A Visit from St. Pathfinder

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Adventure Card Game blog is on hiatus until 2016! Have a happy holiday!

Twas the week before Christmas
And Vic's on vacation
So I'm using this "Yule blog"
To share my admiration

I'll dole out some presents
From ol' Saint Nick's bag
To the best darn design team
Here's some fine Christmas swag

To Chad, who gets
All the praise he deserves:
A new Google spreadsheet
To plot power curves

To Tanis, who handles
The design of our class decks:
Some help with your deft
Card-creation gymnastics

To Liz, whose head swims
With the masks worn by mummies:
Some gluten-free cupcakes
To assuage all our tummies

To Gaby, a lover of
Crocs with pants on them:
A new set of dice
With no 1's upon them

To Keith, who inscribes
Every new OP season:
I'll write all your flavortext
(Y'know, within reason)

To Paul, who developed
Each Wrath-ful demon:
Release from your manacles
Now you're a free man

To Vic, who spends hours
And hours ever ruing
What we broke in design:
Yup, still more FAQing

To Sarah and Sonja
Who fill our art orders:
Six or seven more different
Colored card borders

On fuchsia! On ecru!
On puce and burnt umber!
I'll ask you to lay out
Card types without number

And to all of our fans
You're the folks who just get us:
We'll bring you more awesome
As long as you let us

And I'll say as I drift
Into sleep oh so pleasant:
Hey, hold on a minute...
Ranzak stole every present!

Stupid goblins.

Mike Selinker
Adventure Card Game Lead Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game


Dark Archive

Mike, i only knew ya from the minis section,
where you proclaimed your loving affection
for a certain seafaring pirate greenskin
but i had no idea of your great rhymin'.

Merry x-mas

Sovereign Court

Well that ended unexpectedly

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

Maybe Ranzak better give the FAQing back to Vic. Much as I would love to see all the errata in goblin-pirate-speak, I worry that whole goblin superstition about the written word might interfere.

Silver Crusade

Scribing a scroll of Dispel Goblin, just in case!

Adventure Card Game Designer

Marco Massoudi wrote:

Mike, i only knew ya from the minis section,

where you proclaimed your loving affection
for a certain seafaring pirate greenskin
but i had no idea of your great rhymin'.

Merry x-mas

Oh, I am assuredly the Doggerel King.

Encore! Encore!

Joyeux Noël à tous

Wishing all of you some great futures
And a goblin load of candy canes
And wherever leads your adventures
To encounter more boons than banes

... Was easier to write in French :-)

To the omniscient Hawkmoon
Who awaits and answers the call
A sweet gift like a boon
Bringing knowledge to us all

Frohe Weihnachten!

Was easier to write in German and not in French

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Doch wir Pathfinder spielen jetzt;
Mach den Tisch nicht unbesetzt!
Lustig, lustig tra-la-la-la-la,
Myfly braucht funf Promos ja!
Myfly braucht funf Promos ja!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mike Selinker wrote:
Stupid goblins.

If you've played a game with someone playing Ranzak and have gotten see how he can go out in a blaze of glory, you've probably heard or said this same sentence. But man, it can be awesome too.

Dear Skeletor,

I can do BETTER :-)))))
N dont read the LATTER ;-)))))
Lets do the Mike-contest... It starts with ...
There is ONE rhyme missing in the other Mike's BLOG---<<<

"To Mike & Vic, who host
The pathfinder adventure card game,
Which I love the most,
Where every adventure is not the same."

Oh Skeletor, you cant do BETTER, what a SHOCK.---<<<

Scarab Sages

Come on now; that Sankt Niklaus song is the best German song of all time. Except maybe "99 Luftballons." Or maybe "Du" by David Hasselhoff. OK, so maybe there are a lot of good songs.

I hope you have five of every promo card in your stocking for Christmas, Myfly!

For Xmas I wished so hard
I could live in all the countries I like
In Germany I would get a promo card
in the US I would play with not this Mike

But I'm French and it's fantastic
I got to see Star Wars before Vic

... ;-)

From David Hasselhoff, the most famous song in Germany is "I am looking for freedom, i have been looking so long ..."

Ps: Got my quintible promo card collection in my "stockings" ;-)))

@Frencois, got latin in high-school and missed french lessons due to that.
Thus only English, Japanese, Italian and German. Do you speak a third language besides English and French?

Calthaer wrote:

Come on now; that Sankt Niklaus song is the best German song of all time. Except maybe "99 Luftballons." Or maybe "Du" by David Hasselhoff. OK, so maybe there are a lot of good songs.

I hope you have five of every promo card in your stocking for Christmas, Myfly!

Did not recognize the Saint Nikolaus song, but i was just getting the 5-promo-refrain.

Annoying for a merry christmas atmosphere!

So merry christmas ... I Germany we already got our presents!

