Advanced Class Guide Preview: Arcanist

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The arcanist was one of the more difficult classes to design in the Advanced Class Guide. When the idea first came together, it was based almost entirely upon mechanics. As an arcane caster that can prepare spells like a wizard, but cast them like a sorcerer, the idea was an interesting one, but when we presented it in the first round of the playtest the deficiency became clear. What is an arcanist?

As the playtest rolled on, this problem became more and more clear. The class had an interesting basic mechanic, but it needed a story hook and mechanics to support that idea. It was clear that we needed to go back to the drawing board. Looking at the wizard as the arcane caster that learns through study and the sorcerer who masters magic by drawing upon the power in his blood, the arcanist needed to fall somewhere between the two.

Illustration by Subroto Bhaumik

Ultimately, we decided on making the arcanist about tinkering with the underlying forces of arcane magic, using a combination of study and innate talent to break magic down and shape it to fit her needs. Combining that concept with an arcane reservoir, a pool of power that the arcanist can use to fuel exploits that break the rules of magic, the class really started to come together. In the second draft of the playtest, we knew we were on the right track. Most playtesters were concerned about power balance, but the overall consensus was that the changes we made gave the class a place in the game all its own.

While the final version of the class is very close to the second playtest version, the big changes came to the arcane exploits (like all of the exploits that dealt energy damage got a boost). These abilities are what make the arcanist unique and in the final version we added a large number of them to the class, giving you a wider variety of character types you can build with the class. Take a look!

Energy Shield (Su): The arcanist can protect herself from energy damage as a standard action by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. She must pick one energy type and gains resistance 10 against that energy type for 1 minute per arcanist level. This protection increases by 5 for every 5 levels the arcanist possesses (up to a maximum of 30 at 20th level).

Quick Study (Ex): The arcanist can prepare a spell in place of an existing spell by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. Using this ability is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The arcanist must be able to reference her spellbook when using this ability. The spell prepared must be of the same level as the spell being replaced.

In addition, we added a number of greater exploits to the class as well, adding powerful tool to the high level arcanist.

Suffering Knowledge (Su): The arcanist can learn to cast a spell by suffering from its effects. When the arcanist fails a saving throw against a spell cast by an enemy, as an immediate action she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to temporarily acquire the spell. She can cast the spell using her spell slots as if it was a spell she had prepared that day. The spell must be on the sorcerer/wizard spell list and must be of a level that she can cast. The ability to cast this spell remains for a number of rounds equal to the arcanist’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Of course, the Advanced Class Guide also features a number of fun new archetypes to use with the arcanist. There is the blade adept, who gains a sentient sword and select a limited number of magus arcana instead of arcane exploits. You can also play a brown-fur transmuter, whose reservoir can be used to bolster the power of her transmutation spells. The eldritch font gains more spell slots, but can prepare fewer spells per day. An elemental master focuses her power on just one element, but to much greater effect. While there are a number of other archetypes for the arcanist, there is one more that needs to be called out. The white mage can expend points from her arcane reservoir to allow her to cast cure spells with her spell slots, but at higher levels she can even cast breath of life.

Well that about wraps up the preview for this week. Check back in next week for songs of bravery and rage!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Arcanist Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Subroto Bhaumik
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Heofthehills wrote:
When did they remove the hybrid limitation? I failed to see that anywhere, not saying it didn't happen, but that was part of the balancing factors for MANY of these classes, so I really hope that is not the case.

It was mentioned in one of the ACG blog posts, though I don't have a link offhand.

Scarab Sages

I just pictured half of the heads in this thread exploding at the thought of an Arcanist with an Eidolon.


I think White Mage is still the archetype I'm most looking forward to though. I wonder if it has the ability to eventually access status removal type spells, or if it's as simple as the little preview statement indicates and basically just lets you funnel your arcane resevoir into healing.

I'm hoping it's the former, an arcane class capable of stepping in to the main healer role would be really cool.

master_marshmallow wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Scavion wrote:
The Arcanist is now Schrodinger's Wizard made manifest.

The Schrodinger's wizard is the wizard who always has the right spell prepared. An arcanist with Quick Study always has the right spell prepared...a round and a half from now.

I think that's a fairly substantial difference.

It actually takes 3 turns to cast that spell.

