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Hillis Mallory III wrote: about the Racial Heritage/Adopted change.
Is Goblin stuff still unavailable? Is other racial feats/traits available otherwise for all the other races that are Boon races? Is the Additional Resources that reference these have changes to reflect this opened up particular?
Just askin'
It appears that if you have a racial boon that opens up a normally non legal race to use for this purpose. You can. So unless you have a Goblin Race boon laying around, you cannot.
John Compton wrote: FAQ wrote: If the non-legal options are an automatic part of the archetype, such as a feat that all characters with that archetype gain, the Additional Resources page often provides a substitution. If it does not, that option is legal for your character. However, if the non-legal options are part of a menu of choices, such as a list of feats that includes one feat that is not legal, the option does not become legal for your character. The intention of this FAQ is to ensure that when a new sorcerer bloodline pops up, for example, granting access to a banned feat on the bonus feat list, it's not suddenly opening up a problematic option the team restricted earlier—sometimes in that same book. The intention's not to restrict the modest number of Bestiary feats that play into several natural weapon archetypes and other character options (like the natural weapon ranger fighting style). It's likely we'll need to add such a clarification that Bestiary feats (except Craft Construct) made available by special character options are legal under that circumstance—either to the FAQ or to the Additional Resources page.
This is the fun of adding several dozen updates to the FAQ all at once. There might be some corner cases that were entirely mainstream and legal that now appear to not be legal based on the new wording. Just ask, and give us enough time to get back to the office, confirm our understanding with each other, and assess whether there needs to be a change before assuming All Is Lost. John, thanks for the reply! It's good to hear!
KingOfAnything wrote: Aaron Bryant wrote: And the new ruling calls out that normally that works, however, the "however" statement overrules that. you can not pick and choose which part of a statement to apply. it either needs revision or clarification. The FAQ in question is I took an archetype or other ability or feature that gives me access to features that are not legal as per Additional Resources. What happens?
This whole question is not applicable to the Bestiary feats because they are legal per Additional Resources. I'm not picking and choosing what to apply, I am following directions. Per the AR - Feats: none of the feats are legal for play for PCs, animal companions, or familiars unless specifically granted by another legal source;
The fact is, that the feat IS illegal. It is illegal for all characters with an exception. That exception is clarified in this ruling.
So yes Improved Natural Attack is illegal per the AR. Rangers COULD circumvent that by having a feature that gives me access to features that are not legal as per Additional Resources which is the same exemption in the bestiary. Therefore by the rest of the ruling, as currently written, it stays illegal.
KingOfAnything wrote: Aaron B wrote: KingOfAnything wrote: Stop freaking out. The Bestiary provides its own exception to this FAQ.
Step 1: look at ranger style list, see Improved Natural Attack
Step 2: look at bestiary on AR, see only legal if specifically granted by class.
Step 3: look at FAQ, Improved Natural Attack is legal because it is granted by Additional Resources.
I see you are ignoring the language here bolded to provide context:
I took an archetype or other ability or feature that gives me access to features that are not legal as per Additional Resources. What happens?
If the non-legal options are an automatic part of the archetype, such as a feat that all characters with that archetype gain, the Additional Resources page often provides a substitution. If it does not, that option is legal for your character. However, if the non-legal options are part of a menu of choices, such as a list of feats that includes one feat that is not legal, the option does not become legal for your character.
This specially calls out "i have something that gives me access to a feat that's not normally legal"... it says "is it part of a list of feats where 1 of them is legal? if so , than it is not legal now." The bolded portion of the FAQ says that being included in a legal menu does not make an illegal option legal.
The Additional Resources says that Bestiary feats become legal when they are included on a legal menu.
The Bestiary entry on the AR is an exception to the FAQ. It specifically calls out as legal any Bestiary feats included on such menus. The FAQ applies to every other book published by Paizo. And the new ruling calls out that normally that works, however, the "however" statement overrules that. you can not pick and choose which part of a statement to apply. it either needs revision or clarification.
