Paizo stands in solidarity with our Black colleagues, contributors, and fellow gamers in the fight for racial justice in the United States and across the world. We mourn the deaths of George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless other Black Americans killed by law enforcement. We at Paizo support everyone's right to protest injustice and demand accountability without harassment of any sort.
Paizo is committed to working to eliminate prejudice in the world—as well as in our own games and stories. We know that our community has grown richer as our staff, pool of contributors, and audience have grown more racially diverse. But it’s still not enough. Increasing inclusion and representation is an ongoing process, and an absolutely critical one—not just for our game company, but for our industry and all of us who value human lives and decency.
If we stand together, we can make a lasting change to the ingrained racism that has permeated our society for generations.
In the coming weeks, Paizo will spearhead a new charity fundraising initiative to directly support Black communities. We have a voice and an audience, and we intend to use both to provide aid where it is needed most. We hope you’ll join us in doing what must be done.
#justiceforgeorgefloydThe People of Paizo
Black Lives Matter
Thursday, June 4, 2020