Beasts of Legend

Monday, August 26, 2019

Here we are at the last preview of the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures set of pre-painted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen all the Huge creatures and the player character- and NPC-appropriate figures in the set, but we’ve still got some of the set’s most menacing foes to show off today!

First, let’s look at the Orc Brawler and Orc Warlord, rounding out Legendary Adventures’s five orc figures. The brawler, the third common orc in the set, will round out many GM’s warbands, and shows off the new orc knuckle dagger weapon that debuted in Pathfinder Second Edition earlier this month. The warlord, for his part, occupies a rare slot in the set, and features a blasting horn to rally the orc hordes against their foes—perhaps against the undead armies of the Whispering Tyrant.

Orc Brawler Orc Warlord

If you didn’t get enough undead in previous Pathfinder Battles sets, like the undead-heavy Ruins of Lastwall set that came out this spring, we’ve got a few more to collect next month! Among the many monsters in the Pathfinder Bestiary that got a makeover between editions were the shadow, wraith, and wight, which all appear in this set as Uncommon medium figures. We really wanted to accentuate the spectral nature of the shadow and wraith, and you’ll notice the miniatures use translucent plastic to give them an eerie sense of not being fully there. The wight, with its bright red eyes and imposing pose, can also serve as a unique skeletal champion among a party of lower-level, mindless undead.

Shadow Wraith Wight

Now that I’ve got that nightmare fuel firmly planted in your subconscious, how about an actual, literal nightmare? This Large rare figure is more than just the black horse with flaming hooves of past editions—it’s a horse corpse with a burning core of infernal flame. Whether that flame burns hotter than the hatred the beast feels for its rider’s enemies is something you’ll have to find out on your own, I just don’t recommend you find out the hard way.


Finally, we have the lonesome Yeti, a Large uncommon figure based on the new art in the Pathfinder Bestiary (which was itself based on the actual appearance of yetis in the real world). Don’t let this guy’s conehead fool you, though—he’s not from France, but he’d sure wreak havoc if let loose there!

It's a Yeti! Mouth open and snarling!'

And with that, we’ve now seen all 44 figures (and variants) in the set. Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures releases next month, and pre-orders and subscriptions are available right now. Secure your booster, brick, or case now and prepare for a life of legendary adventure!

Mark Moreland
Franchise Manager

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

After the relative disaster that was the Falling Star ship, the last thing I'm going to do is pay money for any type of Skyship. Granted, space adventures aren't my jam, so I likely wouldn't anyways. But the completionist-gene in me has been made dormant with all the non-monster incentives we've received over the years.

Still, looking beyond myself, it's pretty obvious they are popular with many other collectors. We've seen them increase in frequency in both the Icons line and Pathfinder Battles line. And I believe Wizards has already come out with their own terrain-type line, yes? So I do understand there is a major desire there.

At the end of the day, I just want more Gargantuan and/or Colossal-sized creatures. I don't really care how they get here. I bought that big Colossal-sized (I think) knight statue from Icons back in August, and it looks freakin' awesome. Imagine getting some actual creatures of that size to use in campaigns at the table?

I can't tell you how happy I am that Pathfinder is finally getting Huge-sized creatures. It's a big plus for me. Combined with the Huge-sized pieces from the Icons line, we should be able to cover many of the source books in that size in relatively little time. But there are still some Gargantuan-sized creatures that need to see the light of day. Not to mention the Colossal creatures.

As for the Starfinder minis... While I personally won't be buying cases, I'm hoping there are a few crossover monsters from both Starfinder and PF1 that show up in that set so I can cherry-pick them on here and from secondary shops. Again, I'm not completely familiar with the Alien Archive and other creature sources, but crossover is somewhat inevitable, I'd think. And a set like Starfinder would seem a perfect place to release more Lovecraft-like, weird-looking creatures that might not be as popular or fitting in the Pathfinder line. It could go a long way towards putting some of the more interesting looking creatures from the PF Bestiaries 2-6 line on our table.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

While I'm on the subject of Battles miniatures I'd really like to see made, let me state that at this point for Pathfinder 2, I'm going to need to see the Battles line actually try and support the PC-options provided to us in the source material.

