Pathfinder Goes Virtual... Table Top!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is now available on Fantasy Grounds Virtual Table Top! Fantasy Grounds is rolling out their VTT platform for Pathfinder today. The initial lineup includes the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Bestiary, Advanced Player's Guide, Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, and the first three volumes of the Kingmaker Adventure Path. Support for more will follow very soon.

The Pathfinder Virtual Table Top makes it easier to bring all your party members together. Don't let distance get in the way of your weekly game night! Integrated tools and incredible features will speed up gameplay and make players of any level feel like a pro. Throw in Pathfinders extensive library of beautiful artwork, maps, and rich stories and you've got a perfect match!

Michael Kenway
Director of Licensing

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I think this is a good first step for Paizo as they venture into the VTT realm.

I would absolutely love an option like this that would work for Maptool, even if it is only the image assets (e.g. high dpi maps, tokens).

Reckless wrote:
Franz Lunzer wrote:

Hmm... Kingmaker.

Do tell, is the Kingdom-building subsystem integrated? That alone might be the buying argument...

The rules are presented in chapter 2, along with the city building grid, city sheet, and kingdom sheet. The Sheets are not automated, but are fillable once you make a copy (drag n drop in Notes Tab.) There are "tokens" for castles, granaries, and the like included for the city building grid, so just create copies for each town/city and drop your buildings down.

When I run it, I'll likely create some macros and place them in quick keys (since they're simple 1d20+X rolls) and just keep the Kingdom/City Sheets updated.

The Kingdom Events Table is set up, with links so you can roll, click the link and read what the event means.

So while the Kingdom Rules are not automated, they are very much included, accessible, and runnable within the game (as long as you have Chapter 2.)

(Edit: correction, it seems you cannot copy images like you can Notes, so you would need to load in your own versions of the City Grid if you wanted to use more than 1.) EDIT2: this one works fine: Link just save that to campaign images, zoom to the correct level, and drag your buildings there. Copy it as many times as you want.

I'd like to point out that while the Kingdom Rules are detailed in the second adventure of Kingmaker, the components are already accessible once you buy the first adventure. They are part of the Kingmaker Player Guide, which is also included as a separate module in the the first adventure.

As for those still on the fence about FG: I have been a long-time user of FG, because as a GM it takes a lot of little things and makes them accessible. From effect tracking (how long does Bullstrength still last), effect application (hit a button, BAM 10 Rounds of Cat's Grace), handling saves etc, to the excellent databases and lookup options the rulesbook provide.

There are a lot of things Roll20 simply cannot do. I'd rather pay more for a product like FG and save time, then have to lose valuable gametime.

Dark Archive

I used to play lots Pathfinder on Fantasy Grounds with just the $40 dollar licence and all the community modules. It helped having a herolab licence as you can import characters straight into fantasy grounds and having a cut and paste parser for bringing in the monsters and npc's . I could convert a Pathfinder society scenario in half an hour. You don;t need all this new stuff if your a player or even a as a Gm, I'm not going to buy any of it but it won't stop me running the odd game of pathfinder as you don't need it to play, it just looks pretty and saves the GM a lot of time. If you want to play Pathfinder for free on Fantasy grounds i recommend going the the fantasy grounds message boards and signing up for a pathfinder society game using a demo client it won't cost you a thing

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I always felt the entry barrier was lower for Roll20 than FG, but after you learned FG the payoff was greater. Like my realtor said today, "you get what you pay for."

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Removed some posts, back and forth bickering is not welcome on the forum.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker is on sale in the Paizo PDF sale for $10.49 an installment. Assuming that you can still get the FG add-on for $6 more, that's just $16.49 per installment, PDF+FG bundle, if you buy the PDF here first then go buy the add-on at SmiteWorks. You can imagine that you're paying full price for the PDF and the FG add-on is then just $2.50 anymore.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Great news for anyone considering Fantasy Grounds! The Ultimate License is currently one sale for $30 Off! Just $119.20 gives you and all your players lifetime access to your games.

Malik Doom wrote:

I checked the prices on Fantasy Grounds, and damn they are insanely expensive. Yeah it makes it so you can play on VTT, but seriously? $59.99 for RotRL Anniversary Edition on FG? Come on guys, you're killing us.

Yes, somewhat shockingly expensive, but the quality is there. It's ALL there. With great quality maps, not just grabs from the PDF. Much higher resolution pretagged with encounters and points of interest.

Everything is nicely linked and can be shared with players.

Pricy, but I shelled out for the core rules & rise of the runelords. I think it'll be worth it. I'll be trying it with my group in out next session (we're at the end of Fortress of the Stone Giants).

I'll wait to see what the price point from d20 pro and roll20 are. Just because you're first out of the gate doesn't necessarily mean that you're the best.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Vanulf Wulfson wrote:
I'll wait to see what the price point from d20 pro and roll20 are. Just because you're first out of the gate doesn't necessarily mean that you're the best.

The price point will more than likely be equivalent, as Paizo is the one setting the prices here. While it is possible for the prices to be different, it would cause a lot of understandable anger/outrage/bad PR if they tell one licensee to charge $X and another to charge $Y for the exact same product. D20Pro will probably be next in line, as no license agreement with Roll20 has been announced yet.

I recommend instead to evaluate each VTT for your needs and go with the one that works best for you and your group. If you absolutely hate how things work in roll20 (for example), it having a lower price point for official Pathfinder stuff wouldn't magically make things work differently -- you'd still hate it.

Xathos 7 wrote:
I have no doubt about that, Illrigger. It would be smart business sense to negotiate all of that on the part of both parties. However, that does not mean the parties cannot let us know they are in negotiations. VTT is a growing market. I think Paizo should be focusing on it better than they have been doing. Roll20 is the largest Pathfinder VTT by far. I don't think they are going to want to ignore that sector, but stranger things have happened in business.

Actually, it kinda does mean they cannot let you know. No (successful) business ever is going to publicise who they are currently in negotiations with as it can a) damage current business relationships and b) shift the balance of power in other, ongoing negotiations.

If what you are advocating worked, then there would never be such secrecy surrounding tender processes, etc.

I'm not an FG user; all my VTT time is on Roll20, but your posts appear to simply be bashing FG and all their hard work, purely on the premise that you 'think' Paizo aren't in talks with Roll20. I would suggest opening your own thread, and discussing that matter there.

President, SmiteWorks

I've been lax about posting updates to some of these threads -- mostly because I forgot about them.

I did want to share some updates on what we've been up to over the last year and more recently.

Today we just launched the Starfinder RPG - Ruleset and Core Rules, Alien Archive and Dead Suns AP 1 through 3. We consider this a version 1.0 with many future updates planned for Starship combat.

For a list of all Starfinder products available for Fantasy Grounds, check this link or use the Search filter to limit it to Starfinder:
Starfinder on Fantasy Grounds

There are a forty (40) Pathfinder products available already with many more in the pipeline:
Core Rulebook, APG, UM, Bestiary 1, 2 & 4 (3 is still in process)
Kingmaker - complete series
Mummy's Mask 1 - 4
Hell's Rebels 1 - 5
Strange Aeons - complete series
Carrion Crown 1 & 2
Curse of the Crimson Throne - Complete
Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
Harrow Deck with custom extension

Use this to search all Paizo Pathfinder products:
Pathfinder on Fantasy Grounds

Scarab Sages

Fortunately, Paizo is now going to roll out content for Roll20. I am looking forward to using it.

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