The Fight for the Gauntlet Rages On!

Monday, May 12, 2014

I can truly say that the team was astounded when you helped us raise over $2000 in a single day for The Gauntlet charity tournament event coming up on May 18th. With that, we have earned a number of "power ups" that are going to help us in the tournament to claim The Gauntlet. Alas, the fight is not over yet!

In the past few days, we've seen our competition enter the fray, getting a mountain of donations. One in particular, has surged past us! While we commend them for helping to raise money for Child's Play, we still want to beat them and show that Paizo fans are some of the most awesome and charitable fans in the world!

To that end, we've decided to announce some special goals, to help raise some more money for this event! If we raise the following totals, we will unlock the goals and give everyone some awesome rewards! Check out these exciting funding goals!

  • $3,000—Caveman Reward: In honor of Ugg-tect, one of the games we will be playing in which the participants are caveman architects, we will put together a free PDF of a "caveman" humanoid race for use in your Pathfinder games.
  • $4,000—Card Game Reward: We will release a PDF featuring the Gauntlet team members as new Ally cards compatible with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.
  • $5,000—Audio Reward: We will put together a "dramatic reading" of a chapter from one of our Pathfinder Tales novels, featuring members of the Paizo staff as the characters.

In addition to these great rewards, at $2,500, $3,500 and every $1,000 dollars thereafter I will post up some tantalizing spoilers from the upcoming Advanced Class Guide right here in the thread associated with this blog post! Expect to see those shortly after we reach each goal. The bigger rewards will take a little bit of time for us to put together (especially the Audio Reward), but you should expect them in the coming weeks.

The Gauntlet event is this Sunday, May 18th, starting at around 3pm PST. We've learned you will be able to watch the event live on and take part in some truly awesome auctions during the event. We hope that you tune in and cheer us on through the chat and social media. Thanks again for donating and proving that Paizo has some of the best fans in the world!

Click here to donate and make sure to put "For Paizo" in the comment line so that your donation goes to our team!

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Paizo Employee Lead Designer

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We hit the $2,500 goal! As promised, here are a couple of spoilers from the upcoming Advanced Class Guide

  • The Arcanist received a number of cool new exploits not seen in the play test. Here is one of them. Quick Study (Ex): The arcanist can prepare a spell in place of an existing spell by expending one point from her arcane reservoir. Using this ability is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The arcanist must be able to reference her spellbook when using this ability. The spell prepared must be of the same level as the spell being replaced.

  • The Shaman had a number of hexes added to the class that can be selected by all shamans (not just those with a particular spirit). Check out this fun hex. Shapeshift (Su): The shaman transforms herself into another form for a number of minutes per day equal to her level, as alter self. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. Changing form (including changing back) is a standard action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. At 8th level, this ability works as beast shape I. At 12th level, this ability works as beast shape II. At 16th level, this ability works as beast shape III. At 20th level, this ability works as beast shape IV.

  • In addition to the new classes in the book, there are also new archetypes for each of the existing classes in the game. For example, the Rogue has a new archetype called the Counterfeit Mage, which has this fun ability. Signature Wand (Ex): At 4th level, a counterfeit mage can spend 1 hour practicing with a wand to designate it as his signature wand. He can draw that wand as a free action, and can activate it without having to succeed at a Use Magic Device check. He can change his signature wand once per day. This ability replaces the rogue talent gained at 4th level.

Well that about wraps up the spoilers for this reward tier. Check back in for more when we reach $3,500 and keep an eye out for our other goals too (closing in on the $3,000 goal right now).

And again, thanks for helping out the Paizo team in the Gauntlet and donating to this worthy cause.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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That TwitchTV link: Tune in! We'll have auctions going during the Gauntlet.

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

Indeed.. maybe even a rare item or two from the Paizo vaults!

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

As one small note, you can donate at this link and make sure to put "For Paizo" in the comments box so that it goes toward our team.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
"The Giant"

Marketing Director

Go Team Pathfinder!

Project Manager

Removed from Play is proving a challenging foe.

Silver Crusade

Jason is still getting punched in the face with the gauntlet if you guys win though, right?

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

Rysky wrote:
Jason is still getting punched in the face with the gauntlet if you guys win though, right?

If we win... but with other teams getting a bunch of Power Ups too, it is going to be a challenge.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I want all of those rewards!

Totally want to rock a loincloth!

Dark Archive

Ok yeah we need to get these things

Silver Crusade

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We will put together a "dramatic reading" of a chapter from one of our Pathfinder Tales novels, featuring members of the Paizo staff as the characters.


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50 bucks on their way.

FOR THE CHILDREN ... and the voices!

Is $2500 all me can do? Shame on you Paizonians.
We must be able to do better than this.

