Band of Bravos Podcast!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Paizo Band of Bravos graphic featuring  a halfling druid in blue robes, a wizard in green robes, a tengu swashbuckler in a brightly colored cloak. and a white haired half-elf bard

Paizo’s official Pathfinder Second Edition live-play show, Band of Bravos, is coming to your ears as an audio podcast! Listen to the first three episodes now and hear new episodes every week. It's a great opportunity to jump in at the beginning of the story.


Band of Bravos is a TTRPG show with a cast of Paizo employees to show you how much fun you can have playing Pathfinder. Our intrepid band of adventurers are:

  • Web Content Manager Maryssa Lagervall as Ilana Thistlefoot, Halfling Druid
  • Social Media Producer Payton Smith as Lorn Barnes, Human Wizard
  • Developer Jason Keeley as Roark Thunderbird, Tengu Swashbuckler
  • Pathfinder Creative Director James Jacobs as Shensen, Half-Elf Bard
  • Director of Game Design Jason Bulmahn as the Game Master

If you prefer watching our show live, you can check us out on Twitch Fridays at 2 p.m. Pacific. And if you ever miss a stream, you can catch the latest episode on our official Youtube channel.

Consider this a podcast playtest. We offer a podcast version to make it easier to enjoy the show on the go. It is also an experiment with this medium for potential future projects. We need to know the best way to deliver our content to help you improve games, learn lore, and more. Numbers count, so if you like podcasts, listen. If you want more, let us know in the blog comments below or on social media.

We hope you enjoy the show on the go!

Payton Smith
Social Media Producer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Paizo Twitch Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition
Grand Archive

I love this! LOVE. THIS.

I really appreciate you all trying this format out. I know it's just a trial, but any chance the feed for the podcast will become available on other platforms? (I tried using the Soundcloud feed in my podcast app, Pocket Casts, and it didn't work...)

I'm currently listening, and loving everything I'm hearing! I can't wait to see how this grows!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:

Awesome news. I just cant sit in front of a computer watching video that long. I have a five hour commute twice a week though. Actual Play podcasts are a dream for that!

Hopefully it will show up on my podcast player soon...

Thanks very much for this!

For me it's the exact opposite. I watch this on my TV, via the Twitch app on my FireTV just like any old TV show. I don't really have a use for podcasts though, because I can't just sit down and just listen and do nothing else for hours, and I don't have a long commute and I prefer to read a book on the tram.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are there any plans to add an RSS feed for folks who use other podcasting apps?

These are great news!

I use to hear actual play Pathfinder 2nd Edition podcasts while I commute to or from work and even while working and I'm always looking for new interesting games to hear.

Band of Bravos looks very interesting and as a podcast I'm surely following it. The only thing is... Can you make it available for other platforms like Google Podcasts which is the one I use?


I second the request above. I listen to a ton of podcast, including TTRPG ones, but I use a podcast app for it (Player FM). I'd appreciate an RSS feed to import and listen the podcast there!

Zaister wrote:

For me it's the exact opposite. I watch this on my TV, via the Twitch app on my FireTV just like any old TV show. I don't really have a use for podcasts though, because I can't just sit down and just listen and do nothing else for hours, and I don't have a long commute and I prefer to read a book on the tram.

The thing is, podcasts aren't really there for you to sit down and do nothing, they're there to fill exactly the times when you want to listen to something but got your hands full, be it during commute, drawing (if you're an artist like me) or doing chores at home.

rooty wrote:
The thing is, podcasts aren't really there for you to sit down and do nothing, they're there to fill exactly the times when you want to listen to something but got your hands full, be it during commute, drawing (if you're an artist like me) or doing chores at home.

I know nothing about podcast figures but I know audiobook sales dropped below toilet level when people stopped commuting for work-from-home. I agree that I listen to podcasts when I'm doing other things like exercise. I rarely sit down and reserve exclusive time for them.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
rooty wrote:
Zaister wrote:

For me it's the exact opposite. I watch this on my TV, via the Twitch app on my FireTV just like any old TV show. I don't really have a use for podcasts though, because I can't just sit down and just listen and do nothing else for hours, and I don't have a long commute and I prefer to read a book on the tram.
The thing is, podcasts aren't really there for you to sit down and do nothing, they're there to fill exactly the times when you want to listen to something but got your hands full, be it during commute, drawing (if you're an artist like me) or doing chores at home.

Well, I for one, can't concentrate enough on listening when doing something else that needs attention.


Anyone having issues finding this in iTunes' podcast app?

I would also appreciate an RSS link. Thanks!

