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Customer Service

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Please cancel listed orders

Malevolence delay holding up order.

I'd like to cancel my Starfinder Maps subscription.. Plus a question!

May Order

Pathfinder Adventure Path Cancelation

Cancel Order

Digital Face cards?

Please cancel adventure path subscription

Confused about sidecart, promotional discount and shipping delay.

Paizo Con Online 2021 Badge Refund Possible?

Cancellation of Subscriptions

Please Un-Pending Old Order

Paizocon 2021 Refund

Please Cancel Pathfinder Pawns and Starfinder Accessories Subs

Attempting to Log into

New subscription duplicates

Bestiary 1 Battle Cards - missing cards, duplicate cards

Missing Cards: Bestiary 2 Battle Cards

Missing Downloads PFS Sub

Adventure Subscription

Unable to Place Order

Side cart order

April PFS downloads missing from account

Order Status ???

Want items in my Sidecart shipped now

pdf order not going through

Please merge Orders 36438801 and 36429863

Got double charged for PDF's

Can't Purchase PDFs

Cancel Starfinder Adventure Path Subscription

Paizo Order #36423245 missing

1st edition availability on roll20

Paizo to Fantasy Grounds Sync

can't find printable version of GM screen

Item Shipment Confirmation

Orden 36424836 hasn't shipped.

Order 22822395

Cancel Order / Subscriptions

Cancel order 36437588 and 36433607

Order 32261950

Need to cancel subscriptions

Cancel Order # 36448080

Unable to Download Digital Content

Order 36383215

Account deletion

Hi, i'd like to have my account deleted

Feedback About Feedback On A Closed Thread


March Subscription never arrived

Missing Item Order 36290801

Please cancel my subscriptions

Please delete my account

Can you ship my sidecart ?

Order 36431281

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription

Order number 36423688

Cancel subscription

March 2021 New Releases and Subscription Shipping

Delete Account

I received a damaged book. What do I do?

Order 32255536

Cancel Order 26307842

Please cancel my subscriptions.

Cancel Subscriptions

Cancel Pathfinder Battles Subscription Please

Cancel Starfinder Map Subscription

I think someone is stealing / selling Paizo's intellectual property. Who / where do I report it to?

Please put my Adventure Path subscription on hold.

Cannot download Lost Omens World Guide

Cancel Subscriptions

I want all of my subscriptions to be shipped once a month.

Only three items showing in cart

Cancel subscription

Please cancel order Pathfinder Bestiary 3 Order #34054391

Delayed Order 36391249

Order 19193979

Problems with Images in Starfinder Adventure Paths

Please cancel orders 36393600 and 36393620

Can't access cart

Paizo Order # 36393327

Charges to account, please refund

can't open cart

Missing PDF - Return of the Runelords 4

Cancel Adventure Path Subscription

Please ship my sidecart.

Need payment assistance

Unable to Access Cart

Can't complete purchases

Cannot access cart

Can't access my cart

Attempts to access the cart lead to a 40x page

Can't Access Cart

Can't access cart.

I think nobody can access cart right now

Error on Cart and Checkout

Unable to access cart

Can't access cart

unable to access cart

No cart access

PDF Issues

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