Pathfinder Comes to Virtual Tabletop!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Paizo is pleased to announce that we've now officially partnered with Mesa Mundi Inc (D20PRO) and Smite Works (Fantasy Grounds) for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Virtual Table Top content. Both will be offering full access to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line, along with Adventure Paths and Modules! This new partnership will allow gamers from across the globe play the Pathfinder adventures they want, regardless of which service you prefer. With our expansive collection of amazing artwork, maps, and stories, these VTT platforms are a perfect fit for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

We're super excited to be working with Mesa Mundi and Smite Works, and to be able to bring the magic of Pathfinder to virtual groups in the next year!

Mike Kenway
Director of Licensing

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I am so happy to see this. Thank you to everyone involved in making this happen.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Why not roll20?

Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?

I don't think they do official partnerships of this sort. They're a primarily free model, after all.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Roll20 already has a partnership with Wizards.

Silver Crusade


This is awesome. I am in the middle of running The Hook Mountain Massacre on Fantasy Grounds.

I am very excited for this innovation.

This is great news! Most of my Pathfinder play these days is done with Fantasy Grounds, so I'm really happy to hear this.

Paizo Employee CEO

38 people marked this as a favorite.
Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?



Awesome. I hope we get an announcement for a single-player PC-based Pathfinder RPG Game made by Bioware or some other company later in 2017. :D

Berselius wrote:
Awesome. I hope we get an announcement for a single-player PC-based Pathfinder RPG Game made by Bioware or some other company later in 2017. :D

You have no idea how down I'd be for that. I think that would sell extremely well if done well.

Although, I'd prefer it to be like Neverwinter where you could co-op too... not just single player.

(P.S. This is great news too)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?



This is you're my favorite CEO. :)

As a holder of an Fantasy Grounds Ultimate license and someone who has been slowly but surely creating a Pathfinder version of Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale in Fantasy Grounds? This is FANTASTIC NEWS.

I'd also forgotten that not only do I have a full version of D20PRO as well but I supported their Kickstarter for d20PRo Unlimited .


Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just to clarify - you will not get a universal license for all VTTs directly from Paizo.

If you buy material on FG it will be good for FG, but not d20Pro, and vice-versa.

Roll20 will be a totally separate license when it arrives as well.

Also, This is APs and Modules for now, and not currently PFS scenarios, correct?

Can you guys clarify that, @Lisa, et al, Pretty Please? ( I'm already being hit with a lot of questions. :)

Scarab Sages

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Lisa Stevens wrote:
Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?



I am exercising patience. We have a pretty big group running on Roll20 and prefer that VTT platform.

Heine Stick wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?



This is you're my favorite CEO. :)

Much respect for a CEO that responds.

I'll probably look at what d20 pro has to offer anyways. I love Roll20 but I always look around at options.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?



Cool. Been playing and running Pathfinder adventure paths on Roll 20 for about three and a half years now. I will gladly pay to get maps, NPCS, etc instead of making them myself. :)

Hey, that's great news, better late than never !
Now... Will they use all that's been released by the fan community ? There's already a huge amount of existing material !

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?



I hope this happens. I have a pro account with roll20 and would love to see Pathfinder licensed content.

Woot! Fantasy Grounds hands down has the best platform for Pathfinder! Good one team!

Liberty's Edge

Very exciting news. Now we can continue the adventure, even if the party is not in close proximity. And it's just that much easier.

I have been with FG for a long time, and I hail this decision!

I'm really hoping that Curse of the Crimson Throne is one of the modules for sale eventually. I really want the 10 ft. square maps in high quality.

Otherwise I will probably start picking up most of the Paizo content on Fantasy Grounds to make my life easier.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

AWESOME. Thank You Paizo!!!
Been waiting for this soooooo long!

I wonder if there would be any market for sanctioned Society games on Fantasy Grounds (and maybe eventually Roll20).

I've always been interested in society games but my schedule at work makes it hard to work around usual group times.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So does this mean all this wonderful material I have now will be overpriced on Fantasy Grounds.......

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?



This is all I needed to hear. Thankyou. :)

Scarab Sages

Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?

...there's always one....

Dark Archive

What does this mean for Game Space? Is it officially dead?

Liberty's Edge

FlySkyHigh wrote:

I wonder if there would be any market for sanctioned Society games on Fantasy Grounds (and maybe eventually Roll20).

I've always been interested in society games but my schedule at work makes it hard to work around usual group times.

There is sanctioned play online as we speak, on Roll20 and FG.

We even have an online con coming up in January .

I'm the VC for online play, drop me a line and we'll hook you up. :)

Liberty's Edge

Marik Whiterose wrote:
What does this mean for Game Space? Is it officially dead?

Gamespace is long deceased.

Dark Archive

But Time of Death has never been called

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Will this impact upon the current arrangement for PFS Scenarios with the ability to share the engine constructed versions when you exchange proof of ownership?

