Thanks, everyone! I was trying to find the sheets on those pages, and for some reason didn't see them on other APs...but wonder now if I just didn't look at, say, the Strength of Thousands page to confirm. I'll double-check. That said, I still think Edgewatch would be perfect for PFS sanctioning, since it does immediately solve the "treasure" problem.
Perhaps this was something I only dreamt, or was only a component of 1E, but I thought Second Edition APs were authorized for organized play use? If so, where does one find the reporting sheets and information for them? If not, have APs ever been authorized for organized play? Just curious...I would love to run Agents of Edgewatch as an organized play campaign since that automatically takes care of the whole "treasure" conundrum with that adventure.
I did think it was interesting that all of the one-shots were level 3 or higher. At first I found it frustrating as a way of introducing new players, but as I mentioned in my original post, it proved to be fantastic for slotting into an ongoing campaign (granted, that meant not using the pre-gen characters, but I made it work!). I still need to read Mark of the Mantis, but bought it immediately because it looked so cool!
I've really enjoyed all of the official Pathfinder One-Shots released so far (especially Dinner at Lionlodge, which I wrapped as a sidequest into my Extinction Curse campaign!). I haven't seen any announcements for future this line dead? On hiatus? Anyone know if more of these will be coming out?
Alex Speidel wrote: You should be able to go in and delete it, but in this particular case I think your player already contacted me and I deleted them. If you have any issues like this in the future that you can't fix, you can email me at orgplayreportingerrors[at]paizo[dot]com. Thanks, Alex! I appreciate the help, and glad the player already reached out as well.
I (GM) recently ran PFS (2E) scenario #3-18 at my local game store. When I went to report it, though, the reporting form on the site kept glitching when I clicked "Submit" (it would say it couldn't find a character and then automatically bump me out of the form). A few days later, one of my players messaged me to note that I had reported the game three times. What do I do in this situation? Is there a way to cancel the other two reports? I couldn't find any info in the FAQ about this specific issue.
I have been running the first book of Outlaws of Alkenstar on Foundry, and love, love, LOVE this premium product so far! The attention to detail, such as adding the chart from the Gamemastery Guide for the Tetanis chart is just amazing. However, tonight, while loading up the Wailing Scrapyard map, I noticed that the environmental animation for the pool east of the entrance has a bug where it will flash black at the end of its animation cycle. Is this just an error on my end, or have others encountered this as well? If so, is there a fix? I couldn't find an option in the map settings to turn off that animation, and I can't find a way to "move" or delete the animation either.
I've searched around for an answer to this and can't seem to find anything, so here goes:
I have all this "stuff" I want to use, but wasn't sure if it was allowed in Organized Play or not. Help!
I can't believe it took me so long to notice these, but it appears since Lost Omens: Legends a fun comment has been left after the "Printed in China" indicia on the copyright page at the end. Anyone talked about these yet? Most seem fun and related generally to the theme of the book—BUT, the one included in the Absalom book is really fascinating! It reads, "Lord Synarr is not who he says he is!" Thoughts?
Are there any plans to offer "official" class-specific character sheets for the Magus and Summoner (and presumably other upcoming classes specific to future rulebooks like Guns & Gears) like those offered in the Character Sheet Pack and the APG Character Sheet Pack? I love these sheets, and find them helpful for new players, too, since they provide guidance on creating and leveling up. Is Paizo planning on developing a "Future Rulebook Character Sheet Pack" or some-such?
What others have said: basically, I am SOOOOOOOO happy to see official Paizo support for Foundry. Bounties seem like the perfect way to "test the water" here, and the community effort to build and perfect the PF2 system in Foundry is absolutely stellar. (I would go so far as to say, it's the best of any system on Foundry at the moment, both in terms of visuals and function). I picked up a Bounty to test it out. Well done, all around! The import was smooth, I love how it divides up everything into unique folders (since I have other PFS material in this world), and to answer a previous question, everything is here - no need to buy the PDF. All the text, images, handouts,'s all contained. One could easily buy this, import, and be up and running in a matter of minutes. Keep it coming, Paizo! Even if the next step is official one-shots like Sundered Waves or Maelstrom, that would be great. Understandably, APs would be a boon, but I'm loving everything so far. I'll just put this out there: if you make Foundry-ready map packs, I'll give you all of my money!