I really appreciate you guys making this available, as it's the only way I'm able to experience the game (on the go). Already listened to the first one, and it's great!

Dark Archive

I prefer watching the episodes, and Jason's gorgeous maps are one of the (many) reasons why I'm attracted to the show.

I've probably asked this before, but I wonder if Paizo (or Jason himself) might eventually publish those maps as PDF bundles? I know Jason has made tilesets that can be purchased, but I'm an "old skool" kind of GM who does not understand much about these online applications, nor do I wish to
But let's say there would be bundles of digital Buhlman maps ("Buhlman's Bundles"?) on sale, maybe even broken down into sets by episodes, e.g. 'Episodes 1-6', 'Episodes 7-12' etcetera... now *that* would be another matter, I would buy them instantly. The duergar fortress, the iron mine, the temple of slime... those are just a couple of examples of the fantastic maps designed by Jason I'd like to get into my grubby dwarven hands! ;)

Vigilant Seal

Please, an RSS link would be amazing. I can't spot it in my favorite podcast app and it's kind of cruel to force us to download another app just to listen to the show.

Dark Archive

This is super exciting! Thanks for making this, and making it available as a podcast.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Asgetrion wrote:

I prefer watching the episodes, and Jason's gorgeous maps are one of the (many) reasons why I'm attracted to the show.

I've probably asked this before, but I wonder if Paizo (or Jason himself) might eventually publish those maps as PDF bundles? I know Jason has made tilesets that can be purchased, but I'm an "old skool" kind of GM who does not understand much about these online applications, nor do I wish to
But let's say there would be bundles of digital Buhlman maps ("Buhlman's Bundles"?) on sale, maybe even broken down into sets by episodes, e.g. 'Episodes 1-6', 'Episodes 7-12' etcetera... now *that* would be another matter, I would buy them instantly. The duergar fortress, the iron mine, the temple of slime... those are just a couple of examples of the fantastic maps designed by Jason I'd like to get into my grubby dwarven hands! ;)

The tilesets are available as pure image files on DriveThruRPG. They are not published by Paizo, so if you want a different packaging, you might need to ask Jason directly.

Dark Archive

Elfteiroh wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:

I prefer watching the episodes, and Jason's gorgeous maps are one of the (many) reasons why I'm attracted to the show.

I've probably asked this before, but I wonder if Paizo (or Jason himself) might eventually publish those maps as PDF bundles? I know Jason has made tilesets that can be purchased, but I'm an "old skool" kind of GM who does not understand much about these online applications, nor do I wish to
But let's say there would be bundles of digital Buhlman maps ("Buhlman's Bundles"?) on sale, maybe even broken down into sets by episodes, e.g. 'Episodes 1-6', 'Episodes 7-12' etcetera... now *that* would be another matter, I would buy them instantly. The duergar fortress, the iron mine, the temple of slime... those are just a couple of examples of the fantastic maps designed by Jason I'd like to get into my grubby dwarven hands! ;)

The tilesets are available as pure image files on DriveThruRPG. They are not published by Paizo, so if you want a different packaging, you might need to ask Jason directly.

Okay, I hope he sees this; I hate to ping busy people such as Jason to request something. Now, if it were possible to get his notes on some of the locations, that'd be priceless. Some map designers have published map "folios" that contain about a page's worth of quick notes about each location (e.g. "Room 11. Used to be a shrine of Gorum, now it is decerated. Three orc brutes with no treasure."). However, 'Band of Bravos', 'Knights of Everflame' and 'Oblivion Oath' are all fantastic campaigns that (IMO) deserve to be published as full-length books. I honestly wish that will happen some day... :)

Social Media Producer

Tonatiuh Ramírez wrote:
Please, an RSS link would be amazing. I can't spot it in my favorite podcast app and it's kind of cruel to force us to download another app just to listen to the show.

Here ya go! Sorry, we're taking things slow due to the time we have available to us. And we seemed to have missed this step.

Vigilant Seal

Perfect, thank you! Just typed it in and it appears in my podcast app now.

Thank you!

Vigilant Seal

Any chance you guys are going to do more adventuring? During covid this has been really nice change of pace and a comfort during the week.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ellorian J Waystar wrote:
Any chance you guys are going to do more adventuring? During covid this has been really nice change of pace and a comfort during the week.

I'd LOVE to play more—had lots of fun both playing Shensen and playing with the other folks, but at this point there are no plans to continue the story. If there's a lot of folks asking for a second season of Band of Bravos, we'll see, but at this point the answer is no.

Is it me, or did the episodes disappear from the feed? I can only get the last episode in Pocketcast.

Also please continue this. It is awesome! And a great PF2 showcase.

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