Roll20 Pathfinder Core Sheet Community Preview

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Roll20 Pathfinder Core Sheet Community Preview

Header avatar art by Brian Patterson

Roll20 is dropping in with an update on the redesign of their Pathfinder Second Edition character sheet. The devs are diligently wrapping up the last pieces of work for our community preview release. We expect you’ll see the new sheet very soon—sometime this month! This is just a preview release, so you won’t see all features of the existing sheet available on release. Because of that, the current sheet isn’t going anywhere; the last thing we want to do is disrupt your ongoing games!

We hope you’ll try the new sheet out, though, and make note of all the things you wish the current sheet could do while comparing it to the new sheet. There will be a feedback form, easily accessed within the community preview sheet, where you can submit your thoughts directly to the team. They plan to adjust their roadmap frequently to ensure you’re getting the features you want the most!

In case you haven’t seen the original blog post, this initial community preview of the sheet will include a couple of exciting improvements over the existing sheet:

  • Improved automation: modifications are propagated more intelligently and completely throughout the sheet
  • Overhauled conditions: conditions will better apply modifiers to all affected stats and calculations (this will apply to default conditions first and later be applied more broadly through our upcoming releases)
  • Better bonus and penalty calculations: modifier types (e.g. Status, Circumstance, Item) will correctly apply throughout the sheet

Until then, we hope everyone has a nice holiday season and a happy new year!
The Roll20 Team

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Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Low key, I hate the look of it.

Part of the beauty of R20 and Foundry character sheets is that they resembled the physical sheet.

Its one thing to improve the automation and make everything work better.
But don't reinvent the wheel: present it in a form where people don't have to hunt for things

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I only occasionally must play on Roll20, but I do appreciate the improvement. Putting Strikes and Actions in the same area with collapsible sections will speed up encounters immensely.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Looks slick!

It's been a while since I used it, but the main thing I recall is a lot of disappointment that drag and drop from the compendium was... inadequate. Has that improved?

I've gotta admit, I'm not as big on the look either, but I do appreciate the extra features. I'm looking forward to testing the sheet and seeing whether it is right for my table.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm less concerned about the look, but the extra features sound nice. Is there going to be an easy way to move characters from the old sheet to the new one? Or will we need to reenter them if we want them updated for the remaster? Or better yet, will the fields line up so that we could export them into a game using either sheet? There are a lot of people with tables built for PFS scenarios set to use the old sheet, so just hoping to not have to maintain two copies of characters.

Overall, though, I'm excited to see the sheet go live!

Ravien999 wrote:

Low key, I hate the look of it.

Part of the beauty of R20 and Foundry character sheets is that they resembled the physical sheet.

Its one thing to improve the automation and make everything work better.
But don't reinvent the wheel: present it in a form where people don't have to hunt for things

Hello! Lavi here from the Roll20 Product Team!

Sorry to hear that you don't like the design.

We want to hear more what you had in mind about the presentation of the sheet, and where you may feel lost.

Could you drop that feedback here ( We're collecting all of it in one place. Thanks!

RexAliquid wrote:
I only occasionally must play on Roll20, but I do appreciate the improvement. Putting Strikes and Actions in the same area with collapsible sections will speed up encounters immensely.

Fantastic! We love good feedback too if you could add it here:

Roll20 Product

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MurderHobo#6226 wrote:
It's been a while since I used it, but the main thing I recall is a lot of disappointment that drag and drop from the compendium was... inadequate. Has that improved?

Drag and drop was recently improved on our current sheet, and it's on our roadmap for the redesign as well!

As the redesigned sheet is currently in development, we'll be keeping the community updated on what's next in this Landing Page (, which also has a place to provide feedback. We hope you give this redesign a try and helps us shape where it goes next!

Lavi from Roll20

moosher12 wrote:
I've gotta admit, I'm not as big on the look either, but I do appreciate the extra features. I'm looking forward to testing the sheet and seeing whether it is right for my table.

We can't wait to hear what you think after you try it out with your table! Let us know:

Ferious Thune wrote:

I'm less concerned about the look, but the extra features sound nice. Is there going to be an easy way to move characters from the old sheet to the new one? Or will we need to reenter them if we want them updated for the remaster? Or better yet, will the fields line up so that we could export them into a game using either sheet? There are a lot of people with tables built for PFS scenarios set to use the old sheet, so just hoping to not have to maintain two copies of characters.

Overall, though, I'm excited to see the sheet go live!

The community preview of the sheet is available on Roll20 Characters (, and we are excited for you to let us know what you think!

Since the redesigned version of the sheet is not fully feature complete, it won't be available just yet within the Roll VTT, but it'll come soon! When the time comes, we are thinking about ways to help port over existing characters from old sheet into the new without the hassle of having to rebuild them.