The Legendary Adventures set is so appealing to me in part because of the lack of human pc-type miniatures. The old Wizards line started in 2003, I think. So that's like sixteen years or so of Human miniatures to draw on if we need a particular mini look from that race. If you really need a human PC and can't find one out there, you're probably not trying hard enough. Plus, there is always HeroForge or whatever, which appears to have more options for Humans than any other race.

Throughout Pathfinder 1, Paizo went crazy introducing many different non-human playable races in their source materials. Sadly, minis of certain races were never made. In fact, many of these races fell by the wayside from day one even in subsequent source material. How many options were made for Grippli's, for example, after they appeared in the Race Guide? Despite all the rules bickering and inconsistent balance issues throughout PF1's reign, I always felt like their biggest flaw was introducing some different--but interesting--material, then letting it hit the cutting room floor with seemingly little investment.

I'd like to see Pathfinder 2 avoid this mistake. If we're going to new ancestries in the coming books, how about we see them better represented in both source material and on our table in miniature form. I've not really been keeping up with news on forthcoming PF2 source material, but I've heard Leshies might be a playable ancestry at some point. Sounds totally awesome! So how about we get a few Leshy miniatures to reflect that?

In addition to more non-human playable PC-types, the Battles line for PF2 offers us a chance to catch up on some underrepresented creatures, like Plant and Fey-types. I feel like these creatures were all over the Adventure Paths and in the Bestiaries 2-6, but we rarely received plastic representatives. I think some of that was due to a lack of Huge-sized miniatures to represent many of the beautiful Huge plant creatures in the Bestiaries. But that shouldn't be much of a problem anymore.

As I'm looking through the PF2 Bestiary, I'm excited for some of the possibilities. I know that many people don't want to see too many recycled monsters when we are missing so many creatures from PF1 already. But I do think if Paizo is smart about their choices, it won't be too bad. While I like many of the PF1 Battles creatures we received, there is without a doubt a few from every set that seemed more letdown than anything. Releasing updated versions of these offers a chance to "redeem" the former release; Wizkids just needs to deliver on their end.

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Pigraven wrote:
After the relative disaster that was the Falling Star ship...

That's the only setting piece I have any use for (I think it was done exceptionally well!). May I ask what you didn't like about it?

Pigraven wrote:
I bought that big Colossal-sized (I think) knight statue from Icons back in August, and it looks freakin' awesome. Imagine getting some actual creatures of that size to use in campaigns at the table?

I agree. I accidentally bought two - totally impractical but a really cool iconic encounter, if I ever get a chance to use them. :)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I know it might make better sense for Paizo to continue to include playsets like the Goblin Village as incentive pieces over individual Gargantuan monsters. If the popularity of terrain and playset pieces trumps the general interest in one simple creature, it makes sense to continue down that path. Hopefully, Gargantuan and Colossal-sized miniatures can still see the light of day.

Here are a couple suggestions:

Cave Worms:

Cave worms are among some of the coolest looking Gargantuan creatures, and have long been one of the more popular creatures in fantasy games. The PF2 Bestiary lists three cave worms (pages 56-59), all of Gargantuan size. While all three of these creatures look awesome, I can't imagine it would be profitable to release three as incentives across three different Battles sets. As a collector of miniatures and cool looking things for my shelves in general, I'd gladly shell out $100.00 USD for a set of the three Gargantuan-sized cave worms.

If Paizo released a Pathfinder Battles: Cave Worms Creature Pack, or something of the like, I'd look for one of each in the box:
Azure Worm - x1
Crimson Worm -x1
Purple Worm -x1

This would give DMs and collectors alike a chance at three creatures not likely to otherwise see the light of day (at least in this size). The cost usually ends up being a bit cheaper whether using our Paizo Battles discount on this site, or through third-party online shops. So the functional price for many buyers wouldn't seem too outrageous. Besides, having a set of three awesome looking, Gargantuan-sized, uniquely looking cave worms to put out on general display in a game room would be spectacular.