KingOfAnything wrote: Aaron Bryant wrote: KingOfAnything wrote: Stop freaking out. The Bestiary provides its own exception to this FAQ.
Step 1: look at ranger style list, see Improved Natural Attack
Step 2: look at bestiary on AR, see only legal if specifically granted by class.
Step 3: look at FAQ, Improved Natural Attack is legal because it is granted by Additional Resources. And if you read this ruling, it overrides the AR page, because the Ranger LIST of feats is MENU contain both legal and illegal feats. This ruling states that because it meets that criteria, the illegal feats stay illegal. No, it really doesn't. The ranger list is a menu that contains only legal feats.
You just said "Step 1: look at ranger style list, see Improved Natural Attack"
That menu of options contains a feat that is stated on the AR as not legal....
KingOfAnything wrote: claudekennilol wrote: Lorewalker wrote: Aaron Bryant wrote: claudekennilol wrote: I'm on my phone so this I can't easily quote the relevant text, but the FAQ about an illegal choice in a list still isn't legal implies that natural combat style rangers can't take improved natural attack. Is that intended? BigNorseWolf wrote: claud,
as i'm reading that (admitedly while shoveling out of the snowpocalypse and enough crown royal to safely store my dice collection) it is allowed by another source, so it's legal, so it's not illegal, so it can be granted by a source.
Although.. yeah that could use some clarification.
If the non-legal options are an automatic part of the archetype, such as a feat that all characters with that archetype gain, the Additional Resources page often provides a substitution. If it does not, that option is legal for your character. However, if the non-legal options are part of a menu of choices, such as a list of feats that includes one feat that is not legal, the option does not become legal for your character.
As stated here in this ruling (which is overriding the Additional Resources text), Improved Natural Weapon (i assume is the feat in question), is part of a list of menu choices, therefore it is not legal. I wonder if it is intended that animal companions can no longer take Improved Natural Armor and Improved Natural Attack? Oh Gozreh that's even worse...
I wonder what choices this addition was meant to negate as so far it looks like it's just cutting out options that have been legal. (I know there have been things in the past, but those have usually been swapped out in the Additional Resources doc) Stop freaking out. The Bestiary provides its own exception to this FAQ.
Step 1: look at ranger style list, see Improved Natural Attack
Step 2: look at bestiary on AR, see only legal if specifically granted by class.
Step 3: look at FAQ, Improved Natural Attack is legal because it is granted... And if you read this ruling, it overrides the AR page, because the Ranger LIST of feats is MENU contain both legal and illegal feats. This ruling states that because it meets that criteria, the illegal feats stay illegal.
claudekennilol wrote: I'm on my phone so this I can't easily quote the relevant text, but the FAQ about an illegal choice in a list still isn't legal implies that natural combat style rangers can't take improved natural attack. Is that intended? BigNorseWolf wrote: claud,
as i'm reading that (admitedly while shoveling out of the snowpocalypse and enough crown royal to safely store my dice collection) it is allowed by another source, so it's legal, so it's not illegal, so it can be granted by a source.
Although.. yeah that could use some clarification.
If the non-legal options are an automatic part of the archetype, such as a feat that all characters with that archetype gain, the Additional Resources page often provides a substitution. If it does not, that option is legal for your character. However, if the non-legal options are part of a menu of choices, such as a list of feats that includes one feat that is not legal, the option does not become legal for your character.
As stated here in this ruling (which is overriding the Additional Resources text), Improved Natural Weapon (i assume is the feat in question), is part of a list of menu choices, therefore it is not legal.
Lau Bannenberg wrote: Aaron Bryant wrote: Michael Tracey wrote: Great work, appreciate the faq updates. I understand the reasoning behind the paragraph about paladins and poison due to their code of conduct, but i would appreciate a further clarification for some of the oaths, such as oath of vengence that replaces the code of conduct class feature, especially if the paladin's race gives them a natural poison. Oath of vengeance's Code of Conduct reads, "Never let lesser evils distract you from your pursuit of just vengeance" so may allow at least the racial poison. It appears that the Oathbound archetype does indeed change the language listed for the core Paladin's Code of Conduct and never again mentions poisons. This would seem that Oathbound Paladins are exempt from this ruling.
