Your Character, Your Dice, Your Way

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Hello friends far and wide!

We are very excited to be given the opportunity to partner with Paizo, and knew we had to try something new with it, though at that stage we were unsure what that would be. After we had met with the Paizo team for the first time, and the creative juices were flowing, the idea of doing something big for Pathfinder Second Edition kicked in. We had an interesting thought: what if you could truly, completely customize your dice to your character? Not only by selecting dice colors that match the color palette of your character but also unique glyphs to represent their class, their abilities, their weapons, and their choice of spells.

Introducing Adventurer’s Curated Dice Collection by Level Up Dice - a customizable dice set that fits all of your character needs. A way to not only purchase the specific dice you need to make the most out of your hard earned gold, but also a way to curate a set for your wizard with force damage d4’s and fire damage d6’s, or your ranger with their sword d12 and bow d8 (including the deadly d10!)

The first step in fleshing out this idea was taking in the sheer scale of this project. Level Up Dice decided: if we’re going to create something completely new, we have to do this the right way. Now, to do this and to limit risk we need to use a material we’re familiar with and is highly customizable, which is where we decided on aluminum. It allows us to make the 200+ highly detailed glyphic designs we need to implement this new system properly. This also contributes to working toward the goal of doing this across multiple materials... (hint hint)

image of a set of rogue dice in colors black, green, red, and blue

Alex’s rogue set

To show you exactly what we mean, we’ve taken Alex, the CEO and mastermind behind LUD, and made a set specifically for his rogue he’s playing: two rogue d20’s, three precision damage d6’s to cover the sneak attack, and two knife d4’s for their dual weilding daggers. It's all he needs, no fluff, no dice sitting in the corner of the tray unused!

Once this process was extended to the whole team the excitement was palpable, and we will be sharing our teams sets with you all very soon! For now, the one thing we found incredible and something we thought would get you excited is that we have a potential of over 8,000 dice to choose from in this initial launch alone! Below, we’ve displayed a small selection of these dice for you to see!

Grid of different dice options, listed left to right in five rows of five. Row one: Green Barbarian D20, Blue Sword D12, Red Druid D20, Green Flail D8, Blue Bard D20. Row two: Red Chaotic D6, Blue wizard D20, Green Witch - Hero D20, Grey Brawling D6, Red Bleed D6. Row three, Grey fighter D20, Green Spear D8, Red Dart D6, Blue sling D6, Blue staff D4. Row four: Green magic missile D4, Blue Oracle - hero D20, Green mental D6, Grey rogue - hero D20, Green Acid D12. Row five: blue Healing D4, Red burning hands D6, grey damage D8, blue Cold D12, red ranger D20

With so many options, we knew almost immediately that the best way to bring this to all of you would be with a Kickstarter. It was the only way to properly manage the myriad factors in a project of this scale. So, what now?

We launched our Kickstarter today, January 12, and we want you to join us on this journey! You can click here to check it out, and we can’t thank you enough for doing so. It’s only through you, the player, that any of this is possible. So join us in spreading the news so that we can create and innovate with our partners at Paizo.
Thank you. You’ll hear more from us soon!

Level up dice banner with black and white D20 logo
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Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

1 person marked this as a favorite.

FYI- The year on this post is 2020, not 2021

4 people marked this as a favorite.

These dice are always go cool looking, but difficult to read and impractical :(

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A Paizo partnership Kickstarter. Hmmmm. Haven't had that good a batting average at project completion of those in the past.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Reckless wrote:

A Paizo partnership Kickstarter. Hmmmm. Haven't had that good a batting average at project completion of those in the past.

As of this moment... It's at like 81% funded with 29 days left.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
C4M3R0N wrote:
Reckless wrote:

A Paizo partnership Kickstarter. Hmmmm. Haven't had that good a batting average at project completion of those in the past.

As of this moment... It's at like 81% funded with 29 days left.

I think he means actually getting the product, not getting it funded.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They have been vetting these partners a lot more closely after these couple of failures.

Marketing & Media Manager

Kaelizar wrote:
FYI- The year on this post is 2020, not 2021

Correcting. Thanks.

Oh, I see the business model for these dice:

"Buy a new set of dice at individual die prices every time you create a new character."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you did build a standard set of 7, you are getting them for the same price that Level Up Dice currently sells a standard set of anodized Aluminum , but the benefit to this is that you get to select glyphs for each piece to represent your class, weapons, spells etc and you can mix and match the colors you want for each individual die.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

They are funded!

"Stretch Goal UNLOCKED!

When at the checkout you will now be able to include a percentile die in your purchases - inspired by pie. A percentile pie ... or maybe a pie-centile die... who knows.

If you haven't gotten to it yet, no worries. Also our Early Bird Special is still available for a limited time"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So in order to play Pathfinder 2e with 1 single die for each damage type you need to spend 2500$ right?

I'm out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Would love for them to do a DM set.

Edit: Nevermind too expensive for my blood.

Silver Crusade

demlin wrote:

So in order to play Pathfinder 2e with 1 single die for each damage type you need to spend 2500$ right?

I'm out.

If you really wanted to for whatever reason.

Nowhere are you required to.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Reckless wrote:

A Paizo partnership Kickstarter. Hmmmm. Haven't had that good a batting average at project completion of those in the past.

Hmm Let's see (in no particular order)

Kingmaker MMO/Emerald Spire - MMMO was a bust but the adventure and associated materials were delivered.

Kingmaker singleplayer - delivered

Wrath of the Righteous singleplayer - in progress

Kingmaker P2 update - in progress

Pathfinder Seoni statue and comic collections - I got all my comics (never heard anything about the statue, good or bad so I'm assuming they were delivered)

Starfinder Miniatures - lol

Sandy Peterson's Cthulhlu Mythos for Pathfinder - delivered

Pathfinder Q-Workshop metal dice - delivered

*Kingdom Death 1.5 - progressing at a pace expected, haven't gotten the Pathfinder minis yet, but we will

*Vampire Hunter D - main product and Pathfinder supplement delivered

*Niobe - main product and Pathfinder supplement delivered

These are just the ones I've backed, there might be others that I was unaware of. But out of 11, 6 have been delivered and 3 more have legitimate expectations of being delivered. I got my copy of Emerald Spire so I consider that venture a success more or less, a tentative 9.5 out of 11?

Dark Archive

With the Guns and Gears playtest going on, are there Gunslinger/inventor/Gun/Gear themed options available?

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Tomppa wrote:
With the Guns and Gears playtest going on, are there Gunslinger/inventor/Gun/Gear themed options available?

I don't think so, but I don't know all their stretch goals. They are now a licensed partner, this relationship will continue and grow.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
no good scallywag wrote:
These dice are always go cool looking, but difficult to read and impractical :(

For this reason I tend to only have fancy d20s. All my other dice are color coded for their type and have easy to read faces, such that adding them up when I roll a bunch at once is quite easy.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Stretch Goal Unlocked!

You can now get your class D20 in 35mm at checkout!

We're bringing our stretch goals into $5000 increments - meaning we're now less than $5000 from Dual Coloured Dice!

You can curate your adventurer's dice, your way by visiting"

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