Alternatively, you could make all three and sell them separately, letting buyers pick and choose. Depending on packaging logistics, this might be the better choice.


Linnorms are another immensely popular creature that play a prominent role in Pathfinder lore and the world of Golarion. Since I first started collecting Pathfinder miniatures, I've seen repeated requests for Linnorm miniatures. I've noticed in the PF2 Bestiary, there are four Linnorms listed (pages 224-227), all of Gargantuan size. Packaging all four Linnorms together seems like a packaging and pricing nightmare. But I could definitely see a release of 2 Gargantuan-sized Linnorms per box. Or even just each of the four Gargantuan-sized Linnorms released individually. I could see the following:

Pathfinder Battles: Linnorm set 1:
Crag Linnorm - x1
Ice Linnorm - x1

Pathfinder Battles: Linnorm Set 2:
Tarn Linnorm - x1
Tor Linnorm - x1

or, as I mentioned above, each one packaged individually.

Regardless, this would allow DM's and collectors alike to finally obtain long-sought miniature representations of some of the most prominent big bads in the Pathfinder (1 & 2) world. All without having to try and fit them in as incentive pieces for the regular Battles line.

I realize bigger-sized creature packs weren't a hit five or six years ago. But if the Icons line is over there selling Colossal-sized plastic knight statues, certainly there is an opportunity to try putting two sets of classic fantasy monsters out into the world.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
Pigraven wrote:
After the relative disaster that was the Falling Star ship...
That's the only setting piece I have any use for (I think it was done exceptionally well!). May I ask what you didn't like about it?

To be fair, I don't think the piece itself looks bad. I bought it but gave it to a friend's son that is currently obsessed with ships in general. (And because I needed the space). But I really don't have problems with the ship itself looks.

I guess I'm just basing it on the fact that most sites had it listed for roughly the suggested $250 during pre-sale and a week after release. There were exceptions, of course. Within two weeks on the market, though, it was still available on most sites, listed at most for $199.99 USD. It was routinely in the "On Sale" section in many sites for $174.99 or $179.99. I realize this is pretty much all anecdotal observation based on no actual sales figures. But I can't imagine the piece is selling too well given the huge decrease in price and frequent availability of the piece.

As nice a piece as it is, I'm not sure I'd pay over $150.00 if I could do it all over again. It does look nice, but some the pieces just felt too cheap in-hand.

I'd also like to point out that this was only ever seen as a collection piece for me. I knew going in I was never going to use it in a campaign. When it comes to any spatial-related pieces, like ships or cemeteries or the like, I've found it far more functional to just draw up my own 2-D maps or even use a Pathfinder 2-D map. The point I'm trying to make here is that I'm sure it could be a functional playing piece for the many folks out there that are more liberal with their use of terrain/sets.

Silver Crusade

Linnorm! Yesssssss

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Falling Star was indeed expensive, but it is really great for miniatures gaming sea adventures. I’m looking forward to the Skyship as well.

Pigraven wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Pigraven wrote:
After the relative disaster that was the Falling Star ship...
That's the only setting piece I have any use for (I think it was done exceptionally well!). May I ask what you didn't like about it?

To be fair, I don't think the piece itself looks bad. I bought it but gave it to a friend's son that is currently obsessed with ships in general. (And because I needed the space). But I really don't have problems with the ship itself looks.

I guess I'm just basing it on the fact that most sites had it listed for roughly the suggested $250 during pre-sale and a week after release. There were exceptions, of course. Within two weeks on the market, though, it was still available on most sites, listed at most for $199.99 USD. It was routinely in the "On Sale" section in many sites for $174.99 or $179.99. I realize this is pretty much all anecdotal observation based on no actual sales figures. But I can't imagine the piece is selling too well given the huge decrease in price and frequent availability of the piece.

As nice a piece as it is, I'm not sure I'd pay over $150.00 if I could do it all over again. It does look nice, but some the pieces just felt too cheap in-hand.