1 to waste the move action to get the book out.
1 to spend a full round preparing it.
And another one to actually be able to cast it, Quckened Shenanigans notwithstanding.

Schrodinger's Wizard is also someone who has access to all spells and not just the ones in his spellbook, which is a limitation that everyone criticizing this class seems to be forgetting.

I am 100% okay with these classes being designed better than the core classes. Because this class is designed better, it does not necessarily mean it is overpowered.

I think you misunderstood me. Schrodinger's Wizard is essentially a pipe dream. Being able to replicate that theory and put it into practice for such a low cost in such short time is incredibly powerful.

Also I feel it's a pretty semantic thing to penalize a turn of getting the book out when clearly an Arcanist who has the intent of doing so would already have it out.

Then we get to different definitions of Schrodinger's Wizard. If you effectively have a more than suitable spell available to you, you don't need to access all spells.

Until I see the final document, I will hold my opinion on whether this class is well designed.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Uniquely enough I started to design a world senerio with two nations at war with each other, one under divine magic dominance, the other under a arcane magic dominance. (like the war between science and religion)

I've been playing around with the hidden cleric and false divine magic abilities to paint insurgents within each kingdom, and also how a arcane run nation deals with the need for healing magic and how the divine one deals with the lack of many spells available only to the arcane.

with the white mage archetype, I can add another healer class to the arcane list (so far being alchemist and witch).

there is also a conflict between the new and the old ways in both nations. (Divine:Old Ways, Druid. New Ways, Cleric. Arcane:Old Ways, Witch. New Ways: Wizard.)

Brother Cyrus wrote:
Also I feel it's a pretty semantic thing to penalize a turn of getting the book out when clearly an Arcanist who has the intent of doing so would already have it out.

Clearly at all times Schrodinger's wizard also has his book out in case he needs to change spells.

I'm so dumb of course he does!!!

This is getting ridiculous people.

[image=skyfalling.jpg]OH MY GOD[/image]

No bard?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Brother Cyrus wrote:
.Also I feel it's a pretty semantic thing to penalize a turn of getting the book out when clearly an Arcanist who has the intent of doing so would already have it out.

Even then, it's a full-round action. That's a turn. I suppose you could combo it with Quicken Spell, but the odds that a spell 4 levels below your highest level is the silver bullet you need is fairly low. Compare that with having a bunch of scrolls in a handy haversack, which is something wizards and sorcerers can already do.

And if he has his spellbook in hand (and has a free hand to turn pages with), then he isn't also holding things like

  • Scrolls
  • Weapons
  • Metamagic rods
  • Staves
  • Wands
  • Alchemical items

Scarab Sages

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Brother Cyrus wrote:
Also I feel it's a pretty semantic thing to penalize a turn of getting the book out when clearly an Arcanist who has the intent of doing so would already have it out.

There are good reasons why prepared casters do not walk around with their spellbooks in hand.

Many tears will be shed by arcanists trying this.

Liberty's Edge

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Lemmy wrote:
Like it or not, negative criticism is just as valuable as positive. People are too quick to mindlessly defend everything Paizo does, but that doesn't help the company to improve. Quite the contrary, in fact. If every poor decision Paizo makes is met with praise, what reason do they have to try and improve things next time?

Negative criticism is not what I was talking about. It's also been in remarkably short supply in this thread. Let me repeat myself:

Me, in a post Lemmy might not have actually read wrote:
Frankly, if you think "criticism" is the right word for the bile being spewed in this thread and the warpriest one, I think the internet has badly skewed your definition of the term.

Criticism is fine. What has been happening in these threads is not criticism, and it's not fine.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Artanthos wrote:
Brother Cyrus wrote:
Also I feel it's a pretty semantic thing to penalize a turn of getting the book out when clearly an Arcanist who has the intent of doing so would already have it out.

There are good reasons why prepared casters do not walk around with their spellbooks in hand.

Many tears will be shed by arcanists trying this.

Are you implying that your DM might try to steal or damage your very expensive, 100% crippling class McGuffin? You sir, have gone too far!!

j b 200 wrote:
Artanthos wrote:
Brother Cyrus wrote:
Also I feel it's a pretty semantic thing to penalize a turn of getting the book out when clearly an Arcanist who has the intent of doing so would already have it out.

There are good reasons why prepared casters do not walk around with their spellbooks in hand.