Think about all the cool spoilers from the ACG we are going to get and

Jessica Price wrote:

and ..."dramatic reading" of a chapter from one of our Pathfinder Tales novels, featuring members of the Paizo staff as the characters.

But mostly Think about the CHILDREN!! ...and Jason getting smacked.

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99 cent donation stretch goal - Lamontius will provide a dramatic reading of his grocery list and possibly drink some gin in your general direction

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Help us win!

(This is a placeholder for any ACG spoilers that get unlocked)

Eagerly awaiting, as the first threshold has been reached. :D

C'mon Paizonians!

Don't you want a new caveman" humanoid race for use in your Pathfinder games?

Scarab Sages

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Just chipped in a chunk of change to chime-in support for the children. (And cavemen. 8^)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Arazyr wrote:
Just chipped in a chunk of change to chime-in support for the children. (And cavemen. 8^)

...and punching Jason.

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

The first bunch of spoilers is posted at the top of this thread! Check them out and thanks for donating!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Yay, spoilers! Those Arcanist and Shaman abilities suddenly make me MUCH more interested in the classes. The Arcanist has this feeling of 'this is what a book based spellcaster should be like'. Also, I am always in favor of more shapeshifter options.

Just curious, will the book have any 'natural spell' feats available for the Shaman or other classes? It would be really nice if the shaman was able to cast spells while shapeshifted.

ANYWAY, yay, $2500! For the children! And spoilers! Jason, maybe if you give us enough spoilers we'll be distracted and forget the punching prize ;)

Scarab Sages

thunderspirit wrote:
Arazyr wrote:
Just chipped in a chunk of change to chime-in support for the children. (And cavemen. 8^)
...and punching Jason.

Yes, but I couldn't figure out how to start that with a "c". 8^)


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...and clobber Jason?

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

The first bunch of spoilers is posted at the top of this thread! Check them out and thanks for donating!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

WOW! That is awesome.

Counterfeit Mage archetype looks cool!
I got four favorites classes from the ACG and two of them now looks even even more appealing (swashbuckler and warpriest being the other two).

Must pay more money so we got more spoilers! Hopefully something from the Warpriest :P

and for the Children and for clobbing of Jason?

@Stephen Radney-MacFarland: If you don't get the Gauntlet can you use a fish instead? A Cod perhaps or a Herring? :P


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Zark wrote:

and for the Children and for clobbing of Jason?

@Stephen Radney-MacFarland: If you don't get the Gauntlet can you use a fish instead? A Cod perhaps or a Herring? :P

Sure. No problem.

Hey, Jason. Want to take a walk with me to Pikes Place Market? There is something I need to show you.

Silver Crusade

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Zark wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:

The first bunch of spoilers is posted at the top of this thread! Check them out and thanks for donating!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

WOW! That is awesome.

Counterfeit Mage archetype looks cool!
I got four favorites classes from the ACG and two of them now looks even even more appealing (swashbuckler and warpriest being the other two).

Must pay more money so we got more spoilers! Hopefully something from the Warpriest :P

and for the Children and for clobbing of Jason?

@Stephen Radney-MacFarland: If you don't get the Gauntlet can you use a fish instead? A Cod perhaps or a Herring? :P

Paint the Herring red first, go in for the swing, roll bluff, then come in from the side with the Cod!

Rysky wrote:
Zark wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:

The first bunch of spoilers is posted at the top of this thread! Check them out and thanks for donating!

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

WOW! That is awesome.

Counterfeit Mage archetype looks cool!
I got four favorites classes from the ACG and two of them now looks even even more appealing (swashbuckler and warpriest being the other two).

Must pay more money so we got more spoilers! Hopefully something from the Warpriest :P

and for the Children and for clobbing of Jason?

@Stephen Radney-MacFarland: If you don't get the Gauntlet can you use a fish instead? A Cod perhaps or a Herring? :P

Paint the Herring red first, go in for the swing, roll bluff, then come in from the side with the Cod!


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Just thought you might like to see the competition that Team Paizo will be facing. Tremble before the mighty Team Card Kingdom. :) Check it out

Project Manager

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CardKingdom_dan wrote:
Just thought you might like to see the competition that Team Paizo will be facing. Tremble before the mighty Team Card Kingdom. :) Check it out

When we crush you in the Gauntlet, I look forward to seeing your follow-up lamentation video. :-)

Gosh, I don't know where all that aggression came from. 0_0

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When all else fails, blame Cosmo.

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*IF* you crush us in The Gauntlet, you will get no such satisfaction from us!

wait....that didn't sound as aggressive as I was hoping. dang....

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

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Sorry.. I am having a bad influence on my team.

Blood for the Blood God!!!!


10 people marked this as a favorite.
CardKingdom_dan wrote:
Just thought you might like to see the competition that Team Paizo will be facing. Tremble before the mighty Team Card Kingdom. :) Check it out

I am trembling...with laughter.

