Calling for Volunteers!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Organized Play Foundation (OPF) is putting the final touches on their call for volunteers for Paizo organized play programs. Paizo requested volunteers for Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild, Pathfinder Society Academy, Starfinder Society, and Pathfinder Society version 2 at PaizoCon, Origins, Gen Con, UK Games Expo and PAX Unplugged. Registration launches on Friday, January 18, 2019 at 6:00 AM Pacific time. To register, visit OPF Convention Volunteer Page and complete questionnaires for the events you wish to attend. Due to how requests are processed by convention organizing committees, you will need to complete a different questionnaire for every event you wish to volunteer for. Registering early on will ensure maximum choice of program and level of volunteerism, though cancellations mean volunteers are often accepted up to the week before the event.

Each convention will offer a volunteer incentive package based on the number of blocks an individual volunteer. While volunteer incentives vary between each convention, potential offerings include rooms, badges, printed Paizo products, credit for use at, t-shirts, free scenarios, and in-game rewards. The listings on the Organized Play Foundation will outline each conventions incentive package.

Check back next week as the organized play developers preview this month's scenarios for Starfinder Society and Pathfinder Society!

Until next time—Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Tonya Woldridge

Organized Play Manager

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Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

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I am hopeful that a full year of PF2 will revive interest as well as increase interest in playing Pathfinder causing an increase in GM volunteers next year. I have seen several say they didn't want to run the new edition until they had some time to learn the rules. I understand their perspective. Hopefully they will be volunteering next year.

I just don't know if I can physically do more than eight sessions. As much as I want to ignore it, I've aged. I just cannot run on four or five hours of sleep like I used to years ago. Plus, after last year's heart attack I am somewhat grumpier than normal on six or less hours of sleep. Therefore, I decided to limit myself to the 8 sessions of GMing. It's not that I don't want to run more. It's that I don't think I should. I have been constantly toying with the idea of running a ninth session, but I have decided not to for the above reasons.

I really hope others will still volunteer to run a session or two. This is such a great hobby and by volunteering just one session of our time we magnify the possibility for many to enjoy it as well.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Mimo Tomblebur wrote:
Where was the information on the book choices announced?

In the official Slack channel for Gen Con


Bob Jonquet wrote:
Mimo Tomblebur wrote:
Where was the information on the book choices announced?
In the official Slack channel for Gen Con

Ugh. I checked the Slack channel before posting the question, but somehow missed it. I have found it now: Pathfinder 2E Core Rulebook (regular edition), Starfinder Beginner Box, or Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set (not the Crimson Throne set).

1/5 5/5

I suspect that there's a goodly chunk of folks who may be staying away (despite incentives) by the prospect of learning two new systems (Starfinder, 2e) the past couple of years.

Perhaps those upset about 1e are starting to show their impact?

The only reason I'm doing the trifecta of systems this year is because the 1e scenarios I was given I mostly had/prepped already which gave me a significant leg-up.

I was initially going to run five blocks (3 1e, 2 SF).

That was, until I tried to figure out the logistics of sleep and travel to off-site and how I *would be getting less sleep running five blocks than seven* under *ideal* circumstances... ...and Gen Con is never *ideal* circumstances.

So at least in this corner, having the 'seven' for a room (though admittedly not as good as some other orgplays and whatnot that have 'four' for a room, but neither here nor there) is an option that made the other things viable.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Due to a GM cancellation, we have need of GMs for Starfinder. If you have a vacant slot and would like to take on additional tables or are attending but not currently volunteering and would like to help out, please send an email to the genconleads address. Thx

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

FYI, we finally got the catalog updated with more seeker level content so check it out if you're looking for additional times for 10-22/10-23

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