
CardKingdom_dan's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


ALERT!! If you're on the fence about giving to The Gauntlet for Paizo, I just got word that the cut off time for donations is Sunday, May 18th at 2:45 PM (Pacific Time). So....don't delay now, ya hear?
Head over to The Gauntlet!

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Well, there are certainly some Druid themes in the Shaman, but overall we moved the class closer to the oracle and witch. Of course, this does not matter as much as it used to due to... [[REDACTED]].

Well, I guess we will have to hit $3,500 to get that particular spoiler...

Well played, sir. :D

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Zark wrote:
Are they really drinking Whiskey? If so is it Scotch? What brand?

We were! Maker's Mark. Sadly, the bottle didn't last long enough to get us through all 25 hours.

As far as updating the progress page, I believe we're trying to update that every couple of hours during the business day. At night, well...it's after business hours. Hopefully next year, we'll have a plan that automatically updates the progress page the same way that the total donations widget on the main page does.

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
We will crush you on the field of battle...

*jump cut to an intense yet quiet game of Suspend.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Blood for the Blood God!!!!

......and the children. Right? Are we not keeping up that ruse anymore?

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*IF* you crush us in The Gauntlet, you will get no such satisfaction from us!

wait....that didn't sound as aggressive as I was hoping. dang....

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Just thought you might like to see the competition that Team Paizo will be facing. Tremble before the mighty Team Card Kingdom. :) Check it out

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That TwitchTV link: http://www.twitch.tv/npccast Tune in! We'll have auctions going during the Gauntlet.

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Just so everyone knows.....there are actually TWO Gauntlet trophies. The winner gets the traveling trophy (and has to defend it next year), and Card Kingdom will have a trophy at our store. So, ya know, if Pazio happens to come in second at the event, we will have one that can travel to their office. If Jason decides that's something we should do. heh heh.