
A 1970 Corvette's page

11 posts (280 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.


I was told to prove I exist.

I do.

CAPTAIN JRAHK LASERTUSK sounds pretty good to me


Ranger Barbarian? I'm intrigued.

I'm going on vacation and since I'm going to a rural area I don't know if I'll be able to have internet access.

I'll be back Sunday night.

3 is fine too

I clearly haven't pestered Cube enough to update.

Maybe we don't need you if you can't stand up to a little punishment.

I was convinced we'd have to elect a new GM.

Yeah sorry about not being quick with this, I'll keep up with it from now on.

I uh er

Hey look I found the site!

Should I start from where we are, or go from the beginning?