I'd also like to point out that this was only ever seen as a collection piece for me. I knew going in I was never going to use it in a campaign. When it comes to any spatial-related pieces, like ships or cemeteries or the like, I've found it far more functional to just draw up my own 2-D maps or even use a Pathfinder 2-D map. The point I'm trying to make here is that I'm sure it could be a functional playing piece for the many folks out there that are more liberal with their use of terrain/sets.

Cheers. Definitely share your preferences with the bolded. The ship just happens to be the exception for me. I appreciate the further explanation.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What's this about a skyship mini?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In the October shipping thread in the customer service forum, Sara Marie said we can get the ball rolling on our Legendary Adventures subscriptions if we are okay with the higher costs of shipping. If you are satisfied with the higher costs this time around, shoot off an email to customer service to let them know they can start the order and get it shipped out as soon as possible. Make sure you include the word Battles, Subscriptions and Legendary Adventures in the subject headline.

If you have a Battles subscription and want to figure out about how much the total shipping will be, add a case of Legendary Adventures to your cart, and the Goblin Village Incentive that comes with it. Go through the checkout process to Step 4 (Place Your Order). This will let you see what your shipping total is with the $10.00 Paizo shipping discount applied. Just make sure you don't hit the red Place Your Order button. Instead go back to Step 1 (Shopping Cart) and remove the items from your cart.

*Don't be alarmed at the higher subtotal. It will show higher this way because it's not an actual subscription, so the Goblin Village discount will only list at $69.99, (30% off), instead of the usual 75%. However, the shipping & handling total should come out about the same.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This information is intended to help fellow Battles subscribers regarding the Legendary Adventures case, Goblin Village set, and any choices he or she might need to make about one or both of these items. Obviously for folks in other areas of the United States, things will be different.

Location: Northeast Ohio (specifically, the Akron/Kent area)

Shipping Method Used: UPS Ground (1-5 business days, cheapest option available)

Scenario 1 = 2 Items/2 shipment packages:
Shipment 1: Legendary Adventures Case: $279.99 +($51.94 S&H)
Estimated Package Weight: 12 lbs.; Adjusted Dimensional Weight: 29 lbs.
Shipment 2: Legendary Adventures Incentive: $24.99 (+$28.97 S&H)
Estimated Package Weight: 4 lbs.; Adjusted Dimensional Weight: 12 lbs.

Subtotal: $304.98
Shipping & Handling: $80.91
Paizo Shipping & Handling Discount: -$10.00
Final Order Total = $375.89

Scenario 2 = 1 Item/1 shipment package:
Shipment 1: Legendary Adventures Case: $279.99 +($51.94 S&H)
Estimated Package Weight: 12 lbs.; Adjusted Dimensional Weight: 29 lbs.

Subtotal: $279.99
Shipping & Handling: $51.94
Paizo Shipping & Handling Discount: -$10.00
Final Order Total = $321.93

Summary/Thoughts: The Goblin Village adds an additional $28.97 in shipping & handling on top of the already steep $51.94 shipping charge for the Legendary Adventures Case. Add in the $24.99 Battles-subscriber cost of the Incentive itself, and that’s a total of $53.96 you can save by passing up on the set this time around. If you use dungeon dressing and set pieces, it’s possible you feel the extra cost is completely worth it. If, like me, you only use Creatures/PCs/NPCs in your campaign, you might decide it makes more sense to sit the Goblin Village out.

My total S&H for both was $20.71 after the discount. I'm in Washington State though, and it's via USPS.

Dark Archive

Singles are up in the dual fastest online store.
I bought the huge blue dragon, 1 Boar Demon & 1 Goblin chief.
Gonna wait till my 2 bricks & incentive will arrive in Germany for the rest.

Oddly the only mini which sold out (TWICE -once with the first offering and also with the restock) is the Pteranodon.

People really seem to want that one. :-)

In other news:
Wizkids will be beating Dwarven Forge as the largest pre-painted terrain supplier coming in may & june 2020.