Many tears will be shed by arcanists trying this.

Are you implying that your DM might try to steal or damage your very expensive, 100% crippling class McGuffin? You sir, have gone too far!!

If that were to happen, the Sky would.....

you get it

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Ross Byers wrote:
Brother Cyrus wrote:
.Also I feel it's a pretty semantic thing to penalize a turn of getting the book out when clearly an Arcanist who has the intent of doing so would already have it out.

Even then, it's a full-round action. That's a turn. I suppose you could combo it with Quicken Spell, but the odds that a spell 4 levels below your highest level is the silver bullet you need is fairly low. Compare that with having a bunch of scrolls in a handy haversack, which is something wizards and sorcerers can already do.

And if he has his spellbook in hand (and has a free hand to turn pages with), then he isn't also holding things like

  • Scrolls
  • Weapons
  • Metamagic rods
  • Staves
  • Wands
  • Alchemical items

I realized that you could probably abuse Quick Study if you've gotten yourself a prehensile tail, prehensile hair, vestigial arm, or taken a race with more than two hands so that you could clutch a quicken metamagic rod while still flipping through a spellbook. But that seems like a lot of effort to duplicate what a Wizard can do with a handy haversack full of scrolls.

Ah, found it. The bit about hybrids no longer being unable to multiclass with their parent classes in in the May 21, 2014 blog post. Along with a heaping of other snippets.

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Shisumo wrote:
Criticism is fine. What has been happening in these threads is not criticism, and it's not fine.

Perhaps you are the one not reading my posts... I'm pointing out the class flaws (It's overpowered) and giving my reasons for thinking so (full caster with extremely powerful class features, completely obsoletes Sorcerers) without ever making a single personal attack.

How does that not qualify as criticism?

Everything Sorcerers do, Arcanists can do better.

It's much easier to get extra spell slots than it is to get extra spells known. And as its been pointed out, Arcanists vcan dump Cha to 7 and still be completely fine.

If "Paragon Surge + Extra Arcana" is the argument for why Sorcerers are not obsolete, then this only shows how OP Arcanists are.

Liberty's Edge

I don't recall directing my post at you. Moreover, I didn't say anyone was making personal attacks.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Ah, found it. The bit about hybrids no longer being unable to multiclass with their parent classes in in the May 21, 2014 blog post. Along with a heaping of other snippets.

Pulling from that, we know there are some other arcanist archetypes, too.

The blood arcanist and unlettered arcanist aren't described, but we can add them to the list with the brown-fur transmuter, blade adept, eldritch font, elemental master, white mage, and arcanist occultist.

Edit: Jason's post just lists 'occultist' instead of 'ArcanistOccultist', as the image was labeled.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Shisumo wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Like it or not, negative criticism is just as valuable as positive. People are too quick to mindlessly defend everything Paizo does, but that doesn't help the company to improve. Quite the contrary, in fact. If every poor decision Paizo makes is met with praise, what reason do they have to try and improve things next time?

Negative criticism is not what I was talking about. It's also been in remarkably short supply in this thread. Let me repeat myself:

Me, in a post Lemmy might not have actually read wrote:
Frankly, if you think "criticism" is the right word for the bile being spewed in this thread and the warpriest one, I think the internet has badly skewed your definition of the term.
Criticism is fine. What has been happening in these threads is not criticism, and it's not fine.

I'm really not sure where the "bile" you are referring to is, unless you're talking about the people on the other side of the conversation attempting to portray Paizo's critics as a frenzied flock of Chicken Littles.

If people were making violent commentary regarding the mothers of Paizo employees, that would be one thing. But... no one is doing that. Or anything close to it. People are voicing their complaints and their worries about how the Arcanist appears to be an improvement over what is already one of (if not the) best class in the game. People aren't mindlessly hating for the sake of hate; I am very fond of the Slayer and bring it up often as an example of what pure martials should look like and as a major success for Paizo's development team. I am far less happy with the Arcanist and am every bit as clear with my opinion in that regard.

If being concerned about the flexibility of Quick Study and requesting examples of what Paizo has done to counterbalance that level of power isn't a valid thing to do then I'm not sure what I can say here without being portrayed as a brainless troll by everyone who disagrees with me.