@Myfly in my youth I learned russian on top of French and English... And totally forgot it

Frencois wrote:
@Myfly in my youth I learned russian on top of French and English... And totally forgot it

Merry christmas in russian and more:

Afrikaans: Geseende Kerfees!
Albanisch: Gëzuar Krishlindjet!
Apache: Gozhqq Keshmish!
Arabisch: I'D Miilad Said!
Aragonese: Nabidà!
Armenisch: Shenoraavor Nor Dari!
Asturisch: Bones Navidaes!
Bandang: Mbung Mbung Krismie!
Bengalisch: Shuvo Baro Din!
Bislama: Mi wisim yufala eerywan one gutfala Krismas!
Bretonisch: Nedeleg laouen!
Bulgarisch: Vasel Koleda!
Chaha (Äthiopien): Bogem h n mh m!
Cherokee: Danistayohihv!
Cheyenne: Hoesenestotse!
Dänisch: Glædelig Jul!
Deutsch: Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Englisch: Merry Christmas!
Eskimo: Jutdlime pivdluarit!
Esperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon!
Estnisch: Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi!
Faroer: Gledhilig jól
Finnisch: Hyvää Joulua!
Flämisch: Zalig Kerstfeest!
Französisch: Joyeux Noël!
Friaulisch: Bon Nadâl!
Friesisch: Noflike Krystdagen!
Georgisch: Gilotsavt Krist'es Shobas!
Griechisch: Kala Christougenna!
Hausa: Barka da Kirsimatikuma!
Hawaiianisch: Mele Kalikimaka!
Hebräisch: Mo'adim Lesimkha!
Herero: Okresmesa ombwa!
Hindi: Shubh Naya Baras!
Holländisch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Indonesian: Selamat Hari Natal!
Irisch: Nollaig Shona Dhuit!
Iroquois: Ojenyunyat Sungwiyadeson homungradon nagwutut!
Italienisch: Buon Natale!
Japanisch: Shinnen omedeto!
Javanesisch: Sugeng Natal!
Jiddisch: Gute Vaynakhtn!
Kantonesisch: Seng Dan Fai Lok!
Katalonisch: Bon nadal!
Kirundi: Noeli Nziza!
Kom (Kamerun): Isangle Krismen!
Korsisch: Bon Natale!
Krio: Appi Krismes!
Kroatisch: Sretan Bozic!
Kurdisch: Seva piroz sahibe!
Ladinisch: Bon Nadel!
Lakota: Wanikiya tonpi wowiyuskin!
Lettisch: Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
Littauisch: Linksmu Kaledu!
Luganda: Amazalibwa Agesanyu!
Luxembourgeois: Schéi Krëschtdeeg!
Malaysisch: Selamat Hari Natal!
Maltesisch: Nixtieklek Milied tajjeb!
Makassar: Salama' Natal!
Mandarin: Kung His Hsin Nien!
Manx: Nollick ghennal!
Maori: Kia orana e kia manuia rava!
Mazedonisch: Streken Bozhik!
Monégasque: Festusu Natale!
Ndogo: Esimano olyaKalunga gwokombandambanda!
Nepali: Krist Yesu Ko Shuva Janma Utsav Ko Upalaxhma Hardik Shuva!
Norwegisch: God Jul!
Palauanisch: Ungil Kurismas!
Polnisch: Wesolych Swiat!
Portugiesisch: Boas Festas!
Quechua: Sumaj kausay kachun Navidad ch'sisipi !
Rapa-Nui: Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi!
Rätoromanisch: Bella Festas daz Nadal!
Roma: Bachtalo krecunu Thaj!
Rumänisch: Craciun fericit!
Russisch: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
Sámi: Buorit Juovllat!
Sardinisch: Bonu nadale!
Schottisches Gaelisch: Nollaig chridheil!
Schwarzfuß: I'Taamomohkatoyiiksistsikomi!
Schwedisch: God Jul!
Schwyzerdütsch: Schöni Wienacht oder E guëti Wiënachtä!
Serbisch: Sretam Bozic!
Sizilianisch: Bon Natali!
Slowakisch: Vesele Vianoce!
Slowenisch: Vesele bozicne praznike!
Spanisch: Feliz Navidad!
Suaheli: Krismas Njema Na Heri!
Tagalog: Maligayang Pasko!
Tahitisch: Ia ora i te Noera!
Thai: Suksan Wan Christmas!
Tschechisch: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Ukrainisch: Veseloho Vam Rizdva!
Ungarisch: Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!
Vietnamesisch: Chuc Mung Giang Sinh!
Walisisch: Nadolig LLawen!
Weißrussisch: Winshuyu sa Svyatkami!
Yupik/Sibirisch: Quyanalghii Kuusma!
Zulu: Sinifesela Ukhisimusi Omuhle!

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