While the two basic Dungeon Tiles sets will be out in may, june will bring 4 add-on sets:
-Stairs & ladders
-Summoning Circles (with LEDs)
-Dungeon Dressings

All look really really good and are affordable ($49.99 for most add-ons, $99.99 for the big starter pack)

Personally i think we won't be seeing Dungeon Dressing pieces for very long in future Pathfinder Battles sets, most people want creature minis and not a single crate or bed and Wizkids is now offering fixed sets of those.

Unfortunately i don't see the return to gargantuan creatures as a case incentive in the first half of 2020, but Wizkids have announced the return of BIG Dragon minis in the near future.

Dark Archive

The "Dungeon Tiles Advanced Starter set" has much more than double the pieces of the normal starter set and also quite a few exclusive ones (like four 4 x 4 inch tiles and a large door).
It has changed significantly from the first presentation and is now the set where you get much more for your bucks ($99.99 vs. $ $49.99 - may 2020).

-The four expansion packs coming out in june 2020 (Doors & Archways, Summoning Circles, Stairs & Ladders and Dungeon Dressings) will have removable clear bases and be compatible with all three connector systems and Dwarven Forge and all four cost only $39.99.
The new "Village & Country" Starter set will be $49.99.

-There will be BIG Dragons ppm coming out, the size indicated by Scott is either huge (3 x 3) or gargantuan (4 x 4), the later being more likely.

-Future Dungeon Dressing expansion packs will include lava & caverns. 

-The "Starfinder Battles" prepainted miniatures will be two Blister packs and don't have an exact release date yet (very probably coming in the second half of 2020)

-The prepainted D&D premium miniatures (one single mini in a blister for $7.99) second wave is being printed at the moment, the third wave is in the development stage.
You will be able to choose between three human fighters.

-In addition to the really big tower set, a big stone bridge will be forthcoming. A price point of $150 has been mentioned (for the tower i think).

-The Falling Star sailing ship will be receiving a second printing as both a painted & unpainted version in 2020, now with a window box packaging.
It has been a very good seller and more sets like it will be coming (probably another ship in 2021).

-There will be many reprints of sold out sets both painted and unpainted Pathfinder & D&D coming forth.

-There will be reprints of all D&D Throphys, as well as a new one of the "Hand & Eye of Vecna".

2020 will see the most miniature releases of all time!

Quick update: The packaging for the Goblin Village is about the size of two bricks. 4x the size of a normal incentive, so I see why they increased shipping.

Dark Archive

Singles are available from Paizo.

While prices for commons start at $3.50, some huge minis (like the Aboleth) are overpriced at $20, the rare huge Blue Dragon & Nalfeshnee are $40, whereas the large rare Ashen Man & Nightmare are only $16...

Scarab Sages

Bought the Dragon and the Nightmare and some of the undead here. Prices on the giants, the dragon turtle, aboleth, and the Nalfeshnee were better elsewhere (even after the PF Battles discount here).

Dark Archive

Reprints of the first older Pathfinder Battles sets seem to be available already.

I ordered a Rise of the Runelords brick and it arrived yesterday.

I am very pleased with the quality, it even seems to have increased a little from the original august 2012 release.

I had zero breakage, no bad paint jobs and only a few very slightly bended weapons.

I had 5 rares, 2 large and 3 medium.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Reprints of the first older Pathfinder Battles sets seem to be available already.

I ordered a Rise of the Runelords brick and it arrived yesterday.

I am very pleased with the quality, it even seems to have increased a little from the original august 2012 release.

I had zero breakage, no bad paint jobs and only a few very slightly bended weapons.

I had 5 rares, 2 large and 3 medium.

Interesting. Same paint schemes, as far as you can tell?

Dark Archive

Pigraven wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Reprints of the first older Pathfinder Battles sets seem to be available already.

I ordered a Rise of the Runelords brick and it arrived yesterday.

I am very pleased with the quality, it even seems to have increased a little from the original august 2012 release.

I had zero breakage, no bad paint jobs and only a few very slightly bended weapons.

I had 5 rares, 2 large and 3 medium.

Interesting. Same paint schemes, as far as you can tell?

Yes, the paint schemes seem to be exactly the same.