Shisumo wrote:
I don't recall directing my post at you. Moreover, I didn't say anyone was making personal attacks.

You specifically quoted me, so it's perfectly reasonable to assume you're directing your post at least in part to me.

Lemmy wrote:

Everything Sorcerers do, Arcanists can do better.

Everything an Arcanist can do, I've done better with a sorcerer equipped with a Ring of Spell Knowledge 4, a Memonic Vestment, and a collection of scrolls/spellbooks.

Sure it costs money, and doesn't apply as much past level 10, but I think you get the idea. My PFS sorcerer was considered more versitile than a wizard with those items.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Lemmy wrote:
Everything Sorcerers do, Arcanists can do better.

Sorcerers are easier to play with less system mastery.

Sorcerer bloodlines (especially the arcana) let them do certain things better than arcanists or wizards.

A page of spell knowledge is just as easy to get as a pearl of power.

The human favored class option for sorcerers can get lots of extra spells known.

I think the arcanist is a powerful class. It certainly could be (and probably is) stronger than the sorcerer. But 'completely obsoletes' is overstating things. And sorcerer is hardly the strongest class in the game.

Ross Byers wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Ah, found it. The bit about hybrids no longer being unable to multiclass with their parent classes in in the May 21, 2014 blog post. Along with a heaping of other snippets.

Pulling from that, we know there are some other arcanist archetypes, too.

The blood arcanist and unlettered arcanist aren't described, but we can add them to the list with the brown-fur transmuter, blade adept, eldritch font, elemental master, white mage, and arcanist occultist.


Why must the names be so intriguing?!

Liberty's Edge

Ssalarn wrote:
I just pictured half of the heads in this thread exploding at the thought of an Arcanist with an Eidolon.

It's an interesting thought, but I can't imagine how the heck you'd balance it. Maybe with the half-strength eidolon the master summoner gets?

Hmmm... maybe the occultist is an archetype that get access to the shaman's spirit bond?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Azten wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Ah, found it. The bit about hybrids no longer being unable to multiclass with their parent classes in in the May 21, 2014 blog post. Along with a heaping of other snippets.

Pulling from that, we know there are some other arcanist archetypes, too.

The blood arcanist and unlettered arcanist aren't described, but we can add them to the list with the brown-fur transmuter, blade adept, eldritch font, elemental master, white mage, and arcanist occultist.


Why must the names be so intriguing?!

The blood arcanist probably has something to do with sorcerer bloodlines (like the first playtest version did).

Liberty's Edge

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Well, I was not expecting this Overpowered class to gain even more power. Simply every single thing a sorcerer can do the arcanist can do better. Hell, the arcanist can easily pick up the draconic bloodline abilities plus the wizard school abilities and still not even worry about charisma. The only thing saving the wizard is getting spells one level earlier. We are actually discussing some of the most powerful classes in game being outdated here.

After, the nerf to the warpriest (not a hugely useful class now) plus buffing what seems on the surface to be a very OP class worries me a lot about the book itself.

Scarab Sages

Shisumo wrote:
Hmmm... maybe the occultist is an archetype that get access to the shaman's spirit bond?

Now there's an interesting thought. That's actually something I might really like to see.

Liberty's Edge

Ross Byers wrote:
The blood arcanist probably has something to do with sorcerer bloodlines (like the first playtest version did).

You know, I was having the same thought about the unlettered arcanist.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Alceste008 wrote:
Simply every single thing a sorcerer can do the arcanist can do better.

Except having more spells per day.

Or having more spells known than the arcanist has spells prepared (because of bloodline spells. Options like the human favored class option just stretch this further.)

Or getting bloodline powers above level 1.

Hell, the arcanist can easily pick up the draconic bloodline abilities plus the wizard school abilities and still not even worry about charisma.

Unless those exploits are updated, or changed to require Charisma.

The only thing saving the wizard is getting spells one level earlier.

And having access to more different spells at one time.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm guessing that the Unlettered Arcainist doesn't require a spellbook, but can only knows a certain number of spells.

And the Blood Arcainist has a more powerful version of the bloodline exploit allowing for a more sorcerer like progression of their bloodline abilities.

The Occultist I'm guessing should have some sort of minor eidolon or improved familiar. but I'm also thinking their may be some witch like power at work with that archetype.