"Code of Conduct: The oathbound paladin must abide by the listed tenets of her oath in addition to the specifics of her god's code of conduct. In some cases, a deity's or paladin order's code may conflict with the oath's tenets; in most cases, these conflicts mean the oath is unsuitable for a paladin of that deity or order (such as the Oath against the Wyrm with respect to a good dragon deity or a dragon-riding order of paladins) and cannot be selected by the paladin." Looks to me like Oathbound paladins get a double code, not a replacement code. *In addition to their God's code*
The core paladin Code of Conduct isn't listed as "their God's code". It is it's own thing. If the god of the Paladin states "no poison" then i agree, if it doesn't then they can use them.
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Michael Tracey wrote: Great work, appreciate the faq updates. I understand the reasoning behind the paragraph about paladins and poison due to their code of conduct, but i would appreciate a further clarification for some of the oaths, such as oath of vengence that replaces the code of conduct class feature, especially if the paladin's race gives them a natural poison. Oath of vengeance's Code of Conduct reads, "Never let lesser evils distract you from your pursuit of just vengeance" so may allow at least the racial poison. It appears that the Oathbound archetype does indeed change the language listed for the core Paladin's Code of Conduct and never again mentions poisons. This would seem that Oathbound Paladins are exempt from this ruling.
"Code of Conduct: The oathbound paladin must abide by the listed tenets of her oath in addition to the specifics of her god's code of conduct. In some cases, a deity's or paladin order's code may conflict with the oath's tenets; in most cases, these conflicts mean the oath is unsuitable for a paladin of that deity or order (such as the Oath against the Wyrm with respect to a good dragon deity or a dragon-riding order of paladins) and cannot be selected by the paladin."
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Congratulations Mr. Welham!!
Well since armor polymorphs with you, you wouldn't need Barding, unless you wanted something someone else could equip you with after you polymorphs.
A centuar is considered a large monstrous humanoid as per their bestiary entry.
This would mean that they would fall in the unusually large humanoid category, therefore would not use barding.
The PRD calls out Barding as armor for non humanoid creatures. So armor for a non humanoid is Barding. The terms appear interchangeable.
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/animalsAndTranspo rts.html#barding
Plus under the armornfor unusual creature table it lists by humanoid/non humanoid. Sentience does not appear to be a qualifier.
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/armsAndArmor/armor.htm l#armor-for-unusual-creatures-table
Top notch!! Good work everyone!
Super outstanding congratz guys! Two worthy GMs for sure!!
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It was in a Blog post.
You may notice that we did not say the unchained summoner would be available alongside its Advanced Player's Guide counterpart. Effective immediately, the Advanced Player's Guide summoner is no longer available in the organized play campaign, and the unchained summoner is its legal replacement. However, we recognize that someone who already has a summoner (and the book to play it) should not be punished for this change. Therefore, if you have a character with levels in the summoner class, and you have played the character at least once at level 2 or higher, you get to keep your summoner as is; you may also continue to gain levels in the summoner class. Any character gaining a level in summoner for the first time must use the unchained summoner, and anyone character still within the 1st-level window of free rebuilding must also use the unchained summoner.
So many will be deeply missed. :(
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John Compton wrote: Ah, I see the confusion.
Like its predecessor (Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 1), Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 2 is something that both 4-star GMs and venture-officers can run outside of conventions. When Bonekeep 3 is made available beyond conventions, I anticipate it will also be available to venture-officers of all levels.
Serpents Rise is limited to 4- and 5-star GMs only (regardless of VO status).
True Dragons of Absalom is limited to 5-star GMs only (regardless of VO status).
Does running Serpents Rise or True Dragons at a convention supersede the star requirement? Thanks!
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well, our leader said we could make the 1230 slots easy. so a noon slot should work. but we will see if someone wants to run it and play it. no module love anymore!! Thanks for the effort!
i would say somewhere about 11-12.
