Animist Class Discussion

My level 4 (and final) Animist playtest impressions

My level 3 Animist playtest impressions

Lanni's Playtest Log

What is the Animist's niche?

Question: Who is your Animist character

Earth's Bile and Duplicate Effects

Scaling Apparition Avatars

Another Animist Playtest Experience

Animist Needs to Know Some Occult Creatures

Is Animist Build Potential Too Limited?

Suggestion: Change to the Animist Chassis to Open Concept Flexibility

My level 2 Animist playtest impressions

What Possible Niches Are Left For Apparitions To Fill?

Playtest report from a lv17 GMPC, Night of the Gray Death Chapter 2

My level 1 Animist playtest impressions

Kinda Wish This Could Be a Binder

Changes I would like to see

Should Animist Have a Familiar Option?

Animist Archetype

The playtest is broken

Spirit Walk is WAAAAY too powerful

Animist Practice change Idea

Specialized apparitions

Animist action economy is a nightmare but I sort of love it.

Apparition Sight and Imprecise Sense

What’s with the spells

About multiclass and focus spells

Animist seems like a better Wildshaper than Wild Order Druid

Animist Playtest: Critique, Typos, and Suggestions

Please add Effortless Concentration to this class!

Are apparitions too real?

Animist and Staves

Potion of Leaping + Sustaining Dance?

Flexible Divine Casting for Animist?

Worried about the future of this class

Playtest experience

The difficulties of playing a post-remaster divine caster with pre-remaster divine spells

Feat and Vessel Spell Combos (works or doesn't)

So much less recalculating

Spirit Ideas

Animist vs Cleric thoughts? I need help...

Training & Lores

Animist Errors / FAQ / Discovery

Animist Budget

List of Apparitions / Apparition changes you'd like to see for the full release

Vessel Spells don't have the Concentrate or Manipulate trait

Apparition's Poesession is REALLY bad, but there's an easy fix.

Embodiment of Battle, Grudge Strike, and the "Battle Animist"

Animistic Practices Are Too Much (and Not Enough)

Fire and stone focus spell

Channeler and Sage Subclass by Apparition?

Witness of Ancient Battles 1st Level Spell

Sanctification on the Animist (and other classes)

The first Animist character I thought of

Slightly disappointing list of apparitions(no necromancy like option)

Garden of Healing and Discomfiting Whispers unfriendly and friendly fire!

The Avatar stuff is a little disappointing

Is Apparition's Possession meant to do so little? (and other Sage comments)

A suggestion for Embodiment of Battle

Animist Save Progression

Darkened Forest Form at rank 8 and 9

The Animist is perfect

"Dumping" Wisdom on the Animist

Apparition's Enhancement

Hippity hoppity, your accuracy is now my property.

IMO having prepared and spontaneous in same class add to much complexity into the class casting

Wish for a skillier Animist

The Biggest Fault of the Animist - Divine Spell List

Proofreading error ?

Possession Echo tags

Supreme Incarnation Gush

Could the animist deserve a better perception proficiency progression?

Typos and inaccuracies

Advanced interlocutor

Channeler Boon

Why the Divine spell list and not Primal?

so this is just renamed shaman right

Initial read-through of Animist

Eternal Guide and Heritage mixing

Channeler 9th level intermediary boon Fortitude and Will saves : solved ;)

A number of questions / rules clarifications for the Animist

Why Advanced Interlocution is a level 10 feature?

Name is a really weird one

Question about the PHANTASMAGORIA spell.

Not liking all of the feats with specific apparitions as prerequisites : Solved ;)

Apparition's Possession Clarification

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