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Man, watching the heads explode here is worth the price of admission. I've got some umbrellas I can sell if you are really scared.

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

8 people marked this as a favorite.

It can do much of what a sorcerer can do...

Except for you know, when you compare the total number of spell slots per day.

8th level sorcerer: 6/6/5/3
8th level arcanist: 4/4/4/2

Just saying folks. Wait for the full class. I understand your criticisms. Thats part of the process. Lets just keep it civil and not get into arguments with each other.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Liberty's Edge

12 people marked this as a favorite.

To clarify the issue I'm having with this thread (which is, I suspect, the one many people are having), it's not about content, it's tonal. And I'd go further and say there's some on both sides of the argument.

It's not that people object to any criticism of Paizo, it's that people on the side of the argument doing the criticism are coming off as really upset, specifically in a "How dare they!" or "They're incompetent!" kinda way...which is not generally conducive to a productive conversation. As well as seeming to leap to conclusions about the final class, which is part of the reason for the above emotions and also doesn't help the situation at all.

People on the other side, meanwhile, are ridiculing the first side despite them having perfectly reasonable balance concerns given the info currently available, which is also not generally conducive to productive conversation.

So can everyone just take a step back and calm down a little? The issues being discussed are legitimate, I just think something of a tonal shift is needed for the discussion to be productive.

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Deadmanwalking wrote:

To clarify the issue I'm having, it's not about content, it's tonal. And I'd go further and say there's some on both sides of the argument.

It's not that people object to any criticism of Paizo, it's that people on that side of the argument are coming off as really upset, specifically in a "How dare they!" or "They're incompetent!" kinda way...which is not generally conducive to a productive conversation. As well as seeming to leap to conclusions about the final class, which is part of the reason for the above emotions and also doesn't help the situation at all.

People on the other side, meanwhile, are ridiculing the first side despite them having perfectly reasonable balance concerns given the info currently available, which is also not generally conducive to productive conversation.

So can everyone just take a step back and calm down a little? The issues being discussed are legitimate, I just think something of a tonal shift is needed for the discussion to be productive.

I think you may be getting the wrong feeling from a number of the people who are posting. Remember that emotion (or lack there-of) does not convey well in a written medium.

Should I start adding smilies to everything I say? ;)

Liberty's Edge

Matrix Dragon wrote:

I think you may be getting the wrong feeling from a number of the people who are posting. Remember that emotion (or lack there-of) does not convey well in a written medium.

Should I start adding smilies to everything I say? ;)

I don't seem to be the only one getting the impression in question, though. So...sorta? Or add conditionals like 'based on what we know now it looks like...' or other methods of tonal change.

I don't recall any issues with what you said specifically, but switching tones seems to be the optimal way to resolve this.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

zergtitan wrote:
I'm guessing that the Unlettered Arcainist doesn't require a spellbook, but can only knows a certain number of spells.

What would distinguish that from, say, just a sorcerer?

Also, does anyone want to take a crack at Jason's archetype list and try to figure out if there are more archetypes that might belong to the arcanist (or previously previewed classes) that don't actually have 'arcanist' in the name?

Ross Byers wrote:
The blood arcanist and unlettered arcanist aren't described...

I'm curious about that unlettered arcanist. Maybe he's an illiterate barbarian? Some kind of cross between a Bloodrager and Arcanist?

Edit: Jason's post just lists 'occultist' instead of 'ArcanistOccultist', as the image was labeled.

Yes- I noticed that, too. I'm still curious about the one from the Bloodrager preview, which was labeled Spellstorm. The name isn't on the list of archetypes, so either he missed it or it changed names at some point. Considering all the other images correspond to an archetype name, it seems unlikely now that that image is a non-archetype.

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
The blood arcanist and unlettered arcanist aren't described...

I'm curious about that unlettered arcanist. Maybe he's an illiterate barbarian? Some kind of cross between a Bloodrager and Arcanist?

Edit: Jason's post just lists 'occultist' instead of 'ArcanistOccultist', as the image was labeled.
Yes- I noticed that, too. I'm still curious about the one from the Bloodrager preview, which was labeled Spellstorm. The name isn't on the list of archetypes, so either he missed it or it changed names at some point. Considering all the other images correspond to an archetype name, it seems unlikely now that that image is a non-archetype.