Could you tell us more about how the tables set up for the old sheet in PFS works through the feedback form so we can look into it?

Lavi from Roll20

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's possible to fit everything a character can do including attacks, spells, feats, and items on a single page without resorting to tabs. The amount of wasted space on the sheet is a non-starter. The icons for the actions on this sheet indent their section which eliminates a significant vertical block of real estate in a prime location.

For my preference, a superior design is to use tabbed sections to enter feat, skill, attack, and spell choices, but then consolidate the outputs of those onto a Play tab with hover-over or drill-in information. During play, you rarely need to navigate the character sheet, because everything you need to see is on the main Play tab for you. My preference is the information. I don't care about graphics. They waste space that could be used for information.

Ravien999 wrote:

Low key, I hate the look of it.

Part of the beauty of R20 and Foundry character sheets is that they resembled the physical sheet.

Its one thing to improve the automation and make everything work better.
But don't reinvent the wheel: present it in a form where people don't have to hunt for things

Interesting. I'm the opposite if I'm completely honest.

To me it's like imitation meat. I'd rather eat the beans, tofu, or veggies prepared in a nice way that makes them taste good, then to see them pressed, contorted, and mashed into a "close enough approximation" of something else. I don't like being sold 1 thing being making it look like it's something else that I actually like.

Much the same way, if I want something that looks like the physical sheet, I'd rather just use the physical sheet for the full experience. The lead smears from erasing and rewriting my ammo and hp. The feeling of the paper, the actual look of it changes depending on the light you have available.

Comparable, digital paper copies just don't feel good to me. If it's digital, I want the interface to be a good digital interface that takes advantage of what makes digital interfaces good. Sleek design, collapsible tabs, easy navigation, links that can jump you to other sections or open up book entries, etc.

I haven't yet had a look at the preview of the new sheet and accept that there may be changes to it. I have had a look at the brief video and have a comment on that and also a couple of requests/questions on future development.

1 The video show the character sheet and refers to "Savings Throws", this should, of course, be "Saving Throws". I'm surprised that this wasn't picked up long before the video was prepared.

2 I hope that the revised sheet will include an option to use either Original PF2E or Remastered as use of the Remastered version is not mandatory.

3 As a regular player in Paizo's Pathfinder Society Organised Play games, will the new sheet support all of the OP inventory items? Some specialised items from Adventure Paths, scenarios, etc. do not currently appear in any of the books but may be given as Boons, or purchased with Achievement Points.

I submitted the form, but figured I'd repost my points here to see how others feel on it:

1. Traits should be in the universal tab, alongside ancestry/background/class/heritage.
2. Languages would be preferred in the encounter tab.
3. Want automated health calculations. HP meter should be able to keep track of racial hit points, class hit points, and bonus hit points, automated with level. If this feature is included in the sheet, it is in a difficult spot to find.
4. Under the Feats section, separate tags are requested for the following: “Ancestry Features and Feats”, “Class Features and Feats”, “General Feats and Skill Feats”, and “Bonus Feats.” Ancestry, Class, General/Skill, and Bonus Features and Feats should be separated for ease of bookkeeping and helping to keep track of what came from where. Just Features and Feats is frankly too limiting(An additional point I did not add to the original post, I think letting the player create and name their own folder categories might be more efficient, as some like to keep it all in one line, while others like it separated)
5. Many Feats and Features are also actions, so should be programmable, especially exploration activities.
6. Under Encounter, an Activities section should be added to execute programmed exploration activities.
7. Actions and Activities under Encounter should have an easy way to roll skill checks and saving throws instead of a customized d20 roll as appropriate. (Perhaps with a drop-down menu to call on the roll type)
8. In the same vein, unless these options are easily implemented, then skills should be in the encounter tab, not in their own tab.
Some tables use more than 3 hero points, an option to adjust this number in sheet settings is requested.
9. The Resistances and Weaknesses notes should instead hold different tabs of complex resistances and weaknesses.
10. Custom Conditions need mechanisms to apply coded penalties to other stats. For example, to create an automated rage, or an automated inspire courage buff, which has tabs to direct buffs to specific stats. (The Pathfinder Community sheet for PF1E had such features).
11. I figure you will code spells to do execute programmed damage in the future, I’d like to request leveled spell options, automating what dice to use depending on the spell’s level. For example a spell like acidic burst could be set to level 1, deal 2d6 damage, then be set to level 2, and do 4d6 damage.

Plane wrote:

It's possible to fit everything a character can do including attacks, spells, feats, and items on a single page without resorting to tabs. The amount of wasted space on the sheet is a non-starter. The icons for the actions on this sheet indent their section which eliminates a significant vertical block of real estate in a prime location.