Oh, wait, that sounded really crappy. What I mean is, that's a nice video. Well done and funny.

So how is that working out for you...being funny?

Oh...I'm sorry, that sounded really mean and condescending. I mean...

Screw it. Never mind.

We will crush you on the field of battle and then I will smite Jason with a gauntleted fist*.


*because that is how chaotic evil rolls, baby!

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Blood for the Blood God!!!!

......and the children. Right? Are we not keeping up that ruse anymore?

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
We will crush you on the field of battle...

*jump cut to an intense yet quiet game of Suspend.

Project Manager

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CardKingdom_dan wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Blood for the Blood God!!!!
......and the children. Right? Are we not keeping up that ruse anymore?

Jason's doing this for his Blood God.

The rest of us are doing this to HELP THE CHILDREN PUNCH JASON IN THE FACE.

Well, I think Stephen's just doing it to punch Jason in the face, but PR, charity, etc. etc. etc.

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

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The Blood God helps kids right... I think I need to go reread my literature on that one.


Jessica Price wrote:
Well, I think Stephen's just doing it to punch Jason in the face, but PR, charity, etc. etc. etc.

It's not only to punch Jason in the face.

It's to punch Jason in the face with a gauntleted fist. The devil is in the details. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:

It's not only to punch Jason in the face.

It's to punch Jason in the face with a gauntleted fist. The devil is in the details. :)

It's to punch Jason in the face with a gauntleted fist without repercussions cause it's for charity and he agreed to it.

Fixed that for ya. :)

And for the children. Who also want to play the game 'Punch Jason in the Face for Charity!'.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dhampir984 wrote:
Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:

It's not only to punch Jason in the face.

It's to punch Jason in the face with a gauntleted fist. The devil is in the details. :)

It's to punch Jason in the face with a gauntleted fist without repercussions cause it's for charity and he agreed to it.

Fixed that for ya. :)

And for the children. Who also want to play the game 'Punch Jason in the Face for Charity!'.

Oh, I think there might be a few people...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

$2,940 on the fundraising site right now, let's get that number up people!

(at least $560 for more ACG spoiler's, or 1,060 for the card reward.)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

RFP, our competitor, is at $3,754. we need at least $815 more dollars to beat them.

if you have rich relatives now is the time to phone them for some charity funds.

thunderspirit wrote:
Dhampir984 wrote:
Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:

It's not only to punch Jason in the face.

It's to punch Jason in the face with a gauntleted fist. The devil is in the details. :)

It's to punch Jason in the face with a gauntleted fist without repercussions cause it's for charity and he agreed to it.

Fixed that for ya. :)

And for the children. Who also want to play the game 'Punch Jason in the Face for Charity!'.

Oh, I think there might be a few people...

Fixed that link for you!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Thanks, Tels!

Just donated $25, will donate more on Friday, but I want videos do the baby seal clubbing....I mean, Jason clubbing...

Well, everyone is in the race now.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
The Blood God helps kids right... I think I need to go reread my literature on that one.

Stephen punch Jason in the face with a gauntleted fist → Blood for the Blood God → Children get help → Children grow up to be cool game developers than hit other cool game developers in the face with gauntleted fists for Charity → more blood for the Blood God.

Everybody is happy.

@Jason: Want more $$$$$ for the children?
A) Tell the people responsible for updating the Fundraising Progress, if you know them, to update it more often. It is a friendly competition, but it is still a competition. My experience is that more donations lead to more donations. Especially when you get a reward. One simple reward is the instant paypack of seeing a donation making a difference. If people have to wait 24 hours to see Fundraising Progress, the momentum is lost. (Not that they need to update every time the get a donation, but once every 12 or 24 hours is bad business.)

B) Post rewards (Caveman, ACP Spoilers etc.) as new Blog post and sell the charity in each blog post. I think greed, sorry I meant rewards, can be an excellent motivator for charity. [Evil grin with hand rub]

CardKingdom_dan wrote:
That TwitchTV link: Tune in! We'll have auctions going during the Gauntlet.

Great videos, Eric looks a bit bored though. ;)

I’m Watching the Video were Jason is game GM-ing Pathfinder. Really hilarious!

I can really relate to the behavior when

Movie plot spoiler:

rolling 20 and then rolling 1.
Great fun.

Are they really drinking Whiskey? If so is it Scotch? What brand?

Dark Archive

The Counterfeit mage sounds awesome.

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Zark wrote:
Are they really drinking Whiskey? If so is it Scotch? What brand?

We were! Maker's Mark. Sadly, the bottle didn't last long enough to get us through all 25 hours.

As far as updating the progress page, I believe we're trying to update that every couple of hours during the business day. At night,'s after business hours. Hopefully next year, we'll have a plan that automatically updates the progress page the same way that the total donations widget on the main page does.

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