>< we got fangwood keep on the list, but my bus won't be there in time. so close.
i would love to play a module! maybe.. fangwood keep??
1. My bard, Shika, will not go near boats OR female dwarves anymore due to reoccurring nightmares that shall not be spoke of in public...
2. My half-elf alchemist, Breaux, now hates paladins because two of them killed this really hot female half elf he wanted to take out to dinner. She made really tasty tea too. /le sigh.
Lets beat this horse again.....
As per the Oath entry: A paladin who takes an oath against demons, devils, daemons, and other evil outsiders is constantly on the lookout for malicious fiendish insurgence into the world, and faces it with swift and unwavering defiance. Often she works closely with inquisitors, searching for signs of outsider manipulation and possession.
It specifically states (as everyone seems to skim over and NOT read) "malicious fiendish insurgence"... a familiar or summoned creature bound to be an ally is not considered to be insurgent.... FFS if you're going to chose something and RP to the max. Make sure *YOU* pay attention to the verbiage.
*sips some soul coke*
This past tuesday, i was adventuring along side my Andoran pathfinder friend Remy Merlotte, (see our exploits on twitter @Meku_Okami and @RemyMerlotte) we were in an Orc town where slavery was legal... now while the proprietor of this one establishment promised us the freedom of a said individual, if we accomplished a task, then reneged on the terms after we accomplished said tast, referring to this individual as his "property". Remy was very unsettled, sternly voiced his opinions and was poised for action.Even I, in all my Cheliaxan glory, was OK with that... le sigh, but the orc attacked us and then beaten unconscious by my faithful companion Kura Okami. but when Remy starting talking about ending his life for being a slave owner, i had to quickly remind him that in some places it was legal...*cough*... and that it was local law and there was nothing we could do at this time... mission priority. and he calmed down... thank god too... that man is a beast.
but enough of my exploits...wait...what were we talking about?
*sips some more soul coke, and noms on synders mustard pretzels*
*enters the room with a soapbox* *mounts high horse* Seriously! All you VO's who insist on antagonizing an obvious valid moral debate should be SHUNNED for trivializing this matter! I mean obviously everyone is overlooking "malicious fiendish insurgence", which, if the evil outsider in question is bound to service of a pathfinder... it would not be considered insurgent..... *steps off soap box* *gets off high horse* Namaste.
*sits besides Chris*
.........may i have a soul coke?
Connooga was awesome, glad I was able to make it!
I vote for Mr. Martin to run a table.... so all of our favorite PFS characters can die.
I don't know if you've given any thought to playing Pathfinder Society, but we do have PFS games running at PC Outpost in Kannapolis on Saturdays! We also run at Your Local Game Store in Matthews on tuesdays and fridays. Hornets Nest Lodge @ Warhorn.net. We'd love to have some new players!
sorry to pop in on an older post but just as an fyi, i know its not an AP, but if you want to play some pathfinder join us at YLGS in Matthews tues and fri nigh for pathfinder society. its really taking off up there on avg we have about 15 people. email me if you have any questions, kekashi@hornetsnestlodge.org. also find us in the event page on paizo.com
or even on our warhorn.net page.
hope to see y'all out there sometime!
Well if they go the route like they did ninja (Extra Ki Point feat) then they may just get an extra inspiration point feat. Which i'd understand as well. Keep the talents/tricks down but allowing more uses. We shall see...
Congrats....but leave dem Pandas at home!
Forgive me if this is covered somewhere, but my searches haven't come up with any hits.
Is there any way, currently, for the Investigator to take Extra Investigator talent as a feat?
Steve Miller wrote: Welcome, perhaps we'll meet this weekend at MACE. I will be there sat and sun! Looking forward to it!
Thanks! I am humbly honored to be a part of such an amazing community.
Gratz guys! Hope to see y'all Sat!
Thanks everyone. Sorry I don't get on here much to post....like ever >< lol. Looking forward to running much much more, only wish i had enough time to run more games!