Some colors seem to be a little more vibrant, but that could be because the minis have been painted recently.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So i have just seen comparison pics of the huge "Allghollthu" with the large "Veiled Master" (thanks to Berk the Black) and the Aboleth is tiny!

It seems like a slightly bigger medium size miniature was put on a huge base, it is one third of the Veiled Master (which is really a huge on a large base)!

It is more than just a little disapointing to have been waiting all these years for an Aboleth and to receive such a little piece.

As someone in minisgallery remarked, Pathfinder Battles is offen undersizing their large minis (Pteranodon is another one in this set) and now huge minis as well.

The "Iconic Heroes Evolved" set is another instance where quality control seems to have failed, as it is the only bad looking set out of all boxed sets.

On another note:
Please announce the name and some contents of the next Pathfinder Battles set soon, as D&D has already done so for their december 2019 and march 2020 sets and Wizkids has announced their own stuff up to june 2020!

Dark Archive

Turns out that you can actually build bigger forts/villages with 2, 3 or 4 "Goblin Village" sets:

On another note:
Wizkids has scheduled the next D&D set "Volo's & Mordenkainen's Foes" for a december 4th release date.

Unfortunately there are still no news about Pathfinder & Starfinder Battles for 2020.

Dark Archive

Wizkids have revealed their april 2020 schedule.

No signs of Pathfinder Battles.

That means may 2020 is the earlier release date for a new PFB set.

The march 2020 "Icons of the Realms" set has been announced in september 2019, six months before release date.

Go figure.

Dark Archive

Wizkids have updated their release schedule.
There have been no Pathfinder or Starfinder prepainted products announced for 2020 this year, but 13 D&D products and 10 Wizkids products.

Scarab Sages

makes me wonder if sales were slow with this last set, since it had a number of creatures previously done (but with new art)?

davrion wrote:
makes me wonder if sales were slow with this last set, since it had a number of creatures previously done (but with new art)?

I was quite happy to dump the predecessors in the „to sell“ bucket.

Except for the huge giants, which I didn’t have on account of my RotR campaign starting the week the huge case sold out.

Dark Archive

The only two minis from Legendary Adventures that i really found to be worth 5 stars are the "Huge blue dragon" & the "Boar Demon", both of which have been produced by Wizards of the Coast before.

Creatures that i was really looking forward to, like the Pteranodon, Aboleth, Shadow and Nightmare have been less than impressive, either because of the too small size or the new design.

The three huge giants in the set are also very unimpressive, because they are too small and have bended weapons.

While the Goblin Village is pretty, it is way too costly for $100.
You could get three times the walls (allowing to build a really big village) online for less than that sum.

If the next set (which probably won't contain huge minis) is the same bad quality and features creatures done to death before, i won't pre-order PFB anymore and cherry-pick the few singles worth it online.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

well, it has been noted that not everyone has been collecting minis since forever
and not all of the past minis are available on the secondary market.

apart from size issues, the distribution was rather odd again with 4 dragon turtles in my case for example.
apart from probbably noone ever needing that many, they are also bloody heavy.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

Wizkids have updated their release schedule.

There have been no Pathfinder or Starfinder prepainted products announced for 2020 this year, but 13 D&D products and 10 Wizkids products.

I wanted to wait until after the holidays before worrying because they haven't announced the next set, but now I'm beginning to worry.

Dark Archive

Wizkids will probably update their release schedule in the coming week of january 6th - 10th.
If that update won't include any PFB news, then it will be time to worry.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Furdinand wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Wizkids have updated their release schedule.

There have been no Pathfinder or Starfinder prepainted products announced for 2020 this year, but 13 D&D products and 10 Wizkids products.
I wanted to wait until after the holidays before worrying because they haven't announced the next set, but now I'm beginning to worry.

On the 12th December, Paizo’s franchise manager said:

Mark Moreland wrote:

If my math is correct, there are more Pathfinder products from WizKids planned for 2020 than in any year in the past. Some of these may fall to 2021 if the production schedules don't align perfectly, but as Vic says, that's for WizKids to announce when they are ready.

