Illustrations by Wayne Reynolds. Widescreen version here.

Woe to You, O' Earth and Sea!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

From Cthulhu to nosferatu, clockwork dragons to twisted fleshwarps, Bestiary 4 comes packed with more than 250 beasties from lore and literature to add to your game. Bestiary 4 releases October 2013, but for now, the beasts come with wrath to your desktop in this new wallpaper.

Let him who hath understanding, reckon, yo.

Jenny Bendel
Marketing Director

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Digital Products Assistant

Removed some posts. Let's not turn a wallpaper post into a debate on religion/music, please. If you have feedback about blogs, please let us know in the Website Feedback forum.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Removed some posts. Let's not turn a wallpaper post into a debate on religion/music, please. If you have feedback about blogs, please let us know in the Website Feedback forum.

Seems kind of ridiculous to promote yur product with a lyric referencing the bible and then expect no one to comment on music or the bible. I would think you would be happy that everyone was being respectful

Dude, just let it go.

I can't help it I'm a born debater. I only drop things if I'm proven wrong or if all parties agree to diagree. The more I'm argued with the more I argue. Censoring me because I have an unpopular opinion only makes me angry

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

O.J. Pinckert wrote:

Not to mention, if they used the correct spelling, I suspect that H.P. Lovecraft's estate might throw something even more terrifying than the great Old Ones at Paizo... Lawyers!!!!

That's why the first printing of TSR's Deities and Demigods contained the Cthulhu mythos, and the subsequent printings did not!
Gorbacz wrote:
Actually, Cthulhu himself is in public domain, so Paizo (and anybody else) can use him freely. Several non-Lovecraft deities of the Mythos, however, aren't, and IIRC including them got TSR into hot water with author estates and led to dropping the matter entirely from further printings.

Not true, according to the FAQ, as informed by me, based on talking to people who were in charge at TSR at the time.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Because of the exclamation point, I keep seeing this thread as 'Woe to You, O' Earth and Seal.'

And I'm like, 'Why you gotta be hatin' on the seals, man?'

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Set wrote:

Because of the exclamation point, I keep seeing this thread as 'Woe to You, O' Earth and Seal.'

And I'm like, 'Why you gotta be hatin' on the seals, man?'

I think it's singling out Seal in particular, along with the Earth in general.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Looking forward to seeing the featured Empyreal lords, one of whom will inevitably be Ragathiel.

Only one freaking month left, what if I die in a car accident before bestiary 4 is released in PDF? And wouldn't that be ironic, don't you think?

So please release it now!!! BEFORE ITS, ITS TOO LATE! *Martine Burden - The 11th Hour*

Elorebaen wrote:
Loveit! Maiden reference ftw! really nail down the reference, Iron Maiden did not coin this quote. It is from the book of Revelations. Written some 1900 years ago.

Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil
sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
for it is a human number, it´s number is Six hundred and sixty six
"Revelations ch. XIII b.18"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Hands of Fate wrote:
Elorebaen wrote:
Loveit! Maiden reference ftw! really nail down the reference, Iron Maiden did not coin this quote. It is from the book of Revelations. Written some 1900 years ago.

Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil
sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
for it is a human number, it´s number is Six hundred and sixty six
"Revelations ch. XIII b.18"

Still, Iron Maiden is good at taking mythology and making amazing songs out of it.

called dibs on another thread but...Dibs on making a cthulu bloodline!!![/joking]

Mythic +10 Artifact Toaster wrote:
called dibs on another thread but...Dibs on making a cthulu bloodline!!![/joking]

that coulda been a sweet archetype for ultimate psionics

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