I know Logan recently said on Know Direction that the Bestiary 3 will be the last of the "core" GM-facing books and the last of an "unthemed" Bestiary collection for PF2. Considering how amazing the Bestiary Battle Cards have been thus far, I am curious if those will be offered for the third book as well? I can't find any mention of them forthcoming in 2021...
Zaister wrote:
Thanks, Zaister! So, more geared towards VTT's then, it sounds like.
In the Crafting and Treasure chapter, when it reviews the standard item statblock, it mentions the Item Level listing but notes that any character of any level can still use that item. The phrasing is "the level indicates what level of adventurer the item is best suited for," but stresses there is no limit. The example given is "a 3rd-level character who finds an item of 4th level or higher while adventuring can use it normally." Does this suggest that, practicality aside, a 1st-level character could use an 11th-level item if found?
Looking over your wonderful suggestions, @Sethbrown, and I think I can definitely tweak the sheet to incorporate a bracket where needed (not sure why I didn't put one there originally). And a great point about the Armor Proficiency: I *think* I can get rid of the "notes" section under Saving Throws, move Perception up into that space, and then shift Weapon Proficiencies over to make a same-sized box for Armor Proficiencies. I'll try it out over the next few weeks and see if it works. Thanks, again!
Thanks for all the great feedback, @Sethbrown! I'll take a gander at your recommendations when I get a chance. I did want to pop in here to post that I finally made a form-fillable version, too. Here is the link: Oh, and honestly, I am not sure why I went with landscape format. I think I just wanted it to sit on the table a little more easily and not extend upward into the play area too much. Strange? Perhaps. :)
I have this idea for an adventure I want to run that is set in a city built to a scale for only small creatures. The idea is that if my PCs build mainly Medium-sized characters, they will have to squeeze through everywhere in the city - fun, right?! (The spaces are essentially no more than 6 feet wide.) Yet, in looking through the new 2E rulebook, I am not finding specific rules for something like this in Chapter 9. Apart from the "Narrow Surfaces" rule, or the Environment tables in Chapter 10, I'm not really seeing anything. How would you all handle this? Run everything at disadvantage? Use the Crowd setting throughout? Advise me, please!
Hi Everyone, I designed an A5 size (approximately 5x8") character sheet to print out on cardstock and keep in my gaming notebook. In designing these, I strove for legibility and a clean layout that puts the core information on each page. I thought I would share it here in case anyone else is interested or might find this useful. If so, or if you have feedback or comments, please let me know! Download a PDF of the A5 Character Sheet If I have time in the near future, I will make a form-fillable version of this as well.
HELP - I am confused: I am creating a Champion (Liberator) with the Deity's Domain feat at Level 1. The description states to choose of the deity's domains (in my case, Sarenrae) from those listed on page 441, and you gain the initial domain spell as a devotion spell. Okay, easy enough. I choose "fire" and the initial domain spell is "Fire Ray." But when I go to the spell chapter and look through it to find Fire Ray, it's nowhere to be found. What am I missing here?
takai wrote:
I second (or third?) this request, as I love the spell cards produced for 5E. That being said, to your point @Technotrooper, I feel the new 2E Character Sheet Pack with class-specific sheets kind of solves the Feat issue, since it lists the feats for each class on the second page (which is super handy!).
This is perhaps a dumb question, but I am reading through the new 2E Rulebook, and when reading the possible choice of heritages for Elves, the "Seer Elf" states they are granted the ability to cast detect magic as a cantrip. However, what if a Seer Elf is selected for a Class without spellcasting abilities. Would that character still be able to cast just this one cantrip? Or would it be null? Sign in to create or edit a product review. |