Things to Do at PaizoCon Online 2021

Friday, May 7, 2021

PaizoCon is nearly here! On the Organized Play front, we’ll have nearly 1000 tables of Pathfinder Society, Starfinder Society and the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society! In addition to a host of old favorites for all our active programs, we’ve got some exciting new releases that can be played for the first time at PaizoCon Online 2021. Players can sign up for all our tables over on the PaizoCon Warhorn.

Paizo Golem Vigilant with a headset and mic over the paizocon online text logo

Starfinder Society is launching its Year 4 storyline with Starfinder Society Intro: Year of the Data Scourge, where players will battle across Absalom Station as it’s attacked by hostile robots. New players and characters alike can jump right into our intergalactic adventures with this scenario! Rookie Starfinders can also play Starfinder Society Intro #1: The First Test to learn about the Society and its goals, or check out Starfinder Society Intro #2: For the Factions to meet the faction leaders, including a new face…

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Society is capping off its time in the sun with PACS 7-99: Ripples of Turmoil. This interactive special by Ron Lundeen premieres at PaizoCon Online and will allow players to see the adventures of the past several years from a brand-new angle. It promises to be something you’ve never seen before in the Adventure Card Society!

Pathfinder Society (second edition) players will get to experience the new releases for May for the first time. In PFS 2-19: Enter the Pallid Peak, agents will explore a newly-uncovered dwarven complex near a volcano. PFS 2-20: Breaking the Storm: Bastion in Embers begins to close the Year of Corruption’s Reach storyline, as the Society gathers its allies to defeat an ancient evil that’s struck close to home. Finally, Pathfinder Bounty 10: Hillcross Roundup will ask the PCs to locate a missing dinosaur and return them safely home.

Pathfinder Society (first edition) players have plenty of scenarios on offer as well, featuring repeatable favorites, stories that tie into the current arcs for Second Edition play, and multi-part arcs that you can fully experience in just one weekend!

If all that wasn’t enough, we have a veritable bounty of author tables and other special events; check out this blog post for a full list. There’s something for everyone at our PaizoCon Online game tables. We look forward to seeing you online!

Interested in activities other than games? Check out our Twitch panel schedule! We’ve got a mix of multi-person panels about upcoming products, interviews with individual Paizo staffers, and some fan favorites like Secrets of … and Ask the Experts for both Pathfinder and Starfinder—plus, the debut of the next two One-Shot adventures. Join 2Kings Entertainment as they present Band on the Run Friday night at 6pm, then come back Saturday at 6pm for Dinner at Lionlodge, presented by Glass Cannon Podcast.

Over on the Paizo Events Discord, we’ve got channels for continuing the discussion on each PaizoCon panel, as well as for panels from third party producers and licensed partners. Check out the #giveaway channel for chances to win swag from our licensed partners. Paizo Staff will be in the channels chatting with attendees from 10am to 6pm every day of the convention. To complete the convention feel, we’ve got #cafe and #bar, where you can hang out with your friends and chat about the day’s activities.

You can experience the entire convention by signing up on Warhorn, then joining us on Discord. The convention has a $25 fee to cover expenses, but we have a limited number of sponsored badges available for attendees unable to afford the fee. Email with your Warhorn registration information if you would like to request a sponsored badge.

Alex Speidel
Organized Play Associate

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Conventions Organized Play Paizo PaizoCon PaizoCon 2021 Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society
Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

New wayfinder magazine?

I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready.

Shadow Lodge

Laclale♪ wrote:
New wayfinder magazine?

There is one

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Last online Paizo Con (...unless it was GenCon online?) a number of Paizo People had #AMA channels set up - and they were awesome. I can certainly appreciate how those channels must take a lot of energy and mental bandwidth, during what is already a very demanding time, though! Anyways, if anyone set up an #AMA again, you'd have at least one fan :)

Maybe I'm being blind, but I don't actually see mention of when PaizoCon is, in this article??

Grand Lodge

Linked in the first paragraph.

Ramanujan wrote:
Maybe I'm being blind, but I don't actually see mention of when PaizoCon is, in this article??

May 28 - 31

Sovereign Court Organized Play Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kishmo wrote:
Last online Paizo Con (...unless it was GenCon online?) a number of Paizo People had #AMA channels set up - and they were awesome. I can certainly appreciate how those channels must take a lot of energy and mental bandwidth, during what is already a very demanding time, though! Anyways, if anyone set up an #AMA again, you'd have at least one fan :)

We have some staff AMAs in the Discord!

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