My guess on the Spell Storm is that it is actually spell art. Maybe for a Bloodrager only spell?

Ross Byers wrote:
Also, does anyone want to take a crack at Jason's archetype list and try to figure out if there are more archetypes that might belong to the arcanist (or previously previewed classes) that don't actually have 'arcanist' in the name?

I might when I get home. I think the archetypes indicated in this preview are among the most telling so far, as several of them were things that I wouldn't have associated with the arcanist based on name alone. So it seems there may be some interesting surprises vis a vis which classes get which archetypes.

Scarab Sages

Adam B. 135 wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
The blood arcanist and unlettered arcanist aren't described...

I'm curious about that unlettered arcanist. Maybe he's an illiterate barbarian? Some kind of cross between a Bloodrager and Arcanist?

Edit: Jason's post just lists 'occultist' instead of 'ArcanistOccultist', as the image was labeled.
Yes- I noticed that, too. I'm still curious about the one from the Bloodrager preview, which was labeled Spellstorm. The name isn't on the list of archetypes, so either he missed it or it changed names at some point. Considering all the other images correspond to an archetype name, it seems unlikely now that that image is a non-archetype.
My guess on the Spell Storm is that it is actually spell art. Maybe for a Bloodrager only spell?

I had assumed it to be a spell or ability as well.

Liberty's Edge

Could be a class feature too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ross Byers wrote:
Sorcerers are easier to play with less system mastery.

Doesn't make Arcanist any more balanced. Ease of use =/= Power. Warriors are extremely use to use. Doesn't make them any more powerful.

Ross Byers wrote:
Sorcerer bloodlines (especially the arcana) let them do certain things better than arcanists or wizards.

Too bad Arcanists can use Sorcerer's Arcana. And anyone can grab Eldritch Heritage

Ross Byers wrote:
A page of spell knowledge is just as easy to get as a pearl of power.

Yup. But raising your casting attribute doesn't give you more spells known.

Ross Byers wrote:
The human favored class option for sorcerers can get lots of extra spells known.

And that's assuming Arcanists don't get anything similar.

Ross Byers wrote:
I think the arcanist is a powerful class. It certainly could be (and probably is) stronger than the sorcerer. But 'completely obsoletes' is overstating things.

I fear it isn't.

Ross Byers wrote:
And sorcerer is hardly the strongest class in the game.

Never said it is. Just said it's a very powerful class.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

It can do much of what a sorcerer can do...

Except for you know, when you compare the total number of spell slots per day.

8th level sorcerer: 6/6/5/3
8th level arcanist: 4/4/4/2

Just saying folks. Wait for the full class. I understand your criticisms. Thats part of the process. Lets just keep it civil and not get into arguments with each other.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Yeah...Not a significant difference, especially considering how easy it's to raise spell slots (and pseudo-spell slots, Arcanists can always make scrolls of situational spells and then never bother to memorize it again). and how powerful Arcane Exploits (or whatever they are named, can't remember right now) are in comparison to Bloodline powers, not to mention the far greater number of skill points and the fact that Arcanists have no equal when it comes to metamagic feats.

Arcanists have interesting class features. They do seem like a cool class, but they do obsolete Sorcerers. Sure there'll always be that moment where the Sorcerer have an advantage, but 80%, an Arcanist would be more effective.

Dark Archive

These are the archetypes that I think can be Arcanist - Bolt Ace, Emperisict, exploiter wizard, Eldritch Scion, Spell Specialist, Spell Warrior

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
The blood arcanist and unlettered arcanist aren't described...

I'm curious about that unlettered arcanist. Maybe he's an illiterate barbarian? Some kind of cross between a Bloodrager and Arcanist?

Edit: Jason's post just lists 'occultist' instead of 'ArcanistOccultist', as the image was labeled.
Yes- I noticed that, too. I'm still curious about the one from the Bloodrager preview, which was labeled Spellstorm. The name isn't on the list of archetypes, so either he missed it or it changed names at some point. Considering all the other images correspond to an archetype name, it seems unlikely now that that image is a non-archetype.

Jason referred to archetypes being tough to design for classes with a built-in swap-out mechanism like bloodlines. Maybe it's a Bloodrage bloodline? That would be almost an archetype.

