
Aaron B's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 47 posts (48 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 28 Organized Play characters.

Dark Archive 5/5

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Hillis Mallory III wrote:

about the Racial Heritage/Adopted change.

Is Goblin stuff still unavailable? Is other racial feats/traits available otherwise for all the other races that are Boon races? Is the Additional Resources that reference these have changes to reflect this opened up particular?

Just askin'

It appears that if you have a racial boon that opens up a normally non legal race to use for this purpose. You can. So unless you have a Goblin Race boon laying around, you cannot.

Dark Archive 5/5

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Michael Tracey wrote:
Great work, appreciate the faq updates. I understand the reasoning behind the paragraph about paladins and poison due to their code of conduct, but i would appreciate a further clarification for some of the oaths, such as oath of vengence that replaces the code of conduct class feature, especially if the paladin's race gives them a natural poison. Oath of vengeance's Code of Conduct reads, "Never let lesser evils distract you from your pursuit of just vengeance" so may allow at least the racial poison.

It appears that the Oathbound archetype does indeed change the language listed for the core Paladin's Code of Conduct and never again mentions poisons. This would seem that Oathbound Paladins are exempt from this ruling.

"Code of Conduct: The oathbound paladin must abide by the listed tenets of her oath in addition to the specifics of her god's code of conduct. In some cases, a deity's or paladin order's code may conflict with the oath's tenets; in most cases, these conflicts mean the oath is unsuitable for a paladin of that deity or order (such as the Oath against the Wyrm with respect to a good dragon deity or a dragon-riding order of paladins) and cannot be selected by the paladin."

Dark Archive 5/5

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Congratulations Mr. Welham!!

Dark Archive 5/5

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It was in a Blog post.

You may notice that we did not say the unchained summoner would be available alongside its Advanced Player's Guide counterpart. Effective immediately, the Advanced Player's Guide summoner is no longer available in the organized play campaign, and the unchained summoner is its legal replacement. However, we recognize that someone who already has a summoner (and the book to play it) should not be punished for this change. Therefore, if you have a character with levels in the summoner class, and you have played the character at least once at level 2 or higher, you get to keep your summoner as is; you may also continue to gain levels in the summoner class. Any character gaining a level in summoner for the first time must use the unchained summoner, and anyone character still within the 1st-level window of free rebuilding must also use the unchained summoner.

Dark Archive 5/5

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John Compton wrote:

Ah, I see the confusion.

Like its predecessor (Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 1), Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 2 is something that both 4-star GMs and venture-officers can run outside of conventions. When Bonekeep 3 is made available beyond conventions, I anticipate it will also be available to venture-officers of all levels.

Serpents Rise is limited to 4- and 5-star GMs only (regardless of VO status).

True Dragons of Absalom is limited to 5-star GMs only (regardless of VO status).


Does running Serpents Rise or True Dragons at a convention supersede the star requirement? Thanks!

Sovereign Court

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Shield of the Eye
Aura Strong Divination and Transmutation; CL 15th
Slot Shield; Price 107220 gp; Weight 45 lbs.

This +1 ghost touch tower shield has a faint carving of a closed eye, on the front and back, that automatically opens and glows a low red when undead are within a 60-foot radius. While undead are being detected by the shield the wielder can activate it to channel 3d6 positive energy (DC 16) like a cleric for a maximum of three times per day, but only to harm undead. When used to take total cover, the Shield of the Eye, also begins consecrating the ground around it within a 10 foot radius. Additionally once per day when the wielder causes damage to a lich, they are about to discern the current location and object of the lich's phylactery as though they had observed it firsthand.

Requirements Craft Magical Arms and Armor, consecrate, detect undead, etherealness, locate object, creator must be able to channel positive energy; Cost 53610 gp

Dark Archive 5/5

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