The future of the Pathfinder Battles (and Starfinder Battles) line has never been more promising.

Link here.

So if there’s something to worry about Wizkids haven’t communicated that to Paizo. There could be a problem...but it’s more likely to just be WizKids not prioritising the marketing of PFBattles in contrast to D&D minis (which they promote further in advance).

Given WizKids appear to have pretty consistently focussed on their D&D license over PF, I’d go with business as usual rather than any sign of something to worry about long term. I think they’ll keep producing both lines and tend to make sure the D&D stuff is well promoted....doing the marketing for PFB around that priority. It seems to me that this license is the red-headed stepchild and I think it’s likely to remain that way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wizkids just added Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omen to their release schedule with a expected date of June.

Wizkids Release Schedule

Berk the Black wrote:
Wizkids just added Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omen to their release schedule with a expected date of June.

also added Black and Red Adult Dragons as a premium set.

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While I already have a couple of very nice Pathfinder Battles red and black huge dragons, I might still be interested in the case incentives if they were more on par with the size of the huge huge elementals we got in the Kingmaker set.

I’m excited to finally get news of a new Pathfinder Battles set, and can’t wait to find out what it will be comprised of.

Berk the Black wrote:

While I already have a couple of very nice Pathfinder Battles red and black huge dragons, I might still be interested in the case incentives if they were more on par with the size of the huge huge elementals we got in the Kingmaker set.

I’m excited to finally get news of a new Pathfinder Battles set, and can’t wait to find out what it will be comprised of.

yeah, that H&M black dragon was rather cute for a huge. I‘m still thinking about re-basing it to large.

Dark Archive

The adult black dragon in second edition is LARGE in size, not HUGE.

I don´t know if that is a mistake or if the premium pack will have a large black dragon and a huge red Dragon mini or if it is supposed to have an ancient black Dragon, making both HUGE minis.

On the other Hand, we never had a proper large black Dragon in PFB, the only one made was in the "Crown of Fangs" set and had a Grey Maiden rider, so i am going with a large and huge mini.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Large dragons as the case incentive would be quite disappointing considering huge minis were in the boosters for the last case.

going by bestiary 1 of 1e
adult black is large and adult red is huge.

We have an official announcement, and it infers both dragons will be huge:

PHD Games

“These premium figures are incredible for players who need Huge adversaries in their adventures.”

It does not mention teir age, so maybe that’s where the confusion is?

Another announcement, from ICv2. Still no info on the other minis in the set, but validates that both dragons are huge: ICv2

Dark Archive

Now that Wizkids have announced their product, nothing keeps Paizo from doing their minis blogs.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Now that Wizkids have announced their product, nothing keeps Paizo from doing their minis blogs.

It's true that WizKids' announcement means our window to talk about the set is now open... but unfortunately, the two people who would be best prepared to write that blog aren't available to do so. We're discussing possible solutions.

Dark Archive

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Now that Wizkids have announced their product, nothing keeps Paizo from doing their minis blogs.
It's true that WizKids' announcement means our window to talk about the set is now open... but unfortunately, the two people who would be best prepared to write that blog aren't available to do so. We're discussing possible solutions.

Thank you for the info, Vic.

I'll write the blogs for free if you mail me the render pigs and rarity.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Now that Wizkids have announced their product, nothing keeps Paizo from doing their minis blogs.
It's true that WizKids' announcement means our window to talk about the set is now open... but unfortunately, the two people who would be best prepared to write that blog aren't available to do so. We're discussing possible solutions.

Obviously staying in-house is always a solution, provided you can find the right person.

Should you choose to go outside the box and tap someone not directly employed by Paizo, I suggest either the gentlemen from the Gallant Goblin YouTube videos or the gentleman who runs the Minisgallery site. (I want to say Berk The Black on these boards and theirs).

Gallant Goblin has raised the bar to all new levels when it comes to miniature reviews. It's an opinion I feel many others share. Their pre-release product reviews of both your miniatures offerings and those from competitors have single-handedly persuaded me to buy the products in question. Their videos do a great job of showing the miniatures as most people will see them around the table, and maybe a little closer. Most pictures I've seen from retailers are super close-ups that often make them look far worse than they are once I get them in my hand.