Or maybe they're just trying to pull cool artwork for that class, and in most cases that's an archetype? So it could be a bloodrager spell, feat, bloodrage power, etc.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

brad2411 wrote:
exploiter wizard

That sounds more like a Wizard archetype that gets arcane exploits to me. I guess instead of school powers/bonus feats?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Lemmy wrote:
Yup. But raising your casting attribute doesn't give you more spells known.

Raising her casting stat gives the arcanist more spells per day, not spells prepared.

Anything the arcanist can do to get more spells per day, the sorcerer can do too. Pearls of power, rings of wizardry, higher casting can't compare a buffed arcanist to an unbuffed sorcerer.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

The Bloodrager one probably a spell, not archetype. I don't think Arcanist is really that much more powerful. As with the magus they can nova hard, but over a multiple fight day they come down to earth pretty quick.

I also don't think the Warpreist was a nerf, really just making it less better than everything else. The Shaman also needs to be brought back to earth. I of course am super excited for this book and can't wait to get it!!! I am firmly in the "Lets actually see how the class is written before passing judgment" camp.

If I recall the Gunslinger was considered much too strong in the Playtest and so was the Magus, but both are much more in line now.

Scarab Sages

brad2411 wrote:
These are the archetypes that I think can be Arcanist - Bolt Ace, Emperisict, exploiter wizard, Eldritch Scion, Spell Specialist, Spell Warrior

I suspect Exploiter Wizard really is a wizard, but probably one who trades his school for exploits.

I'm a little curious about how many more arcanist archetypes there can really be, considering there's supposed to be new archetypes for all the core and base classes as well.


Ninja'd by the Ross-man.

My problem with the class is that it take away from the wizard in the flavor departement. Until not that long ago, and even more with arcane discoveries, wizards was the folks that undestood magic, the magic engeneers and scientists the guys that pushed the borders of reality. Now they are guys with spells but a new class have take most of the flavor. Every wizard i have ever played and most of the ones i have read about in books fit the arcanist description better. Pehaps the guys that love knigths felt like this when the cavalier came and became the knigth and figther was no longer the choice for this fantasy hero type. I dont Care if it is OP i Will just houserule it a bit but i Think every great wizard in most worlds Will turn out to have been Arcanists. Just like most rogues Will have been slagers and investigators. The rogue type hero needed a save. The wizard fulfilled his role fine and the arcanist is taking form that. But i look forvard to playing one if my GM Will let me.

Liberty's Edge

Lemmy wrote:
Everything Sorcerers do, Arcanists can do better.

Not true. They can use bloodline powers, but they have to spend their finite reserve of arcane points to do that. Also, they cannot cast as many spells in a day as a sorcerer can.

Lemmy wrote:
It's much easier to get extra spell slots than it is to get extra spells known. And as its been pointed out, Arcanists vcan dump Cha to 7 and still be completely fine.

Incorrect. We've already been told that various Arcanist class features will depend on Cha. (And, honestly, if there's much NPC interaction in the game, nobody regardless of class should be fine dumping Cha to 7.) Meanwhile, the Sorcerer can dump Int to 7 and not lose much other than skills (which sorcerers don't need to be studly anyway).

Ssalarn wrote:
I'm a little curious about how many more arcanist archetypes there can really be, considering there's supposed to be new archetypes for all the core and base classes as well.

There are over 100 archetypes in the list Jason posted. I imagine there will only be one or two at most for the core and base classes, largely centered around archetypes for the "parent" classes of the hybrids (so they can use some of the new "stuff"). Which I guess could still be a big chunk of change, but I'd imagine there would be at leat 5-6 archetypes for each new class.

Dark Archive

Ssalarn wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
These are the archetypes that I think can be Arcanist - Bolt Ace, Emperisict, exploiter wizard, Eldritch Scion, Spell Specialist, Spell Warrior

I suspect Exploiter Wizard really is a wizard, but probably one who trades his school for exploits.

I'm a little curious about how many more arcanist archetypes there can really be, considering there's supposed to be new archetypes for all the core and base classes as well.


Ninja'd by the Ross-man.

Yep In all truth I was also thinking the spell specialist is going to be a wizard and possibly the Bolt Ace. Spell warrior could also be a magus. But the empiricist I am hoping is the arcanist that uses something like Words of Power or the ability to experiment with spells in a cool way but then again it could also be the alchemist

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