Gardens of Plenty

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Nixret sighed as she entered the expansive aviary, and immediately cringed at the cacophony of bird calls assaulting her pounding head. She—a kobold with mottled emerald and jade scales, dressed in the plain grays of a Pathfinder initiate—stood before one of the Scrolls’ many gardens of wonder, this one devoted to the production of feather tokens. Her task this morning, much to her dismay, was to tend to it. On her own.

“It’s not even a real garden,” she complained to no one in particular. “Why do they even call it that?” She took a seat on a decorative boulder, nursing her hangover from the night before, one she had yet to even sleep off. It made every merry tweet and call from the countless birds grate on her ears like sharp wire. “Oh, we have to sneak out for Longnight, they said. It’s completely different in the Foreign Quarter, they said. Master Shaine will never know, they said. Cowards. Didn’t even show up, and now I’m the one with extra chores.”

Illustration by Valeria Lutfullina
Skyreach, the central fortress of the Pathfinder Society’s Grand Lodge in Absalom and the tree-lined walkway leading up to it

She gave a brief snort. She’d been so sure that she’d been utterly silent when returning from the revelry of Longnight, but even as she surreptitiously crawled back into the initiate barracks, there Kreighton Shaine had been, sitting right on the other side of the open window. As initiates were not allowed off the grounds of the Grand Lodge except with permission, she had expected a scolding. What she got instead was a series of impromptu haiku, about birds of all things. And just when she thought the eccentric Dean of the Scrolls was going to let her off without even a warning, she was assigned to tend to… this. Alone.

Nixret sighed again as she looked at the countless birds before her. Usually, it took half a dozen initiates to tend to a garden of wonder. All alone, the exhausted kobold dragged herself off her rock and began to collect feathers from the ground.

The Scrollmaster, strange as he could be at times, was always very clear that the materials gathered from the gardens were to be carefully collected and sorted, as Pathfinder agents being sent out on missions would often receive them as gifts to help keep them safe. As she methodically picked up feather after molted feather, her thoughts turned to two and a half years ago, when Nixret, starry-eyed, had dreamed of being one of those adventurers. She’d left the Sewer Dragons to join the Society, practically shouting to the other kobolds that she’d become a legend by the time they saw her again.

She chuckled to herself, picking a golden feather from the floor. “I expected danger and discovery, not lectures and chores. Yet here I am, cleaning up after a flock of enchanted birds.” She shook her head, though immediately regretted the act thanks to her headache. “Hardly the work of a hero-to-be.”

Still. She knew that the agents really did depend on these materials, and even though the task was tedious, she did not want to let them down. After all, within the coming year she would have her own initiation, and then, finally, she would be the one on heroic adventures, her name read across the lands in one of the Chronicles.

Perhaps, though, until then she’d think twice about sneaking out. Master Shaine might be permissive, but he also has an infuriating tendency to be exactly where you least expect to find him. And tending to squawking birds while hungover was worse than any angry lecture she could have imagined.

Josh Foster
Pathfinder Society Developer

Kreighton Shane, the elven Master of Scrolls of the Pathfinder Society, reads from a large tome covered in eyes.

Illustration by Carol Azevedo


So, people have asked me “Will Pathfinder Society players get to use the Gardens of Wonder from Pathfinder Treasure Vault? The answer is “You already have been the entire time!” In PFS, every character gets some free consumables for each adventure, usually from the Pathfinder school they’re associated with (Scrolls, Spells, or Swords). These consumables don’t carry over between adventures and are provided so that adventuring Pathfinders always have a little something extra beyond their standard kit, essentially drawing from Gardens built and funded by the Pathfinder Society. The expiration date and non-transferrable nature of the consumables help encourage PCs to use them rather than selling them into the “weapon upgrade slush fund” or holding onto them so long that they pass the level range in which the items would be most useful.

What this all means is that Pathfinder Society players got Gardens of Wonder way before everyone else! “But Mike,” you say, “School consumables in PFS last the whole session and Garden of Wonder consumables last a day, how could these be the same thing?” The answer is that the limitations on how long the consumables last is something that every GM can, and should, feel free to adjust for their players based on the type of game they run. PFS consumables essentially last for “one 4-hour gaming session”, a unit of measurement that’s standardized for organized play, but which doesn’t necessarily work with the playstyles or gaming sensibilities of every home group. If the way PFS handles things fits the adventures you run better than the default presented, use it! They’re the same concept with the same goals, just tailored for different purposes. Don’t be afraid to make the game your own!

Michael Sayre
Design Manager
Paizo Inc.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios

11 people marked this as a favorite.

"Don’t be afraid to make the game your own!" -Michael Sayre

(wipes away tears sitting on pile of wahtzee. rolls d20. smiles)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

This is truly a wonderful story and a wonderful sentiment.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Beautiful writing, and lovely blog post!

Envoy's Alliance 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Also wondering what kind of task the other initiates got upon their return without their hangovers..."

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

Lovely, and a very Shaine kind of punishment.

Horizon Hunters 5/5 5/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oar remembers little Nixret. Oar is happy that she followed Oar in helping the Pathfinder Society, and hopes that Oar and Nixret meets in the future on some adventure.

Ah, the wonder and serenity of the Garden brings a tear to Oar's eye, to here the bird song once again when Oar returns to the Lodge at some point is something to look forward to.

Grand Archive 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Zot tells Nixret, "Stay in until your initiation, and then you too can be a mighty dragon in the Pathfinder Society!"

Zot likes the Pathfinder Society, because the Society offers her the very best minions to accompany her on missions for Fame and Treasure.

Sovereign Court 1/5 **** Venture-Captain, Indiana—Indianapolis

Hopefully we'll see Nixret in the future!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Is Nixret supposed to be an iconic? If so, what class and ancestry?

Horizon Hunters **

2 people marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:

Is Nixret supposed to be an iconic? If so, what class and ancestry?

I believe Nixret was created just for this story, but she may have made a cameo earlier that I can't recall. She's a kobold from the Sewer Dragon tribe.

If you're unaware, the Sewer Dragons reside under Absalom. You meet them in a few scenarios from PFS1 and again 2-05 from PFS2. They're extremely close with the Pathfinder Society, and it's not uncommon for members to become Pathfinders.

Horizon Hunters 5/5 5/5 ***

Oh yes. Oar's home is with the Sewer Dragons of Absalom. Yiddlepod personally told Oar to join the Pathfinder Society, as my curse of everlasting life would help our new allies.

Oar wanders home every now and again while in Absalom, meeting new Dragon kin such as myself and Nixret, and tells Yiddlepod of my adventures. Oar is glad that fellow Sewer Dragons compatriots have joined Oar in joining the Pathfinder Society.


someone has to protect the underbelly of Absalom, so just keep the not-so-secret under your Hats.

"Starling, it's not myna bird but it could be in passerine(g)"

Horizon Hunters 5/5 5/5 ***

First rule of Shadow Absalom.

Do not talk about Shadow Absalom.

Rule two. See rule one.

Oar knows all about protecting the underbelly. Oar also misses Hats. *sniff*

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