If I'm not mistaken Paizo has previously had some experience with Gallant Goblin. If it's still a healthy working relationship, you could take this opportunity to expand on it. Perhaps send them the relevant information and renders. They should easily be able to do a few videos showing off those renders. One great feature they've been including in their actual miniature reviews has been packing each video full of relevant information about the pieces in the sets. It wouldn't hurt to have a preview video that talked about each creature and character a little bit. Finding relevant stat information would be very customer friendly; it might even convince a few extra viewers to pick up the source material. And while such information was sometimes included in the descriptions for past sets here in the blog section, it too often was not.

If such an approach is taken, Gallant Goblin could post the videos on their site and you folks here at Paizo could post non-YouTube versions of those same videos in a blog section here at the same time.

Alternatively, you could go with the Minisgallery man himself, should he have the time and desire. He's been keeping the miniature collectors together for so long with his Gallery, and most recently the Forum Discussion.

Finally, as Marco stated, he'd do it for free. And there are few people on the boards as helpful in other subject as Marco has been when it comes to miniatures.

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There is plenty of time to get someone in house to volunteer (or be voluntold) to manage the Pathfinder Battles blogs.

We’ve been spoiled with the “overqualified” predecessors that have handled it in the past. But, if no-one of that caliber is available, someone who can at least get pics of the minis up would be better than nothing.

Dark Archive

Berk the Black wrote:

There is plenty of time to get someone in house to volunteer (or be voluntold) to manage the Pathfinder Battles blogs.

We’ve been spoiled with the “overqualified” predecessors that have handled it in the past. But, if no-one of that caliber is available, someone who can at least get pics of the minis up would be better than nothing.

Erik Mona was the first and the best.

Mike wasn't suited so well.
Mark Moreland is doing a very good job.

But i agree, there are many talented people capable in-house.
It is probably a matter of time to write the blog about the individual minis.

Assuming a june 24th release date, there are still 19 weeks left.

I think it would be best to show the two dragons first, along with a large, a medium and a small mini.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Assuming a june 24th release date, there are still 19 weeks left.

I‘m sure it will be later, there appears to be a public health crisis in China.

Dark Archive

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Wizkids have announced a separate "Thieves Guild" premium set for a june 2020 release.

"With a trapdoor, training dummies, tools, and loot stashes, the Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild Premium Set is one of the best ways to add to your Pathfinder play experience. With over 15 pieces to decorate with, you can enhance the scene for your players by customizing it for the perfect thieves guild setting!

There are plenty of targets to practice on with the tools of the trade, and piles of loot are stashed everywhere! Pull away the false wall on the back of Norgorber’s Altar to reveal a secret passage! Then, proceed with caution. With traps around every corner, your players will experience the full challenge of the guild!

This set includes:

1 Card table
2 Chairs
2 Altar braziers
1 Trapdoor
1 Thieves-weapon rack
1 Combat-training dummy
1 Pickpocket-training dummy
1 Norgorber altar
1 Altar-corpse pile 1
1 Altar-corpse pile 2
1 Archery/Thrown dagger target
1 Thieves’ tools
1 Training chest
1 Training door
1 Loot sack
1 Loot table

Note: Contents subject to change

Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild Premium Set
Publisher: WizKids
Item Code: WZK97506
MSRP: $59.99
Pre-order: 3/19/20
Releases: June 2020

More Details Will Be Published As They Are Announced!"

This seems to indicate the end of the scenery sets as case incentives.
I think from now on, we will get huge or gargantuan minis as "case incentive premium sets".

Marco Massoudi wrote:

This seems to indicate the end of the scenery sets as case incentives.
I think from now on, we will get huge or gargantuan minis as "case incentive premium sets".

which is a bit of a shame: I was more willing to spend 60$ on a gargantuan figure or a set of huges than on a set of scenery. Getting them at incentive discount was real sweet.

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