One of the perks I've used is tossing people Confirmation/Wounded Wisp etc. when they express interest in running a game (and show the purchase).

Scarab Sages

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:
Why not roll20?



Very happy to see this post. Thanks, Lisa!

Silver Crusade

Likely they're dipping their toes in pay-to-play communities in d20pro and FantasyGrounds first before going for a freemium model. That's not a bad opening move given these players pay for content compared to the number of pirated modules I see used in r20.

If it works out, then other freemium VTTs will open up. Personally I like SkirmishVT for a freeform, and FG for a more complex game.

Also I believe Pathfinder is officially supported in d20pro and in FG, while not officially supported, there's a large PFS community there. Both good testing grounds compared to roll20 which is the larger overall pool. Also roll20 kinda started officially supporting 5e ~ 1 year ago, and it's not too much for paizo to expect the same treatment when they roll out there. The ball is probably in roll20's court.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I use both programs, and am delighted by this announcement.

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

Woah, I haven't been paying attention! This is the first I've heard of TPKon.

Liberty's Edge

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Howdy, and regionally appropriate greetings everyone.

For anyone interested in Pathfinder Society Play Online, I am the Venture-Captain for PFS Online Play and I am always available to help anyone who has questions or interest.

You can contact me via email at

You can also join our Discord Chat Server at:

...and the community there will be happy to help you get started in online play.

If anyone needs any help getting started with Online Play, or a specific VTT, please let me know and I can put you in touch with someone who can help, for PFS or general Pathfinder games.

Fantasy Grounds has an active PFS community - you can find them here: y-Games

d20Pro has a Pathfinder forum group here:

And if you are looking for a good centralized place for Online Games, the oldest group online is here at The PFS Online Collective:!forum/pathfinder-society-online-collectiv e

And of course, keep an eye on our official Online Play PFS forum here on Paizo at: ociety/grandLodge/onlinePlay

We also have an online convention coming up in January, using, for those interested.

You can find information on the online con in the TPKon channel on the Discord Server at

As stated previously, if you have any question at all or need any help getting started in online play, or have any VTT question, don't hesitate to drop me a line and we'll get you hooked up.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

A question for those of you that have used either of these.

I run our home game through a projector pointing down at the tabletop.

Currently I have been using Syncrpg, a mod of Maptools to do this, but have been thinking about switching. Paying a few bucks to cut out hours of prep is worth it in my book.

So what one would work better for a projector?

What I do with Syncrpg is have a GM session on my laptop, with the projector showing a second copy of the program joined as a player.

Liberty's Edge

Both d20Pro and Fantasy Grounds have been used for projection and Flat Panel play for some time - my own experience would say that Fantasy Grounds will give you a bit more community support (since it has already been done quite a bit there), but d20Pro is perfectly equipped to do the job just as well. It will just come down to whichever VTT has a certain feature you like more.

Tumorseal wrote:

A question for those of you that have used either of these.

I run our home game through a projector pointing down at the tabletop.

Currently I have been using Syncrpg, a mod of Maptools to do this, but have been thinking about switching. Paying a few bucks to cut out hours of prep is worth it in my book.

So what one would work better for a projector?

What I do with Syncrpg is have a GM session on my laptop, with the projector showing a second copy of the program joined as a player.

Liberty's Edge

Very cool!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Tumorseal wrote:

A question for those of you that have used either of these.

I run our home game through a projector pointing down at the tabletop.

Currently I have been using Syncrpg, a mod of Maptools to do this, but have been thinking about switching. Paying a few bucks to cut out hours of prep is worth it in my book.

So what one would work better for a projector?

What I do with Syncrpg is have a GM session on my laptop, with the projector showing a second copy of the program joined as a player.

Currently, only D20Pro has some version of vision/vbl. (and it is in the semi-early phase.)

Fantasy Grounds has Fog of War, but it is extremely basic.

OpenRPG's vision is the best I've seen, and if you're using it for that, I would go with D20Pro over Fantasy Grounds.

Fantasy Grounds has much better rules automation, but since you're running live games, I assume that's not as much a necessity. (They have. however, recently added a feature allowing you to enter the player's die roll and use the automation to figure out all the modifiers so you can spend less time remembering them, so that could be useful for a live game.)

Liberty's Edge also has Fog of War, dynamic lighting, and line of vision - so if you have an internet connection it is a good tool for that as well, but internet connectivity would be a must so YMMV in that regard.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Will the products be compatible with MapTool and Roll20?

Liberty's Edge, Yes - they are working out the licensing.

MapTools - almost a definite no.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

As an FG Ultimate License holder, I think this fantastic news! It will save me tons of time if I'm able to purchase the APs already ready to go in FG!

Well done, Paizo and SmiteWorks!

Dark Archive

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Any idea when this is going to happen?

Liberty's Edge

Outstanding news. While I have had FG 1 and 2, I've been using d20Pro for five years now. d20Pro is how I play Pathfinder.

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