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New Rules Suggestions

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Pathfinder Styled Psionic Classes

Entangling (whips, lassos, bolas, etc.)

Class Skill Bonuses

Weapon Finesse: clarified to cover Disarm, Sunder and Trip combat manuevers

Hit Points

Armor - A complete Overhaul

Weapon Size Categories - change it to an option and revert to 3.0

Disabled, Unconscious and Dying

Things that need fixing....

Saving throw tweak

Missing Halfling Thrown Weapon Bonus

[Think Tank] Multiclassing

Rearranging Weapon Training, Weapon Mastery and Combat Maneuvers - p. 18

Rearranging Weapon Focus / Specialization and Combat Maneuvers

Sneak Attack and Knowledge checks - p. 23

Class Level Bonuses to Armor Class and Damage

Monte's Metamagic suggestion

Mass combat ideas

Critial Hit Damage

Barbarians and HP from rage suggestion.

Do we need Weapon Finesse? Really?

"0 level" Psionics

[Think Tank] Psionics

Variant Resurrection Rules

[Think Tank] Caster level based Save DC

A Monk Class for thought

Divine Assault (Smite Evil replacement)

CMB bonus: Dexterity modifier for Disarm, Sunder and Trip with Weapon Finesse - page 61-63

Magic Duels

Suggestion: Replace d% through d20

Weapon Familiarity extended - Racial weapon proficiency removed

Movement & Full Attack

Favored skills - class skills

[Terminology] Skill ranks vs. skill points - Acquiring Skills, p 36.

Saving throw scaling

Wizards Automatically Gaining Item Creation Feats at Minimum Levels

A Solution to the Ghost Touch Issue

Fighter Ability - Full Base Attack for All Attacks

Masterwork weapons and armor cost = x2 or x3, not +300 / +150

Unified Spells per Day - Streamlining and Fixing Multiclassing Casters

Signature Abilities for all classes

Move Will saves to Charisma

What about Knowledge as an Intelligence save?

Variant Solution to Multiclassing Spellcasting

Barbarian revamp: Upgraded and Balanced

Magic under 3e

Replacement Rules for LA (Level Adjustment) while preserving Backwards Compatibility

Jason: Racial Feats category?

Channel Energy: Possible Options

XP Cost Alternative: Aging

Combining Arcane Spell Failure and Armor Check Penalty

Paladins, Rangers, and the Book of Hallowed Might

Standardizing the Paladin's Special Mount

Grappling for Dummies?

[CM] Demoralize and Improved Demoralize feat

Weapon Training Changed to Weapon Focus

Hit Points at 1st Level and Scaling for Hit Points

Cure Wounds Spells - thoughts

-10 dead and PC survivability

Upgrading the Wilder

Concealment = AC bonus, not % miss chance

Intermediate Saving throws, Page 8

+1 holy symbols and +1 bonded objects?

Channel Energy and Healing done with Feats

Other Combat Maneuvers

Combat Feat: Sneak Attack

Psionics and Disciplines

[Monsters] Fixing Types

Combat Maneuver: Feint - p. 63 and Feats: Improved Feint and Ranged Feint

Some Sorcerer Bloodlines should grant bonuses to Natural Armor

Skills: 8+Int mod

What Makes a Class a Class

Proposal: Make Rogue Talents work like Fighter Bonus feats

Rather than extra starting hit points...

Updates to Channel Divine Energy

Paladin: Due for an Update... into two classes.

Updates for Channel Divine Energy

Simple, elegant and OPTIONAL skill synergies

Social Encounters

Not your normal sorcerers.

Skill Challenges

Combat Maneuver: Disarm - p. 63 and Feat: Improved Disarm - updated and clarified

New feat: Ranged Disarm

Bashing doors

Defensive Combat Training: new prerequisites - p.50

Weapon Groups

Streamlining class powers

Spell that could use some help

Multi-Classing Monks and Paladins

Combat Stances

NPCs through Templates: 2-tier or 3-tier NPC System

Paladin abilities -- "Smite Points"

Fighter Abilities: Adrenalin Points

New Critical hits: Easier and more fun

Agile Maneuvers: for defense only

Radical Ability Score Idea

Variant Frightened Condition

Max ranks = level + 1

Too many people know how to read.

Fighter "Specialist Schools / Domains"

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