For my preference, a superior design is to use tabbed sections to enter feat, skill, attack, and spell choices, but then consolidate the outputs of those onto a Play tab with hover-over or drill-in information. During play, you rarely need to navigate the character sheet, because everything you need to see is on the main Play tab for you. My preference is the information. I don't care about graphics. They waste space that could be used for information.

And frankly this: Nice graphics are nice, but efficient UI is ultimately more important. In practical play, I'd rather have to navigate as few tabs as possible, and ideally one tab should cover the majority of actual game time.

The old PF2E sheet already showed us that you can fit plenty of information on one tab.

Personally if anything, the old sheet would be fine, but it just needs better automation options, like customized coded buffs and debuffs (like toggling rage and adding all of its modifiers. The PF1E Community Sheet had this exact feature, and boy have I been missing it in PF2E.), leveled spell options (So I don't have to have a different version of a spell in my spell list per Rank, nor have to update each of my cantrips and focus spells every time I gain a Spell Rank), and an activities table near the actions table so I don't have to switch to my feats tab to access them.

LesC wrote:

I haven't yet had a look at the preview of the new sheet and accept that there may be changes to it. I have had a look at the brief video and have a comment on that and also a couple of requests/questions on future development.

1 The video show the character sheet and refers to "Savings Throws", this should, of course, be "Saving Throws". I'm surprised that this wasn't picked up long before the video was prepared.

2 I hope that the revised sheet will include an option to use either Original PF2E or Remastered as use of the Remastered version is not mandatory.

3 As a regular player in Paizo's Pathfinder Society Organised Play games, will the new sheet support all of the OP inventory items? Some specialised items from Adventure Paths, scenarios, etc. do not currently appear in any of the books but may be given as Boons, or purchased with Achievement Points.

Thanks for your initial input, and looking forward to hearing more when you have a chance to look at the sheet preview! The sheet is still in development, but both of the features you mentioned are on our roadmap!

To help us track this feedback, please use the official feedback from. Access to the sheet preview and feedback link is available on the landing page (

-Roll20 Team

1 person marked this as a favorite.
moosher12 wrote:
Plane wrote:

It's possible to fit everything a character can do including attacks, spells, feats, and items on a single page without resorting to tabs. The amount of wasted space on the sheet is a non-starter. The icons for the actions on this sheet indent their section which eliminates a significant vertical block of real estate in a prime location.

For my preference, a superior design is to use tabbed sections to enter feat, skill, attack, and spell choices, but then consolidate the outputs of those onto a Play tab with hover-over or drill-in information. During play, you rarely need to navigate the character sheet, because everything you need to see is on the main Play tab for you. My preference is the information. I don't care about graphics. They waste space that could be used for information.

And frankly this: Nice graphics are nice, but efficient UI is ultimately more important. In practical play, I'd rather have to navigate as few tabs as possible, and ideally one tab should cover the majority of actual game time.

The old PF2E sheet already showed us that you can fit plenty of information on one tab.

Personally if anything, the old sheet would be fine, but it just needs better automation options, like customized coded buffs and debuffs (like toggling rage and adding all of its modifiers. The PF1E Community Sheet had this exact feature, and boy have I been missing it in PF2E.), leveled spell options (So I don't have to have a different version of a spell in my spell list per Rank, nor have to update each of my cantrips and focus spells every time I gain a Spell Rank), and an activities table near the actions table so I don't have to switch to my feats tab to access them.

Thanks for including all this feedback on our form! We're taking a look this alongside other submissions!

- Roll20 Team

Crouza wrote:
Ravien999 wrote:

Low key, I hate the look of it.

Part of the beauty of R20 and Foundry character sheets is that they resembled the physical sheet.

Its one thing to improve the automation and make everything work better.
But don't reinvent the wheel: present it in a form where people don't have to hunt for things

Interesting. I'm the opposite if I'm completely honest.

To me it's like imitation meat. I'd rather eat the beans, tofu, or veggies prepared in a nice way that makes them taste good, then to see them pressed, contorted, and mashed into a "close enough approximation" of something else. I don't like being sold 1 thing being making it look like it's something else that I actually like.

Much the same way, if I want something that looks like the physical sheet, I'd rather just use the physical sheet for the full experience. The lead smears from erasing and rewriting my ammo and hp. The feeling of the paper, the actual look of it changes depending on the light you have available.

Comparable, digital paper copies just don't feel good to me. If it's digital, I want the interface to be a good digital interface that takes advantage of what makes digital interfaces good. Sleek design, collapsible tabs, easy navigation, links that can jump you to other sections or open up book entries, etc.

Thanks for your feedback. Could you drop it here ( We're collecting all of it in one place. Thanks - Roll20 Team!

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