If this is posted in the wrong place, please forgive.)

I’d like to build a Varisian Tiefling Alchemist with the Crypt Breaker archetype. His back story is that he’s a Thassilonian scholar/expert who’s been recruited by the Pathfinders. Here’s the roadblock: I can’t find a way for him to get the Thassilonian language. It’s not available as a racial bonus language for Tieflings, nor for a Tiefling with high intelligence. Also, per the CRB, it’s not one of the languages you can learn when you put a point in Linguistics.

I guess I could just make him without knowing the Thassilonian Language but then he wouldn’t be much of a Thassilonian scholar/expert would he?

So… is there any other way (short of a boon I don’t have), or is there a rules exception I don’t know about? He’d got to be Society legal.

I realize I could change him to a different race that allows any bonus language with a high enough Int. but I’d really like to keep him Tiefling.

Any advice would be appreciated.

How can a Tiefling learn Thassilonian?

The Exchange 3/5

Rusty Ironpants wrote:

Hi Paul!

Try this:
Go to the Character Menu and select configure hero.
This will open the configure hero dialog box.
Scroll through the setting tree on the right hand side and make sure the Pathfinder Society field Guide is check for that character.

When you buy data packages they are automatically included for new characters but not for existing character (.por) files.

That did it! Thank you.

The Exchange 3/5

pathar wrote:
Paul Lang wrote:
Mystic Lemur wrote:
SCPRedMage wrote:
Sorrow of the World wrote:
How do you buy vanities such as those found in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide (businesses, followers, memberships, property and wayfinder enchantments) using Prestige Points using Hero Lab?
You can buy vanities in the "Other" tab.

This. It will automatically deduct the cost from your prestige, but it doesn't note it in any journal entry.

Soluzar wrote:
It sucks that HL is designed this way. I'm almost tempted to drop it. Using it for PFS becoming more trouble than it's worth. I feel like every time I put my data in after a session I have to go back and audit every single thing I've done. So much for making your life easier...
I think you're crazy. I love Hero Lab and I don't think I'll ever go back to tracking my characters on pencil and paper. Spreadsheets help keep track of what I've played/ran, but I'd never be able to keep my Character sheets and abilities straight without Hero Lab. There are just too many situational variables that I (still) forget.
OK, just went to the Other tab and clicked "Click to add new Vanities or Prestige Awards" and I got a message saying "Nothing to choose from!" I would like to add a Dayfinder (from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide). Any ideas?
Do you have the data package that includes the source of the vanity?

Just purchased the data packages, added them and I'm getting the same thing. :(

The Exchange 3/5

Mystic Lemur wrote:
SCPRedMage wrote:
Sorrow of the World wrote:
How do you buy vanities such as those found in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide (businesses, followers, memberships, property and wayfinder enchantments) using Prestige Points using Hero Lab?
You can buy vanities in the "Other" tab.

This. It will automatically deduct the cost from your prestige, but it doesn't note it in any journal entry.

Soluzar wrote:
It sucks that HL is designed this way. I'm almost tempted to drop it. Using it for PFS becoming more trouble than it's worth. I feel like every time I put my data in after a session I have to go back and audit every single thing I've done. So much for making your life easier...
I think you're crazy. I love Hero Lab and I don't think I'll ever go back to tracking my characters on pencil and paper. Spreadsheets help keep track of what I've played/ran, but I'd never be able to keep my Character sheets and abilities straight without Hero Lab. There are just too many situational variables that I (still) forget.

OK, just went to the Other tab and clicked "Click to add new Vanities or Prestige Awards" and I got a message saying "Nothing to choose from!" I would like to add a Dayfinder (from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide). Any ideas?